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Show Page Six THE TIMES-NEW- NEPHI, UTAH Ellis Garlick, Fountain Green Doyle N. Dyches, Mt. Pleaasnt Lucille Warner, Nephi Decima Jacobsen, Nephi Mclda Fackrell, Nephi Iona Sperry, Nephi JOSRETAL 1 State SHOP-AT-HOM- Iv E tu Mil 300 Nr i tv)homenreuflrt t. F&G Junior Depatment Gives Sugestions for Winter Hunting, Fishing To M Men of Stake Start Basketball Play )le&4 The following is the list of pat ients admitted to the Juab County Hospital dunng recent weeks: Maurice li. Chapman, Nephi Clara Sackett, Nephi Natalie Orme, Nephi Elmo Smith, Iayson Timothy Greenhalgh, son of Mr. and Mrs. LaMar Greenhalgh, Nephi Christine Williams, daughter of Next Monday Evening Susan TaIor, Santaquin Juanita Goble, Nephi Pamela Watson, Delta Linda P. Anderson, Mt. Pleas- ant. Scott Ingram, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dick Ingram, Nephi Play in the Juab Stake Junior Vaughn K. Thomas, son of Mr. M Men Basketball league will beand Mrs. Tom Pass, Nephi gin next Monday evening, with Kay Ingram, daughter of Mr. teams from all six wards of the and Mrs. Blaine Ingram, Nephi CHAPMAN FUnillTURF stake registered and participating. Axel Wahlberg, Mammoth The schedule for the play as MaMisitobVTVnranT Emma B. Lunt, Nephi announced by Stake YMMIA Mary E. Gardner, Levan Diamonsd Sports Director K. J. Sperry is as Watch Repairing taking. Charles Stephenson, Nephi In line with this, department follows: Annette Kendall, Nephi Jewelry Engraving Third Monday, December 15 spokesmen noted that for the secVera Kelly, Nephi Scouts of Second Ward ond time in as many years an vs Second, 7 p.m.. First vs Fourth Nina Hanson, Nephi TIME BOX open season is in progress lor the 8 pin,, Levan vs Mona, 9 p.m. Carl Lewellyn, son ol Mr. and Mona Mrs. John C. AT THE TOGGERY taking ol bea or, mink and mar- vs Monday, 7December 29 Lewellyn, Nephi Slate Paper Drive for Second, ten. p.m.. First vs Levan, Julia Sorenson, Nephi 19 North Main Nephi, Utah Good populations of these ani- 8 p m., Third vs Fourth, 9 p.m. Debra Platt, daughter ol Mr.' Monday January 5 mals may be lound in most mounFourth and m,"s. Ned HaUot Mona Next Saturday Afternoon 7 vs Mona vs Levan, Third, p.m., Alice Newton, Mona STEAM CLEAN your car, truck, tainous areas ol the state and the 8 p.m., Second vs First, 9 p.m. con are Imapproaching prime William Sawyer, son of Mrs. pelts tractor, fan iripYmonts enFirst Evelyn Sawyer, Thursday, January 15 Eureka. proves efficiency of any engine dition. A 5ti 00 traping license Boy Scouts of the Nephi Second vs vs for 7 Second alicld Fourth to Mona, p.m.. go Makes "cio it yourself jobs a titles any person Chase, daughter ol Ward will conduct a paper drive Lynne Kathy 8 m 9 vs Levan Third, p p.m Mr. and Mrs. Mot modern equip- these furliearers. Chase, Logan throughout the First, Second and pleasure Second Mr. and Mrs.Ljnn Monday, January 19 Fishing enthusiasts were urged ment. Chapman Chevrolet 740 Robert Wiliams, Third Wards Saturday, starting at numer-ou- t vs Levan, 7 p.m., Third vs First, ot the to take advantage North Main, Phone 433. Carolyn Williams and Steven 1:30 p.m. at forded by 8 p m., Mona vs Fourth, 9 pm. oppoi tunities Williams, daughter and son ot Mr, Home owners are asked to place fishround 29 Fourth and Mrs. Robert Williams, Ne- their Thursday, January udtcis opened to year newspapers, tied in bundles vs First, 7 p.m.; Mona vs Levan, COAL by ton or truck load ing as well as those four streams if convenient, on the front porch phi. 9 vs Second whitefish to angling. Third, winter p.m. Come and get your own if you open 8pm.; Ronald Jackman, son of Mr. and at this time. The Scouts will Monday, February 2nd Fourth Mrs. George A Jackman, Moroni canvas the entire three wards on For the shooter, department wish. Tidwell Coal Co., phone vs 7 vs Second Third, Mona, pm.. 578W. spokesmen said that rabbit populJean Bowles, Nephi. Saturday afternoon. ations oer much ol the state are 8 p.m.; Levan vs First. 