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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH MUCH NECKWEAR BE TO Worse Still. Miss Ann was very angry when- I kissed her Jn the dark and refused to accept -did not you make it Perhaps strong enough. ; Oil, yes, :I;did. J told her I had mistaken her for her pretty young cousin. - - Should Read Mrs. Monyhanc Letter Published by Her Permission.' r the time I was looking forward to the coming of my little one that I am recommending it to other expectant mothers. Before taking it, some days I suffered with neu so tirely -- ' I was en- ' any -- ege-tab- p. ut Back Giving Out? broad-'taH'an- . beautiful capes in the style of that shown' at (he right of the picture. Nearly. all of these are- in the natural taupe color of the, feathers, but in capes and boas there Is often a mixture f white and natural flues. Ruffs' made of malines in very full plaits and ruffs made 'of loops of wide satin ribbon are aniorig 'bid acquaintances that find themselves returned to favor, now that everything in neckwear proves to be of interest.,;iThey are not at all difficult to make the plaits or loops are simply stitched on to1 a 'band tliat lies about the neck, and they fasten with ties of narrow satin ribbon. Small chokers, and other small neckpieces in furs appear, to have displaced larger .neckpieees and capes for. sum-- ' mer wear andnarrow scarfs of satifi finished it the ends withfrlnge, prove themselves a cliic novelty on women who know how to wear., them well. , ostrich Curiosity, yes. I But never idle. Lift off Corns! Doesnt hurt a bit and Freezone i costs only a few cents.. A Bodice of Ribbon. 'The bodice made, entirely of ribbon is a feature of midsummer dance frocks combined with skirts of either net, both silk and cotton ; organdie, voile, lace and georgette. ' awful caused , pains in my back, sides and hips."' I heard about Doans Kidney Pills and got some. I found them very good and in a short time Doans bad cured ms. Get Doaa'eat Aay State, SOe a Baa BUFFALO. N.Y. Being Exact. Dont you think Biiggins has a great deal of idle curiosity? , ALL DAY DRESSES N In the good old summer time: when of all kinds are getting ripe and .tempting,, when (cucumbers,r radishes and vegetables fresh from the garden are too good to resist, when the festive picnic prevails and everybody overeats and your stomach goes back on you, then is the time for "August the sovereign remedy , for Flower, tired, overworked and disordered 'stomachs, a panacea for indigestion, fermentation- of food, sour stomach, sick headache and constipation. It gently stimulates the liver, cleanses the intestines and alimentary canal, making life worth living. Sold everywhere. Adv. fruits 1 Mrs. Pearl Monyban, much good. Mitchell. Ind. . Good nealtB' during maternity is a most important factor to both mother and child, and many letters have been Wqmen seem to have becomq? mueli Teceived by-1 the - LydiarEPinkham Medicine Co., Lynn, Mass., telling of addicted to wearing neekpleees of health restored duringthis laying period many kinds.. A little journey through le shops and departments that carry by the use of Lydia . Pinkham a V Compound. .. , neckwear reveals such a world of it and sneli a variety of it that there Discarded Song. must be a great demand for all kinds Nobody sings I Wont Go Xlonio Jill neckwear. Many of.fhe pieces are intended to replace summer furs. Morning and more; Certainly' not, replied' Cncle Bill These include scarfs made of plushes, Bottle-toIf by any chance there ostrich boas, ostrich capes and capes is and remaining hard liquor available, of marabout feathers or marabout finliome is the only place to lodk for it. ished with ostrich fringe. This lr J Washington Star;"'' fringe, which, appears like imara-"boin black, white and natural color, is used in borders, and bands in scaTfs of gold and silver tissue. Some of themew plushes used for scarfs do not attempt a close imitaThat 'bad back is 'probably due to tion of fur but suggest the most popweak kidneys. It shows in a dull, d lar, summer furs, as ermine and throbbing backache, or sharp twinges when stooping.