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Show w THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH FOOD PROFITEERS HINT CHIEFS FOR HELD SEVENTEEN - TO BE PROSECUTED ENFORCEMENT OF"' FOOD ACT DETERMINED UPON. CONGRESS STILL DEBATES CON-TRO- -- JURY IN CHICAGO TURNS INDICTMENTS IN RACE CLASHES. L GRAND- - j Judge Crowe Tells Jurors That Washington. The government is going to prosecute the food profiteers in the United States as an immediate remedy for the high cost of living. This was announced Tuesday by Attorney General Palmer after a conference with the president winch followed an all day deliberation ,pf,. the special cabinet committee on means of reducing the prices of necessities to ... ilie agitated public. The department of justice, it-- was declared,' will employ every resource at its command to ferret out and prosecute the hoardrs of food aud, .those who are charging extortionate prices. Big and little profiteers are to be prosecuted and congress is to be asked to supplement the existing penal code of the food act with, amendments which will enable the government to reach its hand out and grapple the retailer vho in many eoirpmmi ties Is charging exorbitant prices ' for food- Seventeen . negroes were charged with rioting and murder in indictments voted by a special grand jury Investigating race riots, which, for five days last week, held the south side of Chicago in a reign of terror. AVliile city, county and state authorities combined in seeking causes which led to the rioting, in- an endeavor to fix responsibility, 6000 state troops, 8000 policemen and 1000 deputies continued to patrol the negro quarter. Offiials reported the riot zone quiet and ev- ry effort being made to relieve the suifering negroes who have been marooned in the area and who have been unable to go to their work. A number of soup kitchens were opened and guards were furnished for negroes who wished to return to work. The police Monday obtained reports of threatening, anonymous letters received by negro families living on the edge of the negro district, in which, the negroes were warned to move within two days or their homes would be burned and bombed and the negroes killed, The coroner lias fixed the number and the city of dead at thirty-thre- e health commissioner has found that 306 people injured in the riots were treated in hospitals', that perhaps 400 or more who were injured in the riots never reported at hospitals. The state troops had little to do during Monday night in the riot zone, but much excitement was caused by persistent reports telephoned to headquarters of the Second regiment that a crowd of 500 men was gathering at West 59th street. When a company of troops reached the scene the crowd ' vanished. ,, Several thousand negroes who exs pected to return to work in the stock-yardmust wait until the unrest caused by the disturbances in the district has subsided. After announcing that the colored men would return to work, superintendents of all the large packing plants decided that it would be prudent to hold the negroes at their homes for an indefinite period. Thirty-thre- , . ( ' The 'president authorized the statement that he will address a message to congress on the subject within a few days arid, at the same time will submit recommendations' to aid in dealing with the ,criticil situation, adequately and effectively. Beyond that announcement the president had nothing to say regarding the issue; It was made clear, however, that the government does not contemplate entering upon iany experiment in subsidizing food, such as purchasing wheat at the guaranteed price, and selling it for less to the miller, making up the deficit from the billion dollar wheat guarantee fund. " Action, as Attorney General Valmer put it, earnest, aggressive, vigorous action, will be directed by the department of justice against all profiteers, and it ;waS reported that among the first big offenders to be, proceeded against will be the big packers ( RAILWAY ICE HOUSES BURNED Loss of $75,000 Suffered by Union Pacific In Blaze. Twelfth Disaster of Recent Date. Ogden. That the citizens' ;of Ogden r.liould take Immediate steps! to organize a vigilante committee and work to the end of celaning up the town' of the undesirables and firebugs was the assertion of W. II. Wattis, president of the Utah Costruction company, Tuesday night during the fire thri destrpy'-efive large Union Pacific railroad Ice houses and the plant of' the Utah Ice and Cold Storage Company, leased to the Pacific Fruit Express company. This plant was the main icing station in this section, and its destruction,, involving an immediate loss pf $75,000, wili also handicap shipping of fruit .. . from Utah, This fire, which is the twelfth in less than thirty .days, is ..said by the railroad: officials to be . of incendiary origin. The fire department fought the flames for ninety minutes before getting them under control. It . was one of the largest fires in months.,. Fight, Nonpolitical l i - --MAKERS CITT SALT LAKE ' I: X- f - OFJEWELRY HO MAIN STRUT and - I- . Chance for In veil tors..