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Show EDITORIALS UNIVERSITY OF UTAH. University of catalogue of the which gives the plans and of work for the approaching year, shows a very promising state of affairs to exist in Utahs highest Institution of learning. The list of instructors covers thirteen pages and includes nearly one hundred names. Descriptions of the various subjects of instruction cover about seventy-fiv- e pages, many more The list of stuthan ever before. dents, 23 pnges long, shows an enOn rollment for last year of 1184. every one of the total 184 pages there are signs of real growth and real merit. Under the general name, the University of Utah, are Included three separate state schools the College of Arts and Sciences, the School of In Mines, and the Normal School. mainare schools these states many tained separately In different cities and under different boards of control. Fortunately for Utah, these schools are together. Were they separate the state could not support them, for the coBt of three sets of buildings and three sets of instructors would he far beyond the income from our taxes. For its various schools the University now has an estate of 92 acres, situated below Fort Douglas, to the east of the city, affording a college site which is declared by visitors to be among the four best in the world. ' Since the University is adjacent to Salt Lake City, there are many opportunities for young men and women to help themselves through college by earning money. Besides there are many things of educational importance to be seen and heard outside of the school room. To live for awhile in the largest city of the state is an education in itself. Within one or two hours ride from the University are the largest smelters and mines of the state. A ride on the street cars will take one to a number of the great smelters. In fact, the location is ideal for a University. The students in science and literature have opportunities to use the fine city library as well as that of the University; to hear many of the great men and women that pass through the state speak, sing, op play musical instruments, and also to see many of the scientific facts learned in school put in practical operation. The student has many advansmelters and mines in visiting tages close by and to examine machinery of all kinds out of use and in use. The Normal student has many opportunities in the city he could not have in a small town in visiting the largest and finest school buildings of the state and to become acquainted with the very successful school system of Salt Lake The Utah, causes school Alta. Rejuvenated A Short Sketch of the Famous Mining District Past and Present. Future is AlAssured. ready ORE BODIES TRUE AND STRONG Already in the Shipping Column with a Promise of Greater Productiveness. THE COLUMBUS (Continued From Our Last.) CONSOLIDATED MILL, ALTA, UTAH. which to work the mine and turn the wheels of a 120-tomill. 1'he mill,, which is situated far down the canyon, is of the most modern type, turns out a fine quality ot concentrates, saving the high percentage of 6 per cent of the values in the ores treated. It is so constructed that at any time its capacity can be increased with slight expense, there being power enough generated to supply all that ever will be reasonably required in future operations. In addition to this there has recently been put in commission an aerial tramway several miles in length, which conveys the ore from the mine to the mill. The tram is of the most modern type and was erected at a great expense. So complete was its construction that it withstood one of the worst winters encountered in years with but slight damage, and is today discharging its burden of ore with regularity at the mill. The mine has also many buildings, which for convenience and comfort are equal to any in the Btate. When it is stated that the Continental Alta has accomplished all this and is not only free from debt, but is constantly paying dividends to its fortunate stockholders, something of its value can be understood. Mr. Crowther has recently been installing a battery of electric drills, and from now on development work and the Flagstaff, the Emma and the Rustlers was pouring forth their me-wibe pushed with a will. He has also under consideration the build n ss ll ing of a railroad to the camp. Thus the Continental Alta may be safely said to be a great mine great not only in its mountains of ore, but also in its management, which for the past five years has been a model of effectiveness and intelligence. Property With a History Which the Present Will Outclass. WILL SHIP BEFORE SNOW FLIES Development Work Being Pushed and Deep Mining a Success. Just over the hill from the Columhus and other producing Consolidated mines of the Alta district, is situated one of the old producing mines of the state. It is now known as the Kenne-beck- , and under the hands of Manager Craig bids fair to outrival its early histoiy. In the old days when silver was king tallic riches, this