9 pm. McPherson, son of Mr. The paper is being sold by the Timothy hunt12 Third rabbit areas In Thursday, February many For your convenience, Chapman good. and Mrs. LaMont McPherson, Ne- - Scouts to boslter their troon funds vs vs 7 Levan Fourth landowners aid Mona, through p.m.; PhFurniture Company will remain ers can and to purchase additional scout- James B. Bills, Fountain Green ing equipment. open Friday evenings until 8 p.m. eradication of pest populations of 8 p.m.; First vs Second, 9 p.m. Mona mammals while at Monday, February 16 Helena Sorenson, Mammoth Shop ln leisure plenty of free these small ex-- 1 vs First, 7 p.m.; Fourth vs parking. Chapman Furniture Co. the same time bagging some 8 9 ; vs Third fare. ond, Levan, table p.m As at all times when going p m. Levan Thursday, February 19 afield, the department asked that the rules ol safety be observed vs Second, 7 p m.. First vs Third, and that the rights of the prop- 8 p.m., Fourth vs Mona, 9 p.m. PerAll games will be played at the erty owner be kept in mind. mission should always be gained Juab High School gymnasium. It LUSTRE-CREM- E before trespassing on private prop- will be noted, Mr. Sperry stated, that no games will be played on erty. Juab Stake Family nights which have been set as the second and NOTICE OF HEARING fourth Mondays of each month. Notice is herby given that a public hearing will be held on the Two Games Nephi City Budget for the year Wasps Take 1959, at the Nephi City Hall at 8 p m. on Monday, December 29, In Opening of Pre-Seaso- n it rtir til) tiik uirplts With most regular hunting and lishing seasons at an end for the year the Department ot Fish and (lame today reminded the states spotting public that there are many "off season forms of outdoor recreation available for the December Thursday, pj II, 1958 1 A SPECIAL ITEM FOR FRIDAY AND SATURDAY (We're Open rill 8 Every Friday Evening) Regular $1.80 per set Limit two items to customer - a 1 Tile - - Sec-celle- nt lasting Gifts hew LIQUID IS HERE! 1958. By order ot the Nephi Achor-Hockin- SERVA SNACK SETS g 4 Serving Trays and 4 Cups Each Set SIMILAR TO DRAWING SHOWN with every $5.00 purchase til Christmas will receive a chance on a $45.00 TRANSISTOR PORTABLE 24th at 5 p.m. RADIO to be given on December WE HAVE A LARGE SELECTION OF CHRISTMAS GIFT ITEMS (to fit every budget) Qc and up SAMPSON CARD TABLES AND CHAIRS SERTA MATTRESSES PICTURES THRO RUGS NUMBERED OIL PAINTING SETS STUFFED TOYS DISHES LAMPS CHAIRS AND ROCKERS LANE CEDAR CHESTS AND WARDROBES ZENITH MONARCH KELVINATOR HOOVER HOME APPLIANCES! Play; Meet Kanab City Council: R. W. CHRISTIANSEN, The Juab High School Wasps won their first two games in a show of power against the Delta Rabbits on Friday night and the Millard "Eagles of Fillmore on Saturday night. NEVER DRIES IT BEAUTIFIES! Fridays game saw Michael R. Garrett leading the scoring pictYour Local ure with 14 points and Jimmy Kel-NFeatured with 11. The score of the thelson that is hereby given with the Board iceof County Retailer Commissioners of game was Juab 42, Delta 33. On Saturday, although the Juab County, at a special meeting label to be held at the Court House in scoring was more evenly divided the players, Garrett and Nephi, Utah, on the 29th day of among Kelson again walked away with December, 1958, at 1:00 p.m. will consider the adoption of the Juab top honors, with eight points each, The took this game 48 County Budget for the year 1959 to 38. Wasps be will and that public hearing Activity for the Juab High boys allowed on said budget prior to this week end will shift to the Flowers for All Occasions its adoption. WITNESS my hand and seal this South where they will play KanFunerals, Weddings, Corsages, ab and the winner of the South 10th day of December, 1958. Planters, Xmas Decorations vs Milford game in a Summitt P. Christensen, James Seal round robin to be played at Mil- 