-- ' You moleskin. Besides these too.dizzy spella. a tired, nervous feeling 'there' are some handsome satin scarfs and irregular kidney action. Dont negand capes trimmed with harrow bands lect it there is danger of dropsy,. gravel or Brights disease! - Use Doans Kidof real fur, shown with hats to match ney Pills. Thousands have saved themlike the smart affair that is, shown .at serious ailments more selves by .the the .?oi the two .figures nbove. right v use of iDoans. timely . Rich silk tassels and kilt embroidered ' motifs put this in a plass with the Anld&hdC&se " handsomest furs. J. A. Castile, 'Both ostrich and marabout make - 8 00 carpenter,-Second St., N. Idaho, Nampa, says: I was laid up one spring for several we ek s with, trouble.' kidney I had to .'be, careful how I because stepped any sudden jar FOSTER-MILBUR- GREENS AUGUST FLOWER . relieved of DOAN'SV.YlV 0 Goody-Lan- d Their Use. They say lead, pencils carry germs. "Well, they are the very things to draw them.'' had neuralgia, gained in strength and was able to go aroupd, and ? do all My baby when seven my housework In Greatest Name ; badly that Compound The , followed by a dusting with Cuticura Talcum Powder usually means a clear, weet, healthy skin. Adv. thought I could not live, but after taking three bottles of Lydia E. Pink-ham- s V e ge table I Ldy of Distinction. A Is recognized by the delicate fascinat lug influence of the perfume she uses. A bath with Cuticura Soap and hot water to thoroughly cleanse the pores, Mitchell, Ind. Lydia E. Pinkhama Vegetable Compound helpedme bo much raids . i ' .With your fingers! You can lift off ny hard corn, soft corn, or corn between the toes, and the hard skin calluses from bottom of feet. - A tiny bottle of Freezone costs little at any drug store; apply a few drops upon the corn or caHus. Instantly it stops hurting, then shortly you lift that bothersome corn or callus right off, root and all, without one bit of pain or soreness. Truly ! No humbug! A CHARMING GIFT Where Husbands Wear Wedding Rings. The women in Brazil have not equal ARMISTICE PERFUME extract will recall to yon the rieh suffrage, but they haye an equality This perfume odor of a hundred French flowers to lasting with the men of their country which eoatly true. WB GUARANTHB to send you 4 bottles, toounce each, and one special bottle with glass is not enjoyed by their North Ameri- H top (this alone is worth one stoi'per and gold plated Are bottles of different, enchant are dollar) altogether husbands can sisters. All Brazilian log lerfumes for ONB DOLLAR, postpaid, money expected to wear their wedding rings order or currency. Send 11.00 TODAY. ARMISTICE SPECIALTIES as conscientiously as their wives, and 181 West New York, N. Y 39th St. Send 91.00 for above, IncludAG HUTS generally they do so. The ring is a DHALDR8, terms and exclusive territory, samples, ing agency plain gold hand, the ,;same as that wonlerlol proposition. worn by wives in the United States. ' The women in Brazil unanimously are PARKERS ' V HAIR BALSAM the of the opinion that this is about A toilet preparation merit. last word in equality. - Helps to eradicate dandruff. . A successful man keeps his eyes ami Bad Sicltiiess ears wide open ' Caused by Its hasnt and-hi- ( mouth closed. a 'poor wedding ceremony a hitch In It. Womans Wit Nexdores wife has saved up some ; money for a nest egg. Is that why you call her an old that Boston Evening Transcript, v, lien? For Restoring Color to Gray or Faded Hair Beauty 60c. and ll.OOat Druggists. PATENTS K. Wttlox Patent Lawyer, Coleman, W'aahingion, D O. Advice and book. (rea. Batea reasonable. Highest references. Beetserrieee. Acid-Stoma- ch g people only Realized the of the many power of an of onuses kinds of sickness and misery It the lives It literally wrecks they would do as they guard against It as carefully against a deadly plague. You knew in an Instant the first symptoms of pains of Indigestion; distressing, painful bboat; sour, gaesy stomach; belching; food repeating; heartburn, etc. Whenever your atomach. feels this way you should lose no time in putting it to rights. If you todon't, eerious consequences are almost sure auto,uch