property, under the name of the Reid and Benson, was adding its wealth to that of its sister mines. The exact tonnage or gross value of the ores extracted from the mine is not available at the present time, but ores which netted its then owners over $400,000, found a market at the local and foreign smelters. The present management is at present bending its energies to attain depth and uncover the greater values in ores which are known to lie beneath any point reached by the miners e of a day. The fact is that in common with all properties of that A F UTAH. Utahs Great Industrial School" so much, of late. has shipped 200 pounds to Chicago to be used prepertual candidate to take the place of Boies? This would save the ex ptnse of holding a convention every time a governor is to be nominated. SPECIAL NOTICE. ' k K HUDDART FLORAL CO. 114-11- 6 jj 5 $ E. 2nd 8o. 16 A (Opposite Grand Theatre.) Cut flowers and floral work for 2 jj w Jail occasions. We make a specialty of shipping V funeral designs. Write , telephone 106. GOOD PREPARES Learning Is wealth to the p MEN AND WOMEN FOR SUCCESS IN LIFE. or, an honor to the rich, an aid to the young, a support and comfort to the aged. Bacon. COURSES OF STUDY: DeENGINEERING Mechanics, Surveying, AGRICULTURE Agronomy, Horticulture, Animal Industry, Veterinary Science, Dairying, Irrigasigning, Irrigation, Sewerage, Hydraulics, Roads and Pavements, Etc. tion and Drainage, etc. Ao COMMERCE Business DOMESTIC SCIENCE AND ARTS Cooking Administration, and Dietetics, Sanitation, Sewing, counting. Banking, Transportation, Commercial Hygiene, Law. Stenography, Etcf Household Economics, Etc. SCIENCE Comprising GENERAL MECHANIC ARTS Carpentry, Forging, PatEnglish, tern Making, Carriage Building, Foundry Work, Mathematics, History, Economics, Modern LanMachine Work, Etc. guages, Natural and Physical Sciences, Etc. COURSES are also offered in Music, Art, Physical Sciences, Etc. IT IS IMPORTANT Before you decide which school to attend that you consider carefully the opportunities afforded by the AGRICULTURAL COLLEGE OF UTAH Its strong faculty, m odern courses of study, splendid equipment, moral atmosphere and healthful environment; also the low expenses and the uniform and splendid success of its students. Twenty buildings, provided with the best modern equipment; live stock, farms, orchards, gardens, parade grounds, and athletic field these afford exceptional facllit Ip- - for thorough and efficient work. A strong faculty of experts, representing the best institutions of Am erica and Europe, are in charge of the No tuition. Entrance fee $5. College opens SepL 18. Writ work of Instruction and experimentation. now for Illustrated catalogue Address the Registrar, Agricultural College, Logan, Utah. Boarders Pills y P. A. BLYTH (Copyright, Why are by JoMph M. Bowloo.) we waiting? ) or she would She was a have known that In this very gentsal its boarding house, select as war boarders, the star boarder was an English baronet, and that it was a feature of honor accorded him that dinner wag never fairly oommenoed before his arrival at the table. The baronet, to do him justice, was extremely punctual where replenishing the Inner man was concerned. But on thin particular evening he was not in hie accustomed place, and people shuffled and toyed with rings, and triad to appear not to be waiting, till the little a vivacious, fresh-tinte- d lady, a little turned 40, Inquired of her near neighbor the cause of delay. But at that moment the baronet appeared. walking slowly, a heavy cloud on his brow. He took hie Beat by the aide of Mias Brown, the lady of the establishment, presiding at the head of tho table. Ha stooped and whispered to her in porteotioua tones. ' "Can eat no dinner!" she answered aloud In alarmed accents. "Nothing, nothing," said the star boarder, "unless, with a melancholy wave of his hand, "a spoonful, just a spoonful of the soup. No' mors, not a drop more," as In obedience to his re Quest the soup ladle descended to his plate. "I have not missed taking them for 15 years, and 1 dare not attempt anything like a full meal without their aid. Until the mall arrives morning I am a starving man, and mournfully he applied himself to the soup placed before him. That dispatched, be rose, and with a muttered apology left the apartment for the drawing room. At his departure Miss Brown The star boarder could eat no dinner because his digestive pills the last two he possessed till the morning mail brought a fresh supply-- had disappeared from the box. The pUL box waa still standing on the mantel-piece, but the pills, no the servant reported who had been sent to fetch them, were gone. "Does he think the servant swallowed them?" I dont know," answered Miss Brown, absently, too anxious for the effect upon her permanent boarder to join In the general titter around the but he says he shall dieiuhn table; him at once for his carelessness." "What is the number of the baro nets room? The newcomer asked the question with sharp abruptness. new-oom- er