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Show Page Four THE '' M is .' ?hi'4fw nzsti Lmfj If JJtta NEPHI, UTAH TIMES-NEW- "iluns' p,t! Thursday, Dining Room School Lunch Menus for FOR SALE niture, in excellent condition - - with Your Local Retailer al Featured FEXCO the label 1953 fur- t, Social Items one-ha- WORLDS LARGEST SELLING TOOTHPASTE I II, 'NOTICE TO WATER USERS Notice is hereby given that China cabin-je- George M. Cannon, Jr., ContinentBuffet, Break-fron- t Rectangular table, six chairs al Bank Building, Salt Lake City, Coming Week Announced (4 regular plus Host and Hostess) Utah, as agent for Howells LiveMrs. Fai l F. Dunn, Phone 370. stock, Inc., and Julian N. Neilson, Distinctive 1959 Utah National Menus for the school lunch proet. al, has filed with the State Guard license plates are available grams for the coming week have for an extenEngineer, a Mrs. Hyrum Tidwell of Moroni for members ol the Utah National been announced as follows: FOR SAIJS Aprons, hankies, sion of timerequest from December is visiting at the home of her son Guard, according to Major GenerMonday' Barbequed canned pajama bags, etc. at my home 1957 to December 31, 1959, 31, in in law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. al Maxwell E. Rich, Utah Adjut- beef on baking powder biscuit, 655 North Main St., or at Ray.s which to make and submit Proof ant General. Christmas ribbon salad, Mrs. Earl Howard. Eugene Jackson and family. carrot Cafe of Appropriation of Water under Utah law members of pudding with lemon sauce, celery, Mr. and Mrs. Glendon Cloward the Army or permits Application No. 1096 for the apAir National Guard, milk. and family of Sacramento, Calif- in good standing, to purchase the of water SEND propriation of 16 sec.-fTHE as Tuesday Turkey casserole, a Christmas Gift from Trout Creek and Birch Creek ornia and Mr. and Mrs. Max Bax- distinctive plates. to be friends and They may crisp tossed greens, doughnuts, ter and son of Milford have been used on pasenger ty pe vehicles ol peaches, white bread and 52 gilts a year instead in Juab County, Utah, to be used relatives butter, of 1 recent visitors in Nephi at the Christmas gilt cards sent for irrigation purposes. The milk. registration. It is represented that approxhomes of Mr. and Mrs. Harold vehicle must be registered in the Phone 196 and Baked fish fillets, with first issue Wednesday $10,000.00 has been eximately do Jackson and family, and Mr. and name of the Guardsman or in his cheese, well rest. the cabbage salad with cream Mrs. Inland Ostler and family. pended on construction of works. and his spousess names. dressing, cherry cobbler, whole It is estimated it will cost Pick-u- p trucks and other com- wheat bread and butter, milk. PROBATE AND GUARDIAN-- 1 $1,000.00 to complete project and be vehicles cannot licensed mercial Thursday Hamburger gravy, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Jarrett and SHIP NOTICES. Consult Coun- submit Proof of Appropriation. with National Guard plates re mashed potatoes, Waldorf salad, Protests resisting the granting family were Sunday guests at the gardless of ownership or ty Clerk or Respective Signers use. banana, white bread and home of Mr. and Mrs. Ray JohnAdditional Information. for of said request, with reasons for Procedures milk. butter, plates obtaining Mrs. Jarson in Mt. Pleasant. must be in affidavit for 1959 have been simplified. Pinto beans and ham, Estates of ALVIN GOBLE, de- therefore, Friday rett and Mrs. Johnson are sisters. National Guard commanders pro- catsup, buttered spinash, oatmeal ceased; and LILLIAN M. GOBLE. form with extra copy and filed with the State Engineer, 403 State Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Loveless vide members with an identifica- cookies, orange, white bread and deceased, jointly administered. Salt Lake City 14, Utah,, Capitol, and family of Payson were Sun- tion certificate