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Show THE MAMMOTH RECORD, MAMMOTH CITY, UTAH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiniiiiiiiiinniiiiiniiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimniiiininumiiniiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiinmniiniiiimiiiiiniiiniiuinniiiiminiiiinniiiiiimniimiiiiiiiiiii D CHARGED WITH me GATC H B O N French Detectives Are Unraveling the Past of Modern Author of "GRAUSTARK." French BURNED detectives continue the investigations into the strange case ,of Henry Landru, under arrest charged with the murder of 11 women and one Landru is being detained lp boy. prison while the police are completing the net of evidence which, they assert, will stow this modern Bluebeard of modern Jg be the Jtlmes. The police have also taken into custody Mile. Fernade Segeut, who was with Landru at the time of his arrest. She is believed to know much of Lan-dru- a past affairs and, according to the police, was destined to be his thirteenth victim. Paris is said to be impatient for the trial, which is expected to reveal a tale of shocking and frightful Inhumanity, Bones and Ashes of Victims. 'It Is believed by the police that most of the victims of Landru disappeared at his secluded country home. Villa Gambais. There detectives have discovered charred bits of i women's clothing, burned bones of human beings, ribs and pieces of ribs, arm bones shin bones and human teeth. In numerous ash piles, believed to contain the remains of some of the victims, detectives have discovered bits of melted glass, hairpins and teelh. In the kitchen of the home were found meat saws, such as only a butcher keeps, and a kitchen stove which, Sn the opinion of the police, served to burn the bodies. ' In the cellar great stains of blood were found, covered with sand. Discovery of a large can filled with tar has led the police to the arch-crimin- 1 Seized and Handcuffed Landru. sume bodies. Sensational Arrest of Bluebeard. Landru was arrested in Paris, where he was living under the name of Gull-le- t. Two detectives entered his home on pretense of being eager to purchase his automobile. Once they were inside, they seized and handcuffed Landru and told him he was under arrest. Shouting and screaming and trying to tear off the handcuffs, he protested against the arrest REFUSE TO BiiiiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiMiiiiiiiiniiiniiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiiniiiiniiiniiiiiiimiiiiinnnniiniiiiniiiinnininiiimiiiimininiiiinnmiiniiniiiimiiiiimniiiiimiiiiii CHAPTER XV Continued. 13 His unenslness increased to consternation when he discovered that Sprouse had not yet put In an appearance. What had become of the man? He could not help feeling, however, that somehow the little agent would suddenly pop out of the chimney in his room, or sneak in through a crack under the door and laugh at his fears. Shortly before the noon hour, Peter Ames halted the old automobile from Green Fancy in front of the Tavern and out stepped ODowd, followed by no less a personage than the pseudo Mr. Loeb. There were a number of traveling bags in the tonneau of the car. Catching sight of Barnes, the Irishman shouted a genial greeting. "The top of the morning to ye. You remember Mr. Loeb, don't you? Mr. Curtis secretary. Mr. Loeb is leaving us for a few days on business. Good morning, Mr. Boneface, he called out to Putnam Jones who npproached at that juncture. We are sadly in want of gasoline. Barnes caught the look that the Irishman shot at him out of the corner of his eye. i Perhaps youd better see that the scoundrels dont give us short measure, Mr. Loeb, said ODowd. Loeb hesitated for a second, and then, evidently in obedience to a command from the speakers eye, moved off to where Peter was opening the intake. ODowd lowered his voice. Barnes, I let you oft last night, and I let her off as well. - In return, I ask you to hold your tongue until the man down there gets a fair start. A days start u ' and Are you In danger, too, ODowd? To be sure but I love It. I can nlways squirm out of tight places. I would not deliberately put you In jeopardy, ODowd. See here, I am going back to that house up yonder. There is still work for me there. What Im after now Is to get him on the train at Hornvtlle. m be here again at four oclock, on me word of honor. Trust me, Barnes. Do you mean to say that you are coming back here to run the risk of beings- Weve had word that the government ' has men on the way. Why, bang It all, Barnes, don't you know who It was that engineered that whole business last night? Barnes smiled. I do. He Is a secret agent from the embassy Secret granny! almost shouted He is the slickest, cleverest ODowd. crook that ever drew the breath of life. And hes got away with the jewels, for which you can whistle In vain, Im thinking. beFor heavens sake, ODowd gan Barnes, his blood like ice In bis veins. But dont