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Show r Mors Men Than Women. There are 1,840,280 more men than women In the United States, and the same proportion prevails in almost every other country. The only exception Is in Paraguay, where there are more than twice as many women as men. This is due to the fact that some years ago, in a political revolution and a war with Brazil and the Argentine Republic, the men were almost exterminated. Bill. For a. Nice Room in a First-clago to the s, ji Ho ss j 1 New Southern Hotel. is much use fer Bill, fer he la smart an' thinks he Knows it alL So him an' me we don't agree; I never liked Bill's brand o gall He's ovei bearin, talks a lot. An' thinks becus he say a ita so Nobuddy ought to say it not. He alius wants to boas the show. t haint I He's ererlastin' pushln' in An' teliin' folks Jest what to do. An' goes to shovin' out his chin An squarin at a feller, too. SS got a notion in his head Hot and cold running water and steam heat, electric lights and a 2 He's EX That what he says has got to go. bell service in every room. Rooms under direct charge of Mrs. Cand-An' nothin' else won't do instead. He alius wants to boss the show. land. Hotel centrally located at X ' NO 144 WE8T FIRST SOUTH STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. UTAH At meetln's he gits in the chair: If there's a fight he's right on hand P. H. CANDLAND. J X To tell what is an' isn't fair 5 band. S An' swells around to beat the nothin' but a bluff an' blow. rRP.RRIUtlUUllMUUUtRRRRPRRltatltStltRltllllRStllltKRRKUMMMmKllS He's I'm sore on him good reason why: He alius wants to boss the show. An' so, by jimmy, do I! MWtRRRRMtRRSWtRRWtRVMMWMWt m i:J x " MAXFIELD VINEGAR CO- - of Manufacturers "PURE FOOD" VINEGAR. ' I a Wasnt? mothers mother was my mothers sisters aunt, what relation Arent You Glad She If your would yo"" uncles 's nephew be to my older brothers first T Answer: As your cousin's Telephone 979-- z mothers mother is to my elder brothWKKRKKRRItlUttRtKKeatS'K PW ers cousin's so Is my mother's sisters aunt to your greatAmerican Plan, $1.25 to $2.50. grandfathers uncles nephew. Divide European Plan, 50c up. your mother's mother by my elder and brothers first cousin's HOTEL HALLS. multiply my mothers sisters aunt by S. M. RIDDLE, Manager. uncles nephyour Corner Third 8outh and State ew, and either add or subtract we forget which and you will have the Streets, Salt Lake City, Utah. answer in the spring. Old COCA-COLIN BOTTLES. Factory: DTDr.TOUS 720 South Second West son-in-la- salt lake city son-in-la- DONT MISS THE. LARGE AllTO-- i MOBILE 5 that runs to all points of interest,; 5 with a good guide. Fare fl.OO. Seeing Salt Lake Car and Autos. 40 B 2nd So. I son-in-la- iJ MiaVOiviiainiiDitsvrviKwiviaiViX'aMai WMBfcSXr light, S 1 e We have established a plant for bottling this most popular drink and we want an agent in every town in Utah to handle It Good profits. Write us at once for prices, etc. Salt Lake Coca-Col- a Bottling Co. P. O. Box 3. Sait Lake City. EUROPEAN HOTEL, fee Ctty. the heart of Om Rates Reese sable, airy, elaae roeou Steam heat. 5 preparatory sc hool for boarding and day pupils. An academic course for four years, with a preparatory co'urse of 5 2 to the eighth grade. I one year, corresponding 5 Music department, with pianos for practice. Excellent boarding department, with Christian home influences. Small