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Show Page THE Two Elementary School Parent Here's More About . . . Teachers Group Hears Continued from page one Dr. John Ord at Meeting sibilitics. In the Missionary meehe outlined NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- Brigham Young University Allan Tolley Named Head Annual Christmas Hour Of Dairy Unit; Other Scheduled for Saturday CONFERENCE December Thursday, Dairymen on this program weigh the milk one day each month and from this records are established to determine the cows product ion records. These records are out thej jvery helpful in pointing top producer and most profitable! in the herd. In most cases,! 'according to the records, tiie high producing cows have been sired artificially, pointing out the value of the artificial breeding program. Elder McConkie discussed the law oi tithing during the morning session and talked on problems of morality and chastity during ting Saturday evening and the afternoon session. of Stake The Brigham Young University responsibilities Allen Tolley was elected pres-.coThe Elenietaiy School Par lit."Ward and At the missionary session, start- Christmas hour, the annual tele- ident of the Juab stake officials, Teachers association meeting was County Artificial under the missionary ing the conference, a report of the vision production of the University Breeding association at the annu- held on Novemltor 21 at the elewas activities stake missionary will be presented Saturday even- al meeting held Monday evening. mentary school auditorium. Mrs. given by Don II. Gowers, a coun- ing at 9 p.m. on KTVT-4- , accord- Two new board members, Arthur, Fern Hanson, president conducted and selor in the stake mission; ing to Owen S. Rich, chairman of Scott and Victor Cooper also were the meeting. After invocation hy reports were given by each bishop radio and TV programs at BYU elected. The board decided to apMrs. Blanche Iexton, the colors FRESH of the Stake. Prayers were given and producer of the show. point County Agent Kay Bendixsen were posted hy (lolden Oldroyd's by Don R. Gowers and Ronald It. Titled "The Litle Boy Who Lost as secretary and treasurer in ordMrs. sixth grade class. Evelyn mission. stake Jarrett of the Some of the bargain ChristChristmas", the show wall be nar- - er that there would be a definite Andersons tilth grade class gave Speakers at the Priesthood ses-- -j rate(j by Lynn McKinlay, member place for the keeping of the rectwo musical selections and a dance mas gifts are just about all sion in addition to Elder McCon- 0f speech faculty, and will ords. Hansen gave a theyll crack up to be. number. M:s. were Michael Cotton, a 'kie feature a cast of more than 100 Max Bowles, Cache on the Valley membership short report v ard, lush- Fourth of tlie Nephi students. The program is being Breeding association fieldman disFellow across the desk from drive and thanked the committee of the Kenneth Nephi Nyman op us under a dozen the cussed that direction of presCnted the advantage and develophes buying consisting of Lal'c e Shaw, Jean or rys Second Ward, President It. Roscoe the BYU Program Bureau, the ment of artificial so boxes of soggy cookies to breeding. One Linton and JoAnn Tolley. were by half-bakgiven Garrett. Prayers relatives. Department of Speech and Dra-- , major point of interest was the Dr. John Ord of the Brigham give to his Tew. Ivan J. and Child matic Arts, the Division of Radio increased interest in the artificial Clyde C, Young University gave a very outMusic for the Priesthood session ancj Television and the dance de-- . breeding of beef cattle. He statMeanest man in town is the standing report on "The Typical and also for the Sunday morning partment. ed that in the past year many grouch who decorates a beautiChild'. sesison was given by a Juab Stake Choral offerings will be by the more beef were bred artifically. A special educational program ful tree and then draws the picChorus Priesthood a Capella choir, the Opera Work He quoted one official as saying for all fifth and sixth grade girls ture window drapes so no on, Maurice L. Memmott with Miss shop and the Madrigal Singers. within a few years the beef catand their mothers was held on else can enjoy it. Rheta Sperry as accompanist. Numerous variety numbers will be tle bred artificially would outDecember 1 at the Elementary! In addition to the talk by the woven into the show as the story number the dairy cattle. Weather lore: a sunny boss in school auditorium. the morning means a storm bevisiting authority, Sunday morn-- ! progresses. A tour of some of the leading forThe story deals with a smal dairy farms was made prior to fore quitting time. ing talks were given by three mer stake presidents: A. II. One of the highboy who has lost the spirit of the meeting. Will L. Hoyt and James H. Christmas. The decorated trees shown the tour was during lights Nc-- ! and bright lights dont interest the records accumulated from the Ockey. John Morgan of the Ewell and Keith him, and even the prospect of phi Second Ward program. of Mona ward, priests also spoke toys and goodies prove uninterestat