new-oom- er, "Then It Is next to mine." The lady looked for a moment attentively at her plate, then, after the baronets exam- pie, rising, with murmured apologis, quitted the table and the room. A minute later found her by the chair. "Are you quite turef Perhaps there to some mistake. Your servant might have overlooked them. May he Just give one more look?" Divided between surprise at her Interference and her pertinacity, the bar- onet, turning, rang the bell near him and directed hie servant to look once more. The man obeyed. He returned, perplexity on hta faee, with the pill box and two Innocent-lookin- g pills therein. There, I told you so! said the little lady, with a cfep of her email white hands. The star boarders first sensation was joy. "Madam, he said, with a studied how, "you have the witchery of your aex." But his brow clouded. Glancing towards his "Your carelessness is unpardonable. I shall die miss you from my service. You might have cost me the loss He and, courtesy reminding him, offered his arm to his benefactress. Tbs two returned to the dining room. "Forgive the noor man. said the lady as they went "No, madam; such carelessness to too culpable. P. O. Box 443. POSITIONS FOR YOUNG MEN AND WOMEN. msn-serva- of" rose-hastil- "And you are feeling quite well thto morning?" It waa the morning after, We have more calls for stenograph and the whose witchery had seera than we can fill. Our business is cured thelady baronet his dinner leaned to fit young women and men for these over his chair. positions. We give a complete prac"Quite, madam, he replied gallanttical course. Write us or call at our office, 224 Dooly block, Salt Lake City, ly. owing to your cleverness. I have not had a dinner suit me so well or enUtah, for catalogue, terms, etc. STENOGRAPHNC BUREAU. joyed so perfect a nights rest for a long while. Then you will not be so stern to-SOCLEAN keeps your floors free wards your from dusL SOCLEAN will not allow dust to fly Bnt the star boarder shook his head. when sweeping. "Such culpable carelessness, madam. SOCLEAN will make your carpet The lady hesitated. Could you keep look like new. a Mcretr SOCLEAN will make your floor apHe bowed solemnly. pear as If scrubbed every day. "Then I will tell you something. My SOCLEAN will save you hundreds of dollars annually by having room joins yours; they are much alike. your place clean and free I, too, take pills before dinner, and I from dust. went by mistake into your room and Send in your orders. took two pills. Afterwards I slipped SOCLEAN MFG. CO.. up anJ placed two of mine in your box. No. 261 So. W. Temple St., Salt Lake I feared to tell you lest they should City, Utah. not suit you; but you see they havo acted admirably. Pray, say you forgive me." The baronets politeness was taxed. Maaam, he said, "the effects have been too happy for resentment Also MILLER A VIELE it follows my servant Is absolved from blame. 303 McC.rrvick Building. There was a deeper tint In the ladys SALT LAKE CITY. cheek, tut her eyes were laughing. "Could you keep another secret?" Bell Phone 797. He laid his hand on his heart want to o 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 9 o 9 O 9 9O If borrow o o money on your farm, time, easy terms, liberal 9 tions, drop us a line. O 9 FARM LOANS. you longop- , & star-boarder- s . tC Tho Star No. 18. with quaintance these tablets will result In & pleasant surprise to suffering women. THe ladies safeIn cases guard. of painful or suppressed menstruation THEY SUCCEED. Price, $2.00 per box. At alt drug stores or by mail, securely sealed. Poull Drug Co., 3oi Main, Salt Lake City, Utah. There are non-offici- When In want of help, call upk or write 8trocks EmploymentJ I So.yJ Agency, 45 West 8econd ) Phonea 464. Dr. If this paragraph is marked with a red cross It indicates that your subscription to this paper has been settled for three months from that date. If marked with & black cross it has only two weeks to run, but unless otherwise notified we shall continue to forward the paper. Very respectfully, THB PUBLISHERS. Native Police and Soldiers. no white soldiers or police in British New Guinea, where the natives number 300,000. The government consists of a British administrator, an executive council and the magistrates stationed at centers near the coast. There are 600 white residents. Lake Knitting Works. Ltrori French Tansy Tablets. An ac- Mr. Moody of evidence REMEMBER. If your local merchant does not carry in stock Temple Brand Garments. Rams Head Sweaters, Sego Lily Underwear, send your orders direct to the sole manufacturers, Salt J Phones Pop- Some good persons persons believe, that it is the doings of Pittsburg mil lionaires that make the heavens weep (Continued in Our Next.) or telegraph SALT LAKE ROUTE EXCURSIONS, Mexico City and return, $69.80. The tour of Old Mexico affords the grand est autumn trip to be found on the San Francisco, American continent. I.os Angeles and intermediate points connec only $25.00. Short line, quick tions, Utahs finest trains. Los An geles and