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Show ERRORS TV ABOUT THE HOUSE. WHITE the Editor: I noticed would not eay your columns House which omewhere recently I positively that It was In an article on the White contained several mis- statements. In the first place It was stated the White House was first occupied in 180S and that Its first occupant was President Madison. The fact Is, Its first occupant was President Adams, who took up his residence there In 1800. TWO CHIMNEY BUILDERS ARE MAROONED 154 FEET IN AIR Caught on Narrow Plank Near Top of Big Flue--TeShirts Into Strings, Pull Up Rope and Slide to Safety. New York. Two men were held prisoners inside the new reinforced concrete chimney at a steel plant af ar fairs and to further humiliate tha SHE woman the car was run along Halsted street at half speed for a block. TAKES CHARGE. The woman became furious at tha slow gait and told the other passengers in the car that she was going to shirts Into a thin tape line and low TRIES TO MAKE A TRAIN. get No. 616's Job if it took her ered it 154 feet to the bottom of the month. For this the street car man chimney. With this they drew up an gave her a derisive laugh. Inch rope, their idea being to slide Male at the Controller Falls to Realize Dropping her bundles, the woman So Her She Pushed Him Hurry, down on It on the inside after throw- ran to the front platform of the car from Platform and Turns on and before the motorman realized Full 8peed. what had happened his controller lever was In a pair of determined fern No. motomaa Chicago. Because 616 on the Halsted street line of the Chicago City Railway company refused to put a little speed on his car the other day Mrs. 8. H. Chidester, who was anxiouB to catch a train for her home in Evergreen Park, seized the controller lever and turned the current on to the last notch. By way of emphasizing her determination to reach the train, she pushed No. 516 off the front platform when he objected to her summary action and for six blocks the big car ran at full speed through the crowded MOTORMAN The original mansion was begun In In 1814 It was burned by the Mariners' Harbor, 8. I., for 5 Vi hours British and rebuilt In 1818. the other afternoon. were on a Another of the errors in the article plank six feet long byThey two feet wide was to referred the statement that ten feet from the top of the chimney, paint Is used on the which Is 184 feet high. White House to make it beautifully Their rescue was effected after a white. long struggle by other employes and I noticed this especially because I members of the fire who have used considerable paint myself were called to aid In department, the men getting and wondered that canned" paint down. The prisoners on the chimney should be used on such an Important were Harry Towyne, foreman of the building when all painters know that Job, and Conrled Briol, his assistant pure white lead and linseed oil make Both are expert chimney builders. the best paint. The work had been practically finIt so happened also that I knew ished when the men went up to do White lead and linseed oil not ready-mixe- some cementing near the top. A ladpaint were used on the White der 168 feet long In sections House, because I had Just read a book had been rigged up Inside the chimlet published by a firm of ready-mixeney. Towyne and Briol climbed up paint manufacturers who also manu- this at one o'clock. facture pure white lead. In that book They cemented the top or rim of the the manufacturers admitted that for chlpiney, then climbed down to a the White House nothing but the scaffolding that had been built ten best and purest of paint could be feet below the top, when a small ladused, and said that their pure white der they had used In reaching the lead had been selected. top dropped. Towyne and Briol began Above all people, those who attempt to rip up the floor of the scaffolding. to write on historical subjects should They had ripped up all the timbers give us facts, even If It Is only a date but one the largest the centerpiece or a statement about wood, or brick, of the scaffold. They stood on this or paint, or other building material. as they dropped the last of the other Yours for truth, boards. L i e The last plank they dropped didnt go straight to the bottom, but struck Charity by Machinery. Poor Man Wu'd ye be so kind, on the side of the chimney and, glancMen in Turn Slid Down the Rope. sir, as to stop a moment! It was you, ing, crashed heavily Into an upright The sir, that saved my wifes life last ladder some distance below the two ing one end of It out of the top of the