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Show December Thursday, II, THE 1958 TIMES-NEW- NEPHI. UTAH Nephi Club News ... Fine Arts Club Page Three fro Ladies Literary Club . . . Mr. and Mrs. Milton Lunt of Logan aiv the parents ot a son On Monday evening, December born on November 23. They also The Fine Arts Club met on MIMIHI December 4 at the home of Mrs. 1, the Ladies Literary Club met have a daughter, Rebecca. GrandOTAH STATfl Ed. P. Cox with Mrs. Frank at the home of Mrs. Ralph parents are Mr. and Mrs. ManilMrs. John Cotton, club las Jones of Brigham City and in charge. The pledge of piston. Published every Thursday at Nephi, Juab County, Utah. allegiance was led by Mrs. Earl president was in charge of thi- Mr. and Mrs. Frank J. Lunt of Mrs. Frank Lunt has Entered at the post office at Nephi, Utah as second class Nephi. ll. Steele and club litany was meeting. Mrs. Marv in Anderson read Lit- - just returned home after spending read by Mrs. Lynn Olpin. mail matter under the act of Congress of March 3, 1879. An article on why the pledge any and melody time was weeks v isiting with tier son Subscripion rates: One year $4.00; Six months, $2.75. of allegiance was changed, was ducted by Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler. and daughter in law in Logan, Mrs. James II. Eagar gave a and also visiting with relatives Subscriptions are payable in advance. Advertising rates read by Mrs. Brough. The time was then turned over very interesting paper on "India in Provo and Salt Iwike City, on request, to Mrs. Donald Eyre who gave an and her Neighboring Countries, 'Ir- anl Mrs. David Ostler of Publishers A. B. Gibson and Roy E. Gibson outstanding review of the book and their religions". Discussions California arc parents of Lurhank, followed. This Adams Maude of Life The Editor-ManagRoy E. Gibson lxrn November 2b. daughter for were the of Miss made Plans Clubs events the in book, giving life also depicted the Christmas party to be held Dec- - Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Adams Office: 96 South Main Street, Telephone 196, Nephi, Utah theatrical history of that period. ember 15 at the home of Mrs. .George - Scott of Portland, Ore-Th- e JL ,on and Mr. and Mrs. LcRoy T. club selected Mrs. T. If. John E. Robertson. Burton as their candidate for the, Those present were Mrs. John Gstler of Nephi. Mother of the Year honor from Cotton, Mrs. Don J. Eyre. Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Park an- Lester Belliston, Mrs. Marvin An nounce the birth of a son at the the City of Nephi. Present were guest speaker Mrs. derson, Mrs. William Bailey, Mrs. Utah Valley Hospital on I and the following members: J. L. Belliston Mrs. J. W. Bor- - er 2. Mrs. Park is the Eyre : Mr. and Mrs. J. O. Taylor have guests were present Mrs. Alice Mrs. Frank Brough, Mrs. V. A. wick, Mrs. James II. Eagar. Mrs. Kae Blackett. Grandparents are Mrs. Beck, Mrs. V. M. Foote, Mrs. A. 'A. V. Gadd, Mrs. Amos G. Irons, Mr. and Mrs. Theodore returned home after a vacation in Sudweeks of Springville; Park and Bakersfield, California. They were Myrtle Ligman of Provo; Mr. and L. Garbett, Mrs. Lambert Gore, Mrs. 'J. G. Irons, Mrs. G. R. Judd, Mr. and Mrs. Earl It. Howard. of the guests of their son in law and Mrs. Doyle Beard and family Mr F. A. Matheson, Mrs. Lynn Mrs. Ferry J. Ostler, Mrs. John Great grandfather is Ira L. De- daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Don Fin- Nephi; Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Olpin, Mrs. Earl II. Steele, Mrs. :E. Robertson, Miss Mabel Sperry spain of Salt Lake City Beard, Miss Phyllis Beard, Jennie Ernestine Vest, Mrs. R. E. Winn. and the hostess, Mrs. Belliston. ley. Recent births at the Juab CounKirkham, Lena Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. L. Kissack and the hostess, Mr. and Mrs. Woodrow Beard Mrs. O. S. Aagard and the guest of Mrs. Ed. P. Cox. ty Hospital include: NOTICE HEARING OF PUBLIC ! were in Salt Lake City to attend honor, Mrs. Aagard. Daughter born November 14, to ON THE MATTER OF AP- Franklin B. and Annie Hanna the Dairy Princess contest on PROPRIATION OF COUNTY Gross, Club held their The Civic-ette- s November 29. Their daughter Lynndyl. Grandparents are FUNDS ADDITIONAL ON Mrs. Claude Shephard of Salt Ruth was one of the contestants meeting last Wednesday at the Literary League THE COUNTY BUDGET Lake City and William G. Hanna Aagard. representing Juab County. While home of Mrs. Mary D.were Notice is hereby given that the of Vernal. Mrs. Ronald Gowers