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Show BACKACHE IS KIDNEYACHt. Get at the Cause Cur THE WHITE RIVER COUNTRY. tha Kidney. Dont neglect backache. It warns yon ot trouble In the kidneys. Avert the danger by curing the kidneys with Doans Kidney Pills. EVOLUTION OF AN INVENTION, J. A. Haywood, a well known resident Simple Way in Which the of Lufkin, Tex, Part of Harvester Was Developed. sas: "I wrenched my back working in The popular idea that an lnventoi a sawmill, was laid must be a heaven-borgenius, that up six weeks, and the faculty of Inventing can not be from that time had cultivated, and that Inventions are pain In my back made spontaneously by their inventors whenever I stooped or lifted. The and wholly out of their imagination. urine was badly disordered and for a Is pronounced a delusion by Edwin L long time I had attacks of gravel Prindle, In a paper read before the After I began using Doans Kidney American Institute of Electrical EnPills the gravel passed out, and my gineers at Milwaukee, Wls. Said Mr. back got we.l. I havent had back- Prindle: ache or bladder trouble since. "It is undoubtedly true that every Sold by all dealers. 60 cents a box. Inventor must have some Inventive or Knot-Tyin- g n Co, Buffalo, N. Y. Foster-Mllbur- n Life Is never a burden to the an who carries her age well. to Economy is the road PUTNAM FADELESS DYE road to economy. The man who plays the wom- wealth. is the favorite doesnt always win by a long shot Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Byrup, For children teeth Inf, softens the fume, reduce alleys pala, cure, wind coUu. Use s bottle. - The First Quill Pens. Quill pens came into use In 553; th first steel ones in 1820, when the llrat gross of them sold for $36. Another Triumph for So successful has the application of been in the tratment of the children suffring from ringworm, that the Metropolitan Asylums Board, London, has been enabled to discontinue the use of one of the two institutions reserved for such cases. X-ra- Important to Mothers. Sxamlne carefully ereiy bottle of C ASTORIA, a aafe and sure remedy for Infanta and children, and aae that it h Uae For Over 30 Ycsrs. Tha Kind Yoa Bare Alwsyi Bought. Schools Spreading In China. A few years ago the foreign missionary schools were practically the only institutions in Foochow offering facilities for the acquisition of western learning. There are now at least SO native schools fashioned after the foreign model. Foochow is a city of 600,000 inhabitants, and these schools embrace about 2,009 students. Posters placarded all over the city advertise the opening of various modem schools, which are springing up In every nook and corner of the place. Scarcely a week passes without the announcement of the opening of a n6 hr school. Strange Story But True. F. L. Vandegrift has a new story. It is Illustrative of the marvelous fecundity of the English sparrow. I was pending Sunday with the said Dumont Smiths, at Kinsley, Van, In recounting his experience. We had been up late the night before and I was a trifle drowsy. I sat out on the front porch listening to the church bells and gazing off into the Illimitable space that lies between a shortgrass town and the horizon beyond. Presently I dropped my hat Into a bed of Virginia creeper and dozed off to sleep. I could not have slept more than an hour, for the children were passing the house on the way from Sunday school when I awoke. I rubbed my eyes and glanced over at my hat In It sat an English sparrow brooding a setting of eggs. While I slept the sparows had built a nest In my hat, the mother bird bad laid a full complement of eggs and had begun the work of hatching them. Kansas City Journal Essential Parts of the Cord Knotter creative faculty; but this faculty may be greatly assisted by knowing how While reasoning can not constitute the whole of the Inventive act. It can, so to speak, clear the way for It and render it easier of accomplishment. Most of all inventions are an evo- lution from some previously Invented form. The mind always thinks of the unknown in terms of the known. This evolution of an Invention Is more or less logical, and is often worked out by logical processes to such an extent that the really creative work Is greatly reduced as com pared with what it would be if done iby the imagination alone. Edison Is quoted as Baying: Any man can become an Inventor if he has imagination and pertinacity; that 'invention jis not so much inspiration as per spiration. The speaker then explained 'now he conceived three typical inventions had been evolved. To quote The Sentinels abstract: The first of these was the first automatic valve gear for the steam engine, the Invention of a boy, Humphrey Potter. The second example ol the evolution of an Invention was that of a machine known as the which is used for calculat ing and recording the charge on mod of the toll telephone messages in the United States. It will automatically subtract the time of day when the message began from the time of day when It ceased, and record the