classes, with personal help from teachers when necessary.'If? Expenses very moderate. For catalogue and particulars address GEORGE B. SWEAZEY, Principal. i Attorney-at-Law- . courts. Special attention given to mining and mining law. Communications solicited, and answered prompt312 Dooly ly. Bell phone 690-Y- . Block, Salt Lake City, Utah. WHEN 527-29-3- 1 B0Y8 ND GIRL8, WE PAY CASH. Many bright boys and girls are making 5 weekly after schobrworklng for us. If you want the same chance, send us your name and address and we will send you )2 worth of our quick-sellinHousehold Specialties. When sold, send us $1 and keep $1 for yourself You can do this In one day. We will furnish you permanent work. Address N. H. Groesbeck & Co., Sprlngville, Utah. NEWEST HOTEL SO yearspnvctioe. P.tent Lawyer, write or oome to C. Begta-Itern- 7th St.. WASHINGTON, D. B--k, Oetd NEW ORPHEUM HOTEL, ORPHEUM THEATRE BLDG. 138 SOUTH STATE ST LAKE CITY. H. E. BARTLETT, W Can a You Money It , PROPRIETOR. strangers? Ours is a Utah firm, managed by Utah men. In India Ink, Pictures en- larged, mounted Sapla, on cardboard or J-- Water Colors Btretchers. b or Oil. sent are ns safe as If mall by Pictures brought In person. FRAMING A SPECIALTY. UTAH ART CO.. 55 West Second South, Salt Lake City. Mail Orders Solicited. IS M M TWELVE TEARS PROTECTIVE OUAJLABTES. p. Sunday 10 to A 'Phone, lad, XXAJGCVATXOH FREE. DR. DMKtt SALT WE ARE SALT LAKERS. Why trust your treasured pictures to ailing. Opm tfU SALT LAKE RATES REASONABLE. g ftupiywg for pttont; it u worth money. We obtain PATENTS THAT PAY. I end help inventor, to ennrnee I Send model, photo or .ketch, end we (end IlMMIDIATt FREK REPORT ON IN NEW BUILDING, .NEW .FURNITURE, NEW EVERYTHING. The Meet KeHehU DwtMi la the Oty. Teeth eetreeted wttheet pete Mr ear mAw netbods. Wee with ether wwk. OUB SPECIAL BXDUGXD FBICDBE. Bet of teeth (Jwtfel rahber). OeM (9WWM. Practice in both state and federal ii SALT LAKE1C1TY. Utah Dental Co., 234 Main THOMAS F. ASHWORTH. CRAGER WIRE AND IRON WORKS, Manufacturers of Iron fences. Bank, Office and Counter Railings, Flower Stands, Etc. All kinds of fancy wire and iron work. We do Electro Plating in Nickel and Copper in all the Latest Finishes. Write for Prices. State St Salt Lake City - IVrnntiY obtained or no fee. Write fer our CONFIDENTIAL LETTER b I Why Pay More? H 56 . I MEM 505-50- COLLEBI- - ff AT E'INSTITUTE. Iggyewsr-nI A thorough Lighthouse Destroys Birds. After two recent nights of fag nearly 6,000 btrds were found dead under the lantern of Cape Grlsnei lighthouse, sys the London Chronicle. They had beer, attracted by the brilliant light, and were killed by tying against the lighthouse In. at wwrrttSUtnitatRRRItRRPPPrwf: ISALTI LAKE l RWJMIEBtI3SUN ? ET. RRRRRR KWtKKR.KKr.KttKRRWmstStKStStRStKitStKStStKKSlStStKRKR.StStStStStW.it ? I Boost, i BoogplDea r BOOST? Reader,!liBoost!l Help to Build up & GREATER SALT LAKE CITY! THE WAY TO BUILD UP A GREATER. UTAH IS THIS: 'W V I DON'T USE Imported Goods Unless Bought From a. UTAH DEALER! If, in this List of Business Houses. You fail to find What is Wanted, Wait until Our Next Issue, and Perhaps You Will Find It There. f 'T;JlUUUtKmtlMtlMmatatltlUUtSUgSlttSlHKSUttStKStUtttUUtUUUMUUMUUtK vRomney & Ryan, V Aidnotypers. g. r,p.r.r.p.r..RRrP..KRP.rKXi,.KRliUMUUtiUt2l; jx Western Goods for Western People! , The Manufacturers and Merchants Association of Utah, (Incorporated) The