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Show f A EDITORIALS This paper la on file at the American Minins Congress, Dearer, Colorado. REPUBLICAN STATE COMMITTEE. Address. Name. County. Heaver, William Hurst, Beaver City. B. Elder, B. H. Jones, Brigham City. H. Bullen, Jr., Cache, Logan. J. R. Harrison, Price. Carbon, Davis, J. M. Secrist, Farmington. Emery, George Miller, Castle Dale. Garfield, Thomas Sevy, Pangultch. John E. Pace, Richardson. Grand, Alfred Froyd, Cedar City. Iron, Juab, J. A. Hide, Nephl. H. S. Cutler, Kanab. Kane, Millard, Mlah Day, Fillmore. Morgan, Moroni Helner, Morgan. Piute, Charles Morrill. Junction. Rich, W. K. Walton, Rich. S. Lake H. P. Myton, Salt Lake City. Sanpete, L. R. Richardson, MantL Sevier, J. H. Erickson,, Richfield. Summit, M. J. Dailey, Park City. " Tooele,' L. L. Baker, Tooele. Utah, Eph. Homer, Provo. Uintah, R. S. Collett, Vernal. Wayne, Willard Pace, Loa. Washington, Joseph T. Atkin, St. George. Wasatch, J. W. Musser, Heber City. Weber, Rudolph Kuchler, Ogden. .,".o,Ldi.. JAKEMA SATURDAY OFFICIAL CALL. For Republican State Convention, Sep. 20, 1906. To the Electors of the Republican State of Utah: A state convention of delegated representatives of the Republican party, in the state of Utah, will be held at Salt Lake City, for the purpose of nominating a state ticket, to be voted for at the general election, to be held on Tuesdav, November 6, 1906, the se!o"t!on of a state committee, and for the transaction of such other business as may properly come before It, Hal state convention will assemble ' PERNICIOUS PRACTICE. We are pleased that the pernicious habit into which some newspapers have fallen of late of trying to read people out of the Republican party has met with rebuke. The habit is not only pernicious but it Is fatal. The fact that any man has the' courage of bis convictions Is to be commended. You always know where to find him. He never carries water on He is safe. both shoulders. The chances are ten to one that bis devotion to party principals Is stronger tnan that of those who brand him as an apostate, and fiat the attempts to read him out of the party Is made from the very fact that his is superior to click or machine, and so cannot be made the servile tool of either A scrutiny of his case Is almost sure to prove that he is nearer to the public, and to their rights and interests, than those who try to hound him out of the party ranks. While on this subject another and a similar one Is suggested. It Is a fatal policy for any party to refuse the right hand of felolwship to those who once trained In its ranks and who fell away from It for any cause whatever, providing such an one comes back again to the fold. He is only back again where he belongs. The chances are that he will be all That great injustice has been done to ands decrees by the higher courts, One of three things should be done many people through this is also made and the many irregularities which to remedy this evil. Such a man as evident by the many reversals of Dur have been proven against him. Luke should be dealt with for conspiring to influence a justice. The power of a county justice and his field of action broadened so that efficient men could be induced to accept the position, or only men of the strongest character choeen to the RANEE SALE, GARLAND : oclock A. Richter estate. 14 West First South, Salt Lake City, Utah. ESTABLISHED 1893. A. L. Brattain, Manager. Have you ever thought of getting into business? For Instance, a good paying rooming house, grocery store, saloon, cigar store, restaurant, or, In fact, any business enterprise? If you contemplate such a move, see me. I have a number of genuine bargains, guaranteed to be money makers. Correspondence solicited. Business Opportunity Department. A. RICHTER, REAL ESTATE. MEEKS A LYNCH, 315 & 316 Atlas Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. Vacant lots, modern homes mslness Investments. and Money to Loan. Nineteen years in Real Esta In Sal'. Lake City. Busl-les- s $2 Now is the time to Invest. A rapid advance is certain. Choice building lots all parts of city, $100 to $500, $12.50 cash, $7.50 per month, 7 per cent, HUBBARD INVESTMENT CO., 78 West 2d So. SL T1 I Dele- Votes County Boaver ... Box Elder Cache Carbon Davis Emery Onrfleld Grand 823 2229 3901 1119 1151 857 654 235 729 1328 395 899 486 334 411 Iron Juab Kane Millard Morgan Piute Rich Salt Lake San Juan Sanpete Sevier Summit gates Tooele 39 11 16 9 7 2 7 13 4 '95 140 119 1 3552 36 16 Aug. 21. 