year by glvln me a dollar ter some men. The force of the plank snapped chimney and having It anchored to sick the ladder and the upper half of It medicine. Please, sir, shes something solid. tumbled In a heap below. agln, an the same way. But when they threw the end over Mn Highmind I have recently The two men found themselves ma- the top of the chimney It stuck In the! been convinced of the folly of Indis- rooned high up with only a plank soft concrete and would not budge criminate giving, and I now distrib- two feet wide to stand on. They either way. ute by donations through the Busi- cried for help for what seemed to When the men had the rope ness Mens Charity trust, organized them days. About five o'clock the they thought themselves got all right and each for the purpose of Investigating other workmen around the plant dropped their shirt-mad- e line. Their case. I left a dollar with the secre- walked Into the chimney ground level knives went with It. tary not five minutes ago. Go and and heard the cries of the two prisThey were nonplused for a minute. oners. tell him your story. Then they began making another line News of the mens plight spread out of their undershirts. With this Mr. Illghmlnd (an hour later) Ah! Did you go to the secretary, as I di- quickly. Soon a large crowd was at the drew up a flshline, then another the bottom of the big flue. All sorts Inch rected? rope. They successfully threw I did, sir, an he gave me a five-ce- of schemes for getting them down this out the top of the chimney and were In It advanced. piece wtd a hole the end was fastened to a railroad While the crowd was collecting, track on the Eh Is that all? ground. Yes, sir. I told him about your among them members of a fire comThe men in turn slid down the rope, dollar, but he said the other 95 cents pany, the marooned men were trying but badly burped their hands In doing to help themselves. They made their so. was kept for salaries an' expenses. N. Y. Weekly. O0O0OQOCOCCCCGOQOO0OOO0QOOO0OGOOCO9O0O0SOCCSOO0O9O006 His Only Concern. A well known member of the New WORKMAN IS PIECES York bar, a man of most patronizing manner, one day met John G. CarFAST-REVOLVION SHAFT. lisle, to whom he observed loftily. I see, Carlisle, that the supreme court has overruled you in the case of Mullins versus Jenklnson. But," Supposed Prank in Plaster on Staten Island, N. Y., be added, In his grand way, "you, Carno concern about Ends feel need Horrible your lisle, Death in Victim. 1792. ready-prepare- d d d Womans Wild Run on a Trolley Car TORN TO A TOO , SLOW Stops were made neither for crossings nor for passengers to get on or off and three members of the teamsters union were shown that other citizens have a little right to part of the street. Three coal wagons, on which they were riding when the car struck them, are laid up for repairs. Mrs. Chidester was finally overpowered by the conductor and some of the passengers on the car and taken to the Stockyards police station. She was released later after convincing the officers that she was not Insane. Mrs. Chidester got on the car at Thirty-nintand Halsted streets and at once Informed the motorman that she was in a hurry to reach the Grand Trunk station at Forty-nintstreet. At Forty-firs- t street the car stopped to allow a teamster to make up kls mind whether he was going to get off the tracks or not, and Mrs. Chidester street It got nervous. At Forty-thirtook two old men a little longer to get on than was necessary and Mrs. Chidester went out on the front platform further to Impress upon the motorman the importance of caching her Mil of reputation. d train. No. 616 resented her Interference and told her that he considered himself capable of adjusting his own af Im n man-ufacturo- n dis-agre- fas-tene- 1 d four-poun- Sanitary Is Woee Bags. reply to inquiries in regard to the sale of sanitary feed bags for horses in England, Consul Griffiths, Liverpool, writes: Much, of course, depends npon the style, quality, durability of the bags, and a very important item is the cost. The nose hags (ventilated) used here are made ef strong cocoa fiber, and are sold for three shillings (73 cents) each. Bags of the same material, leather-bottomeare sold for 4s 6d ($1.09) each; leather-cornerebags, 3s 6d (85 eents) each, and extra fine manila hags, $1.09 each. I d, d Good Governor. Sir William Macgregor, governor o Newfoundland, is one of the most re men of the Brltist remarkable colonial service, both physically ant Intellectually ; and, indeed, his her culean strength has contributed In n small degree to Impress the savagei over whom he has been