which is enclosed butter, milk. Creditors will present claims on ov before January 17, 1959. for with the Mr. of and to application and vouchers regular at the day evening guests A hearing will be held on this undersigned license be can This taken Mrs. Jack Ludlow and family. the Law Office of Udell R. Jensen. request for extension of time beplates. to the Utah State Tax Commiss1125 North Main Street, Nephi, fore the State at the Russell R. Mathews, son of Mr. ion or one of its regional offices CARD OF THANKS lUtah, 011 or before the 5ih day county courthouse,Engineer Nephi, Utah, and Mrs. James W. Mathews has where plates will be issued. We are grateful to friends and of February, A. D. 1959. at thehour of 9:00 a.m. February been advanced from Airman 3rd License plates will go on sale in relatives for kindnesses - LLOYD R. GOBLE, 17, 1959. Protestants may appear Class to Airman second class.. He all counties of Utah on January to us following the deathextended of our Administrator of the Estates of at the hearing and adduce testientered the Air Force on May 1, 2, 1959. baby; for the words of consolation Alvin deceased; and Lil- mony in support of their protests. 1957 for four years duty, and at Where transfer of title is in- offered at the brief services, and lian M.Goble, Wavne D. Criddle, Goble, deceased, jointly present is stationed at Vandenberg volved Guardsmen must visit or for assistance in our behalf in administered. STATE ENGINEER, Air Force Base in California. It mail applications to the main of- any way. Dates of publication: December Dates of publication: December was formerly Cook Air Base. This fice of the Tax Commission. The Mr. and Mrs. Clair Anderson 4, 11, 18 and 25, 1958, in The 4, 1 and 18, 1958, in The news in been base has the national branch offices are not authorized Mr. and Mrs. Geo. V. Jones Nephi. Utah. Nephi, Utah. spotlight in recent weeks, as the to handle such transactions, acmissile center which will begin cording to Byron Jones, Director, firing missiles within a few weeks. Motor Vehicle License Division of the Utah State Tax Commission. Nephi Local and TIMES-NEW- 19value December t. S lf s- Times-New- Times-New- Butter Baked Turkey.For Holiday Fare Suggested; Sauce Adds to Meals SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH M. I really rather simple to prepare. After youve prepared the turkey for making cleaning and stufrub the skin well fing 'n such with softened butter. Then cover is wall-to-wa- with cheesecloth saturated which has been (300-325F.- MOTEL 1465 SOUTH STATE ST. Salt Lake City, Utah 179. 4 ONLY SETS SILVERPLATE Chest included. Phone $25.00 341 Nephi Jewelry. FREE! Write to this motel for your free copy of the 1958 edition of MOTOR HOTEL GUIDE. Lists over 700 fine motels T and APPROVED J&f 4 v .O1'; . k ). .Sc- ' "V. lls 'wr: r -- H- ' r . -- -- J . 'Xs' TIES PAJAMAS - ROBES - SOX WHITE WASH N WEAR SHIRTS ' Tirol 2.95 Ike oaaeAif s, p : A.:-- V. it.'-- - f f iV, ft&' " "'ITT' i ' ,rPU - ' Give by SOUR CREAM SAVORY SAUCE Yield: IV2 cups. !4 cup butter 1 cup sour cream 1 teaspoon molasses V2 teaspoon dry mustard. Melt butter in a small saucepan; blend in sour cream, molasses and mustard. Warm over low heat and serve with broccoli, asparagus, green beans or lima beans. V S ARROW SHIRTS NOTICE OF SALE To be sold for labor, material and storage at 875 South Main St., Nephi, Utah, on the 18th day of December, 1958, at 1 p.m., the following motor vehicle: Year, not known; Make: Reno Road Grader, Motor No. S309311, Serial No. 302, registered in the name of Rex Allen, whose last known address is Delta, Utah. Amount now due $1547.67. DATED this 2nd day of Dec- Times-New- COAST-TO-COAS- d, with melted butter. This will serve to keep the turPlace key moist and flavorful. the tom in the oven and bake it at a low temperature Plan to baste it occasionally with the melted butter. Once the turkey has