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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH BE mm Miisi:riptUn rates: Ralph Wood Sundayed in Provo. RECORD Mrs. John Nesbifc and babe arrived in town from Provo this week $2.50 per annum and John is happy again . Inopportune Appearance of Rodent Re. vealed Secret of This Would-B- e Devil Dog." The Mammoth btl team is making tour of Sanpete this week and several games were scheduled. Thin young marine recruit waa very desirable, but unfortunately he was a she. it Saturday. Published 'Bsasss ses$tie.ail3L aa2 Fifiaua! A son was bom yesterday to Mr and Mrs. John Berry. Farris and family are visitfor a few days. Provo in ing James H. Whitlock spent two days in Salt Lake on business this week. Dan Charley Neilson, former agent at Mammoth, is expected to return to camp in af ew days. , L. D. S. g House. Me-- MICK1E SAYS E.. Willes, is!!)6'3 Petition for discharge, V. Of IN ! OROTUt GJkSOUN Of feUBV IN TvV LUTOWOSM-- E NtSft N TWS VfcPfcW 6ELV VS TW STMkT ' ... - a v e jjl lIlli btk day of August, A. D. V1,9- ou " vuing me for.-- , u mg peuui.,,, is it orct-- :J by t,.e coui i that a nmi-uibe ho., :,;oi. Uie varna ,u 29lhda , otaepiember, before s.iid court a. p., .j at bap. o earn tjty, uittnct. at V a t.u that iu i , , ,luie illeiehl ba junlis;i.i In jlaiiiimub K i a in ananeesp.iii.r that ail p;iied :,i. I I u:hm' leuitniu a persons u, n ... Jlv y ,ip, saiti tuns a a iat e am sij a ,, I ; ahj th.-.- pet i.lhi It to t me til id fl t ' O . tio-ie- V . : 111 e, t, It- fctvi ( tai.1 ,,t a tv,.yt i i i . i . ,y;r I,,, ,i , h , ' ' t t ; i. s . " v i 9. . .. ' , j. . r--tn- p. in. in. m. 'Up. lii. Beet Epuippid Shoe Shop in Tintic. Q making and repairing rnoH mu king and iepaiis. 5 and 25 1 A (till ISlOH ? fHa 1 ,. cents V Kiine, !.!. 25 fts. each vay. I All our work guaranteed and if not uily Biitinfied your money will be refunded . kinds of leather and male-- . rial needed in shoe and bar- ness repairing for sale Ail ' , Prop Wii.ii in Fuieka, call at the Union Shoe Simp ami see the iU. . t , S I EVE BEINENATO, III. 7 ',;i See it at Grips, Holds, Satisfies. - " ..... , , oi,. 1 i n. 8 run at Quinn's Rialto, Los Angele, proves its popularity 'wee!-s- Union Shoe Shop. v , ' 1 .... lie. ' u. i y. '4 k li,t. i .. .fi I .eir tl.,. Wilru lie .; .,u m J h-- i ; :i . . g I I .. ill. UI Eight solid in "The Turn in the Hoad. Utter of puppies Elite Theater Sciiruuu'wohuSOU Iri.U Clerk. lu tien Alexander and his 11 SCHEDULE 1 ! and Eureka 3 mo l h u.i 3 Mam mo rb R-- EOULAR v iu?!1 ' 138 Phone b Augbi-- t CHWSTV, me Th 7 . ii 1 i A erV ;i'i 4U i EVFijY BW1' Opposite Phone 69 EUREKA, UTAH. ''?.PRAN FI) Wafting Breezes, gentle Star Theater, up and away and soft, temper the day. The Jiou sewife, busy mbst of the day about the home, both needs and .would appreciate the same cool com- in most fort ;t0'be found offices and shoptf where now-a-da- ys Electric ians G-- E gentle breezes throughout,., the i working hours. . Disicomfcrt and odors of cooking are banished frohi the kitchen by the whirlirg blades of these tireless fans.. Other rooms, too, are rendered much more habitable ;duringsum-mer- s heat by the same meansd Less than a tent an haur will pay for this groat comfort- -, will you ? deny yourself this economic.il luxtiry w aft . . -- b.ONERTSN i Utah . Kirken dalls Ante leaves our store at regular J. C. K1RKENDALL, Chauffeur I Bankrupt. Bureka, Kirkeodall Auto Stage if KoTXCJE THEREON f iah m. uistriut gl i examination for the position of postmaster of Mammoth will be held in Eureka on August 18tb. Applicants can secure applications at lie Mammoth poscoffioe. The office has been reduced to an office of the fourth class, which does not carry a salarg with it, but Is compensated on the basis of stamp A Piug phone No. ,j Claude Marcus J. Jonea, wbis well Attest; i,l known in Mammoth, met with a severe accident at a fire that occured back of bis home in Salt Lake City recently. While trying to rescue his auto he was severely burned on tbe face and hc.niis, but is now on the way to recovery. An I 1 . Mrs. Ma . Stoker and daughter, Lillian , came up from Milford Tuesday and have been spending the week with Mrs. David Larsen, a ter of Mrs. Stoker. They will return to their home Sur.uay, accompanied by Mrs. RoUo Peery, who will spend two weeks with them. r . Mr. and Mrs. George Forsey returned from Salt Lake Thursday, 1919. where they went last week