called upos to rule in the past with a sense ol power of the British empire. We Make Travel Easy. Five trains daily via the Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe, Colorado to Kansas City, SL Joe, Chicago, Galveston, Ei Paso, City of Mexico. Ask me about reduced rates. C. F. Warren, G. A., A. T. & S. F. Ry., 411 Dooly Block, Salt Lake City. Utah. Quaky Island. Lundy, in the Bristol channel, is an island where one may see an earthShe Ran the Car at Full 8peed. quake at any time. There is nothing lnine hands and he was running along alarming about these earthquakes," In the rear trying to overtake the car however; they are simply certain curiof which he had recently been In ous crevasses in tfce west of the island, charge. which the local people call by that At first the passengers enjoyed the name. Lundy in former centuries was tra- a notorious nest of pirates. Joke, hut when the In King dition of allowing teamsters to leavr Henry III.s time William de Marisco, the tracks only when they got good a traitor to the king, built a castle and ready was Ignored, the passen- there and set up as an early Capt gers became frightened and after Kidd. strenuous effort by the conductor and Water Id London. passengers Mrs. Chidester was dethroned and the usual Halsted street There is an increasing tendency on the part of large consumers of water speed was resumed. in London to draw on the water reservoirs in the lower geological strata beneath the capital rather than he indebted to companies for their water supply. The latest institution to show Its independence in this fashion is Clements Inn, where, not 20 yard from the Strand, an artesian well has Just been tapped, after three months boring, at a deth of 450 feet. dinner given by Mrs. Edward C Journalistic Museum, Knight, Jr., and while there it was there is a newsAt suggested that a surprise be sprung at the dance to which all the guests paper museum founded by Oscar von were invited. Morgan was selected tq Forckenbeck, which contains files of Impersonate a woman, and the excel- specimens of more than 17,000 differ-- , lence with wljich he played his pari ent newspapers. has suddenly placed him in the same class with Harry Lehr as the creator of Newport summer sensations. time-honore- MAN IN EMPIRE GOWN MAKES HIT AT NEWPORT One Dudley Morgan Suddenly Finds Fame by Invading Casino Dance Bewitchingly Attired. Newport, R. I. At the Casino dance the other night there was a sensation a rope over his right leg and threw which the governors of that aristocratthe other end over a shaft about ic place say will not occur again. It was the sensation of the dull season. eight feet overhead and secured it A young man, dressed as a woman, The next moment a shriek of agony made the men desert their machines appeared in the gold and white theater and danced and flirted as a womand stand back at the an. The young man in question was ghastly sight which confronted them. son of William RogDudley Morgan, Dangling by the rope from the shaft was a human leg, and further an arm, ers Morgan, who owns a villa on Rhode Island avenue. clutching the rope with convulsiveThe young man had been at a dinness of a death grip. Below on the floor lay the bleeding body of Getz- ner for young people, and he entered ner, horribly mangled, with the face the Casino theater with Miss Pauline battered almost beyond recognition. French, daughter of Mrs. Henry The men turned away sick at heart French, and a niece of Mrs. Alfred G. The shaft kept revolving with the Vanderbilt When Morgan, superbly gowned In ghastly evidence attached to it. Finalnet, in empire ly one man broke away from the white embroidered group and running to the engine room, style, with a coral necklace, long, chuckled. Quite so," he New York. One workman killed only concerned for the in the mixing room of a plasanother reputation of the supreme court ter works, at Richmond Terrace, New Harpers Weekly. Brighton, 8. I., early the other morning by tying him to a revolving Californias New Idea. horror-strickeFrank Getzner, 35 A California ostrich farmer Is about flywheel shaft. to open a branch office In London, years old, a Russian, who has been In where be will have a collection of os- this country only two months plan- to make a home for his wife and triches, and Incredulous customers ning four No, children, was the victim. will be treated to feathers cut direct whose name is believed to be 203, d from the backs of the ostriches, under the customers eyes, Lucia, Is wanted by the police to exand sold to them across the counter plain the death of Getzner. The