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Show Universal J2crofilndn Tierpont Avinue 11 Saltt Corn. Lake cityy Utah Boost Our Community.. Join and Support the Chamber of Commerce Nephi, Juab County, Services Held Cliff Memmott of Roosevelt, in his column entitled "Casually Observing states Pray a sf eevrything depends on God and work as if eveything depends on you. reg wave1 of robberies, going from pet- ty thievery from the lockers at Juab High School to bur- glary of one or two Nephi business houses in recent weeks. The young men are all of "juvenile" age and will probably be turned to the Juvenile Court for prosecution. We commend very plications. We seriously hope that the young men will take a lesson from their experiences of this week, make a complete about-fac- e and dedicate themselves to useful lives. Continuing on the pattern they have followed in recent weeks can end in only one fashion and it is not a pleasing future. No sooner had the officers cleared several of the incidents of past weeks than additional Several incidents happened. items, including two wheels and tires, a girls new short coast, two automobile blankets and a mans hat were taken from CLARENCE PAYSTRUP NAMED ACTING having served as a member of the Levan Bishopric for six for years, and as Superintendent of the Levan Ward Sunday School oper- since that time. He also has of ation the office following served one term on the Levan Funeral sen ices were con- retirement last Thursday even- City council, and has held sevducted Monday at Price, and ing, April 30, of Clark S. Wood eral other important church who has served for more than positions. Dr. P. L. Jones spoke briefly grave side services conducted in the oflice. He is married to the former to the Kiwanis Club at their at the Vine Bluff cemetery in 16 years Mr. is an active Bessie Grcenhalgh of Nephi, regular meeting last Wednesday Nephi for A. 2 C Clark Howell member Paystrup of the Levan Ward, and they have six children. at the Snak Shak cafe. He Hudson, 21, of Price, who was gave an outline of the Central killed in a motorcycle accident Utah project and the work now in South Dakota on Thursday, Services Today being done toward bringing Relatives from Nephi attendwater to this project. He stated ed the services at Price Monthat it was nearer than the First Ward for day. average public anticipates, and Clark Howell Hudson was it is time for the people in this born at Nephi October 31 Merlin Painter valley to begin thinking In the a son of John C. and 1937, affirmative. He mentioned that Rula Howell Hudson. The famFuneral services will be conNephi was in the initial phase ily moved to Price when he was ducted today at 1 p.m., at the of the project, and that some two years of age. d Ward chapel fori of us would be around to see lie received his schooling in Merlon Victor Painter, 42, who the completion. He stated Carbon County schools and died at his home Sunday night. that he anticipated that Nephi was graduated from the Carbon L. Will on Hoyt Judge W. Bishop Ray Worthington his decision award- would grow to twice its size High School in 1956. of the First Ward will O. Nance Survivors include his parents, conduct Nephi and Thomas when this additional water is Troy ing the services. Friends into the valley. a brother and a sister: Daryl L. B. a total Hanley judgment of brought room may call at the A color film entitled Canyon Hudson of Price and Mrs. Jan- of the chapel fromLounge 11 am. un- $54,000 against the Sheet Meton the latest conice Wolf of Cortez, Colorado. til time of services. al Workers International Assoc- Conquest struction of the Glen Canyon Airman Hudson had been in in the iation thier suit against Mr. Painter was born Octn. union for reinstatment as mem- Dam was shown by Kay the Air Force for two and a ober 24, 1916, at Silver The program was in half years. He enlisted Decemb- Utah, a son of William and City, bers and for damages. The Lily er 28, 1956. At the time of Lamb Painter. The family court also entered its order charge of J. Earl Reid. Kiw'anian R. Roscoe Garrett his death he was stationed at moved to the plaintiffs motoverruling He Nephi in 1919. on the success of the reported ion Ellsworth Air Force base, near was educated notwithstandol judgment in the Nephi Kiwanis-sponsore- d Junior stock new a and verdict Dakota. for South Rapid City, Schools and served in the ing the The accident happened