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Show h THE MAMMOTH RECORD. MAMMOTH CITY. UTAH HARVEST CANTALOUPE - FAMED NEW ENGLAND FAMILY AND WATERMELONS FROM CALIFORNIA FIELDS BY MILLIONS Many Distinguished Citizens Among the Hanks of the Town of , Mansfield, Conn. At tiie recnt celebration at Mansfield, Conn., of the golden wedding of Mr. and Mrs. Henry W. Hanks, the Each day is a fresh beginning. Wise is he who takes today and lives it and tomorrow' when it comes but not before it comes, The past is of value only by way of the lessons it has brought us. . FOOD ., : FOR. .THE SICK. ith-- a A tempting tray .qhaqge pf china. 'using the prettiest in the house : - will interest the patient, and he will know and appreciate that- - the prepar-atifp- r of his ..fopd and tray is a pleasure; in the measure in which it is When no demonstrated. invalid tray is provided lisefi ltfre tray and support It over th6 patient's lap with" books on each side. This will' take away "the weight and dread of spilling food. Gruels are such important foods for the ill,, that it ; is .fitting, that thought should be put upon their preparation.' For a liquid dlet ialL cereals the. same way, using aqeprepaqecj two to three tablespoonfuls, to a quart of water. Cook for several hours in a, double boiler and' strain before serv-ing.Athic cergql is cooked as 'for breakfast food, but cooked a long on win n time'1 Iso. Chicken Broth, A good broth may be prepared ,rpmrthe. neck, ;wiag tips and feet of a chicken. . Scald the feet; removing tjie sklpand- - nails,.- - Cover with cold water adding celery and let it simmer gently l"'for two hours. Seai' son and strath. Mutton Broth. Cut , .one pound" o the neck of mutton Ig small , pieces. Coter1 "with" cold r wafer and ; simmer', gently for several' hours. "Reason and1 Add a strain through-; cheesecloth: tablespoonfijl of; boiled rice dr barley at serving time; "This adds to the hourishinent. , All1 fat 'should "be removed before servlngii Chill,: then reheat after taking oft the fat. Creamed Sweetbreads. Soak a pair of sweetbreads in cold water an hour, changing the yn.fep. peyqrai tlmes. Simmer in hot water until .Render. Add salt' and a few celery leaves for flavor.. When done dip In cold water and. separate iqto small pieces, removing thy membrane. Save the broth in which they "were cooked as it makes delicate soup,, adding a little' milk and seasoning. , P,ujt the , sweetbreads Into a cream sauce and serve on toast or In ramekins. . ...... , f Lemon Jelly. Soak a Itabiespoonful of gelatin in three tablespoonfuls of of a cold water ; add three-fourtcupful of boiling water and four "of "lemon juice and five tablespoonfuls of sugar. Stir until dissolved. Pour into a wet, mold awl put on Ice to harden.t Thjs makes two servings.' Plain Sponge bake. Beat two eggs, separating whites and "yolks ; add one-ha- lf cupful of sugar, and a flavoring of lemon juice and rind to the beaten yolks; then add the, whites and. fold in one-hal- f cupful of (lour. Bake In moderate oven until the cake 11 shrinks froth the pan: . is i ( ' a , , , 'A sunny, bright, and buoyant, chronically buoyant disposition en-Is one of the most desirable and viable qualities of character that anyone, man, woman or child, can possess. , . SERVING THE SUMMER MEAL.. . i ' r T !i 'Hi. .. In thq homes where It Is necessary to use economy (and that means 80 to 90 per cent of our people) the using of left, overs wisely and acceptably Is usually a dally problem." Because the male members of the family shy at anything reheated, ' made' Ov'er or ' hashed, t'lhe problem becomes one which takes finesse on' the part of .the menu planner. The preparation of a leftover Into an appetizing dish takes vastly Wore" thought than the ordinary one, xvhich 'ls often the .reason why such dishes are not acceptable.; they i ore prepared with ' too little thought. f; The reason so many men balk at salads Is because they are" hsed'ns the clearing house for leftovers. There Is something .outiof balance with a person who has not learned.to enjoy crisp, d d salads, or and seasoned vegetables, but no one can be blamed for refusing' uhatirao (1 ' tlve food. !' In meeting people and making friends we try" to be as agreeable as It Is possible to be. Why' not "use "the same method In combining, foods,, by putting a1 tittle originality into the seasonings' and make a new dish wel. come? v 1 .;r We' have favorite foods as we have favorite friends, yet it Is not possible nor wise for us, to always be nerved with the foods we like best . of associate with people always agreeable. Daintiness should be the keynote In the serving of the sqmmer meal, as attractive dishes sharpen the appetite.) By following the advice of Horace Fletcher and chewing the ood three times as long as usual, the appetite Is satisfied with a smaller amount of food nod the body bus less wuste to throw off, thus saving wear on the Eat less, work human machinery. more, worry less, walk more, Is a flood motto for the whole year ae well for hot weather. well-blende- u well-cooke- fact was brought out that the Hanks family has