Show all hallivis Hal lovis college SALT LAKE CITY UTAH BOARDING MID AND DAY SCHOOL STUDIES RESUMED SEPTEMBER ath minim primary academic col coi loge and post graduate cle departments special attention to science mathematics musto and com commercial rn erceal branches courses in ph physical culture M military drill students are prepared for west point annapolis and all departments men ts of the civil service A completo complete corps of able and ex Perien ced professors A limited nu number aber of P private r I 1 v a t e rooms for which application should should be made early for further particulars 1 rs call on or write to the very arev rev president r I 1 pit sacred heart hear academy OGDEN U A leading institution of learning e husir art and general avil ture ss 1 s 9 nv j j FOR WOMEN si troubled with ills ilia peculiar to their sex used as a douche Is all one ac aca stul thoroughly alc kill sto tops p 5 beala jail thin all ana local Fari paaline haritine tine 11 14 in powder furm form to lo be io in pure kater and is a hr car more mora cleansing healing hf aling kaid economical ono mical than liquid lor for a alf ramo toilet AND SPECIAL USES fori for bale nt drobits CO a box trial mx box anil and book of instruction free HC ft PAXTON N COMPANY bottom marq original OIL N cd C d sp f hl 9 11 6 d bai fifth pik FREE all alf lp 1 i nr S T PA U L S Y R U P X C rim IN Q C 0 r nut ST MARKS hospital SALT LAKE CITY 0 C HUNTING superintendent great western lien and metal co arld tip capital ria OW and bretall we WB pay t f for berri iron cip D arin lead rubber bottles relt Ieli Boto etc bell climie bijl aloni km noa no to south first WOM wol street SALT BALT LAKI LAKE CITY UTAH salt lake photo supply co cor choras ICo daten and lCK dg nj Fin Sol cried uain AND RD SOUTH ST SALT LAKS CITY when answering advertisements kindly mention this paper TEA the way to buy tea is to say to your grocer 1 I want schillings best I 1 lb ib japan or ceylon or english breakfast or oolong TEA the american trade is not very prosperous so much tr trash a sh I 1 our grieer returns your four money if you dont ilk lilg pe THE DAISY ft V KILLER 1 CD d 11 th at 41 FLY r home tu dining rwal roohi 01 pida vore room ft fand L 0 where h 0 1 trouble 1 ivan n deac 0 ia j 0 jor r I 1 rry th tariu ono yon kill b without the them if n not ot kept kestli 17 d iii pr dr t mid 1 for to H M 14 9 41 A 11 k 1 I foli follows aws trial when buying loose coffeo or anything your grocer happens to have in liis bis bin how do you know what you are getting some queer stories about coffee coal ce that ij ii sold in bull bulk could lie be tolli told if tho the people who landle handle it grocers cared to speak out could any amount of mere talk have bave persuaded miff millions ions of housekeepers to uso lion hon coffee the leader ol of all package coffees for over a quarter of a cent century luy if they had not found it super superior bior to all ah other brands in purity strength flavor and thin popular success precess ol of LION COFFEE can be due only to co inherent maril there Is no stronger etro noer proul proof ol of merit than continued and increasing kopul popularity ity it II the verdict ol 01 MILLIONS OF 4 housekeepers does not cori convince vince I 1 you oi of the ol of UON COFFEE I 1 I 1 I 1 it costs you but a trill to buy a jj ii 4 44 package kage it Is the easiest vay ivay to convince yourself yow and to make you a PERMANENT PURCHASER TION LION w corfee COFFEE I 1 to mid only la Is I 1 th ib a hill reaches yon as pure and clean u t joao lab our urr factory ironhead lion head on every package r savo save th tham 0 lion heads for premiums Z SOLD everywhere at I 1 WOOLSON 1 CO toledo ohio in AND A BUSINESS EDVI EDUCATION CATION HOWARD E EURTON BURTON ST S fer firiCa PIUM gold lead ld 41 1 I gold au vernc Guld ad wc 1 in the ilia greatest great ebl western commercial anil full fall pris price all ODI foot UD thin melling maula t envelopes arol mid it umpire rk licit Od load lend school the combined salt I 1 lake ike and vill vallo colo atef 00 NAL DAD a 1 1 I 1 D S business colleges