1906. JAMES T. HAMMOND, Chairman. Rudolph Kuchler, Secretary pro tem. PRIMARIES. In less than three weeks the republican etate convention will convene in Salt iAke City, and the campaign of 1906 be fairly on. The call for the convention will be out in a few days and the republican hosts all over the state will be gathering in the primaries to choose their delegates. A few words anent those primaries and the spirit in which they should be held will not be amiss. I,tt there be no credence given to those who would becloud the issues which confront roe American people at the present time. A congressman must, be choosen next November, and through hts election Slid he political complexion he bears, for or against republican principles, will the verdict be given for or against the present administration. It is not the time for the clash of party wings or party machines. It is the time to get together. It is the time to bury the hatchet It is the time to merge all machines into one machine, and that one uncontrolled bj any one set of men or the personal Interests of any one set of men. After all the primaries are the source of all power. No set of men dare go counter to the will of the people there expressed. Then let every voter attend tbese meetings and go determined to on set the seal of his disapproval maof everything which at all smacks chine methods, and the finest laid to plans of click of machine crumbles nothing. Let us have free and untrammeled primaries. Y. Taylor. EGAN, REAL ESTATE. If you want to insure, sell, buy, build, or borrow, 49 S. Main St., let us know. Hooper-Kldredg- e the truer to party principles than before from the fact that he has strange asosclatlons and found Let us receive them wanting. open arms. THE REPUBLICAN SHIP. ever tried them with CHAIRMAN- - The choice of of state, T. Hammond as chairman of the republican state committee is the happiest one the party has made in years. It gives the rank and file a feeling of contentment not experienced for several years. After navtng committed so many, blunders and errors of Judgment, it is refreshing to see something accomplished, which has a tendency to unite and not disrupt. J. T. Hammond Is a man who has the undivided respect of every republican in the state of Utah, he Is a good man to tie to. All wings of the party can rally around him. There are many men In the republican ranks who are capable of leading the party to victory. Many have did so In the past. At the present hour, however, there Is no man in the party so peculiarly fitted to take the helm as he. His years of political activity have taught him the fine points of the game. He has the energy which Inspires action in others. He has the ability of organization and his devotion to republican principles cannot be questioned. He is a superb citizen. Besides all this Mr. Hammond has never been accused of being a cog in In choosing him the any machine. state commrittee made the first and longest possible step toward a united party. Jas. AN UNSEEMLY EXHIBITION. The arrest of Justice Durand of Murray comes as the final climax to a long series of events all of which go to prove an axim a little office may spoil a man. The fees of a justice of the peace In the country districts are so small and so far between that any thing less than & strong character is ipt to be tempted away from the strict line of justice. The evident collusion of this petty limb of the law with a certain man Luke,' is too strong to admit of doubt. Investment, Securities, Business Chances. Ind. Phone 41 West Second So. St., Salt Lake City, Utah. 1101. gj a t a 0 !! s w t Mosea W. Taylor. TAYLOR BROS. REAL ESTATE AND STOCKS. Tel. 171., Utah National Bank Salt Lake City. Utah. Salt Lake Real Estate the best investment In the world. Utah Commercial and Mining Stocks the safest In the world. Members Salt Lake Stock and Mining Exchange. BUY a LOT or a HOME before We advise