in Armed forces during WorldWar trial on the issues submitted to show, stating that there was a shortage of club members but Custer State Park, southwest II. a jury in March. that the show was still a sucof Rapid City. Police there said his decision of Supplementing He married Helen Wilson on the victim failed to make a December 8, 1952 at Butte, December 30, 1958, Judge Hoyt cess and should be carried on curve and plunged off an em- Montana. He had worked as a ruled that the actions of the each year. President Jack Ludbankment into a grove of trees. miner in Bingham, and also at union in expelling the plaintiffs low reported on the talent show was in each case unreasonable, conducted by the Payson KiFollowing, graveside services Butte. wanis Club at which he acted at members family gathered are his widow, of arbitrary and malicious and that as one of the judges. Surviving d home of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Nephi; and three brothers: the plaintiffs were therefore to recover exemplary or Alton Gadd, a member of the Houghton in Nephi. Fred and Edison, all of Clubs Agriculture committee punitive damages. He had pre- met with Nephi. the Nebo of ruled . that the purported . .. Chapter , Interment will be at the Vine viously Bluff cemetery where military expulsion was unawful and that in the High School Thursday rites will be conducted by the they were entitled to an order and presented prizes won at the American Legion, Nephi Post reinstating them as members, Junior Stock Show to the on but had reserved a Paytem-pora- Mary Collad. Ballow and Nancy Mangeison. Lawrence Brough Is director. Chapman photo Levan Pupils Ready Third Ward Plans Bazaar, Dinner As Building Fund Events Back: Maynard Mangclson, Kathrjn Sorbe, Lillian Wankier, Janice LEVAN The operetta Wild Rose will be presented by the Levan School on Thursday evening, May 7th in the Levan Ward amusement hall. The curtain time is set as 8:00 p.m. The operetta, WTitten by Charles George, consists of two acts, and presents an interesting story about the exchange of babies and the incidents relative to the uncovering, of the duplicity. The operetta is being conducted by Lawrence Brough, principal of the Levan school, with the assistance of Mrs. Maurine Stephensen, Mrs. Fern Wankier, Jay Bowles, Miss Vicky Wankier and Miss Shirley Stephensen. The cast of characters include: Mrs. Dora Valentine, Janet Brough; Luther Valentine, Paul Paystrup; Rose Valentine, Carolyn Paystrup; Mrs. Nella Stafford, Mary Louise Operetta Republican Ladles Ask Ideas for July Fourth Celebration The Republican Discussion on ry C. U. Project Judge Hoyt Overrules Jury In Ouster Case First-Secon- AWAIT CURTAIN CALL Levan students who will participate in operetta tonight include: Front: Kathleen Wankier, Janet Brough, Mary Louise Shepherd and Dr. Jones Gives POSTMASTER AT LEVAN OFFICE at highly the work o fthe Nephi City and Juab County officers in the apprehending of the young men but probably without cooperation of others they may have gone on into weeks before being caught. Often times the arrest by officers of young men who make a try. at petty thievery can be the best thing that ever happened to them it brings them to thei senses' before more serious offenses are attempted,, and thereby can be the very thing which saves them from spending time in the big house with all of its many implications and com- Volume 50, Number 19 LEVAN Clarence E. Monday for strup has' been appointed post master Accident Victim Levan. acting He has taken over We regret very much that three Nephi young men have been arrested this week in con- nection with a recent Utah, Thursday, May 7, 1959 Ben-dixse- en-ttle- La-Fo- n, Ladies club met at Carters Cafe on Monday, May 4th at 8 p.m. The United Nations group was unable to moet with us at this time so the evening was spent in discussing and making plans ruling No. 1. for another Independence Day Earl Me Pherson of the Club members would program. Nephi Third Ward building like to encourage the townsparked cars at the Seminary committee announces that SatOfpeople to send or call in any banquet Monday evening. Allen Belllston Named May 16, is the date of ideas or suggestions that they ficers are looking for trans-cient- urday, the Elite Turkey have would to Banquet. that help might in the Monday night afdinner is to be served by the make the 4th of July program 1 o ' Third fair. To