return, only $30.00.14. Special Posisale dates, September 4 to of the excursion $30.00 last the tively season to glorious southern California. Low rates for settlers to points in southern Utah. Miners' excursions to Nevada points and lowest rates all the time to all southern California points, office, Follow the crowd to the ticket ' 169 South Main street. One of the great mines of the Alta mining district is beyond question the City Rocks, the property of the com pany bearing the same name. The mine is situated near that of the Continental Alta, and comprises a group of patented claims, all of which are contiguous to the developed portion of the property. It is one of the oldest developed mines of the new era of Alta mining, having been worked continuously for quite a score of years. A tunnel has been run into the mountain from which drifts, upraises and winzes have been driven until the workings in extent are only second to those of the Colombus Con. This work, however, has not been in vain. Ore bodies of great extent have been uncovered, and these are being added to constantly. There is now exposed in the mine many tons of shipping ore and an immense tonnage of milling ore is also in sight. Truth to tell, at the UtitltitititititstatetiMUWStititststiMtW ABRICULTURAL CDLLEBE Autumn Outings via Utah's Most ular Road. k An Alta Property Whose which monthly puts a goodly sum to the right side of the company's ledger. That the Continental Alta is a bonanza of no mean dimensions is al: ready a fact, but what it will be in the future is in every way brighter than its history up to the present time has shown. Situated as it Is so high up on the mountain, and its ore bodies being so strong and continuous from the surface to the lowest level yet attained, it cannot be questioned for a moment but that they go to the depths. The ore, of course, for a long time will be mostly carbonate, but when water level has been reached they will beyond question change to sulphide with an average increase in value. is constantly being Development pushed and new ore chutes are constantly being opened. It will be years before mining on the same level of the Columbus Con. will be years reached, and all through these the mine will be pouring ' out its stream of ore to add fo the metallic wealth of the world. Thus It is that the mine will stand in perennial youth when many of the great of the present day have become only a memory. the In the matter of equipment mine is fully abreast of the acquirecity. A power of modern mining. The engineering graduates of the ments which of a sucharnesses, portion work plant found doing University are turbulent Little Cottonwood creek cessfully in the mines, on railroads, the with in city, state and federal government generates the electric energy alare students Normal the employ; sciways in demand, and the generallucraence and arts students all find Indus-trie- s tive positions in many of the and prominent positions of the state. Many graduates are found occom cupying prominent political and and mercial positions in our own state other states. inIts enrollment for the last year,1219 was summer school, cluding the students of high school grade and colyears lege grade above three and four The summer high school work. school just past has been phenom361 students, enal, having enrolled from twenty-fou- r women and men mostly counties in our state and from thirteen other states in the Union. is making rapid The University medical course arts and Its progress. of the best many by is recognized medical schools in the United States. All in all, the University is advancing faster than its warmest admirers have anticipated. time, the workings of the mine were shallow. Mining had not reached the perfection of present methods, and consequently only the near surface was developed and even at that the high values were the only ones sought after. This leaves the Kenne-beci- t practically a new mine with the surface only prospected enough to assure the success of deep mining. As was said before, deep mining is the order of the day. In the Kenne-becthis character of developing has so far progressed that its stockholders are assured that shipping will be under way before the snow flies. A tunnel has been driven into the mountain and a shaft is being sunk from the old levels and the connection is near at hand. With this completed, the min will not With this completed, the mine will not the ore bodies are of a character to make certain that they will be continued for an indefinite period. The ore will undoubtedly be of the sulphide variety, and though the sensational values sometimes found in the carbonates of the upper workings may not obtain, yet the average value will be greater. In the future, the output of this mine will multiply the old production by more than ten. Faithfully. Then she rose as though prepared to make quick exK after speaking. "It is nothing so very serious; only the pills u took lsst night were rheumatism pills; and I am so glad they suit ed you." r |