you re prices advance. gardlng localities and make your interests ours. MARINGElt INVESTMENT CO., 40 East Second South. Manager "Seeing Salt Lake City Cars. The Lagoom is still the beauty spot of the state. Its fall flowers are In This resort also closes all their Trades and on Labor glory. Day with a big clam bake. Halt Lake Real Estate is tne Barest, h? surest and best thing to buy In the J S whole wide west. It is cheap, too If far cheaper than it should be, consld- INV. CO. 3 ering resources, geographical location, fg HOUSTON REAL ESTATE 2 b rapidly developing If tributary region, Homes for rent and sale. Lowest climate and the attractions of Salt J Lake. Tne country around about la ft 2 prices. Easiest terms., 251 Main St., far ah-a- d of Salt Lake. Salt Lake must and will catch up, and while it is J 2 Salt Lake City. catching up is when values will double fcj .3 and good money be made. We have all kinds of investments In J real estate and we write all kinds of insurance. 6.& Horses, Buggies, Etc., Bought or Exchanged. Room 8 OMeara Block. No. 63 W. Second South Street, Salt Lake City. Frank ft ff Spe- cialty. 19 committee. UNTRAMMELLED Plan a M. McCONAUGHY, YOUNG & YOUNG, Farms and homes for sale or trade. 12 7 Uintah 60 5972 Utah 10 990 Wasatch 7 715 Washington . 303 573 Wavne ... .... 5664 Weber The respective county committees are requested to arrange for the election of delegates to the state convention. The chairman of the county committees will forward, to the chairman of the state committee, immediately after their election, a full list of the delegates chosen. By order of the Republican state Salt Lake City. Utah, on Installment 3 4 14.014 1617 1891 1174 713 .' 8 22 Home Salt Lake! si L' K Lh BOOST! The Resorts. The Lake season will come to an end in a blaze of glory at Saitair on Labor Day, September 3rd. Tne resort will be kept open for some time after when- - roller- skatihg will be the attraction. The great dancing floor being used as a rink. Real Estate and Leans. A HINT TO THE INVESTOR. EVERYBODY d Nice homes on easy payments. Farm Cheap lots any part of city. loans. C. J. BOWMAN & CO., Rooms 11 and 12 Eagle Blk., Salt Lake City, Utah. GEO. ' SALT LAKE REAL ESTATE. ai Thursday, the OUR MOTTO: 20th dav of Sentember, 1906, In the Salt Lake theatre. Candidates are to Quick Sales In Real Estate. be nominated for the following offices: of nnd the court If Judge Supreme repyou want to buy or sell Real resentative In the Sixtieth congress of Estate, list your property with us for th United States. quick sales. We have the buyers. The Renubliesn electors of this State, and all other electors without Anderson Real Estate Investment Co. regard to past political affiliation who believe In the principles of the THOMPSON REAL E8TATE CO. - good-nature- MONARCH HARDWARE: COMPANY, a. m. on Republican party, and Indorse Its policies. and will supnftrt the candidates ljomlneted nt such convention, are cordially invited to unite under this call. In the selection of delegates. The said state convention shall con sist of 527 delegates apportioned to the several counties of this state, on the basis of one delegate to every one hundred votes, or a major fraction thereof, that were cast for Hon. Joseph Howell for representative in congress, on November 8. 1094, as follows : e- $1.00 CASH, $1.00 PER WEEK TERMS The Grand theatre has already opened its season and la playing to place. Such actions as have been going on good houses. Notwithstanding the at Murray bring the law into great ocunter attractions of the resorts. The Georgia Harper- company have been winning the hearts of the lovers of the drama by Its rendition of THE CONGRESSIONAL NOMINApopular plays. The bill at this house TION. will be given In the paper during the Big, Parley P. Chris- season so that outside people can have tensen, the Salt Lake county attor- a chance to know what to expect when ney, is to be a candidate before the visiting Zion. forthcoming Republican state convenVaudeville is in full tide at the tion for the position of representative For the opening of the seato congress. And, seriously, why should he not aspire to the place? son the attractions have thus far been As the house of