was hostess presin Salt Lake City they visited The following members Mrs. to the Ladies Literary League on Board of County Commissioners oi 8 lbs 15 ozs, to William with Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Bow ent: Mrs. Enid Worwood, Juab at a special meeting andSon, Louise Taylor, Mrs. Pauline ers. Faun Bailey Lofgran of Nephi Thursday, December 4. Mrs. Eu- thereof,County, to be at held Court the Mrs. Irene Mangelson, gene Lunt, president, conducted November 15. Grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Warner Taylor Mrs. Myrtus Stephensen, Mrs. the meeting. Prayer was offered House in Nephi, Utah on the 29th 'Mr. and Mrs. Ken Bailey of Ne1 spent Monday in Salt Lake City Gwen Stephensen, Mrs. Eileen by Mrs. Ronald Greenhalgh and day of December, 1958, at :00 phi and Mrs. Eva Lofgran of Mrs. Bonnie Paystrup, Mrs. Read Greenhalgh, secretary p.m., will consider the appropriatBallow, Great grandparents are on Thursday, December 4th was an Mrs. Vonda Bosh, Mrs. Codeal reah the minutes. Current events ion of county fundsforadditional Mrs. William Greenhalgh and Mrs. B. Annie Mrs. for followthe the enjoyable day County Budget Mrs. G. Eugene Vera Hansen. Brough, Mrs. Carol Hanson, Mrs. were Aagard, the occasion being her Fern Wankier, a special guest, Wilkey.given by ing purposes: Son, 6 lbs 7 34 ozs, born Novwas She birthday anniversary. Mrs. Laura Nell Sherwood and Mrs. Mont Sperry gave a very TO COUNTY GENERAL FUND: ember 19 to Clifford Ddyle and To Clerks pleasantly surprised by a visit the hostess, Mrs. Aagard. County Genean Herbert Orgill of Mona. interesting paper on Spiritual from al lher children. A delicious S80.CM) Maintenance are Mr. and Mrs. Development. The thoughts for Grandparents dinner was served, and a beautifTo County Treasurers the paper were taken from David Doyle Orgill of Mona and Mr. and $175.00 ully decorated birthday cake was The Bluebird Class of the Le- O. McKays Salary book "Pathway to Mrs. Lee F. Herbert of Payson. To County Sheriff's presented to her. The following van Ward Primary, under the di- Happiness, and from the followGreat grandparents are Mr. and rection of Nina Taylor, held their Maintenance $110.00 Mrs. Manuel Russell of Payson. ing three articles in the ImproveTo Light and Fuel Parents Demonstration Party ment $150.00 The Three Is IgEra: Daughter, 6 lbs 1 oz, born NovTo Fire Protection .... $ 100.00 at the Levan school recently. PreHi-Lit- es Indecision and Indifferember 19 to Eugene Edward and lude music was played by Diane norance,and Stimulants To .. Criminal $700.00 Expense Jean Williams Wilkey, Nephi. Mr. by Sterlence, To Civil Court S223 oo Stephensen, followed by singing ing D. Sill, and Total Fitness by Mrs. John of Nephi and To of There's Someone Singing by Marion Justice Court $10.00 and Mr. and Mrs.Wilkey D. Hanks. R. WillJames To Miscellaneous the class members. $1650.00 Prayer was The hostess served dainty reiams of are the Utah Grantsville, To Elections $1200.00 given by Marilyn Stephensen, and freshments to the club welcome was extended by Carolyn members: Mrs. Montfollowing Miss To Transcient Stock . . $4,85.00 grandparents. Sperry, . Son, 10 lbs 15 oz, born NovTo Social Security Xhe program pro- Ireta Carter, Mrs. Hosmer $50.00 Stephensen. Grace, 27 to Ross and Alice Rowe ember 0F ceeded as follows: Talk, "What It Miss Rheta Mrs. Read TO HOSPITAL CAPITAL Newton of Mona. Grandparents Sperry, A Means to be a Bluebird", Marcia $12,250.00 Greenhalgh, Mrs. Raymond Pay, TO ROADS AND BRIDGES are Mr. and Mrs. Dudley Rowe class of first recital the Shepherd; Miss Pearl Nielson, Mrs. Eugene and Mr. and Mrs. of Mt. seven Articles of Faith; talk, Lunt and Mrs. G. Eugene Wilkey. (Transfer of Funds) . . $20,000.00 Warren Pleasant Newton of Mona. MeanWITNESS my hand and seal 'How We are Taught the 8 lbs 13Vi ozs, to Daughter, by ROBERT HALL 10th this of 1958 December, day ing of the Articles of Faith, and BEAUTIFUL APRONS for sale the Meaning of the Sixth Article James P. Christensen James W.of and Melda Vickers Mrs (Seal) SPECIAL TREAT FOR Nylon, Organdy,. Percale Fackrell Grandparents of Faith, Dona Aagard; Four Leona Juab County Clerk and are Mrs. JaneNephi. rd Linton, phone 402W S. Vickers of NeSUNDAY AFTERNOON Carol of Clerk of the Board of Paths Homebuilding, phi and James A. Fackrell of Mt. County Commisisoners Christmas Seasons Biggest T. V. Winter; a favorite passage of CARD OF THANKS View, Wyoming. the relatives near friends and For Anderson; Margaret scripture, Spectacular FOR RENT Bluebird