take my word for it. Ask her upstairs there, God bless her I ask her if she knows Chester Naismith. Shell tell ye, my bucko. Hes been standing guard outside her window for the past three nights. Hes theory that Landru used tar with coal to create a fire sufficiently hot to con- LOVERS THE HOLLOW OF HER HAND," VTHE PRINCE OF GRAUSTARK," FROM THE HOUSETOPS," ETC. Escaped Lover, Destined to Become Thirteenth Victim, Is Expected to Give Startling Testi-- i mony at Trial. Paris. League Is Formed in Massachusetts to Fight the Practice. Unique iiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiHiiiiiiMiiiiniiiiiniiiiiiHiniininimmiiHiiiiiiiniiiimiiiiin Bluebeard. ARE UPROOT GOSSIP RR 12 MURDERS VICTIMS PART Pennsylvania Girl Burnt Self to Death ae Sweetheart Dies by ' Bullet Northampton, Pa. Two lovers, Nava Newhard, sixteen years old, and Fal-mLilly, nineteen years old of Northampton1, Pa.', died In a tragic manner as the result, it is asserted, of a suicide pact' The parents of the girl had ' refused to permit her to accept the of attention Lilly. The young people walked to Ilower-towa mile away from their home, where they sat down by the roadside and ended their lives. The girl, with the assistance of her lover, it is thought, set fire to her dress and was burned to death. Then young Lilly, according to the theory of the coroner, 6hot himself several times through the head, dying a few minutes later. The pair left a note on the ground in which they, told of their purpose to die, us they could not live apart. er Found Lost Safe and $25,000. San Francisco. Ten years ago E. 0. McCormick of this city lost his office safe, containing between $25,000 and $30,000 in bonds. - The safe failed to follow him when he moved. Recently an attorney came upon a strong box that no key would fit A locksmith opened it and revealed the missing bonds. TOWN TRIES TO Now I know you are mistaken, cried Barnes, a wave of relief surging over him. He has been in this tavern every night Sure he has. But answer me, did ye ever see him here after eleven in the evening? You did not not until last night, anyhow. In the struggle he had with Nicholas last night he was recognized. Thats why poor old Nicholas Is lying dead up there at the house now and will have a decent burial unbeknownst to anybody but his friends. Good God, O'Dowd, you can't mean that he he killed He stuck a knife In his neck. The dirty snake! And the chief trusted him as no croou eve- - was trusted before. In the name of God, Barnes, how did you happen to fall In with the villain? Barnes passed his hand over his He he represented brow, dazed. himself as a book agent, he mumbled, Jones strjvlng to collect himself. know him. Suld he had been around here for weeks. I I Thats the man, said ( ODowd, He trotted all over the scowling. county, selling books. For the love of It. do ye think? Not much. He had other fish to fry, you may be sure. Barnes, If we ever lay hands on thnt friend of yours well, he wont have to' fry In hell. Hell be burnt alive. Thunk God, my minds at rest on one score. Site didnt skip out with him. Thv n ililnU he did. Not one of .( i Mara-Dafand- Will Go Round the World in a Day A statement was made recently to the effect that In the near future there will be airplanes capable of traveling 800 miles an hour, a possibility that makes the Idea of crossing the Atlantic seem almost Insignificant. And If this prophecy Is fulfilled we may look forward to a race among airmen to be first to circle the earth In a day. To fly around the globe In a day over the latitude of London would require a speed of less than 700 miles an hour, while over the. equator the speed would hove to be jl.OnO miles per hour. An Interesting point In such a one-dn-y g flight would be tliut If the airman flew from eust to west and started at noon, he would travel In daylight with the sun ot the meridian from start to finish. world-circlin- ip Copyright by Dodd, Head and Company, Inc. them suspects that she came away A safe escort would be provided for with you. There is plenty of evidence us, and we would be on British' soil that she let him in through her win- within a few hours after our meeting. dow . It is only necessary to add that when All ready, ODowd, called Loeb. I arrived at Green Fancy I met Prince Come along, please. Ugo and understood! I had carefulComing, said the Irishman. Dont ly covered ray tracks ' after leaving blame yourself, old man. See you Boston. My real friends were, and later, Barnes. So long! still are.