insures insure when advertise merita ready employment and lays the roun foun dation dallon tor for a prosperous career book kindly mention this paper higher accounting short W N U salt lake imo 33 hend typewriting telegraphy telegraph law english mathematics etc enter at my iny time foil fill term opens september ber bilth write for catalon catalog to cl k 3 4 au in J H PAUL president 60 N MAIN SALT LAKE CITY COMMODORE NICHOLSON recommends PERUNA PE RUNA S 4 COMMODORE ODOnE somerville Somer villo nicholson commodore COMM C of the united states navy in letter from 1837 K R street northwest wee t washington D C says your peruna has been and Is now ed used us by so many of my friends end and acquaintances as a sure cure for catarrh that flint I 1 I 1 am convinced of its curative qualities and I 1 unhesitatingly recommend it to all persons suffering from that complaint 11 our arm army and our navy are the natural protect protection iota of our country peruna is is tho the natural protection of tho the arru army yand and navy in the vicissitudes of climate and nd exposure we ive have on file thousands thousand of testimonials Oui als from prominent people in the army and navy we can give rive our readers only a slight glimpse of the vat vast array of unsolicited endorsements dr hartman is constantly receiving for his widely known and efficient remedy it if you do not derive prompt and satisfactory results from the use of peruna write at once to dr S B hartman bartman president of the hartman sanitarium columbus Colum lius ohio i kissiy at the kind you yon havo have always bought and which has been T afe fl 1 I 1 ln in use for fop over 30 years lias has borne the signature or of I 1 and has been made under tinder his per actable pre 42 r bonal supervision since its infancy aling 1 gayy abw sctt adow no one cue to deceive you yon in this ling uie the stomachs and Dowis of all counterfeits imitations and 19 just as good are but lu I 1 experiments that trifle with and endanger the health of oc L infants infanta and ChU Cli diren against experiment promotes Digest digestion lon riess ness and Rest Contains nei ne illier flier what is CASTORIA norl lual NOT ii or NARCOTIC clistoria orl is a harmless substitute for castor OU oil paw pare gorle gorie drops and soothing syrups it la Is Plen pleasant sant it 16 contains neither opium morphine nor other Karc Nar otlo substance its ago is its guarantee it destroys worms wonna amt and allays feverishness it cures diarrhoea and wind R colic it relieves teething troubles cures constipation lamski ad and flatulency it assimilates tile food regulates the r ca jc d stomach and dowels bowels giving healthy and natural sloop sleep tho the Child childrous roWs panacea tho mothers friend A perfect remedy for cons GENUINE CASTORIA A STO R M ALWAYS tion non sour stomach diarrhoea worms convulsions feverishness bears the signature of nd LOSS OF SLEEP facsimile ot of NEW YORK the kind you haye have always bought A k EXACT COPY OS 01 WRAPPER in use for over 30 years T co TT OIT RED CO R 0 S S 1811 IS A L L BLUE D D used every wa washday will make your clothes white bite as snow and is as beautiful as when new the most competent compete Dl housekeepers housekeep eri in the other it and will see the difference all grocers sell it large package sc country uso use red cross ball blue and no just try once you TEA what is cheating I 1 lard hard to say what is not cheating Mon lone cyback your van groe let y your anomy ty it 1 you dont ilka ilk 11 not t TEA what do you think of a tea that returns your money if you don t like it your tour grocer retura ii your money if you dont dab ilk ut U t 1 A boarding boar and day school for girls ROWLAND HALL under der the supervision of the episcopal church will begin it twenty fourth ye year in ia september 1905 cultured home for their heir IB all barents will find in 10 this school a well as ai excellent educational adva cite certificate admits to smith and VeU Vege ciley sicy colleges college for catalogue apply to CLARA COLBURNE BURNE principal ROWLAND HALL salt like lf city utah |