New Road jBusy All the Time In Utah! to UTAH-MAD- 1 1 tHnlty that) makes happy traveler on Rok lot-train. Through Standard Sloopor dally Salt Lako and Ogdon to! Chicago without stung. Arrive la) Chicago In tho morning. Wo aiao no through tourist oar to Chicago and St Loci. Steamship ticket on oai to all points In th Old Cowntryu ani through Let ns know whoro you want to go. Wo wUI do tho root "Nothing Bnorj than tho Rock Island Dinar;" Both phonos U Agent, $M 17th Btroot, Donvor, Cola. DREW, OonoroJ 4$. E. DRAKE, DM Pm Agont, . A. BIBLE, Trav. Pooa. Agt,! 1M Wost Second Sooth SS Salt Lako City, Utah. IlflMMilMMMlMdlMM i is to promote the uce of ALL GOODS in all lines, in preference to outside the State. Its Interest Is Wide. gjj go THE nmouca pullwaw and toummt If PMOM 5 ?. a . Froo Borvtoo a la For IbMm, t CITY. ...4..... t TP.pr.JOgPPARRP.nRRRRItRP.IWRRRRRIMtRRRRSt(tRP.RltP.RSttP.RaltltRj 1 06 DEB ALL HALLOWS COLLEGE, J J JL MWT0E, Arv 0. A. AMf Dlijtaf Om aa all tfctoark - t. a SALT lAnCTT,CCZ3 Enviable 4- 4- - 4- 4- 4- - in America is the system of discipline among employes and watchfulness for the safety of passengers developed to a higher J. degree than on the On no railroad 4- - Boarding and day school for boy. Situated In the heart of the Rocky X Mountain district, nearly one mile above sea level, it enjoys an unsur- - X passed climate. Buildings modern, steam heated and electric lighted. Hot and cold baths. The Institution claims to give most thorough courses X in classical, Scientific and Commercial branches, conferring degrees . in ? the same. Inspection of Chemical and Physical Laboratories Invited. A X fine Museum and Mineralogy department. Separate care of little boysX master. of 5 thhe Indoor best. Gymnasium games during by competent the winter season. Compulsory military drill under the direction of an J 4 army officer. Music of every kind, the band and orchestra being special X features of the College. Private training of desirable students, outside of regular school 5 hours, In higher Mathematics, Chemistry, Assaying, and In Commercial X subjects. Terms moderate. Apply for full Year Book snd other particulars to THE REV. PRESIDENT. J OR BALT LAKE Reputation. ? X X xiffpr TO ST. LOUIS WITHOUT CHANGE OP manufacturers and mer CHANTS ASSOCIATION. . . BOX SALT LAKE ij4, 3 CHOICE OP BOUTES. State-- p ' TOURIST'S FAVORITE POUTS FAST FLYERS DAILY BETWEEN OGDEN AND DENVER l The betterment of industrial conditions in every city, tewn, village, J 2 hamlet and district is its aim. For full particulars write to P.LA.4S.LR. R. Salt Lake City, Utah. , Good Service - Good Companyj Good Meals. N. I H. BURTNER, D. P. A. happy E those manufactured Only direct line Salt Lake to Los Angeles. Moat Modern Palatial Trains equipped with Standard and Tourist Sleeping Cars, Diner Free Reclining Chair Cars. i n A.l trains via Salt Lake City and Nevada's Mineral Belt. Ask nearest agent about California Excursions or write to That la th THH The object of the organization Southern California S. BEftPS? BELIEVES IN BEING The Best Line J. THE Chicago, Milwaukee&St. Paul j Railway Two trains every day Ogden or Denver to Chicago via the Union Pa-'- ' eifle and St. Paul line. Through sleepers and free reclining chair 4" cars. For tickets and information call on C. S- - Williams, Commercial Agent, Salt Lake City. 4- - 4- - 444444444444'M- 4"l'tf4 4 44444 'tM44444 |