- - completely In the dark as to my movements, so skilfully was the CHAPTER XVI. trick managed. And now for Chester Naismith. It The First Wayfarer Visits a Shrine, was he who, acting for the misguided Confesses, and Take an Oath. loyalists and recommended by certain How was he to find the courage to young aristocrats who by virtue of impart the appalling news to her? He their own dissipations had come to was now convinced beyond all doubt know him as a man of Infinite rethat the Sprouse had made sourcefulness and daring, planned and off with the priceless treasure and carried out the pillaging of the palace that only a miracle could bring about vaults. Almost under the noses of the Its recovery. He realized to what ex- foreign guards he succeeded In obtent he had been shaped Into a tool to taining the jewels. No doubt he could be used by the master craftsman. He have made off with them at that time, saw through the whole Machiavellian but he shrewdly preferred to have scheme, and he was also now mor- them brought to America by some one ally certain that Sprouse would have else. It would have been Impossible sacrificed him without the slightest for him to dispose of them in Europe. You see how running he is? hesitation. He was no doubt thwarted In his In the event that anything went wrong with their enterprise, the man design to waylay me on the road from would have shot him dead and earned Spanish Falls by a singular occurrence the gratitude and commendation of his in this tavern. He was attacked in his associates! He would have been room here, overpowered, bound and glorified and not crucified by his gagged by two men. He knew the men. They were thieves as clever and friends. With a heavy heart he mounted the as merciless as himself. They too stairs. At the top he paused to delib- were watching for me. I do not know erate. Would It not be better to keep how, these men learned of, my intenher In Ignorance? What was to be tion to come to Green Fancy. But They came to the Tavern four or gained by revealing to her the at Miss Thackeray was luring him on to five days before your arrival destruction. She stood outside the door Green Fancy, , Barnes , Interrupted. and beckoned. Then she closed the door Sprouse told me that they were sefrom the outside, and Barnes was cret service men from abroad and that alone with the cousin of kings and he was working with them. My theory is this, and I think it Is justified by queens and princes. I feared yon had deserted me, events: The men were really secret she said, holding out her hand to him agents, sent here to watch the moveas he strode across the room. ments of the gang up there. , They I saw no occasion to disturb yonr came upon Sprouse and recognized him. On the day mentioned they overrest, he mumbled. I have been peeping, she said, powered him and forced him to reveal Where certain facts connected with affairs at looking at him searchlngly. Green Fancy. Possibly he led them to is Mr. Loeb going, Mr. Barnes? ODowd says he is to be gone for a believe that you were one of the confew days on business, he equivocated. spirators. They waited for your arHe will not return," she said quiet- rival and then risked the hazardous He Is a coward at heart Oh, I trip to Green Fancy. They were dis- ly. know him well, she went on, scohi lb J covered and shot. I believe you are right, she cried. her voice. Then we have accounted for Mr. Was I wrong in not trying to stop him? he asked. Sprouse, and I am no longer interested She pondered this for a moment. in the unraveling of the mystery surNo, she said, but he caught the dubi- rounding the deaths of Roon and ous note In her voice. It Is just as Paul, said Barnes. There is nothing well, perhaps, that he should disap- to keep me here any longer, Miss Campear. His flight today spares but we eron. I suggest that you allow me to are more interested In the man escort you at once to your friends, ' wherever they Sprouse. Has he returned? was to She this opposed plan. While No, Miss Cameron," said he ruea was still chance there that resSprouse a And without then, single fully. ervation, he laid bare the story of might be apprehended in the neighborSprouses defection. When he Inquired hood, or the possibility of his being if she had heard of the man known as caught by the relentless pursuers, she Chester Naismith, she confirmed bis declined to leave. Then, I shall also stay, said he worst fear by describing him as the guard who watched beneath her win- promptly, and was repaid by the dow. He was known to her as a thief tremulous smile she gave him. He was helplessly in love with this beautiful of International fame. You were no match for Chester cousin of kings and queens. And Naismith. Do not look so glum. The when he thought of kings and queens shrewdest police officers in Europe he realized that beyond all question have never been able to cope with his love was hopeless. him. Why should you despair? CHAPTER XVII. He sprang to his feet. By gad, he with it hasnt got away yet, he The Second Wayfarer Is Transformed. grated. I will run this scoundrel down ODowd returned late In the afterif I have to devote the remainder of He was in a hurry to get back noon. my life to the task. Green to Fancy; there was no' mis1 I fear that She sighed. Alas, uneasiness. his taking shall have to tell you a little more For