Show TO UOK FRIENDS FRIEN dsa I 1 PATRON who anticipate building in the future we are in a position to take tare bare ot you with your mill work vork having just installed some wood working machinery we also carry a complete tom line ot of lumber shingle lath doors sash moul mould dings logs plastering hair plaster paris cement builders hardware hard ware glass both in ready mixed and dry colors or s table and pocket cutlery shears scissors cis sors tin and granite ware stoves and ranges and their equipment quality and prices guaranteed call and see us it you need any of the above mentioned articles JS J B SON fort FOR SALE three sets seis of harness peter nelsen tf A MATTER OF HEALTH OW absolutely puro plum HAS fas NO HO sale or of animals for damages state of 0 uta utah I 1 county ut of wo box elder I 1 la in the portage precinct of said county I 1 have in toy my posses possession slon the follow ing ni described animal bleh if not claimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at J W V Tr alfords residence in portage precinct cb on thursday the day of august 1805 1905 at the he hour ot of 2 p in description OP OF ANIMALS one light red faced cow about five yeara old branded nil on left eft hip swallow fork in left ear and half crop and swallow fork in right ear brindle calf following said animal Is h hw ld by me to secure cu payment repayment of 80 au damages done upon the premises bif f R 0 narras on I 1 the lie logli day of aup aug 1005 J IV Elal hilford tord tor for portage precinct sale of animals for damages state of 0 utah I 1 county ci anty 1 bif I pox box i idar in the portage precinct ut 0 said county I 1 leave ilmy in my possession the following described animal which it if not ola claimed aimed and taken away will be sold at public auction to the highest cash bidder at 1 IV W 1111 fords resi derre in arild august 1005 lit at the hour of u 2 p ni m description OF one spotted roan tour four year old cow branded oo on left ert hip crop oil off and slit in left ear slit silt and in tight right car roan calf following said raid animals are held beld by we lac to lo secure payment of SOCO damages done hy by slid said atil vials upon ilia hie premise of james on the eth day of aug 1003 J W alfurd I I 1 for rotta portage ge P precinct reel net H N BOWRING MONEY TO 70 LOAN FIRE INSURANCE aecus no aetna M aca BOK no Ationo vs fee All no tri trust J deed conne lieu tax no 1 g e tax firem anns fund i amm no extra hwi hir fora 14 W no ably in ilia co or of N 1 A ra low LOT ame 0 lu kerest sl liverpool pool london I anoon 0 abc bcd livania til ann BB 4 11 1 1 N A BOWRING BONDED abstractor NOTARY PUBLIC awo borot orp firby nati 11 ll city uth ja Is an HAND PAINTED fresh 11 1 prom 1 arom th the orient ga v EN AWAY AWA I 1 F L ya y ID III J A ea CO tile the season i is s now here when all summer merchandise must go in order to make room for fall goods soon to arrive vi we have decided therefore as a special inducement for you to visit our store to give every ery purchase of 15 1 50 a beautiful A piece of JAPANESE E CHINA the beauty of this ware lies in its delicacy and graceful shape sand beautiful finish in natures own colors and must be seen been to be appreciated birj every lady is a lover of rare and beautiful china why not supply your wants now without cost to bouby concentrating your trade with us arg our merchandise is right in point of style arid and quality and our prices are right THIS WE GUARANTEE ar itlie the assortment consists of 80 30 dozen pieces in fruit plates CUPS cupa and saucers sugar wid and creams etc they cannot last long so be on land hand early and get FIRST CHOICE as the nicest pieces are sure V to be picked out first X C 1 C C C 0 S X X fc you can do always best at tl I 1 S I 1 all lon U URN ajr N 01 isa stores and at brigham tremont ONE PRICE AND THAT THE LOWEST pairs of childrens shoes A new shipment of childrens shoes shoes sold at greatly reduced zio i lo 10 pairs of childrens being prices sizes ranging from ay 2 to 8 to make roo room m for the new goods we e are closing these out at prices that are BARGAINS barbai s these are actual facts no formal assertions the price marked on oil each and every pair this is an opportunity A new shipment consisting ot 20 dozen pairs of children s shoes just received brand new goods in in all sizes surely we cat can supply ay your oo 00 rr ant an s we are head headquarters headquarter quartet for staple and tancy iancy dry goods shoes shoeb groceries tin granite glass and crockery are our increasing business is an evidence that ur goods g 00 ds and prices are arc right THE PLACE M EVL hanson sons Brig Brigham hain city utah atall PHON 52 4 call and see our stock 0 buggies git a before buying N X C G mor sons if dear gus I 1 have hare selvi the mother in law problem just give her Holli rocky mountain tea it will make her healthy happy and docile ai a lamb 85 35 cents tea or tablets iann L eddy N 1 L hansens shoes are better house and birn for rent apply to Lort larenzo rizo jeppson tf if WANTED A good neat housekeeper about 40 40 years of at age to take lake care of four children no wages but a 0 good honne home for or tha right person apply to lo IV bowcutt riverside utah ulan if g 7 8 li L i a jr OUI A L af pf anz 9 0 ra S xie S give yo T P M 0 0 all amy 15 xo 1 ai E L 40 0 grig aj T i r aiji w ii F we are going to close out one of our pretty decorated dinner patterns att AT ONCE this pattern contains everything to make u up P a q dinner set plates cups and saucers platters vegetable di dishes shies b bowls ow fruit dishes oat meals etc etc a C 0 C X Q aw C av Q C for every we will give you worth of these goods this is less than they cost us but we have decided to close thern them out athi this s will v make them cheaper than white ware C C C sf SEE OUR WINDOW L aristen hr isten w R A agiga i jely notice to contractors sealed bids for the building UL of an addition to the north elwood school house will be received by the trustees of the bear river kiver school district no 13 up to noon of the day of august 1905 for plans and of said addition call at the residence of peter M hansen the board of trustees reserves the right to reject any or all bids A K R CAPENER P M a 21 trustees HARVEY L cash store meats and groceries carries a full line of fresh and cured meats and a complete line of first class fresh fish and game in Seas opposite union block main st Frig frigham bam utah sas gg sasga FREE LESSONS IN IM D efe 4 embroidery wish to announce that miss C fenwick moore of california will be at our store for ONE WEEK from AUGUST to giving FREE ff iff LESSONS IN embroidery ladies ladics bisbing wis liing to learn the art of embroidery tire are invited to call and see some of MISS MOORES work purchase 9 a linen doily or pillow top and she v m ill give full instructions how to embroider it TREE FREE OF charge arge all lessons during the week will be free classes from a tn to p m daily AC aler the dale to arl boothe and Uv faSl 1 wil wjk j pc ill 1 1 1 experience in business has tau taught lit the necessity of a SPECIALTY it means a saving to tho the people our specia specialty lt is jl a L u M B TT 11 L our time and atten attention tinn is devoted to this much needed article ait icle we guarantee reasonable prices experienced nien men manipulate ofir ur mill slid and all orders will be Z promptly executed ij merrell lumber co coa 3 is v b phone no ko 8 J A |