-b A prize of $10,000 Is offered by Workers. e. V" T r - J ' Growers ' association to any Washington.-f-Th- e satisfactory, mafight of the rail- one who. will invent-aroad workers, of The United States tc chine for branding the shell of each force upon congress the acceptance oi English walnut in a yearly $10,000,000 '' ; government ownership as. a- solution- ol crop. at the railroad problem is to begin once and will be unrelenting in its Business Courses intensity. Leaders of the railroad brotherhoods and organized labor generally 'are convinced that their plan for the government to buy the railroads and nationbasis alize them on a with the workers is the most equitable proposal that has been advanced, and they are girding for a. struggle with the capitalistic issue before consen- lev profit-sharin- g HONOR SHIP OF L BOMB UTAH LAUNCHED ' 6 Lf. gress which promises to be more sational than the fight for the' Adam- PLOI VICTIM Stenography Dictaphone Civil Service ' Bookkeeping Typewriting, Posting lVtachine. tth D. S. Business College r . miy-i ; Utak..'jr Salt Lake City, son ia : Day and Evening All thit Year law in 1917,n;i i i ot WINE AND UTAH RESIDENCE OF PROSECUTOR IN held CALIFORNIA The brotherhood Headers whq tul WATER MIX ON BOW AS !.' LOS ANGELES DESTROYED. Sex Difference.1 the watch pn congress over, the. Adqm-soi.;. j club e IS LAUNCHED. LAWLER AND WIFE VICTIMS. ' nation-widstrike man getting a set , of When It Is law, with a dangling over Its head, are here again, false teeth, he Is, afraid he is not gq ! and they served notice ori thri presiIng to be1 able to eat'wlth them j tf It Traditional Vintage Dashed by Miss Police Discover Evidence of Deliberate dent, congress and the general public is a woman, she Is afraid She ' will net t Plan at Murder. Dragnet Is Cast Margaret Horsley, Sponsor of Utahs Saturday, following introduction of the be able to talk. Houston Post. for Miscreants. Attorney Has' Liberty Loan Honor Ship, to Satgovernment ownership bill known as Even Chance to Recover. " isfy Sea Superstition. the Plumb plan, that theic forces " " f ' : are stronger than ever and can be of San Francisco. Into the high tide Los Angeles. Revenge foi the part' marshaled into action at a word 3 of Oakland harbor, the Utacarbon, he played in the prosecution of a group command. r oi . The railroad leader do not want to Utahs Liberty loan honor ship, was of dynamiters in the middle west sevAll makes Rented, Repaired, Sold. -30 on to 9100. prices-$7.Write for launched at 0 oclock Thursday after- eral years ago was assigned by the threaten a general .railroad strike School last sod Utah Office a Supply mounnoon, California wine and Utah police here as the probable motive for this issue, they pay. That,Js 32 W. 2nd South, Salt Lake City. Utah tain water glistening on the bow as the an atteihpt ori tile life df Oscar Law- resort which they- do not, believe it will be necessary tq use. They believe big oil tanker glided down the ways ler, former assistant attorney-geneda- l ' to l at the Alameda yards of the Bethle- of the. United .States. Mr. Lawlers that the merits of Dellcats Anemone. Bides bnall hem Shipbuilding coiporation. railroad settle difficulties' home was, practically destroyed,, by a windflower. and , Anemone means The unusual combination of wine bomb and subsequent, fire1 .here .early will be accepted by the people of the is so' called because it is so delicately and water added flavor to the launch- Sunday and he and Mrs. Lawler both country, whq will force .congress to poised that It sways with the lightest . motion of the atmosphere. ing ceremonies. The wine dashed up- seriously burned and otherwise pass their bill. nr on the starboard bow by Miss Mar, d: Glen E, , Plumb, counsel for ' the If Tou want bl we lm. tlfllllSW birber trade- - Many imali garet Horsley, the pretty sponsor, was According to information gathered Plumb plan league, which Is organized liriD vyirrm used to lay the jinx which men of by the police, a man driving an auto- to push the government ownership bill, lowai need bsrben: good opportuneaet open drafts ge. Barberain army have the sea contend may attach to a ship mobile stopped hi. front;, of, the Lawler has, arrived in Washington and will lor menaa over officers commlielon- - Get prepared frood weeks. Call or write. Moler Barber-Collegenot christened with the traditional vin- residence at Newhampshire street