the love of heaven, Barnes, get about this wonderful man you know as Sprouse. Six months ago the her away from here ns soon ns posfriends and supporters of the legiti- sible, and do it as secretly ns you mate successor to my countrys throne can, he said. I may as well tell you consummated a plan whereby the that she is In more danger from the crown Jewels and certain documents government secret service thau from of state were surreptitiously removed anyone up yonder. She may prefer to face the music, from the palace vaults. Instead of deIf 1 know her at all. she will ODowd. t ho treasure in Paris, It was positing sent to ibis country in charge of a refuse to run away. Then yell hnve to kidnap her, group of men whose fealty could not There he questioned. The man you know as said the Irishman earnestly. Loeb Is in reality my cousin. I have will be men swarming here from both known him all my life. He Is the sides of the border by tomorrow night voungest brother of the pretender to or next day. Its the gospel truth, and Its going to he bad for all of us If he throne, and a cousin of the prince who Is held prisoner by the Austrians. were here when they come. Who is she, O'Dowd? Man to man. This prince has a brother also, and It wns to him that I was supposed to de- tell me the truth. I want to know Just liver the jewels. I traveled from New where I stand. ODowd hesitated, looked around York, but not alone as you may suspect. I was carefully protected from the taproom, and then leuned across the time 1 left my hotel there until the table. Miss Cameron Is In reality the well, until I arrived In Boston. a fa"While there I received a secret Countess Therese message from friends In Canadn di- miliarly and lovingly known In hfcr recting me to go to Spnnlsh Fulls, own land as the Countess Ted. She where I would be met, and con- was visiting In this country when the ducted by Prince Sebastian himself war broke out. If It Is of any use to to the place called Green Fancy, you, Ill add that she would be rich If which was near the Canadian border. Aladdin could only come to life uud Northfield, Mass. The first anti- gossiping league of the world has been organized in tins beautiful village. A national day is . proposed.,, The league is unique. It no has 'no constitution, no officers, no dues. Yet the founder' and organizer, F. Ambler Welch, and publisher of the Northfield restore the 'splendors of the demolished. castle, refill the chests of gold that have been emptied by the con-- , querors, and restock the farms that have been pillaged and devastated. In the absence of Aladdin, however, she Is almost as poor as , the ancient church mouse. So there you are, me man. Half the royal progeny of Europe have been suitors for her hand, and the other half would be if they didnt happen to be of the same sex. Good-by- . I must be on my way. He arose and held out bis hand. Good-band good. luck forever. "You are a brick, ODowd. I want to see you again. You .will always ed-,lt- y find me. Thanks.' Dont issue any rash invitations. I might take you up. Barnes started upstairs as soon as ODowd was off, urged by an eagerness that put wings on his feet and a thrill of excitement In his blood. Halfway up he stopped short. A new condition confronted him. What was the proper way to approach a person of royal blood? He would have to think. Pausing at her door, he was at once aware of voices Inside the room. He rapped on the door, but so timorously that 'nothing dame of It. His second effort was productive. He heard Miss Thackeray say good gracious, and, after a moment, Miss What Is it? Camerons subdued: he inquired, May I come in? Its rather ashamed of his vigor. only Barnes. Come. In, was her lively response. It was awfully good of you, Miss Thackeray, to let me hear your lines. I think you will be a great success in , the part. said- - Miss Thackeray Thanks, Ill come In again and let dryly. She you hear me In the third act. went out, mumbling her lines as she passed Barnes without seeing him. I hope you will feel able to leave We this place tomorrow, countess. must get away almost immediately. Ah, you have been listening to ODowd, I see. Yes. He tells me It will be dangerous to He is right. It would be difficult for me to clear myself. No one would believe that 1 did not deliberately make off with the jewels. They would say that I oh, it is too dreadful Dont worry about that, he exYou have me to testify claimed. 