lung been known for its Ingenu.ty. The first rown clock known in this couni r.v was made on Hunks A salad, a sandwich, a "cooling drink hill by Benjamin Hanks and was with a dish of fruit and a simple cake placed in llie Old Dutch church ii. will make a noon meal sufficiently satNew York city in 180. The first isfying during the hot weather! Such cannon and first bell in America brass a meal; may be; varied with a change were also cast on Hanks hill. of dessert and different kinds of salNot only this, hut the first silk mill ads and sandwich fillings, so that there erected in the Unite 1 Stales, in 1810, will be no monotony. Milk and eggs, still remains on the old hill. The custards and frozen dishes are most grandfather of Henry W. Hanks, who at this time. Hearty satisfactory was Itodney Hanks, was the first silk dishes .of meats .with. heavy; desserts manufacturer in America. The latare best left entirely, alone if one ters son, George R., father of Ilenvy, would bq well. . continued in the business. All about the old town are evidences of a famous r I could If write as I can cook, book. experiment in raising cocoons for the How, joyfully youd read my down Id peppier faults and salt industry, In the shape of stray mul; facts, t. ) berry trees which have survived me Pick and preserve Important abts; Loading a Motortruck With Melons In the Field The Melons Having Been New England winters. severe ' J Id roast the critics to a turn Previously Laid in the Rune Are Passed From Hand to Hand and Then Another (So nothing but their ears would Interesting fact brought out Into the Motortruck. at the celebration was that, although bum); Id have free verse and rimlftgs true Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hanks have five Served up in, one grand Irish stew. Comparatively few of us know of way terminals, where they are crated children and four grandchildren, durYoud have yourjlll ofj solid meat, the care and attention given to Friend and placed in refrigerator cars; t, And finish; off with something to come The cars ing the fifty years of their married loadhe into is the from station time the Melon, plucked o i . sweet. our attention ed with the ice, the ice is unloaded, the life there has never been a death in moment he Invites - I the ssii repeat crates shoved in, the ice put in the the family. When a boy, Henry Hanks at our table. If I could write, as I can cook avHow joyfully you'd read my book. in and the cars start on theii went with his parents to Illinois, California The Brawloy fields .. Iris. cakes ol where they ran a ranch and conducted erage 350 cars of melons a day during way. Thirty-eigh- t ... .... .... i - . i By ice the' melon into car and each and the Ice a grocery store in the years between the go cantaloupe season, EMERGENCY , DISHES. Thou- is changed nine times between the 1858 and 1867, moving back to the anseason lasts about fifty-dayOne of the earmarks of a good sands of men work in the fields pick- starting point and Chicago, The cost cestral acres during the latter year. and .watermelons, in ice alone is $75 per car." Twenty-fiv- e New York World. housekeeper is to be ready for any ing,, cantaloupes to thirty tons of melons are shipoccasion.' If her passing them from one, to another, then emergency shelf Is to motortrucks which take them to rail- - ped in each car. SARDINIA LIVES IN THE PAST a corner grocery, even a ear full of DAMPNESS IS HARD ON TIRES Hand Sickles and, . Wooden .. Plows friends arriving Drawn by Oxen Are Still In within an hour. of ...Use on the Island., Water Inside Breaker Causes of meal time will not disturb' her serenRapid Disintegration Good Roads Relics of Biblical pastoral life, plowAre Favored. ity. tW hostess with wooden hooks drawn by oxen, ing Remain her to to a urges ' ' guests ylid h Is very destructive to reaping by. the most primitive impleWet weather meal which' she' la wildly planning In IT.? . of the tires that are, partly worn.. out. The ments and other occupations the back of her head, will lack the Short-Haof antiquity remain of nomadic Successful Solution peoples how1 of to his think motorist is of no true matter average apt ring sincerity, In Sardinia, ; : ' ' 1 tires as being made only of rubber, the manner of living today Problem Confronting Trans- carefullyJ Worded. t , to Dr. Alfred P. Dennis, ' ' according therefore and With 'a shelf waterproof.emergency the United A partly worn tire is a long ways commercial attache of portation Expert. which is constantly replenished, If she has just who at States Rome, embassy lives In the- country or' tort' far from from being waterproof, however, and Island after the from returned making enter into a grocery store an Impromptu guest the other materials that will bring no panic, but-othe con- POPULAR METHOD OF MOVING its construction are decidedly subject an exhaustive study into trade possito damage from water. When water bilities. trary will be .welcomed and enjoyed. "Sardinians present a living picture The list of staples to be kept for such gets inside the breaker strip of a tire of the remote past which has been