the morning session. Prayers ing. The Christmas Fairy comes Were given by Elw'ood Hall and one night in a dream and takes Marion Wankier, Elders Quorum the boy on a Christmas tour. Upon on presidents. awakening, he learns the true Music for the afternoon session meaning of Christmas. was furnished by a Juab High School Chorus directed by Ronald Jensen with Julie Johnson as the CARD OF THANKS An. optimist is a fellow who to a a have Prayers were given accompanist. expects pessimist the Juab High School cheery outlook. by Farrell Carter and Rulon N. The officers of the Fourth Ward TABLERITE Broadhead, Elders Quorum presid- Relief Society wish to extend Preswere ents. Other speakers If you dont think that grownand thanks to the appreciation TASTY LEAN, Gymnasium TENDER, sponsored ups believe in Santa, you have ident E. Rulon Brough and Roy people who supported them E. Gibson, members of the Stake many talked to nny toy manufactui in the recent food sale and canPresidency, and Wiliam L. Bailey tata presented by the Singing recently. by the Jaycee Janes missionJr., a recently returned Mothers. To this group, together It is now six weeks past U. ary. with Mrs. Viola Ockey, director, date when you promised yourThe MIA program on Sunday Rheta Sperry, accompanist, Bishop event all was have an self that yo:n outstanding evening youd Archie Williams, narrator, Don Music Leo Vernon Combo Christmas shopping finished. with a sacred presentation "The Royce, soloist and Lorraine Hayes Gospel Eternal written by Dillion for floral decorations, a special and pres- thank of can be conFrazier storm Springville winter No $1.50 per couple you. boss fails ented by a group from the Kolob sidered severe until the To all who assisted in any way we-Stake. to make it in to either by way of preparation or support in attendance we appreciate each and every one. For anyone who would like additional Christmas gifts, including IGA MARLENE a lovely crib quilt, they are encouraged to contact Carol Stuart. -- GAS-TOO- BY "SLIM WHITTIHG10N A'.i o cjc STRICTLY , r.--- 17 J ly te SUM goes a LONG WAY to give the ladlet good service ed We're not "stretching things" when we promise you the best serv ice in town. i b; R & W SERVICE TEXACO Bel-llisto- n, Um; 1958 NS ; w miss-ionaii- II, 309 South Main Nephi PHONE 532 Weigh-a-daya-Mon- th NEW YEARS EVE at - - a HERSHEY BARS each a A v Margarine- - ' si TOPS IN QUALITY c n 111 79 Quart size JQc 2$ bwndi hot. for e 1:8 4 09c TTIMFiT? f Paf RC h L0UI 6 WHOLESUN OZ J'jjt PUMP DE LUXE of Chalmer Monmouth, M for .Q&C CdUS OL ORANGE JUICE FILLET OF SOLE" " .J" iQC n ID IDAHO RUSSETS U. S. No. 10 1 lb BAG & BANANAS 2 FOR THE BEST IN EATING and FOR THE BEST IN JUICE! LBS 29- - 111., draws water at 110 degrees Fahrenheit from this well. The water started hotting up last fall. Illinois water experts offer no explanation for the but they do discount he possibility that Lovdahls arm is sitting on top of a ROYAL TREAT MUSHROOMS Systems & Pieces 2 oz cans 5for 1.00 IGA RIPE H RAGGED PEACHE- S- No. 2'A tins 3 for phe-leme- 1 - - - 2 pkgs 25c package 29 loaf size -- nno-to L tit GERBERS STRAINED 2 for H Avocados large 10$ each for P No.211s3 95' TS Iheinz "CATSUP ki C&1.00 &MEXIC0RH or IINIBLETS -- FRESH STEWING HENS - - - per lb MORRELLS PURE PORK SAUSAGE 2 - - - BEST GRADE PORK LOIN CHOPS - - per pound - 29c pounds for per lb 37 PINEAPPLE llTID-BI- BACON HIKINF sr ftjc 45c 2 lbs. 15$ Oranges lb 53! - FROZEN FOODS IVIIMw CIIDfUD LliUrlA fTklO sampes 25 j.QQ $ . IGA TABLEFRESH NAVEL xx. for Shoulder LOIN LAMB CHOPS lb qsd -lb ?j- CLAMP PATTIES per 4Qc freezer too long! Lovdahl, PILLSBURY CAKE MIXES -NABISCO RITZ CRACKERS RIB LAMB CHOPS THIS WEEK'S "NEAT TIP Label food for freezing with a use be- " date. You can tell at a glance which fore to use first . . . and food will never be in the SNIDERS CATSUP - For those who like it hot - 2 -- JUMBO PEANUTS 2 pounds RADIANT FRUIT CAKE MIX DEL MONTE PINEAPPLE GRAPEFRUIT - TODAY - 4 DRINK - 46 oz cans V; Lamb Chops Fdfe'ghlser! cut-rit- Green Onions Jr . TABLERITE TENDER. DELICIOUS e SHERETT HI-LA- ND ' V'!? IGA meat values are easy to measure! Just look for the TableRite label. ..the yardstick that tells YOU when meat has qualified for the finest standards. TableRite meat is aged-ritfor for proper trim, priced-rit- e for flavor, YOUR budget... and called TableRite so YOU can easily recognize R?AL MEAT VALUES! ICE CREAM Vi gallon - P BEST IN TASTE! (t HI-LA- ND ! tVftS V Leg oi Lamb -- ZEE :4-rol- l cans DRY IGA Giant IGA FANCY 2V2s can FRUIT COCKTAIL IGA PINEAPPLE - 46 JUICE g"acj pkgST DETERGENT 35 for 001 oz cans IGA FANCY PEAS -- No. for 303 cans1 TISSUE PURITY packs CHEESE CRACKERS MELTED 79 4Qc B1SQUICIC 53c BUY IIER AN EXTRA CHRISTMAS GIFT Large Packages - - HALF PRICE SALE ON ALL EX CEL OS PRODUCTS The skirt DECEIVING tons dont button, and the pockets are flaps, only. They serve as accents for the plaid skirt, which goes with a wool jersey ovcrblou e. Blouse has detachable lie-b- c .v. but- black-and-whi- te TfrriVfl: 56 EAST NEPHI CUSTOM CUTTING FREEZING-CURIN- G center st. - PHONE 57 Vk - WRAPPING l G SMOKING f |