Hospital Board Ward reunion committee communa success. This is a Selection of the Queen of the reg at 7:30 p.m. in the Third Ward The freedom we en- Ute Stampede, and her attendity project. Amusement hall. The dinner The Board of County ComThey tell me that an opjoy has been given to us all. ants will be the feature of a missioners has announced the timist is a man who sees a cost will be $5.00 contribution Without our independence we Saturday event at the Juab the Third Ward building would have very few of the appointment of Allen Belliston light that is not there and to Fairgrounds, it was anto the Juab County Hospital Shepherd; Norman Stafford, blessings and opportunities that County a pessimist is the fool who fund. Ute nounced the recently by A spicy program is being Thad Stephensen; Brenda Staf- we now take for tries to blow it out. Board, the late succeeding granted. Stampede Committee, and the outlined for the evenings en- ford, LaRue Stephensen; Queen Gerald Cazier. reg club. Rodeo Junior tertainment and the public is Malena, Katherine Sorbe; Rose Mr. Belliston is a well known Saturday events will begin at Mrs. REG says: invited to attend. Theme for Malena, Linda Williams; Joe, livestock man and farmer of 6:30 the at Juab County p.m. this area. Todays big problem is how this special banquet will be a Gypsy, Alan Dalby; Theodore Little League Needs Fairgrounds when the Queen to lift a mortgage while Hi Neighbor, Lets Build. Willingham, Myron Shepherd; Immedheld. will be contest Lenore Hastings, Linda Taylor; riding around the country In with iately following the queen conGladys, Mary Collard; Keene, Assistance it test, announced as 7:30 p.m., Clarabelle Iwo Nephi Students on Maynard Mangeison; annual spring Junior Rodthe of Man afher Nephi Nancy Mangeison; Imogene, eo conducted will be the by Huge Registration Kathleen Wankier; Zelena, JanNephi Junior Rodeo club. USU Honor Roll ice Ballow; Floretta, Lillian With 65 new registrations Everything from calf riding )ies; Funeral Friday Wankier. with to bronc riding, together The chorus consists of stud- this year and with the very LOGAN Two students from Mrs. Olive D. Anderson re- ents of the fifth, sixth, seventh, large hold over of last year's roping and specialty events is Nephi are listed on the Utah on schedule for the 12 new about evenings playplayers, only ceived word Tuesday morning eighth and ninth grades. State University winter quat-e- r ers can be used in the now or-- ii events. of the death of her brother, Alhonor roll, according to J. activof the Public support I ganized Little League teams. ii fred Draper. Mr. Draper, fathElliot Cameron, dean of stuStamUte invited is the of Officials News by the Little briers ity Nephi er of Howarth Draper, also of Nepm dents. would like to keep the pede Association as well as by Mr. and Mrs. Ray Powell Nephi, died in a Salt Lake City They are Irel Lynn Chase Jr., the men who the young present actlve' and to d? 80 Kher have their son and daughter in son of Mr. and Mrs. Irel Qiase Announcement is being made hospital Monday night. rodeo. Junior sponsoring Funeral services for Mr. Dra- law, Mr. and Mrs. Dean Powell in this issue of the opening of and Leslie Jane Hall, daughter rfJu,atns A marriage license was issu-Mr- s. for these needd boy8 ar.e Any of M. and Ms. Albert C. Starr. the Fidelity Industrial Credit per will be held Friday at 1 and family of Richland, Wash- Dora Jean Cherry and ed on April 29, by the Juab to con- ted East-WeStudents listed on the honor ington visiting with them this intetr( Duanearea ncouaged to Kendall Companys new office at 45 p.m., at the Moroni Clerk Lyle son are of Provo County Scott visiting Sperry lmmedjat' roll represent the top five perSouth Main Street. The new Ward chapel. Friends may call week. They also are visiting and of home Greenhalgh, her week this the Santaquin, at cent of each college at the Uni- office is the 57th office in this at the Orlando Draper home in with Mr. and Mrs. Edward Han-- , exy m Mrs. visited BrackLeonard Mae Donna D. Pay Thompson parents Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Moroni Friday 9 a.m. until the son, parents of Mrs. Dean Pow-- 1 Salt Lake City with friends versity. companys organization. of Payson. enbury park ell, in Fountain Green. Joe Hartle has been named services. manager of the Nephi office. He and Mrs. Hartle will make their home here as soon as Mrs. Hartles