representatives is very high. The house has been renow constituted, or, rather, as the cently redecorated and Is one of the business of that branch of the nation- nattiest little theatres in the interal legislature is now carried on, no mountain country. better man could be chosen than the Casino Park is giving its usual' bill big county attorney. He looks the of light opera. The Zinns Travesty to called be will play upon he part should the nomination and election company still holding the boards. come his way. There may be many The Lyric is under a new managemen who have greater gifts as ora- ment and will present vaudeville tors, but orators do not always count throughout the season as will also the in the house of representatives these most popular little Bon Ton on Main street.. - $20 to $70, 1 11 RANGE MONARCH MALLEABLE RANGE8. PEIN8ULAR RANGES during the course' of the fall and winter, together with the yearly visits of such groanizations as the Savage Opera company. Outside people undei the new. rule of the house will always be abie to secure seats in advance by using the mails. General Insurance, Real Estate and Loans, 202 Whitingham Blk., 8alt Lake City, Utah. Ind. Tel. 1077. FOR REAL ESTATE See Peterson Real Estate Investment Co. Large list bargains for which we are exclusive agents. Special attention to property of estates and Old reliable agency. Correspond or call. 330 So. Main SL. Salt Lake City, Utah. s. Wandemere is drawing its usual quota of quiet people. The season has proven that a Sunday School resort can be made to pay in Salt Lake. Bicycle races and other attractions still go on at the Sait Palace. This will continue as long as the weathei TO REPUBLICANS. We are anxious to have every Republican in close touch, and working in harmony with the Republican national congressional committee in favor of the election of a Republican congress. The congressional campaign must be based on the administrative and legislative record of the party, and, that being so, Theodore "Roosevelts personality must be a central figure-ana central his achievements thought In the campaign. We desire to maintain the work of this campaign with popular subscriptions of One Dollar each from Republicans. To each subscriber we will send the Republican National Cam-oaig- n Text Book and all documents Issued by the committee. Help us achieve a great victory. JAMES S. SHERMAN, Chairman. P. O. Box 2063, New York. W. J. HALLORAN, Real Estate and Loans. Established 1887. Telephone 823. 14 W. Third South Street, Salt Lake' City, Utah. Shall' There Be Duty otr Hide?" $350.00 buys very choice Main St Lots. is the title of the third document of the congressional campaign of 1906, issued by the American Protective CLIFT HOUSE. Tariff League. The pamphlet la a reThird South and Main Streets, Salt production of the speech of Hon-- FranLake City. cis E. Warren, U. S. senator of Wyoming, before the IT. S. senate. Send All New But the Name. This centrally located and well postal card request for free copy. Ask known hotel has been thoroughly re- for Document No. 86. Address W. F. Secretary, 339 Broadway, novated and refurnished throughout Wakeman, New York. Under the new management reasonable rates and first class accommoda- ANOTHER REMARKABLE SEANCE HELD LAST SUNDAY. tions will prevalL Can be reached by street cars from Remarkable were the demonstraall depots tions at a Sunday nights test" meetMRS. A. L. MASON.' hall. One lady ing at Arnold-Dlckson-s was told that she was worried about a Prop. relatives eyesight, that it would be reROMNEY AND RYAN, days. It is hard to get the speakers stored, etc. He bad months ago been up, and when that difficult task has warned by the medium to be careful LIXOTYPERS. been accomplished, your orator might that an accident would happen to bis Ml SOUTH WEST TEMPLE ST, SALT LAKE CITI. as well play the part of Demosthenes face. Th LarKt IndcprndfBt Linotype Plant Went of Chicago. AU Kiada and talk to the unresponsive sea, for ' One lady asked, Shall I take a trip of Type Setting from Agate to Plea Promptly and Skilfully Executed To all the effect it would have in the for my health, and where to?" EdltloBM, Tax I. Iota, llrlefa and Proapcctna a