Winter. and true, we are grateful ; for the Code, Carol Apartments Class leader Nina Taylor express-- ! kindnesses to Mr. McPherson dur-e- d front ground floor. One furnishTHE HALLMARK her appreciation to class and ing his illness and for words of ed; one with carpets, electric reCHRISTMAS TREE Kendall parents and Class President Ann encouragement which lightened frigerator and range card and finest SEE the largest to a measure his burden, we also Apartments, phone 344. Brough expressed appreciation Christmas and the program ended with the are grateful; to those who paid in Nephi. selection cards 10 for 29c and up. WANTED TO BUY song by tribute to him in word and in song, Happy Homebuilders Large the class members. and for those who offered prayers size boys bicycle Phone 325W PHARMACY MALL ROBERT Recorded carols were played at the services, we are deeply apGet your Cub Scout Scout during the serving of refresh- preciative. Your kindnesses will RUGS ments to class members, their remain with us into the years. Explorer Gifts at The Toggery Mrs. Coquella McPherson and Official Scout Distributor, parents, and the Primary PresidPhone 6 3 Prescription Specialist Nephi, Utah family. ency and their partners. NATIONAL EDITORIAL i as5C5t8n i Lel-Brou- con-'thr- flake Advantage of Our - NEW er Wheel Alignment Service! Bring your car in today for proper alignment of your front wheels. Winter driving is tough egough without a front end that is properly adjusted. We have just installed the latest scentific equipment for perfectly setting your wheels. You'll save thousands of miles of front wheel rubber with properly aligned and balanced wheels. Levan Local and Social News Items j ; EDS v SERVICE 6& Main and Second South Ed. Yorwood ... Man-gelso- n, THE NEW EXCLUSIVE j San-taqui- n. Hydro-mag- ic SCHICK SAFETY RAZOR Razor kit complete Schick Hydro-magiGold Blades it History the finest made. . CHRISTMAS -- Pharmacy GIFT PR! FEATURED AT YOUR LOCAL RETAILER - WITH THE PEXCO LABEL ... 1 h TOP TV-- IBob GIVE A PRACTICAL AND APPRECIATED GIFT--- A PAIR OF SHOES for work or play and the Pat Boone Chevy Dinah Shore Chevy Showroom-wee- kly on ABC-T- New Styles have Just Arrived to Make Your Christmas Shopping Easier! STYLISH FLATS Mom and Sis will be thrilled with some lovely HEELS or his shoes! Some fine Look at Dad is always a toughie to select a gift for we have Boots Christmas complete COWBOY BOOTS will make Juniors in a SLIPPERS NEW sparkle every ladys PRETTY put for Dad, too. kind she will love! the have we and of age regardless eyes Like all 959 Chevies, this Impala Sport Coupe is new right down to the tougher Tyrex cord tires it rolls oru AND TO MAKE YOUR XMAS DOLLARS STRETCH FURTHER TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR STORE WIDE SALE (Except on Santa Rosa Brand and SOME Mens Cowboy Boots) Walk around the car that's DRIVE A all-roun- 59 at this 59 Chevy tells you heres a car with a whole new slant One look on driving. You see the transforma- headlights, the tion in its low-soverhead curve of its windshield, finish the sheen of its Magic-Mirra new acrylic lacquer that does away with waxing and polishing for up to three years. But to discover all thats fresh and fine you must relax in Chevrolets roomier Body by Fisher (up et or d new i . . then he our guest for a pleasure test - CHEVY TODAY ! to 4.2 inches more room in front, 3.3 inches in back), feel the loungelike comfort of Chevy's new interior, experience the hushed tran- its ride (choice of quillity of Full Coil improved or gentler-than-ev- er Level Air suspension). Once youre on the road youll discover such basic benefits as bigger, better cooled brakes that give over 50 longer life, new easy-rati-o steering 6 that gets up to and a Hi-Thri- ft 10 per cent more miles per gallon. And, of course, you find Safety Plate Glass all around in every Chevrolet. Stop by your dealers and pleasure test the car thats shaped to the new American taste ! Optional at extra cost. CHEVROLET u hai A merica wa nls,A merica gels in a Cheryl see your local authorized Chevrolet dealer PAY REGULAR PRICE FOR ONE PAIR OF SHOES AND SELECT ANY OTHER PAIR IN THE ENTIRE STORE FOR Regular Price Qff Not Old or Odd-Stoc- k - But New Stock Telephone 433, Hephi, Utah Received! And to help YOU find to shop, we will be OPEN EVERY FRIDAY NIGHT TIL 0 P Jn. Bring the entire family down and make your seletions early while styles and sizes are at their best! ALL THIS AT CHAPMAN CHEVROLET 740 North Main Street - Just noe 45 South Main, Nephi Phone 613 |