mixing room. In which the men at a price they never heard of." were working, contains within a radiSeamen Given Privileges. us of about 35 feet about four maA marriage bill Introduced In the chines, which mix cement and pour British parliament allows the mar- it into six bags attached to the bot- riage of a seaman to take place by license In the diocese of the port where yelled to Engineer Alexander Schiller: bis ship Is lying, if he has been a resA man has Stop the machinery! been killed!" ident for 15 days on th ship or partSchiller stopped the machinery and ly on the ship and partly on shore then went back with the man to the within the diocese. mixing room. By this time the fore-maDUBIOUS had appeared. The workmen were busy cutting down the leg and About What Her Husband Would Say. the arm from the shaft. When they had completed this work they were A Mich, woman tried Postum Food sent back to their machines. Then it was found that No. 203" was missd Coffee because ordinary coffee wt'Ji her and her husband. She ing. Immediately the crime was upon him. writes: Hy husband was sick for three Catch Fish In a Beer Keg. years with catarrh of the oladder, and White Haven, Pa. Old Izaak Wal-of the caused by heart, palpitation ton, Grover Cleveland nor any of their coffee. Was unable to work at all vivacious disciples could ever tell a and in bed part of the time. fish story the equal of that told by I had stomach trouble, was weak two White Haven anglers who brought and fretful so I could not attend to home the evidence of their facts. my housework both of us using cofThey told of a trout whose fondness fee all the time, and realizing it was for brewery products was such that harmful. it vountarily became a prisoner and One morning the grocers wife msmained in a pine-tarrecell from Said she believed coffee was the cause a small fry age until it got to be a of our trouble and advised Postum. d size, and to those increduI took It home rather dubious about lous persons who wrinkled upper lips what my husband would sty he was or noses the anglers produced their fond of coffee. evidence the other day, consisting oi But I took coffee right oft the the keg in which was imprisoned the we havent used a cup of A table, and fish. the from Came of Shriek Agony it since. You should have seen the Man. change in us, and now my husband Man Aged 111 to Travel. never complains of heart palpitation tom. A gang ot six men work at each Evansville, Ind. Benjamin Daniels, any more. My stomach trouble went two fillers, vho attend to a negro who was born in slavery, and' away in two weeks after I began Pos- machine and weighing of the bags; who says he is 111 years old, will the filling tum. .My children love it and it does leave in a few days for a visit with them good, which cant be said of two sewers, who seal the bags, and out take the at Clarksville, Tenn. He will two who friends truckers, bags coffee. DanA lady visited us who was always on a hand truck to the boats moored make the trip unaccompanied. half sick. I told her Pd make her a to the dock, which Is on a level with iels lives with his daughter in this the mixing room. The emn engaged city, and in spite of his age is able cup of Postum. She said it was tasteless stuff, but she watched me make in this work are Poles and Italians. to get around very well. Daniels map take turns at being fillers, sew- ried his first wife during the war of it, boiling it thoroughly for 15 min- They and ers truckers. .1812. He has been married four times, utes, and when done she said it was a was and his oldest child is now over 80 who was Getzner, trucker, splendid. Long boiling brings out the flavor and food quality. Name given dozing on a pile of bags at 3:30 oclock years old. It Is believed Daniels is waiting for the sewer to finish his tLe oldest man in Indiana. The eld by Postum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. Read the little hook The Road to work, when another workman slipped man is unable to read or write. WeUville," in pkgs. Theres a reason." Carlisle agreed. . aro m mad Sis kinds, Natural Japa Yeang Hyson. Ceylou, English Bietlftd, Ooloaf dad Gunpowder. Sold mt yeor grocers Id fnU weight ktif pound rad mod goto eartoK. vain It Is unsurpassed. h h tend for Mldooi Itvor, fragrant street NG a .X SO AIRY GARB SHOCKS VILLAGERS. Investment Worthy Inhabitants of "Physical Culture City" Investigation Cause Blushes in Bucolic Burg. Spotswood, N. J. Farmers and othnever traveled ten miles away from the idyllic spot and who therefore have never visited the seashore and seen sylph-likmaids In bewitching bathing