elapsed time, and will do this on the one ma- TAKE In the opinion of one who has traveled much and observed closely, th most truly and rightfully contented are people In the United States the small landowners In what is known as the Upper White River Country, anywhere from Newport, Arln, to Carthage, Mo. TheV are contented because their surroundings are Ideal and. until recently, the great, uneasy, disquieting world, with its artificial needs and inadequate compensations, has been to them but little more tangible than a dream. Here, still existent, and by reason of their very rarity at this day and time more delectable than in the past, are the conditions which have ever appealed with irresistible force to the Independent-spirite- d Anglo-SaxoEvery man is the supreme ruler of his own little principality; acknowledging no master save the law and possibly his feminine helpmeet; cringing to no employer; asking no favors from the world, save those that his neighbors freely extend and expect as freely In return. He lives in a latitude wherp the extremes of heat or cold are never known, and at an altitude that insures perfect health. The, richest bounty of Nature has been showered upon him with unsparing hand, but It Is a question whether he more than dimly realizes the fact He accepts as a matter of course the fertile soil which produces In abundance every cultivable growth common to the north temperate xone, the surrounding forests of valuable woods and the underlying stratas of precious minerals, the springs and streams of translucent purity on every hand, the wealth of fish and game at his very door, such as less favored mortals annually travel hundreds of mile3 to find. He is contented, but small credit 13 his for that, for how could he well be otherwise than content? It Is sad that such Idealistic conditions may not continue, but it is written that the present possessors of this favored land must soon give place to others more appreciative of its Incomparable features. A railroad has recently cut Its way through the best of this region, and the unaccustomed rustle of bank notes and chink of coin will eventually to part with his tempt the birthright So It has always been in the worlds history the good things that are ours without price invariably pass from our hands before we come to understand their value. The White River country will shortly be discovered anew by a class of immigrants better capable of Judging Its possibilities the men who seek modest homes where the lay of the land will effectually prevent crowding by too close neighbors, where their cattle can fatten on free range, where the wealth of forest and mine awaits development by Intelligent workers, and whfre the game and fish offer enjoyable recreation to all who have leisure and inclination for sport to-da- y hill-dwell- YOUNG COLONEL IN DILEMMA Ways of War Were a New Thing His Understanding. t At the Army and Navy club In Washington a number of veteran officers were telling stories, when Gen. Chaffee told this anecdote of Gen. Carr, who died in New York some years ago: It appears that Gen. Carr, at the outbreak of the civil war, bad left Troy to take command of a regiment The engagement in which, as colonel, he first figured was at Big Bethel. His regiment had been halted for rest and refreshment In a pleasant place and had not yet experienced the exskirmish. It happened citement of however, that confederates were In ambush in the Immediate neighborhood and from a safe hiding place they opened fire on the northernera Carr, so the story runs, Instantly put spurs to his horse and dashed up to a group of officers. Excitement and bewilderment were apparent upon his the young face as he approached chine for any number of overlapping messages. The third example was the evolution of the knot-tyinparts of a harvester. The speaker showed how the inventor first chose a simple' form of knot and then studied the tying of It with his hands until he had devised a way by which he could tie it with the use of only two fingers of one hand. One of the fingers had a simple rotary movement with the arm, and the other finger had, beside the rotary movement, a simple opening and closing moveGOOD NIGHTS SLEEP. ment toward and away from the first party They are firing upon my regifinger, to grasp the cord at a cestain ment! he shouted. "My God! Now No Medicine 'so Beneficial to Brain In the revolution. Mr. Prindle period to be done? Harpers Is what and Nerves. went through these operations with his own fingers and tied knots to Il- Weekly. Lying awake nights makes It hard lustrate these motions. With this exBABY COVERED WITH 80RE8. to keep awake and do things In day haustive and ingenious consideration his of the inventor had only Would Scratch and Tear the Flesh Unproblem time. To take tonics and stimulants under Buch circumstances is a simple piece of mechanism to proless Hands Were Tied Would like setting the house on fire to see duce to accomplish bis purpose. The Have Died But for Cuticura. mechanism really only consisted of If you can