Show A WOMANS ORDEAL 0 READ DOCTORS QUESTIONS thousands writ to lyns lynn Us mass and valuable adelo absolutely confidential anil and fre there thera can call be ba no more terrible ordeal to te is delicate sensitive refined woman than to ix be obliged to answer certain questions tn in regard to her private we 0 even T 1 m when those questions question are ro asked b ty y her family physician said many t lal is air en continue to suffer rather that than submit to examinations which to so man many y physicians als no propose no in order to intelligently treat real t the KOM 1 and this la 13 the rea rc son lon why ao 30 many physicians feil fail to cure female tilaia alao the re reason owhy why thousands thoman fla upon thousands tho uganda of women are corre with mrs binkham Fin Fink kham liam tt at lynn gonding ma a TO to her they can confide every detail of 0 their illness and from her great knowledge obtained from yer rs 1 ot of experience in 1 a treating female alls ilia 11 mn ra Pink liam can advise women more r ely thao than the local physician read bead how mrs helped mrs T 0 of i she writes 1 dear mrs mr 1 I cn truly say ay that you yon hire have saved my life and I 1 cannot express my gratitude in morda A before I 1 wrote to you telling you how bow I 1 folt I 1 had doctored tor for over two years yeara wndy steady and spent pent lots lota of 0 money in besides but it all failed todo me any good I 1 trouble aad would dally have fainting spells backache bearing down palm pains and 1 iny y monthly periods were very irregular and f finally 1 n au y I 1 wrote arota to you for or your ad vice alca tad and received rac elved a letter tau tull 0 t just t what to do dai and also common ced to take clydl E kharot vegetable compound and I 1 have hat been restored 1 to 0 perfect health sad had it not been for you I 1 1 would 1 have been la in roy my grave brave today to day mountains of 0 proof establish the fact that no medicine in the world equals lydia E U Pink hams vegetable compound tor for restoring health sale of animals for damages state tate 0 of utah I 1 county of bax elder in the brigham city precinct of 0 said bald county bounty I 1 have in my posses jou tile follow tug og described animals aril mals which it t not claimed and taken away will be x sold it at public auction to we the highest cash udder bidder at my corral on oa rb lib west ivest between sta and oth north ats in 0 said precinct on friday the day ot of august 1905 1903 at the hour of 0 ip I 1 P m description OF one blue roan cow about 3 rears old marked large in eal eai and in left led ear car branded c h on 00 left hip lias has a white eilt calf with her one ted red cow white bite on left led and legs digs airout 8 ears cars old markal crop off right branded re b eibl in m the dutch U with bar over it ba las a rec red calf cak with her bet said animals are held by me tn t se be cure payment of 08 2 damages duoc done by sald said anlin als upon the rf ri geo D reeder on the lath day n id august loo 1605 B OLSEN for or brigham city precinct t jtb OLM auras odd prisms Faven toola kennedys Kenn edys laxative hon hincy y and TM tat cure all coughs ano and colas c 0 ats from its 16 cyst hyui M ay y gently movina lb bowels given away free fre e to everybody cm all our beautiful american talking machine free to everybody purchasing our tons teas coffees spices china crockery glassware greatest offer of the age 9 r 03 dip alp this coupon out bring it to tny MW of our stores horn LT j C L its value Is I 1 Q worth of coupons ta gowda getting you the is taeng bla machine chine free boys girls nd young ladies this Is your chance corne come and ana see Us great Ams ricia importing tea co stores store everywhere man main st brigham utah h ree PLIA 0 st trains daily to 10 chicago anil and tho the east over the i only double track railway between the dussourt ourt river and chicago excellent service in every particular of these trains the overland Is the most luxurious train in the th world ele lighted through gj ut direct connections kt at omaha via tho 1 erlb western line to st paul and ana minneapolis allaix ticket reservations and full can be obtained ironi from C A wilher genera agent agat chicago nolah western ry by 39 38 west south st et atus was 0 am CRY alt utah LOCAL MAILS jr T r MAILS HAILS CLOSE northbound no 7 1230 p in we must make room northbound no 9 0 75 p in northbound local A cache for our fall goods and in order to lo do so valley no II 11 p in have decided to make a southbound no 8 75 p in southbound no ho 10 copin p in reduction of 25 per gent cent I 1 southbound valley no ko local 12 cache a in MAIM MAILS on all summer dress goods I 1 from south no 7 ijohn p itt from south no 9 a am m prom from south local cache consisting of voiles eliline and of other a variety valley no 11 II p IS goods too numerous to mention from north no 8 a m we are also desirous ol of closing out our MENS from north no io 10 p in HATS and will give a clean gut cut of 25 per cent from north local cache on every hat in the store valley no ia 1015 a in we have a few odds and ends in shoes that MALAD VALLEY B R K R we are selling at any any old pt pi ice just to set ec them go MAIL CLOSES the CUT pric prices eare are only for CASH or other payments no 17 north brund bound corinne carlone Cor lone not under any circumstances will we place tremont garland 1010 am am any of these reduced sales on the book NAM ARRIVES gr bring your ew arid and chickens for or no IS 13 si bound garland old and for or spring tremont carlone pm PO P 0 opens sunday irom from 1000 to A nelson co 9 iiona p office in mi hours m from a in to W B V 1 BOOTHE bear river city utah postmaster A sail LW t tu early E n p i y R i s e lers T the h B far famous no u s ll 11 little ati e p pill li C merchant tailor hasa has a nice selection of fine cloth for the FALL AND WINTER SEASON SEAON to select SUITS from Styles and materials up a I 1 have the celebrated samples from M R Q H chicago latest importations FM this entire collection of woolens is m guaranteed 11 aran strictly ALL WOOL NO mercerized merc eriz zed ed cotton yarns used as a substitute for silk in the manufacturing of these woolens my price tags on my suits are honest and reasonable tailor shop immediately south of utahna utah na hotel DO YOU TAKE THE H HEW W t that T hatiej ig I 1 are you a subscriber cub scriber bp f the i box degelder news I 1 IF F NOT look this colw over 01 er careful calef aliv iv and see i if A I 1 it is not worth 21 ac the price prica charged by VIC the year it j V es you flin ib ige loea iiii state new on it is w h ofil other or nealise realise matter matir of interest illan st we vve hav had a yet G i v e i a triad f 5 a Z a year sa aia 2 A ft T law p 7 A K A ay ff v a siri 3 A y A M hijii 0 A di 1 L K I 1 DIGESTS WHAT YOU EAT U taps 24 2 emes bunrth the trial trl at aich ulli for 50 ONLY AT lavoratore LAV ORATORY OF IL C DWITT ft COMPANY CHICAGO mij SOLD GOLD BY WYNN L EDDY |