suits have been shocked by the sight of the inhabitants of Physical Culture City, Several of whom wander about clad In a sketchy and aboriginal manner. That many believe in this plan was evident the other day. A lank fellow who had been puffing vigorously about In the lake finally Money put In the bank brings a low rate of Interest, but Is generally safe. There are, how ever, other Investments equally as safe and more productive. We list a full line of the following stocks " and recommend them to your notice, firmly Believing that as a security giving adequate results to the Investor they cannot be excelled. McCormick mowers, binders, headers, reapers and rakes. Internationa! Harvesters and Red Tag binding twine and rope. U. 8. Cream Separators. F . E. Myers A Bro. and Red Jacket pumpa Oliver A Deere Flows. Bain A Cooper Wagons. I H. Co. gasoline engines for all purposes. I. H. Co. manure spreaders, different sites. The best on earth Demonstrations made. J- - I. Case threshing machines, engines and horse-power- s. The most complete line of light vehicles offered at any point west of Chicago. Rambler" automobiles demonstrated for durability, speed and hill climbing propensities The farmer, rancher, stock-raisand the public generally are Invited to Inspect our list of stocks" at Salt Lake City. Ogden aud Logan. Utah, Idaho Falls and Montpelter, Idaho, and at the thirty additional stores we have located at different points in Utah, Idaho, Wyoming and Nevada. Correspondence addressed to the above points nearest located to your residence or shipping point insures quick reply Our general offices at Salt Lake City will be tlosed at 1 p. m. Saturdays from now until Sept. 1st. Inclusive, owing to the fact that railroads will not receive freight after that hour, c Sundays and holidays during the harvest season a force of men are at work from 10 a. m. until J p. m. filling orders for machine extras. Telephone us. Independent 120 and 163, Bell lbft, during the hours named Watchman on the premises olgbtiy. ers who have e swam ashore and, running to a sand bank, threw himself at full length, near a handsome girl gracefully clad. He wore a pair of short swimming trunks. Not far away lay the girl who for an hour or so had been basking in the sun. She was dressed in a tight-fittin- g sleeveless jersey and a pair of bloomers that were gathered tightly several inches above her knees. She wore a pair of leather sandals that revealed toes. In the gymnasium the leader, an athletic young fellow, whose muscles heaved in knots under his ruddy skin, wore a jersey and trunks that had left much of the bolt of material from which they were taken. All the, wore bloomers, and one or twogirls of them had on stockings. . The villagers assert that men ani women scantily attired have been seen in Spottswood. Where they came from the residents do not know. Last Sunday several men and women dressed in garb less formal than a bathing Buit, passed through the village, apparently on a walking match. Their bare arms and legs shone All Eyes Were Centered on Him. brightly In the bright sunlight, and solemn villagers took one glance, white suede gloves. Japanese fan, and blushed profusely and then hid their blond wig, with jewels in the hair, faces In their kerchiefs. came In with Miss Pauline French Millionaire a Farm Hand. and seated himself all eyes were cenFond du Lac, Wis. John F. Cros-bytered on him. As Mullalys orchestra started the aged 17 years, who came into for possession of a fortune upon the death music, Little Girl, You'll Do, the waltz, several of the men present of Major Robert Crosby, of Chicago, went toward the stranger, thinking it is working on the farm of Charles was some one they knew, but upon McConnell, near Ripon. He is a t of the local high school and be closer view the joke was discovered, and the ballroom was in an uproar. lieves that every young' man should Sidney Colford, not to be balked, took know how to wofk. He Is an enthuthe lady on the floor, and danced siastic golf player, but golf became With her amid great laughter. too tame and he has taken to th Morgan was one of the guests at a farm. He Is worth $1,000,000 at least d Consolidated Wagon & Machine Company Leading Implement Dealers Utah aad Idaho George T. Odell, General Manager JOS. P. SMITH. PoasiDiNT. mslvin o. W. S. MOCOBNICK. vioa pnaaioiNT WELLS. 8CBTAr. Let us Suggest Diamonds to you. You can , buy from the largest stock of loose and mounted Diamonds in the West at , 170 stu-den- IAIN ST. SALT LAKE CltY, UTAH. Union Assay Office HAwaun. o. Me t. 4. V. SADLM. w. AST IAR soi uss OITY. UTAH |