and appear before the house committee on 48 8. West Temple 8t.. Balt Lake City. on tage, Governor Bamberger dashed the Wiishire boulevard, in an exclusive interstate and. ..foreign commerces bottle of water against the port bow. residential district. - - -- measure. A. B. Garret-son- , behalf SKILLFUL IN USE OF POISON He dropped' something,; leaped (into who directed the fight for the Representing the treasury department, Governor Day of. the Twelfth the car and rapidly drove away. An Adamson billy and who is vice presl-deSouth African Buhmn Had Weapon,,, Federal reserve presented the ship to explosion followed almost Immediateof the league, is also scheduled Which In Other Hand Might Carbon county, and it was accepted by ly. The house burst into. flames. Mr. to appear, but .may not be able to do f Have Been Invincible. .?Governor Bamberger. Governor Wil- Lawler, his wife and one child were so because of Illness. r i i , i .. ,, liam D. Stephens was called upon by trapped within. William lacy, an ironThe bushmeri, Africa A pygmlea of Master of Ceremonies Carl R. Marcu-sen- , master, and Ed Pulford, who were Wounded Soldier to Get Certificates the South, who succumbed so quickly and responded with a glowing driving past the house, hurriedly obA special certificate Washington. to are becoming rarer REWARD FOR COAST BOMBERS civilization, tribute to Utahs chief executive, i tained, a ladder and rescued Oscay to be issued to soldiers wounded in the Faihlne, wars and thewhite The launching party front Utah wW Lawler, "Jr.7 everyday. war with Germany" has been adopted mans encroachments have killed off Both Oscar Lawler and Wife in Ser- entertained at a luncheon at the HoMr. Lawler dragged his wife to a the war department; It will bear at thousands. ' by Oaktel Oakland at 1 oclock by the ious Condition, Says Physician. window and in the midst of flames, ther legend, Columbia Gives the The one great achievement of the Los Angeles, Cal. Rewards offered land chamber of commerce. Joseph lowered her. from an upper story .until.. to' top Sons' the Accolade of the New Her was of the woods Is, their skillful . children, for arrest and conviction of persons E. Caine, formerly of Salt, her feet, touched an awning over Chivalry of. Humanity, and below the use of poisons, in the hands of a more was SunLuncheon toastmaster. attended which bomb a to a of the window placing ground. ,,, guilty name, rank and unit of the soldier and They were removed to the Sisters the action In which he was wounded. subtle people the poisoned arrow might day destroyed the home of Oscar Law- by about 150 former Utahns and promhave been an lpvlnqlble .weapon,, but ler, formerly assistant United States inent men and women of the bay hospital. for the bushmari It only, delayed inevi. $11,-50cities. totaled Lawler of three others the Two Monday general, ; attorney ,c " itable defeat; Crime Drunkenness Increasing Less, tout were children, Charles and Jane, FACE LOSS OF MILLIONS bushmiiris Is a toy of The arrow Boston. Records of the Central of the city, visiting at the ranch, of Mr and Mrs. Lawler, who were It Into a turns until he which reed Pebat. court light pass the oil through producer Municipal burned during a fire which followed Investments Threatened by New Ag Dqry Murphy, certain death dealer, by. covering the criminal the of Beach. bly conapproximately the explosion, still are in critical rarian Law 'Enacted in Mexico. tip with one of his favorite poisons. cases of the state, show that 764 perWashington. More than a thousand dition, their physician said. A certain caterpillar of the jungle, the drunkenness RAGING for were arrested STILL sons FIRES FOREST The city council has under advise- Americans are threaten'efl with loss of most vepomoys snakes and spiders, with as compared 1919, during July, f ment a request from Mayor M. P. Sny- millions of dollars in Investments by records show, poisonous roots and leaves all yield , How 1918. The 2996 in Aid Rains July, Materially, Fighters the kill der that the city add $10,000 to the a new agrarian law enacted by their power to to the use of thes however, that the number of criminal ever, in Some Districts. -congress of.Sonora, Mexico, at the di reward already offered. natives. ' is cases increasing. again fire Forest Wash. condiSpokane, rect instructions of Governor Calles. Special men of the tribe prepare the . Proposes Drought Relief. Several American companies already tions in the Pend Oreille and Coeur poisons for their purpose, usually heatPlan to Check Bolshevism. Helena, Mont. Ten million dollars have filed complaints with the state d'Alene forests of northern1 Idaho, acing them lq a dish before dipping tle for drought relief in Montana and an department against the