friction occasions will vary with the taste of and and into the fabric gum, and handed down from stereotyped One the householder. There are some Rural Freight Now Hauled by Farmer It causes rapid disintegration. Wasaid Doctor Dennis. antiquity, tires make roads our which are as reason such Who Owne Truck and Handles Hit why things necessities, good woodearthen with wheels ter buckets, last longer is that they dry quickly en crackers, cheese, pickles, olives, jol(Own Marketing as Well as drawn by oxen, the scythe lies .and preserves. With canned fruit after rain. About the only good thing andplows That of Neighbor. still in use in reaping sickle the Is our which Is found In every weUregulated dry winter that can be said for fields nomadic occupations un vast home, desserts and salads of various (Prepared by the United States Depart-- , inexact that tires last longer. changed since the days of the .Aryan ment of Agriculture.) kinds may be quickly prepared. A tribal costumes as gay and dispersion few frills like a box of marshmallows, Hauling farm produce to market in FOR CLEANING VALVE STEMS grotesque as the trappings of the mea bottle (small one) of marischino motortrucks represents one means of dieval pageant all reproduced In the cherries and coconut will dress up an the 'successful solution of the short Simple Way la to Inject Little Keroseveriest similitude the archaic life of otherwise plain dish. haul, one of the most difficult probne-Oil Softens and Washes bygone ages. counlems which confronts the transportaIf the woman who lives in the Off Carbon. try would serve her friends with the tion expert. Method Is Popular. farm food eggs, butter, cream, chickMigratory Bird. Law. A simple way of cleaning valve Failure of railroads to keep pace of the federal The en, vegetables and berries, and not try constitutionality stems which are under aspiclon of to prepare something fancy, both she with the expansion of the short-hau- l bird act, approved treaty migratory to Is carbon Inject deposits In an opinion and her guests would be far happier. business, the development of the pro- harboring a little kerosene in the air. valve of the July 3, 1918, Is upheld rendered not long ago by Federal Crisp, fresh vegetables with cream or ducing areas adjoining the larger cities carburetor while the engine Is runeastern butter are a treat to the city dweller. In proportion to the production deIn this way a little of the kero- Judge Jacob Trleber of the An omelet is a most satisfying dish mands asked of them, and the upbuild- ning. sene finds its way down the valve district of Arkansas In the ease of the to serve In a hurry. It may have a ing of the motortruck manufacturing stem and softens ana washes off the United States against E. D. Thompwith killing vnriety of fillings or sauces, making carbon. It is no bad idea to do this son of Memphis, charged in violation It a main dish or a dessert. robin one and possessing so. once a month or of the act. This is one of the most important The wisest and most lnterestlnf KEEP RADIATOR WELL FILLED decisions ever rendered affecting the men talk little, think much, complain never, but travel on. How far conservation of wild life. It sustains have you come today, brother? Driver Who Is Careful of His Machine the right of congress to enact legislaWill Add a Little Water tion to insure the execution of the HOT WEATHER, MENUS. Frequently. terms of the treaty between the United .'I-States and Great Britain, concluded Ttie appetite flags during the hot When the cooling system is kept In 16, 1916, for the protection of it to August necessary give weather,, making motion by thermo-syphoaction, It Is migratory birds in the United States attention to foods quite important that the radiator be and Canada. that are cooling as kept reasonably full In order that there It will be recalled that Judge Trlewell as nourishing. be a back Yesistance to aid in forcing ber In 1914, In the case of United This is a good It is good engine States the water forward. against Harvey O. Shauver, detime to cut down care to frequently add a little water, cided that the migratory bird law, apmeats, serving an Instead of waiting for the engine to or cro proved March 4, 1913, was unconstiomelet knock for water. tutional. The present law repealed q u e 1 1 e s with the act of 1913. Birmingham sauce, good TO GET CLEAR RAIN VISION small amount of meat may be used In t preparing the croquettes or they may Motor Truck Used for Carrying Milk ! Nothing Is Better Than Kerosene and he made entirely of vegetables. to Market. Claims Philadelphia Land. ' Glycerin- Mixed for Cleaning Cold fruit soups, fruit salads and been has The city of Philadelphia the Windshield. fruit cocktails are especially satlsfy-fyin- g activities, as well as the recent war reminded, In an unexpected fashion, of " this have crisis, emergency popularized on a hot day. Iced drinks of Penn. He to It frequently comes in handy to know Its association with William two small various kinds are always welcome. For method of moving farm produce Indians for the reserved that a little bottle of