put it out The right kind of food promotes re- two mechanical fingers on a shaft, "My little son, when about a year freshing sleep at night and a wide and a cam for working the clamping and a half old, began to have sores finger. awake individual during the day. come out on his face. I had a physiA lady changed from her old way of cian treat him, but the sores grew and says: worse. Then they began to come on eating, to Grape-NutHow Animals Doctor Themselves. "For about three years I had been Man might often take from the his arms, then on other parts of his a great sufferer from Indigestion. lower animals a lesson as to the care body, and then one came on his chest, After trying several kinds of medi- of himself when ill. All Borts of ani- worse than the others. Then I called Still he grew cine, the doctor would ask me to drop mals suffering from fever eat little, another physician. off potatoes, then meat and so on, lie worse. end of the about a yeai At in and dark, airy places, quiet but In a few days that craving, gnaw- drink quantities of water. When a and a half of suffering he grew so bad ing feeling would start up, and I dog loses his appetite he knows where I had to tie his hands in cloths at would vomit everything I ate and to find chiendent s which night to keep him from scratching the drank. a as a purgative and emetic. sores and tearing the flesh. He got to "When I started on Grape-NutSI jep and cows, when 111, seek cer- be a mere skeleton, and was hardly vomiting stopped, and the bloating tain herbs. Any animal suffering able to walk. My aunt advised me to 1 feeling which was so distressing dis- from chronic rheumatism keeps as try Cuticura Soap and Ointment store appeared entirely. sent a and to cake the as drug got far possible in the sun. If a chimMy mother was very much bothpanzee be wounded he has been seen of the Soap and a box of the Ointered with diarrhea before commenc- to stop the bleeding by a plaster of ment and at the end of about two because her stom- chewed-uing the Grape-Nutmonths the sores were all well He leaves and grass. ach was so weak she could not digest has had any sores of any kind she her food. Since using Grape-Nut- s since. He is now strong and healthy, American Sewing Machines. Is well, and says she dont think she Over 10,000 patents have been taken and I can sincerely say that oply for could live without It. my your most wonderful remedies "It Is a great brain restorer and out on sewing machines. American precious child would have died from are machines now sold in nerve builder, for I can sleep as sound sewing Mrs. Egbert those terrible sores. and undisturbed after a supper of every country in the world. They are Sheldon, R. F. D. No. 1, Woodville, for manner used all of purposes, for as In the old days when Grape-Nut- s boots aid shoes, awnings, Conn., April 22, 1905." I could not realize what they meant making There Is no tents and ' saila and some of them by a bad stomach. Treasured Tickets of Leavi. an 18 foot bed. Some machines medicine so beneficial to nerves and have the late Michael Davitt' Among made for sewing carpet and can brain as a good nights sleep, such as are most treasured possesisons were i vo as sew 100 hand sevas much carpet you can enjoy after eating Grape ers. each of which contained They are also used to make gilt frames, Nuts. which was granted a of leave ticket Name given by Postum Co., Battle bags, corsets, hats, caps, gloves, mit- him after he had served a term oi and tens, pocketbooka, saddlery Creek, Mich. penal servitude for his beloved co Theres a reason. try. g self-bindin- g s, dog-gras- s, p ner OUT STAINS. DIAMONDS IN Stores to th Value of THOSE MAY MADE BY FRUIT JUICE BE EASILY REMOVED. Use Boiling Water for the Slight On And Acids for the Bad Ones, Ones, But Great Precaution le Needed. With the frequent service of fruits, the table linen is apt to suffer. Before sending to the laundry the table- cloths and napkins should he examined carefully and the spots removed, as soap sets the stains. Most fruit stains, taken in season, can be removed easily from linen by putting the stained portion over a bowl and pouring a stream of boiling hot water through it When the spots are obstinate, however, acids must be used This part of the work always should b done under the supervision of the mistress, to see that all needful precautions are taken to prevent destroying the fabric Itself. Oxalic acid, allowing three ounces ot the crystals to one pint of water, will he found useful to be kept on hand for this especial purpose. Wet the stain with the solution and hold over hot water or in the sun. The Instant the spot disappears rinse well. Wet the stain with ammonia, then rinse again. This many times will save linen. Javelle water is excellent for white goods and may he made at home or purchased at the druggist's. A good rule for making It calls for four pounds of washing soda, dissolved in four quarts of soft water. Boll ten minutes, take from the fire and add one pound of chloride of lime. Cool quickly, bottle and keep