operation of cording to information received lirire, Paris. Dr. Karl Renner, the dart Into them. While waiting for theii and Herr administration organization similar to this law, and other complaints are in were worse Saturday, while in the St. chancellor, poisonous brew to cook, the poison welfare Governor Stewarts proposed The department is pre- Joe forest, where several small fires, Franzt, the Austrian . Conservative, preparation. dance about theflre In exciteinwas noted. leader, have 'Conferred; "with a view " commission are provided in a bill ment at thri coming hunt or combat. paring representations to the Carranza were burning, little change the senate Monday. government against putting the 'law Three hundred men. are fighting troduced in the state to establishing' between the parties of Skulking In breathless silence upon an Idathe left 'rind the' Conservatives' and Lib,; imaginary' enemy, ther suddenly leap into operation because of ,in justices fire on Bear' creek,' near Kellogg, VISCOUNT BURNHAM this government contends it works up- ho. New crews wet-- sent to the fire erals a coalition intended to check up and discharge the fatal arrows, on United States citizens who have in- near Heron, Mont., which forced crews Bolshevism the Petit Parlslen says. after which they shift easily to the w, .. vested many millions in agricultural fighting it to Witlijdray.r,(!! part of the victim, arid writhe and lands in Sonora. ' Two Score Hurt in Trolley Crash . I howl with all theagori of the hunted. BEAR ADMIRAL GLENNON By the terms of the law it is proSan Jose, Cal More than two score Exhaustion and the completion of thSt u lands will for state pay the vided that were injured, mrinyi seriously, i persons poison put an end to this vivid, re- iswhen two interurban cars on the Penhearsal. expropriated with agrarian bonds nine, sued by the state, redeemable at a insula railway collided head-o, Old Publications. . time and manner to be stipulated later. miles from here at noon Sunday. One . An odd bit of the past turns The new constitution of Mexico proof the cars was crowded, with picnickup In vides that the states shall issue agrarers bound for Congress Springs, a re- t list of old publication soon' to be'-sol-d at. auction, namely-- ' to. give it its ian bonds' under authority of a law sort. full, Imposing tltle.i , A - Sermon -that has not yet been enacted by the Preached at, in the Presfederal congress. The American point 2 Billion Cigaret Made in U. S. Weekly ence of Many Honorable and Worshipout in their complaints to the state de" Atlantic City, N. J. The demand for ful, the Adventurers and Planter for ' partment that these bonds are' of no the greatest In the world's ' is tobacco as the national inasmuch Virginia, and Published-fothe Den- - :,! value and, to Benjnmin Duke. eflt. according not history, Use of the Colony PlnnteJ, and paid the government of Mexico has He declared that America Is supplying and to bee planted there and for the- interest on its bonds since 1913, there much of the worlds output and that Advancement of their Christian Puris no indication that the agrarian bonds are Inode In the pose." The Rev. William " 1.000, 000, 000 will be of any value. Symonds United States every three' days to meet preached that sermon, motes the Chris- San at Diego. Fleet Vanguard Now the demand.'-- ' Science Monitor,' described San Diego. The destroyer Ihilip, Virginia as a lamUwitli. (trie, fruitful-''- , new Pacific fleet first vessel of the ness whereof England, our. mlstresse, Zurich in Disorder. to reach an American port on the Fa in Zurich is caiini)t,wcompare, no, not. when 'She-iZurich, Switzerland. clflc const from the" Atlltntlf, arrived In her greatest pride." Yet lie which movement a strike of preached the grip here Saturday, afternoon to bring mail to rather a sorry congregation,1 to as call for serious so say ' become has 'mall to back tuke the fleet and Imml- history, a of at largely council Vlecount Burnham, owner of the from state composed special the action by Lieutenant Commander E. W. it. decided to grants who had failed at home through Londen Telegraph and one of EngRear Admiral Glennon of the United session. The state council the Philip's commander, exStrother, la to send bad inblts little calculated to help council land's leading newspaper publishers, federal Ilf the of th the aaved who request to join the flagship New Mexico State navy la a new fpuntry, w ,,0 , s the lateat probability" for the poet pects Zurich. to , t troops on August 5, two days before the fleet Ruian admiral, Kolchak, from United to the of Brltlah ambassador When Tobacco Waa Taboo. j is due at tills port. States. Spain Discusses League of Nations In :1038 the Massachusetts general serial e 1ms