kerosene and a luncheon or supper, sandwiches with market. where they might come t Is Made. mixed In equal parts will clear pieces of land Survey glycerin cold desired roast sliced filling, any, build and their council fires. in peace an The bureau of markets conducted the glass of the windshield of beef. olives and radishes or small One of them, a patch of 85 feet by 100 routes motor ahead. of extensive vision clear and survey sixty raindrops give onions well chilled, a dish of Ice cream under the shadow of the towering Ultz or a sherbet and a cake will make a to ascertain the defective practices and This compound operates to spread the Curlton hotel, is now covered-; with to suggest 'improve- rain drops In a thin even sheet all as far as Satisfying meul for anyone. Vegetable ment whichpossible stabilize the indus- over the surface instead of letting it asphalt. The other is used us a storwould omelet creamed potasoup, crackers, ' age and dumping ground for odds and The bureau found that rural stand in globules. . toes with peas, tomato salad, sponge try. There has appeared an Indian-princesends. who farmer the hauled is by enke with a custard and a small cup of freight, numed;' H which, owns a truck and handles his personal coffee Is a good menu for dinner. means, in the Seneca language, "Never as well as thnt'of his neighmarketing Pudding. Spread bread bor , Rhubarb contented" claiming") these reservaby motor, by the loCal truck operwith butter and cover. with a layer of tions for the use of her people. She ators who haul farm produce as a busicut rhubarb ; sprinkle with sugnr and or truck has filed her application with the Inautomobile local the ness, by repent until there Is enough for each dian Rights association, and intends, if that operate transportation to be served. Add a little water and agencies necessary, to Invoke the aid of the Six trucks as a side line, by the city transbake until the rhubarb Is well cooked. fer in trucks also which Nations of New York. .( The innhufneturers of cars, engnges company Cherries or other acid fruit may be rural and by the large corpor- and parts how employ more than 1, hauling, used in place of the rhubarb. Sponge ation which operates a fleet of trucks 000,000 men and women. This does Millionaires and Nickels. cake with sweet berries mny be treat- over a wide range of territory. Natur- not Include accessory manufacturers, Mr. Tompkins meant well, but he same a In most the ed way, making with such a diversity In the haul- or the men employed In garages, re- was not ns happy os usual, when he ally wholesome dessert that you need not ing agencies, there Is a similarly wide pair shops and new or used car sales lauded the returned soldiers by sayfear to give to th children. range in their methods of doing busi- establishments. ing they cared no more for their lives Rich desserts and suuces, fnt and ness. when they went Into battle than a milshould seasoned be meats, left highly If every passenger car now In use lionaire cares for a nickel. This metaout of the menus during hot weather. Grease the Universal Joints. In the United States traveled only does not measure the heroism of A supper dish that Is fconomlcnl These are perhaps the most neglect 3,000 miles n year, a low average, and phor men. Once we knew a millionaire our and wholesome can be prepnred from ed parts of the mechanism, because carried three passengers each mile fuvorlte whose expression was : "Five a cupful of cooked rice with three or they are generally the hardest to get covered, the total passenger mileage cents Is the Interest on a dollar for a four eggs. Put the rice with a little at. The untversals must be kept prop- would be approximately 45,000,000. whole year. We know others who feel milk Into a saucepan, add the eggs, erly lubricated or they will develop same way. Baltimore Sun. the Into the mixture. Cook Intensive wear. stirring them The wholesale value of approximateslowly, add a bit of butter, salt and ly 20,000,000 tires to be manufactured Matter of Real Importance. pepper and serve hot In place of scramSave the Nut. this year will probably exceed Toller Do you want to bled eggs. This will save three or four Fortune not When bolting parts together, do know what your future husband will eggs, which, without the rice, would try to make the nut pull the bolt be needed to make the dish "go round" There are 550 manufacturers of fin- be like? through if the latter sticks. Take a In a family of five. Fashionable Little Party Good grahammer and drive the bolt Into place. ished cars and trucks and about 7,000 no! What I wunt to know la cious, to of concerns manufacturing some parts Otherwise the threads are likely new hata will be like I the what finished car or truck. be ruined. ; , i - 300-poun- d ' : MOTORSTO HAUL . FARM PRODUCTS ; ul 11 -- , - well-stock- n ' . ... , :' . n Age-Heral- - I, , s -- DautomobworidIJ . $600,-000,00- IWm iS. LiDdou Golnlou. . -- Preliminary plans for the improvement of the Shoshone Falls park as a memorial to the sendee mpq of t his county have been submitted .by jMiss Florence Yoch, landscape