Specialty. Special A Pull Line of Machine Border California or the answered Denver, oa Hand. Write for Eatt house. The Alwaya finds M.,C. that quickly rnutea. Addrefa P. O. Box 1141, Salt Lake City. BeU Phone 8117. Better to Denver, since you everything has been cut and dried in medium. can get a pass from to that committee. The members of congress these place, because he Is employed by the PPPPPpppirrpppppppppppppjtKp, days should not take themselves too D. & R. G. R. R. She said it was corseriously. The Individual la a mighty rect; she had not mentioned the parsmall toad in a mighty big puddle, and tys name (which the medium told her in full) nor anything about his emv counts. scarcely 9 There is a place, however, where, ployment One party was told that 2 he does count, and in that place Mr. she was undecided at which place to h 2 Christensen fills the bill. The Inter- take up her studies, and told where 2 ests of the state demand an immense she had been attending school and how amount of work In the various de- long, and the name of the place she 2 partments. The state should have its thought of going to. Also her full government positions name. She was a stranger like the Natural Hoi Sulphur Water is s rv-- e nf and appropriations. These are not rest. The spirit friends of those presBrought Right to the very gaiuea uy oratory, but by social mix- ent were described and their full ing and mutual help given to other names called, and messages given from Heart ot the City, units from other states. Here the big them. The lecture was good, as was attorney would shine. A bet- the music by Prof. Allen. Come next 2 county ter man could not be found. Sunday night, hall 269 East Third & Consultation daily The man who takes himself seri- South street Bell phone 2417-K- . S3 Lake Salt one (267). term in the 52-- 54 popuously, spends W. S. SALT LAKE S3 lar branch of congress and then longs City. for the senate. Failing that, he either WRPKKKRRKWRKRRKRKKp. A DINING CAR refuses nomination or settles himself to work less In committee life, while his state waits in vain for him to do Is one of the many things you conhe writer of this knows sider when you are trying to figure something, what he is talking about. He served out the best route East The dining two terms as private secretary for an car service . recently established on eastern representative in congress, the Colorado Midland, is of the very in latest modern cars, and and is familiar with the job. Aside from other things, P. P. every respect The line runs through Christensen is not only a magnetic the mountains all the way, therefore fellow, but he is politically all right. cool, and with the Pullman Observation cars, what more can you desire? NEW RECORDS FOR OLD ONES. No one can say he is in the machine to any material extent. The Leave Salt in the evening, spend the OM r krtkw Wm r CyOnder raoorda tali n as part pay younger element of the party could next day in the Rockies. Niw Otvaa. rally around him. He is well known FREE TRIAL AND EASY PAYMENTS. over the state and his personal char- SALT LAKE & MERCUR RAIROAD acter is of a high quality. The ReTb. a.w MM HMdaVa af tb COLUMBIA qRAPHOBMOW CO. TIME TABLE. nan body kU af Us bUt laproveasanta la tha talking mMtta publican party would make a good ara tk standard of porfootion. varld and choice in choosing him. Effective December 10, 1905. ANY OLD MACHINE TAKEN AS PART PAYMENT Eastbound. AMUSEMENTS. Westbound. In oaohaoc tor tho into typos, and dont forgot that No. 2 No. 1 A WRITTEN GUARANTEE At The Theatres. Leaves. Stations. Arrives. Backed by tho Lart'rt TnlWlng Machine Company In the The Salt Lake theatre Is dark the 11:15a. m Mercur 1:45 p.m. Ooeo With tho Mach.ce. opening season of the house not hav- 11:00 a. m 1:55 p.m. Summit ing arrived. When once the house Is COLUMBIA PHONOGRAPH C0 GENT. Manning ....2:35 p.m. opened, however, the season promises 10:30 a. m ttt-dt- d So. Main SL Both Pbooaa. to be one of unusual brilliancy. Most 10:05a.m.... Fairfield ....3:13p.m. of the eastern successes will appear Leaves. Arrives. r . wppkpkwwi'ri'prpiu'kw It JThe n Sanitarium Baths. Swimming Pools! Turkish Berths! !! Private Baths! OPEN DAY 3rd St. if NICHT. CITY. te d |