Show red hairs triumph fashion changes even in the color of 0 a womans comans hair twenty years ag ago called hair with a reddish tingle tinge was called carrots now gitlan colored locks are reckoned a definite beauty and are possessed by several 0 of the most popular women la in london in an old book written by the late mrs hamels haw els entitled the art ot of beauty there Is a clever chapter on visible and invisible girls in which the first word was said in laor of the long neglected red haired sisterhood and they were seriously advised to dress in tho the pre style now how strange it sit all seems seams time changes all things at last weeks private view of mr air reginald Pan sketches of the women of today a charming lady of much parisian chile chic vas as cleverly pictured with red hair attired in a gown and the effect was perfect the bright haired beauty has come to her own af A P |