designer of Los Angeles. The plans provide for drives and rest places, benches, parking places and buildings of various kinds. Further plans are in preparation, together with estimates of .cost. "A" fatal wreck that claimed two lives and seriously injured other jnein-er- s of tiie train crews occurred at Yale siding, fifty miles west of Pocatello. Aii 'eastbound extra freight gomiles an ing down grade at thirty-fiv- e hour jumped a switch frog and plunged headlong into another freight train waiting on the siding. Tiie fall term at Gooding college will begin September 9, and the practical features- that will be offered include a night school for adults, a chair in rural sociology and economics, a sec- - . etarial course for High school graduates and a country life rally similar to that wliich ' lias just been held at tiie Washington State college for tiie rural pastors. With a view to consolidating the Christian And' the Baptist churches of Twin Falls .a'series of joint meetings of tiie two congregations is to,be arranged by a committee of tiie two 'whlcli the pastor of tiie bodies, Christian church will present tiie fundamental doctrines and practices, .of the disciples', and the Baptist pastor in turn will present those of "the Baptists. That he will Insist on 'the filing of specific charges against; him and an immediate trial wficn .b.c will! answer the allegations, is tiie information that Leroy C. Jones, United States marshal for Idaho lias, given out through liis ... attorney,'" KirtUuid I. Perky, former ., United States' senator from Idaho. i By careful rotation in the, use of water from the different,, , Irrigation canals, in tiie $helley district, .most of tlid' crops jiayejieen saved, up. to this tinife! The grain crops are being harvested,' hut .rain or further irrigation will be required to mature, beecs and potatoes. Wesley Jolley, , 22 years old ,was killed on tiie A. J. Alle farm near Marion,, last, week. , Jolley succumbed to current of electricity when the boom of a hay deijdck came into contact with a high tension transmission . line. " .. , , , . f C. O. Cornwall, county, assessor, says the valuation of Minidoka county will be about $6,700,000. The real and personal property roll, not including large, corporations, lias been completed and amounts to $3,900,000. n .. Robert Halpin, 12 years old, died at Twin Falls as" the result of an accidental gunshot wound received while he and, Elmer. Tmney, also 12, wer rifle. playing yith a Corporal Harold Thompson, son of William Thompson of St. Anthony,, has been awarded the distinguished service cross for heroism in action during the late war. John W. Hardin of Kimberly has , disposed of his apple crop on the trees for $50 per ton. This will mean about $200 an acre for the crop, It is said. The First National bank, recently organized at Shelley, will .commence business about September 1, .with Sor-- : en Yorgesen, president. . ti A state highway from Grace to Ireston, and' another from Pocatello to Arbon was designated last week by W. J. llall, commissioner of public works, following a conference between himself, L. Pt Olson, director of high-- ' ways, and officials of Bannock are to extend the Poeatellp-Arbo- n road to Oneida county, and to make arrangements with tiie commissioners of that county for construction of a uniform part of tiie Idaho-Centrt highway, in that county-State land which a year ago brought .( only $13.33 average per acre in Madison county, when offered at public auction by I. A. Smoot, then state land commissioner, who later resigned when tiie state land board cancelled the sale on evidences of collusion between the buyers to keep down prices, were under competitive conditions last week by I. II. Nash, present land commissioner, at an average price of $30.0S per acre an increase of $16.75 per acre. A stockholders mooting of the Carey held recentValley Reservoir '.V was addressed by W". G. Swendsen, state engineer nmP'commissio'nor of reclamation, who stated that tiie Fish creek dam now in course of construction presents the best natural reservoir site he has ever seen. lie reported favorably regarding tiie type of structure being used, stating that It Is the most ideal known. Reed Hansen, stm. of Mr. and 'Mrs. Frank Hansen, formerly of American Fork, Utah, was scalded to death at Shelley, by the tipping of a dyke at ' ' n the sugar factory here.- Although only a few farmers near Caldwell have started harvesting potatoes, a shortage of labor is already being felt, and apparently there Is no relief In sight. "u ' IUsnbled Idaho service meJi will have an opportunity forndvanrement In their life vocations'" through the work of the federal vocational hoard with the arrival of IL It. Fulton, special agent for the government, representing tiie federal board for vocational education. Considerable crop saving 1ms been made near Burley, It Is estimated, by unl Water comthe North Side pany In draining the Jerome reservoir and using the water Impounded thera as supplementary to the last of th flow ( sorage water. ' , --' ' . , s county,-Intention- ? ..- re-so- ld - 11 |