tightly corked. This Is strong, and must be bandied with extreme care. Peach stains are the hardest of all fruit stains to remove, but a weak solution of chloride of lime with in finite patience in its application, fre quently will effect the desired result 8TATES UNITED $300 Found In Single Year. TUMORS CONQUERED SERIOUS Never In the history of the United States has there been such a demand for diamonds as there was in 1905. Large quantities were Imported, but the country produced none. In 1903 it produced diamonds to the value ot $50, in 1901 It had an output werth $100, In 1900 Its production was valued at $150, and in 1899 the country boasted native diamonds to the value ot $300. Diamonds have been discovered In the United States In four different regions, but their actual place of origin is unknown. All have been found I Ioobo and superficial deposits, and all accidentally. It la not at all Improbable, however, that some day the original sources of this queen of gems may be The high price of diadiscovered. monds has made the recent search for these precious stones In the United States and Canada keener than ever before. Scientific American. mum Baking Powder la Wholesome. Dr. Herman Relnbold, the expert German chemist, in a recent official report concerning Baking Powders, declares that a pure alum baking powder is better and less injurious than cream ot tartar pewders. the He says that if the quantity of alum contained in a sufficient quantity of baking powder for a batch of bread or cakes for an ordinary family, be concentrated to one mouthful of food, and taken into the stomach of any one person, no matter how delicate, It could do no harm. On the contrary, alum is wholesome in proper quantities. This is undoubtedly the reason the State of Missouri quickly repealed a law that prohibited the manufacture of the most wholesome ot all baking powders. So much for Alum Baking Powders. Immense Steel Plates. .The shell and boilers of the new Cunarder being built at Wallsend, England, are said by Consul Metcalf EXCELLENT STUFFED HAM. to be constructed of the largest steel plates In the world. They are silicon Simple Directions for Cooking This steel, weighing ten tons each. The boilers alone will weigh over 1,000 Appetizing and Palatable Dleh. tons. and slabs Massive ingots What to Eat gives directions for a weighing 12 and 14 tons, are continustuffed ham, which ought to be very ally passing through the rolling mills good. For a buffet supper It would be there for this work. especially attractive. A medium-sizesugar-cureham is boiled in the usual Training School for Elephants. There Is a training school for elemanner. When done, either slash with a knife, making long, slanting phants at Apl, in the Congo State, slashes, or puncture to the bone with where 28 elephants are taking lessons. the carving steel. Prepare a stuffing The training operations have producof bread crumbs seasoned with pre- ed encouraging results, says the Tribpared mustard until the crumbs are une Congolalse. quite yellow. Moisten with the water Handkerchiefs Date from 1743. In which the ham was boiled. Mix first pocket handkerchiefs, The one onion chopped with the dressing fine, a few sprays of parsley, minced, utilized In the manner they are and plenty of pepper, black or red. were manufactured at Paisley in 1743. Press this dressing in the slashes or punctures, and glaze the ham over with white of egg. Take a large handful of crumbs, some as large as a grain of corn, and others larger; spread these over the top of the ham and moisten them with cream. Place In the oven long . enough for the crumbs to brown, which will be lonjf enough also to let the stuffing get hot Garnish the dish with parsley or fine hunches of watercress. AYCZEJ OFERATICKJ Unqualified Success of Lydia E. Pin hams Vegetable Compound tax tha Case of Mrs. Fannie D. Fox. One of the greatest triumphs of Lydia E, Pinkhams Vegetable Compound Is the conquering of woman's dread enemy, Tumor. The growth of a tumor is so sly that frequently its presence Is not suspected until it is far advanced. wandering pains may come from its early stages, or the presence of danger may be made manifest by profuse monthly periods, accompanied by unusual pain, from the abdomen through the groin and thighs. If you have mysterious pains, if there are indications of inflammation or displacement, secure a bottle of Lydia K. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound right away and begin its use. Mrs. Pinkham, of Lvnn, Mass., will give you her advice if you will write her about yourself. She is the daughter-in-law of Lydia E. Pinkham and for twenty-fiv- e yearshas been advising sick women free of charge. Dear Mrs. Pinkham p I take the liberty to congratulate you on the success 1 have had with your wonderful medicine. FJghteen months ago my tierioda topped. Shortly after I felt so badly that I submitted to a thorough examination by a physician and was told that I had a tumor and would have to undergo an operation. , Boon after I read one of your advertisements and decided to give Lydia E. Phik-haVegetable Compound a trial After taking five bottles as directed the tumor is entirely gone. I have been examined by a physician and he says I have no signs of a tumor now. It has also brought my periods around once more, and I am entirely well. Fannie D. Fox. 7 Chestnut Btreel Bradford, Pa. EDUCATIONAL. d d to-da- The Grestut Boarding College in the World University of Notre Dame NOTRE DAME, INDIANA two joint: Our itudent t study and our studsnts bthavt . themsstv $ 18 Buildings 75 Professors 809 Studsats Court in Andent and Modern language, Eng. MittBorv.ami Economic, ('hemlMiy, Biology, Huh, Kngl Pharmacy, Civil, Klootrioal, and Mechanical noailrig, Arvhlteiurt), Law, Shorthand, Book-kaa- p lng, JfV srvarante SPECIAL DEPARTMENT FOR BOT8 UNOMt THllilKlfN Board, Tuition. and Laundry. MM. Seng tsn csnls Is lbs Refialrar lor CstsLogss TERMSl You Cannot I (30K)IItf i all inflamed, ulcerated and catarrhal coif ditions of the mucous membrane such as No Sex In Initials. There is a bad trick in business ter writing to which men as well as women are addicted, said a business man. "I mean the way people have ot signing merely initials and leaving you without a clew as to their sex, consequently without a correct form In which to reply to their communication and without a properly complete notion of their identity. 'or example, I have been for three weeks in desultory correspondence with a client who signed S. T. Snits, we will say. The handwriting was let- e puphj wm MS.Sfld nasal catarrh, uterine catarrh caused by feminine ills, sore throat, sore mouth or Inflamed eyes by simply dosing the stomach. But you surely can cure these stubborn affections by local treatment with - Paxtine Toilet Antiseptic ITFITP A I C II I O Trade Marks, De- - 37,500,000 somewhat feminine, and I had my secretary address the answers to Mrs. S. T. Snits. We reeeived a correction this morning from Samuel T. Snits, PEOPLE DIE EACH YEAR and discovered that our correspondent la the United 6tatet, alone, more than a mil is a man. lion die yearly from preventable diaeaaeo "At other times women write us, signing merely initials, and several letters are interchanged before we telle why these facts exist. GOOD discover that P. B. Pipkin or 'E. L. HEALTH Is the startling oldest health Journal in the a world, big handsomely illustrated and ably Sjkeeter represent members of the edited magazine for the home. The price is one fair sex. dollar a year. 6ingle copies tp a cents. twenty-fiv- e cents and this advertisement "This is a case where brevity isnt forSend a trial three months' subsenption. the soul of wit GOOD Two Good Salads. Embroidered Linen Belts. Embroidered linen belts are cheap enough, still there cannot be the individuality about them as may be seen In a belt made at home from a single motif of handsome embroidery set on at the center back to a strip of white linen closing In the front with a buckle of ones own choosing, whi'e, perhaps, the buckle will be the only part of the belt that has had to be purchased. Now that the three little bows are worn at the throat much money may be saved by making these at borne, the smallest scraps of silk being available for the purpose. which destroys the disease germs, checks discharges, stops pain, and heals the inflammation and soreness. Paxtine represents the most successful local treatment for feminine Ills ever produced. Thousands of women testify to this fact. 50 cents at druggists. Send for Free Trial Box THE R. PAXTON CO. Boston. Mm. BUCHANS SILVER FLEECE DIP is unquestionably the best sheep dtp on the mar ket. It cures the worst cases of SCAB with out injuring the wool. Instantly soluble in water at any temperature Hoa poisonous safe. If your dealer hasn't it in stock, write the CARBOLIC SOAP CO.f NEW YORK CITY Wheat HO bushels peraer WINTER CiiialogueSissand Ssiscr H samples Ass W. K. AalVa riiss, Wtw COMPANY, BATTLE CREEK, MICH. peel and chop peel and slice have skillet ready with enough bacon fat to fry the onions until tender; salt the potatoes and add to the onions, stirring until well mixed lastly, adds one cup of good vinegar, cover closely and set back to simmer awhile, then serve. Cabbage Salad. Boil together one egg, well beaten, one tablespoonful o of sugar, butter, one tablespoonful one-hal- f teaspoonful of salt, three-fourth- s cup of vinegar, until It thickens; stir constantly; have cabbage chopped fine and pour over it hot. If you will add one-hal- f cup of thick cream to the above, it makes a fine dressing for lettuce. HEALTH HEALTH PUBLISHING GOOD Potato Salad. Boil, fine several potatoes; half as.many onions; , W. N. U., Salt Laka City, No. 35, 1906 BALLARDS SNOW LINIMENT Is a Quick and Permanent Cure for Rheumatism, Cuts, Sprains, Wounds, Neuralgia, Headache, Old Sores, Corns, Bunions, Galls, Bruises, Contracted Muscles, Lame Back, Stiff Joints, Frost Bite, Chilblains, Ringbone, Pollevil, Bums, Scalds, and ALL THE ILLS THAT FLESH IS HEIR TO. Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1. Sold by all Druggists. |