employment in Salt Lake City is terminated. Western regional office of the Company is at Phoenix, ArizLEV7 AN The students of the ona, and the home office is at Levan Junior high school have Minneapolis, Mr. Hartle stated. chosen Formula for Success The company is occupying as the theme for their graduathe building recently vacated tion exercises which will be by Howard Shoe Box. held in the Levan Ward chapel on Thursday, May 28 at 8 p.m. John Lynn Brough, 23, son There will be no guest speakof M. and Mrs. Mac Brough of er. The students wall give the Nephi is in training t Fort Ord, entire program which will inCalifornia. clude address of welcome by wT He currently is undergoing Lillian Wankier, class presid, the first cycle of basic infanty ent; talks on the theme: Cartraining. olyn Paystrup, Myron Shepherd, Linda Williams, Max Win ter, Kathryn Sorbe and Mary class history, Terry Collard; Registration Deadline ' ", ';V Green; class will, Lila Moss; ' class prophecy, Maynard ManSet By Home Agent VARIED TYPES OF EtlTERTAIIlf.lElIT geison and class grump, Leon Williams. The graduating class consists registration for all girls READIED FOR AflllUAL GIRLS DAY of the following students: Max must be completed by May 18, Winter, Edward Aagard, Terry accoding to Mrs. Velyn Stevens Green, Lillian Wankier, Linda Juab County Home Agent. This Girls will assume a new role for the past two weeks. Williams, Kathryn Sorbe, Leon must be done in order to obtain Dennis Williams, Sherwood, leaders and train them in the during Thursday and Friday at On Friday the boys of the an Myron Shepherd, Maynard the Juab High School, as the If0?1 wiUt hae project work. The girls will con- T .. Lila Moss. Mary Mrs. Stevens stated: Mangeison, "All annual Girls Day events wzll duct a fashion show, with a Collard, Caroline Paystrup and girls who plan on taking take place. They will be judges tea to follow. The clothes be-Lavere Harwood. this year, give this your ima beard growing contest Jing modeled at the fashion Week end siu guests of Mr. and mediate attention. I am sure j Mrs. J. E. Hansen were Mr. featuring the male of the spe- - show all have been made by if you drop out this summer cies, naturally and will assume (members of the home making and Mrs. Harry Olsen and famyou will miss out on a great the duties of carrying books! class. The fashion show is slat-t- o tsf Inc deal of pleasure, also developily of Ogden. class and taking all other re-- 1 ed to begin at 1 p.m., and all Alma Commander of Fullmer ment of character and abilitsponsibilities which boys usual- - mothers of the school students ies. I would like to encourage Springville, Chaplain Walter are invited. ly have. Anderson and secretary, Mrs every girl to continue on with two-da- y The of events The dance Friday evening the Nein Anderson Walter were fan' deal the a be rf You'll seeing project work. great - will be themed to Detour". It Thurswill annual of fashion ahow will consist .UTIYITIES affair KIS begin on business v for the phi recently above. Theyre being Lr.tuf-- J ii a ir State Encampment of the Black illustrated above bv rami l. Cotton and tarot.vn Oliver In day morning with an assembly. is to be a traffic dance. A r The assemby will include ail feature of the dance will be the Mrs. Merlin Painter's broth- - outdoor pand$ ,and k' - i!. ts a which be will this Hawk, an and a beard growing Judging their own outfits year a r program poos.,-;Most er. Homer Barnett of Grange-0- 0 held at Fairview. meti surprise numbers along with- announcement of the They V. Garrett who shown by ( h.id Minn, left and Mfrhael C the announcement of the win- Iheferred Man and also the Mile, Idaho is here to attend Con,panJr Mrs. Catherine B. Bowles j with , These two apparently lead test" eah other", beard. ners of the Beard growing con- - Student Body officers elected the funeral services of Mr. PreM?rvc Arruncj s Id.rector, and the group had c e ana field. stuhhle which has been going on for next year. growth-of-thtest the Painter. gooj dinner at the Snak Shak cafe. appreciation The Third Ward Relief Society will conduct their regular Bazaar on Friday, May 8. Many gift items will be on sale. The bazaar also will feature a bake sale. s Ute Sampede 59 Queen Selection Set New Finance Office Starts Business Here j st Levan Students Set Graduation ,rv Get to know) fbrmtf friends I:$& '4 4-- H JUS nteral 4-- H of I i llROV !V 'I 1 I,'rr i |