baked several hours, the ember, 1958. combined butter and drippings can DICKS SERVICE, INC., be used to baste the bird and keep Lienholder. it moist. Dates of publication: December All Nephi markets have turkeys in small, medium and large 4 and 11, 1968, in The sizes for any size family. Ord-- . Nephi, Utah. er your turkey today for holiday feasting. To do this grand gobbler justice, plan to elevate the appearance and flavor of the vegetables that will join him on the banquet table. Smother them in a light and creamy Sour Cream Savory sauce. The very best part about this sour cream sauce, other than its unusual and delectable flavor, is the ease with which it can be made. It requires nothing more than one pan, a spoon, and a few minutes at the range. First melt a stick of butter in the pan, then blend in sour cream, molasses and dry mustard. This happy blend of flavorful foods should then be heated and finally served over broccoli, asparagus, green beans or lima beans for the finest holiday vegetable feast of all. TRAVELERS INSPECTED Broad-hea- East 1st North, Phone When it comes to holiday tradition, theres nothing quite like Two used WANTED TO BUY the proverbial gobbler accompan- 34 size beds Call 439R. ied by all the fixins. And theres nary a bird that can match the WE STILL HAVE plenty of flavor of one thats been baked Potatoes George II. Ostler. in butter. Butter Baked turkey love to visit, is made even more pleasant by my stay at the TRAVELERS MOTEL. It's an outstanding motel, featuring a room heated swimming pool, ll phones and all modern facilities, such as tile baths. and electric kitchens, carpeting, Rates $6.50 - 9.00. When you visit this great tourist city, be sure to stop at the city, which This Christmas cards FOR SALE at my home Lawrence 254 s. " ' : f re ! 'I n REFRESHER her the present with a future 4 ... A new extension telephone in color . . . what a wonderful way to match the merry mood of Christmas morning! For this is the gift that works the year around in a dozen practical ways. (f ' id :V, " itx.. Perfect family present: one of Plymouth's JO new station uagons. Just a few more Ply mouth-shoppin- days ' til Christmas! '59 Plymouth Station Wagon. ..biggest holiday hauler in its class.f can load this wagon with the tallest tree and all the Yuletime trimmings. For holiday hopping and shopping, Plymouth boasts the most cargo area of any wagon in its seat, a rear window that rolls class, the popular station other down, wagon innovations. And right many this merry carrier is just as beautiful and glamorous as it is useful. (No wonder you spy so many Plymouth wagons on the road this year!) See your Plymouth dealer for the biggest station wagon in its class . . . and best wagon buy at any price 59 Plymouth! You The handsome convenience of a color e extension can be yours at prices . . . only pennies a day plus a modest charge for installation and color. You'll search far and wide to find a finer family gift for Christmas. To make giving as easy as possible, well deliver the gift extensions you want right to your home or office, holiday-boxeFor fast action, just call our business office or ask the telephone serviceman when jh hes in your neighborhood. pocket-chang- rear-facin- one-tim- e IF ITS g NEW, PLYMOUTHS 1. PUSHBUTTONS GOT HI ... SEE THESE FEATURES TODAY! control driving, heating, ventilating. 2. SWIVEL FRONT. SEATS awing you easily in or out. 3. OBSERVATION CAR SEAT faces rear, hold three adults. . DISAPPEARING REAR WINDOW rolls right into lower action. 5. LOCKED LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT protects valuables. dims MIRROR 6. MIRROR. MATIC REAR-VIEglare. Optional. Unr extra erf. d. W4 yftout The season's best buy . . . tomorrow's best trade Mountain States Telephone Available ;vJ PAINTER in your choice of nine decorator colors AMERICAN DAIRY ASSM. OF UTAH 140 SOUTH NEPHI MOTOR MAIN STREET COMPANY s, |