as Intestinal fermentation, nerintoxication, impairment of the entire vous system, headache, biliousness, cirrhosis of the liver; sometimes even catarrh of the atomach and intestinal ulcers and cancer. :H you are not feeling right, see if it isnt that is the cause of your ill health. Take EATONIC, the wonderful modern stomach remedy. EATONIC Tablets Quickly and surely relieve the pain, bloat, belching, and heartburn- that1 Indicate clean Make the stomach Btrong, and sweet. By keeping the stomach In full healthy condition so that you can get your general health strength from your food; are marvelously steadily- improves. Results and you will be EATQNIC quick.- Just have ss enthusiastic si the thousands who used It snd v. say they never dreamed such marvelous relief. anything could b.ng So get a big So lent box of EATONIC from your druggist t day. If not satisfactory return it and he w.l refund your money. If health-destroyin- h acid-stoma- fol-lo- h h. tv Cron y6pr OU know "'y much Acro-sOMAC-g) The Cs we is Dkndrni' akd Itching ( Your Hair CuticurA .fVl , ASdraggi0te:8QftpS,O1ntnnt28ft6O,Tft1ecEmlB. Kill All Flies I Based anrwtorw. DAISY FLY YILLK elean, ornamanUI. Mila all -r v eee dresses, to be worn in One-p- i , suit in and out of dooi-3- replace ceived a great tmost during the war. When tailors became scarce and the work of making street clothes went Into the hands of dressmakers in Paris, e dress began to the the With approval of replace suits. Paris upon it, this style of street dress made great headway In America and appears to have established Itself, dress, as .It is called, apThe pears, together with new suits, in the early showings of fall styles,, sometimes having much the appearance of a suit and sometimes wholly different from one. These two types are shown . together in the picture above. In the made are up dresses These same quiet colors and of the snme materials ns suits, although colors cover a wider rnnge than are usually presented in suits, and there .is more latitude in the mutter of decorations. The dress at the left of the picture simulates a suit so closely that it Is misleading. It will Interest the girl who must coon be outfitted for college, because it Is a youthful model that will see her through the fall without a wrap) add prove comfortable In co)4 wentheir Vltl) tho aid of a coat ail-da- y one-piec- KS" attract. opv.nl.nt and Tll-dn- y Jin f Goarintoto. FLT ijiles M. wiwrtrn W. N. U., Salt Lake City, t.r, N. T-TT- Y. 9. -rr- Silenco is golden sail some remarks ere very grassy. strong point of many a woman v tlie end of a hat pin- - e T717Vn S1 Bshwhe. SwAw, Gass Strong and theyTire, Smart, Itch, or Bum, if Sore, Irritated, Inflamed or Granulated, )URl toe Murine often. Ssle for Infant or Adult At all Druggiata. Write for Free Eye Bflofc farina Iy Beauty Cswujf CUcagt, (I. $ . j It has the appearance of a suit with skirt and short box coat belted in. But the coat turns out to be only a bodice, with fronts lengthened below the narrow belt and disappearing at the sides under a seam in the skirt. It hns n satin vest, prettily embroidered, and a few very large bone buttons emphasize its novel features. They are set along the side senms in which, the Jacket fronts lose themselves and, on the odd lapels into which the collar lengthens. Wool velour is nil ideal material for a dress of this kind. r The girl who aspires to look tall should consider the long lines nnd simple composition of the dress at the right. The picture portrays it with so much fidelity that there is nothing that needs to be said about it. An underskirt of silk, with border of cloth, lms the effect of a separate skirt, but dress is, above nil things, the convenient to put on, nnd this skirt is merely the lower part of a foundation that supports the dress. Any of the familiar nnd reliable wool suitings will serve to make Ihese dresses. all-da- y how toasting improves bread. Makes it taste good. Of course more flavor. i . ' Same with tobacco especially Kentucky Burley. Buy yourself a package of Lucky Strike cigarettes. Notice the toasted flavor. Great! Nothing like it. The real Burley cigarette.1 V kt r .. ( |