court Madrid. Tlio Spanish Strike Following High Coets. Yorkshire Miner Voting on Strike. ordeted,'1 a writer comments, Alaskan Road Bill Reported Favorably of the steadily In- begun discussion of the question as to Because Toklo. a that no man shall take any tohnoco on London. Yorkshire coni miners are Favorable report Washington. with the pries whether Spain shall enter tlio league wlthlh 20 poles of any liquxe, .0' so voting Monday on a proposed indorse- bill providing an additional $17,000,000 creasing cost of living, hownear as inny endanger the Same." ' In ment of their lenders action in refus- for construction of the Alaskan rail- of rice soaring 'dally, labor unrest is of nations. No definite action, Numerous strikes ever, is looked for until It is certain 1798 iin'Aet Wni passed fc5!(Mlng the 1 ing the governments terms to settle road to meet Increased costs was or spreading in Japan. in Toklo, Yokohama, that ho league is a reality. carrying of Are through the si reels the stake, in which more than 200,000 dcred Thursday by tlie house terrltor iiava occurred In which women In a covered vessel, smoking, or t and Nagoya, Osaka men still are out. itlcs committee. ' Injunction Permit Sale of 2.75( Beer. having lU'dn'e'k pftsscsMlori'"niiy llghVod have participated. , Yankees Soon to Quit Hun Soil Los Angelos. An injunction Plana to Return, to Prewar Policy. pipe or segar" In the streets or on the Coblenz.T-rAlAmerican soldiers, ex l decidtlio police department Jroni Wharves. The penalty was $2. If the Fourteen Killed In Plane Fall. London. Tho government lias wilh-ih2.75i of A Cnpronl nirplaiuvil.vlntfou Vnri-Icin a ropewnlk, ilia pen-'1- 1 offender wus .sale ed to revert to ils prewar policy of cepting about 8000 who will remain on per interfering tOi Milan, Saturday, with fourteen cent ijoer in cafes here: was gi'nnted lty was from $5 to $100. Tills prononinterference In Industrial disputes, the Rhino indefinitely, will he out of " 20, according to persons on bonrd, fell to the ground Saturday by the superior court on' ap- hibition bf 1708' was not repealed until '' says tlio Dally Mali, leaving employ- Germany by August 1000 neat from of meters, instructions 1880. general men. restaurant a from height ers nnd workers t adjust (1'lr own the latest plication of 'M Ui J, r Veronn. All on board were killed. headquarters. difficult lea. . . 11 UTA-CARBO- Hi H v I their-proposa- -- nt h . - - con-cocto- rs n . , ", i White-Chape- l, r 1 ( -- ", i , r. , , J U. S. Soldier Gas Victims Total 756. Seven hundred and Washington. of the American soldiers killed In aotion .were victims of gas, according to an announcement by the war department1 e The Coverage age of all the men killed was 23 years. x i Three Killed Jn Indiana iStorm. Fort Wayne, (Ind. Three person) ex-ce- f ( I rl of-th- one-fift- More Trouble Brewing .The municipal employLiverpool. ees have decided to give twenty-fou- r hours' notice of strike unless the demands of the striking, tramway men are immediately granted. i,i , y , $ H nttr , ' S , -- 0. Subsidies Are Advocated.' Oakland, Calif Nationalized subsidies and investments to make the position of the American merchant marine secure against cheap lalwr were advocated by Ilomer L. Ferguson, president' of. the chamber of commerce of the United States and president of (lie Newport News Shipbuilding company, in an address at a luncheon here. The government must furnish 'Cheap money to compete with cheap labor, Fergti-sor- . Low rate loans must be said. made by the government, through proper legislation,' to private individuals ships for investment in American-mad- e to carry American-mad- e goods to foreign ports.! Narcotic Ban Lifted If Life is At Stake Washington; Hundreds of letters from persons suffering from incurable diseases and from pged persons addicted for .many yeprs .to .the use, of drugs, pitiful in their supplications that rules governing thp sale of narcotics be modified, led Commissioner Boper to iss.ue Instructions to collectors of internal, revenue whereby such persons may obtain drugs on prescription by a, Reputable physiciat j , - , f dnmagit were killed t and .'. properly amounting to thousands of dollars re sulUd fnoin g rain and elortrlcnl nlonn which swept over northerh Indiana an .western Ohio , . . - EIGHT SUf.PRTlNgL . d n- a MEN , ' p MILLION with us by mail.. Send us an order. congress; Great Strike Will Be Only Last' Recourse iSiflan of F.ailfoad - , fifty-si- s Woulid Cool Hatreds. Number of Dead Fixed at ' stuffs. Exe-cuton- rssxiE in DECLARES. PLUM8 Propose Prosecution of Profiteers One Plan of Palmer Outlines GovernAction. ment Purposes. President Is ' Preparing Message. V 8. OWNERSHIP U. will press RE-- It' perfectly safe to do business. ; a |