to take Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Forsey. the Las been son, judge of the district court of the United States for the district of Utah. Claude E, Hikes, of Silver iu the county of Juab and state City, of Utah, in said district, respectfully that on the 23d day of August, represents last part, he was duly adjudged bankrupt under the acts of congress relating to bankruptcy; that he has duly surrendered all his property and rights of property, and has fully complied with all of said acts and of the ordersrequirements of the court touching is bankruptcy. Wheret ore t e prays that he may be decreed by the court to have a full discharge; tioin ml debts provable against his estate um.er said bankrupt acts, except such debts as are excepted by law trom such d.s.uaise. Dated luls Pit .tv i August, Fred Wahlberg went to Salt Lake yesterday morning to visit his two daughters, who are employed there. Leona Malstrom Is expected to return next week from Midvule, where she has been visiting her grandfather for two weeks. ?): lock, which was S frday a.ternooa in D Em 1ST good-looki- i Mr. and Mrs. Wilford Willians returned from Spanish Fork, where they have been since the 24th. al of Byron held there on Trramphof Years h m Snyder has resigned his job at the Tintic mill after two years Billie is going to live on sci v the income of hij savings, which he has laid away. friends of Cal Elton will be pleased to le.ern that he has secured a position at Pantages C.9atre, which will give him an opportunity to exercise his stage ability. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Wheelack returned Wednesday from Mt. Pleasant, where they t'i j.'c! the funer- A Ictc "The I DR. L. E. PIERCE ii j Miss Orilla Taylor and Ivan spent Sunday and Monday with lelatives in Santaquin. Bi die The iultuu u ip r ff'M- good-looki- Mrs. Ellen Kerr of Payson is the Kuest of her daughter, Mrs. Owen Humphries, this week. Lin-stru- ruuxruxixruuuumnjin; young man applied recently for enlistment at the ji Stott Building, 2nd Floor spending ten days with her sods, marine corps recruiting office, 24 I B returned to her home is Provo East Twenty-thir- d street, New EUREKA . DTAil g i York. The youth gave his name this morning. at the application desk, S and address Arnold Fotheringham has re and then was taken into the ruumrm.ru .'Uirujub private I'vunnin.ari.rt.' ni turned to camp and his wife, who sanctum of Lieut. Harry W. Miller, is visit 'n. i relatives tl Minersville, the officer in charge. is expected 60on. While the lieutenant was questioning the prospective recruit a mouse ran across the floor, ImmeNOTICE. devil dog diately the would-b- e screamed and jumped on a chair DRUG NO. ID Anyone having a lawful rigi and the secret was out. the that It developed to the buildiugu at Joy Spring, M. li. BOURNE, :r will pleass move them in the applicant was Miss Ada McMahon of 1738 Fox street. The girl was in .limited time. i JiYeiy thing love with a young man who recently enlisted in the sea soldiers and No. 5303 tn Bankruptcy. Line wished to follow him to Paris island, PETITION FOB DISCHARGE. had gone. She was ad-- j In the District Court ,t the United whither he Phone u yctu miAi States for the district of Utsh. vised to go home and change back In the matter of Claude E. Willes, We will ive thea into feminine garb. bankrupt. To the Honorable Tillman D. Johnprompt attention Mn. Sad;e N islrt who KH IBtltSSMSGtUEBl Lot. tl HER PLANS SPOILED MOUSE Sofues the Kitchen Problem Mtf We will show you a variety ot sizes to suit every purse v Utah V-yr- a W OMEN rarely worry over making the beds and di.h: It is easy enough to hire sweeping and cleuuii g (La.. .V But thosi three meals a day that 365 days a year! must be peered d Those miles of steps! Those long has..; These are what make women feel like jklLkg weiry standing! up the house to board. & Light Co. Efiic.cat Public Service" AND m:- v HERE enters the Hoosier. THE HOOSIER that is the heart of the kitchen, with article used in cooking within aim's reach. eveiy THE HOOSIER that saves the miks of steps, that lets jou sit down at your work. THE HOOSIER that helps you the time. do the work in less than half BANISH YOUR old cupboird.Collect tii cnLiJ ni'iriih aad utensils that you actually use, and arrange them in the scientific Hoosier way. one day yon will understand why a million women say they couldn't keep house wihout a II OOSIER. AFTER TAYLOR BROS. Co. |