1 Why Look Critically at Your Neighbor? Press, sees a great future for the organization. "Not that Northfield is .more gos-- , any uojther town t in, slpy world, said he. Gossip is an offspring of envy. - It is natural for women to be envious, but it is true are also moved that way that .men 1 Jf? i V, - t it iu , on occasions. It occurs' to me1 we should' give our neighbors benefit of the doubt. Why lift the eyebrow if a neighbors wife has a new paradise plume very likely it is an old one and was not smuggled.. Why shrug one's shoulder if some bank officer appears in a new motor car very likely be mortgaged ' his house to get it instead of stealing the money from the bank. "Why look critically at your neigh- -' bor If he has a red nose very likely it Is from sunburn and not from tip- - te V I 1 i that "How little you know of Intrigue, she cried. They would laugh at you and say that you were merely another fool who had lost his head over a woman. They would say that I duped you Your he cried vehemently. people know better than you think. You are disheartened, discouraged. Things will look brighter tomorrow. I dont know what I should do without you, she said. , Well try to make this little town gossip free, and if the outside world wishes to take up the plan, Im In favor of pushing it. GOAT PAYS LEG FOR LOYALTY No! CHAPTER XVIII. , Mr. Sprouse Continues to Be Perplexing, but Puts His Nose to the Ground. Barnes was abroad early. He was at breakfast when Peter Ames called seized him when up. An inspiration the chauffeur mentioned the wholesale exodus: lie hired Peter forthwith and ordered him to report Immediately with the car. He was going up to Green Fancy for Miss Cameron's wardrobe. Two minutes after Peter drove up to the Tavern lie was on the way back to Green Fancy again, and seated beside him . was Thomas Kingsbury Barnes, liis new master. There was not a sign of human life about the place. Peter accompanied him upstairs to the room recently occupied by Miss Cameron. They found two small leather trunks, thickly belabeled, In lhe room upstairs. Both were locked. , (TO BE CONTINUED.) Orange Blossoms and Fruit Have you pver thought that there Is a tree on which blossoms and fruit are seen nt the same time? I hudn't, until the other day when some one described to me the Joy of orange trees, In Florida, during the early There ' hang .lie perfect spring. of tfwj fruit, while alongballs golden almost painside are the vuxy-whltOf course, fully "ragrant blossoms. the explanation lies In the fuct thnt crunges require almost an entire year to mature. The blossoms which my friends saw on the Florida trees portend the perfect fruit of next year, at just about this suiue scummi. Kx change. he Is capable. He never reaches anyWell Enough." Ids best. He does Ills work like thing In Is pluced Unless an Individual well enough, and lets It go nt that, some exceptional environment, he sel- W. E. Towne. dom works up to anything like his Human beings are natfull capacity. Fortune Awaits Inventor, urally drawn In the direction of ease. Untearable linen has long been A mun will court effort. not do They the dream of well to many work Just people, , but alof a enough do piece get by with It, hut only the excep- though experiments hove often been tional man will do a piece of work any made, the way to wenve on indestructibetter than the minimum of result re- ble cloth Is still unknown, and no one has claimed the fortune which le quired. Because of this universal human tendency, a man seldom reaches awaiting the inventor who solves the the higher levels of efficiency of which problem. Leaps From Mine Sweeper Sailor Goes to Rescue Drowning Man. When e At the home for animals attention is focused just now on bringing about .the speedy recovery of Jim, mascot of the British mine sweeper Canada. Jim is a goat, with a rigid conception of duty, and the effect of discipline led him to leap overboard in the wake of his master. As a consequence he is now at the home with, a broken leg and minor He was rescued from the injuries. East river and placed In the hands of the management for treatment. Jim fs the property of A. V. McGregor, q seaman on board the Canada. McGfegor trained him to tricks, hut iie neglected to warn him against leaping overboard. A member of the crew of the Canada, which lms been nt anchor In the East river, fell into the water. Mv Gregor leaped after the man, and the gout leaped after McGregor. For a time the goat complicated unit tors, McGregor states, hut was finally landed on the deck 6f the sweeper. Tint seaman was drowned. Blde-a-We- Bide-a-We- e iic maacb oil up, out Disposition Is Sour. San' Francisco. The.tdore Hazcnkamp, chemist - for i the Berkeley Sirup works.- once locked his wife, Mrs. .Gertrude llazenkamp, In a closet and took advantage of her Imprisonment to breiik every- dish in the house, according to the divorce sfiit filed by Mrs. llazenkamp In s thp superior Her complaint alleged that when her daughter, Lillie, asked Hazcnkiiuip to release her mother from the closet he answqred by knocking her down stairs. Mrs. Hnsentramp alleges that her husband told her she was not fit to associate with Ills acFor long periods, quaintances. she charges, he refused to speak to her. - - , Mistake In Verdict. , ; Portland, Ore. When Judge Dayton read tho verdict the Jurors Jumped to their Teet and 'Objected. They hnd signed a not guilty verdict by |