403 East Center Nephi Utah Juab County Clerk and Clerk ford. Phone 89-of the Board of County The next home game is with Moab on December 19. The general public is urged to support the team. Nephi City Recorder at ot -- FEXCO ALEXS FLORAL LESS SERVICE HEADACHES .V SOMETHING DIFFERENT for Christmas giving? Try one of these for his car: Chrome tissue dispenser, $4.90; Litter bag in harmonizing color, $3.90; $7.80; Out-- 1 side body mount chrome rear view mirror, $4.45; Seat belts $4.95. And for the future farmers, sturdy Cool-Cushio- n, miniature John Deere Farm Im-Chapman Chevrolet, plements 740 North Main Street, Nephi. Dept. Denver, Colo. UTL-151-33- 8, NATIVE CHRISTMAS TREES While they last Available on and after December 7th John Garrett. V. A choice collection of discourses and writings of some of the foremost LDS scientist which how the harmony which exists between science and religion. Will build faith in young and old alike. Articles by Henry Eyring, Carl Christensen, Joseph F. Merrill, and many other. $3.50 $59.30 (also B $35.75 diofl New Birthstone Rings 11 Diamond Duetfe FENCE CONTRACTING where. Cedar Posts for any size Larry Davis and Kanosh, Utah. From S I CQ.GO up NEPHI JEWELRY Phone 341 fy picture area. Less Service Headaches with horizontal chassis which uses no printed circuits. Sunshine Picture 1 $ f 1: mJii v Top Tuning Built-I- n Dipoto Antenna Removable Face Plate Lens lightweight Aluminum Cabinet EXCITING NEW any- - The Cabana, Model B1412G. L ghtweighf In . . , beou-lif- Persian Gray color hew i9S9 3tip Estate of Mae T. Ingram, deceased. Creditors will present claims with vouchers to the undersigned at the office of James P. McCune, Attorney at Law, 53 North Main Street. Nephi, Utah, on or before the 29th day of January, A. D. 1959. J. Walter Paxman, rator of the estate of Mae T Ingram, Deceased. Dates of publication: November in or 11 Time-New- s, LDS Sale, Sons NOTICE TO CREDITORS 7.50 up PORTABLE AC TV Glass ofavailable at The Times-New- s fice Your card will be exclusively Delivyours in the Nephi area ery imprinted less than a week, 96 South Hurry! Times-NewMain, Nephi. PROBATE AND GUARDIANSHIP NOTICES. Consult Juab Clerk or respective County signers for additional information. From 18 000 Volts of Picture Power Sunshine Picture Tube CinelensB' Picture Glass Easy Out Face Glass Tone Control Spothte Dial iowels nbreokoblo mainspring expansion biocelet available with diauoal Extra Features Tube Cinelens Picture s, 17 Zenith 14" overall diag. mea. Beautiful Christmas cards are MISS AMERICA PUJQ hori-lont- 104 iq. in. rectangular FLASHLIGHT with batteries r1if!d woterproof, ur.kreok-obl- o mainspring, raised gold numerols, shock resistant, sweep second bond circuits. (Walnut color) yjg?S3TL 50c at Buds Sinclair Service, 8th North and Main Buy your kids a flashlight for Christmas. B BULOVA "23 JJ jewels, limed 10 six precision oddments, self winding, printed I $25995 : meas. 262 sq. in. picture area-- In gro Walnut, Mahogany or Blond Oak colors. income. A good Rawleigh business is hard to beat. Opening now in Write Rawleighs handcrafted chassis uses no 1 OPPORTUNITY FOR PERSON RETIRED or needing additional Juab County. Zenith T The Westmont, Mo B2245. 21" overall di Jl anfl 18, 1958, Nephi, Utah TABLE TV 21" overall diag. meas. 262 sq. in. rectangular picture area. QUIZ GAME Handcrafted horizontal chassis with no printed circuits 18,000 Volh. of Picture Power Cinlens a fascinating quiz game for family and other gatherings of firesides, nights, IDS people. Tests knowledge of Four Standard Works and basic gospel principle. Teaches Mormon doctrine to young and old alike. $1.95 Seek (B222IR Spothte (82221ft Sunshine i The Ardmore, Model B2221. (Ebony color) (Moroon Sl.jhfly htgbtr) )itottLtQK only) Picture Tube Easy Out Face Glass Avoiloble in Ebony color (B222IY) or Moroon color Bos 8222111). avoiloble at extra cost. I Face Glass only) Dial SNA O Control Tone Control |