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Show Thursday, December II, 1958 THE TIMES-NEW- S, NEPHI, UTAH Page Five California with the Snow College New Pharmaceuticals J E. A. Committee Heads laughter ol Spring City were Sunbasketball team. Nephi News Briefs day guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Mr. and Mrs. Byron Scott and Discussed Before Nephi Tolley, parents of Mrs. Aiken. Attend State . Mr. and Mrs. Fay I,. Morgan Mrs. Eva Jones of Murray visit- family of Springville were Satur- Mr. and Mrs. Keith Scott of Salt Allred Gowers Jr. of Salt Lake and family spent the ThanksgivLake City were week end guests Ladies Club by ed last week in Nephi with her day evening guests at the home of Druggist Association was a Sunday visitor in NeMeeting City week end Mrs. Scott. Mr. and Henderin Sidney ing recently with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. sisters, Mrs. T. H. Burton and of Mr. and Mrs. Horace Ostler. phi Nevada son, with Mr. and A. J Gowers. visiting A discussion on drugs aiui medThe annual U. E. A. convention Mis. Mrs. Jack Wright and other relaMr. and Mrs. J. A. Clayton and Don Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Daro Hamilton tives. Carol of Boun- icines by a Nephi pharmacist was tor local district education com-- , and Joan daughters and children Raquel, Anette and tiful Mr. anud Mrs. George W. Willguests of George A. the highlight oi the meeting of the nuttees was held in the Orson YOUR OLD WATCH 15 Mr. and Mrs. Neil Sherwood of Kevin of Riverton guests of Sperry on Sunday. Mrs. Clayton Nautilus Literary Club held last Spencer Hall in Salt Lake City iams and family and Mr. and Mrs on Provo visited Sunday in Nephi Mr. and Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler and is daughter of Mr. Sperry. WORTH MORE ON Thursday evening at the homo ol last Saturday. In attendance irom Claude Tolley visited over the with Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Sherwood. family on Sunday. The two famMrs. Marilyn Park. The meeting the Juab Education Association's week end with Mr. Mrs and TRADE IN AT ilies were neighbors when they Mr. and Mrs. Blaine Norton and was conducted by Betty Lou Ost- 'committees were Calvin Neilsen, Grant Garff in Santa Mr. and Mrs. Robert Nessen of were stationed Clara, Utah. Fort at Sill, Okla- family of Provo were visitors on ler and the club collect was read Public Relations; Ralph Boswell, NEPHI JEWELRY Centerfield were week end guests homa. Mr. md Mrs. Archie Aiken and Sunday at the home of Mr. and by JoAnn Llewellyn. The pledge salaries and contracts committee at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of allegiance was led by Phyllis and Veil Garrett, Mrs. Melvin Stanley. legislative com-- 1 Frank Parkin. Serena Ostler, Charlotte Knapp, nut toe. Ingram. McCune had her Mrs. George Charles Mrs. Max Mrs. Blair, The purpose of such Speaker at the meeting was Mr. and Mrs. Max Knight and is Clark and Mrs. David Hafen of nieces from Provo, Mrs. Florence Geo. D. (Bud) Ifaymond, manager to consolidate the aimsmeetings oband Menlove Mrs. Ida Wilkinson and Of the Nephi Drug Co. of Sanpete county were Wednesday as her Nephi. jectives of all to give guests recently. Mr. Haymond discussed advance- new ideas and todistricts, guests at the home of Mr. and answer any ioc-- i For GIFTS to treasure for ments Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler. in made recent years in the al problems. The three who atMrs. Ralph Miller has just reBIRTHDAY WEDDINGS Monticello where she pharmaceutical line, and discuss- tended feel that the information turned from H. Clarence Mrs. Pay Mr. and ten days visiting with Mr. ed what goes into a prescription" gained will be of great help to or ANY OCCASION ifs visited in Ephraim Sunday with spent on con- The talk was very enlightening for the local education association Miller who is their son Dennis, a student at the struction there. working the members present. NEPHI JEWELRY in better functioning committees. -- Won't Dennis had just Snow College. Plans also were discussed for Tangle or Break-- 25 341 Telephone to weeks a from trip returned Mr. and Mrs. Vaughn Woodard the clubs Christmas party. The Nephi Second Ward Relie J and Present for the meeting were and sons Rickey and Jefferey, forotlieers extend a hearty Society of are Texas Dora Fort Marilyn Park, Worth, Shaw, Carolyn merly now making their home in Provo. Ockey, Beth Sperry, Vonda Han- invitation to all ladies of the' Mrs. Woodard is the former Nor- sen, Vonda Bowles, Linda Whit- ward to he at Relief Society on ma Golden, daughter of Mr. and tington, Phyllis Brewer, Doris Tuesday, December 1G at 2 p.m. Mrs. G. O. Golden. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson, Betty Lou Ostler, Phyl- when all may enjoy the American literature lesson and then a Golden spent Sunday in Provo as lis Ingram and JoAnn Lewellyn. to Christmas playlet written and diguests of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Golrected by Mrs. Mildred Brown den, and attended the ward SacMrs. Cleon Memmott visited on will be presented. After the playrament meeting where the infant 3rd South on Main Ph. 330 daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ross Wednesday in Scipio with Mrs. let, a visit from Santa Claus will he expected. Josie Sorensen. Golden was blessed. Nephi Local and Social Items e e NEW METAUZED SARAN ICICLES 49c Iff! XMAS TREE LIGHT SETS 1.69 - -- APPLE SAUCE -- Standby 2 cans 29 JEWEL SHORTENING - 75 5 pound tins. Each WALNUTS - Chopped per lb - - 69 CATSUP - Garden brand 2 bottles 25 HERSHEYS COCOA MIX 2 lb 6 oz can 09 HERSHEYS CHOCOLATE 1 lb cans, Each SYRUP 39 SWIFTS ICE CREAM Quart Vi gallon 47 75 SHUPE WILLIAMS HOLIDAY - 2.29 MIXED CARROTS 2 lbs for 15 ORANGES - - Hew Crop Navels 2 pounds for 15 CANDY- - GRAPE FRUIT g --T- lb box Pink exas pound bags, Each 45 49 FISH STICKS 2 packages MORRELL SAUSAGE ROLL 1 pound MORRELL PRIDE BACON 2 4.00 pounds -- Mrs. Ernestine F. Vest visited ALL TYPES of sewing machMr. and Mrs. Glade VanNosdol in Provo with Mr. and ines Saturday of Payson and Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. Ross cleaned and adjusted six Fairchild and familv. Vernon years experience. Phone 373. Taylor and family of Springville visited Sunday at the home of Mrs. Leonard Belliston. Perry Bailey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Bailey has been released after serving two years active duty in the U. S. Army. While in the service he attained the rank of Specialist Fourth class. Mrs. Ed. Bean visited over the week end in Provo with Mrs. Beth Downend, and with Mrs. Enid Knotts in Spanish Fork. George Wilkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Wilkey has just returned home from Fort Sill, Oklahoma where he has completed a Artillery Basic Survey Specialist course. 45 1.05 COMPLETE MEAT PROCESSING SERVICE - Cutting, Wrapping and freezing - Using latest in wrapping materials D NUTS(mo 12-we- Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Vickers and family of Salt Lake City spent Saturday in Nephi visiting with Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Vickers. Club Hears Review of - CARNIVAL OF CHRISTMAS Mr. and Mrs. Keith Aston and family visited in Provo Sunday with Mr. Aston's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Aston and other Well Known Book Please Don't Eat the Daisies" by Jean Kerr was reviewed for members of the Booklore Club by Mrs. J. E. Andrews recently. The meeting was held Thursday at the home of Mrs. George W. Williams. Members of the club thoroughly enjoyed listening to the review, as Mrs. Andrews brought to their attention the pranks of the children of the book. To many of the members, it brought back incidents in lives of their own families. Twelve members and the guest speaker were present. WE HAVE A LIMITED SUPPLY 1 pound package FRUIT COCKTAIL-- 2 size tins i 69 29 2 pound box - Choice 1 OR SHUREFINE SHORTENING 3 pound fins - - Each 77c Mined Candy variety 3 lbs. 98c 3 packages S&W FRUIT CAKE MIX 1 79 SNACK LUNCH MEAT pound jars, Each - - 47c FROZEN FOODS PASCO ORANGE JUICE - - Each - 43c SANDWICH COOKIES 2 lb 69 4 cans 8Qe FROZEN MEAT PIES 5 for l.QQ ALLENS SALAD DRESSING SIMON FRUIT quart size 47 SIMPLEPIES Each POWDERED SUGAR - 2 pkgs 29c 53c TV DINNERS Each 53c ALLENS BLEACH - gallon 55 c ALLENS BLEACH - Vi gallon 35c STRAWBERRIES - - - 6 pkgs 1.00 SURE FINE PEAS 6cansl.0Q FRESH ORANGES - per pound Iflc ans DOG FOOD--1- 2 POTATOES - - 10 lb cello - - - 39c 1. 12 oz cans NEW FOID GAtAXlE lb - 5 cans 1.00 Yellow with PEANUTS - Finest - - 1 CHERRY CHOCOLATES OF DIXIE SORGHUM GET YOURS NOW box Light Chocolates gge SUN MAID RAISINS 2 lbs 69 MacDONALDS CHOCOLATES 5 pound box - Very choice LIBBYS PUMPKIN 2 cans JQc 3.69 SHELLED WALNUT HALVES MacDONALDS CHOCOLATES BETTY CROCKER CAKE MIXES -- White, Chocolate and 6 Lovely Ways to Fall in Love the peanuts) 2 Sbs 79$ 1 --L- arge 1 CARNATION TUNA CHEESE HAMS SPECIAL Morells Half . . . and in all six is wed to the worlds most beautifully proportioned cars all-ne- Galaxies are as Thunderbird as you can cars. They have the get in Thunderbirds own roof. They have P1I0HE 39 c PLACE YOUR ORDERS NOW FOR YOUR HOLIDAY TURKEY 57 CHICKENS "Jolly" Fryers - per Ib 37c SAUSAGE Ib Special 3Qe per 49c 51 ARMOUR CANNED HAMS 43c 5 pound size --E- ach --4- .39 V-- V-- 8 I do" I ro .t. PARKIN MOTOR CO. - per pound 3 ccsns 95c ,U the Thunderbird s own clean-cu- t purity of line. All interiors are decorated in Thunderbird taste. And the Thunder bird engine is the standard Come see the car that's making all America say 137 SOUTH MAIN STREET Whole or Whole! SALMON per pound BACON - - Puritan - Top grade ib PORK ROASTS Special, Ib the elegance of the Thunderbird Tale your pick! These glorious lb - 312 - HEPill, UTAH y 6 Nephi, Utah |