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Show CACHE AMERICAN Pure Eight. LOGAN, CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Tucsdav. September 1934. need be, and carry out the to attend the Mardi Gran. He rereforma jhat are ao essential to fuses to attend the ball with her. MV our howe and farma. At however, wandering around 'Latet, 2S per rent rdnetion In encounters a fellow vsluatlona la Justifiable and must .I druggist and bis lovely girl he had to accomplish t. sjI'.j-lio- n friend. Com hit Montenegro. mentioned. ' Mellowed by a few ro. ktalla. Past years hare taught ua M ball the A Cache form Wife attend of l.A. Ills North Wants Richmond tha to lltm lo decides Quit Will Synopa.a league. conclusively that wheu men are The heading given to my artl-- ! elected by cither party, pledges Valley lu..)nll Tournament, contention waa hold Sunday al after all. and he choose Aa leofew alaMcd at lilihmond. August 31 Iho lilihmond lahernailo, unHe In the Herald-Journare forgotten and the '.New peal- pard skin as his cotunie. cour- Ihe lienaon, Krankllli and Mia with tha following result more cot k tails lend him ihe doubtedly conveyed a wrong lm era" follow along the line trod-- . firirt an mo. Southwest Oneida stake. Tha Andy. which opened al pressum. It Inferred the cutting den by ilielr predecessor, y to try an adagio dance with Lew Dion played Itlrerdalo, rather of salaries was my mam purpose ly forgetting the "forgotten man" ,ho Theatre, Suuday, Iho following luemhera of llm tlhe Cotn hlt Then the fun 'Ptol while that la only a minor mal- - and tbelr demands upon the tax according to reports from the begins. His rough and tumble a ona aided gam tha acore bain general hoard from Hall The t kx Collegian won the 15 to 4 in faor of !awlalon. were present al Ihe i onvnlluri. ler. Ii is true I mentioned the payers are not lessened nor are Coast previews. In the picture danre starts a f ght that end In a surprise his wife, Peggy Wood, wants him a riot. And there' right Stud if Co enter the aiatod Ill, her II ltalr and Blmmona. Or. K. K. Krlikaln, Or. l.ynian advisability of asking the Inrom-- j their own Interests forgotten. Courn i m in. by winning lh O. Oainea. JoMpli F. Smllh, Jr, mg county of fuer a of 1335 to to play and he does! And there- ending that hasn't been divulged airhara. V. Hair and 1ackar. Tile Schools hair rtirmpionahip of the ept a red union and such replayed Oscar Kirk ham. Helen Williams, Second name Trenton The farmers and all taxpayers by hang moat of the hilarious In advance of ihe showing. th Lo- Newton, Ihe game waa wall play-- j Klale Talmudge llrandley, Julia I'tali-ldaduction lo continue only until have a real interest t leagueOffe-ing-from in the wel- situations that go to make this Pavid Puller directed the pica of Cy ed on each the present Catherine KuIhoii. depression and fare of the schools. gan FiL. II ! We know his funniest picture. ld, tha acora being 8. Harter and under the supervision of ture has and I IIuIm .ini Floyd Raoimissen wore 7 lo 3 In favor of Trenton. Pitch-- ! taxpay-drought passed Tho (wo Ro limond ward sold their we realise Thing run smoothly a longj$ol m. Witrirel. The screen play era are better able to meet blgh- - their requirements; Ml to xH corner of th lot. Ih era. Ruder and Jenkins, rairhara. luinhenn during the noon rwem Importance. Our children Rogers Is In his drug store. was rrltten by William Consel- er salaries. C'oll.xl.u. parnrtng 25 lilt are our main inheritance and Rut when he sella out and start j man and Henry Johnson from the Rivne and Netwker. land Iho axaiutlve hoard of Ren- become baa nation Our the Cor-While lh h ant th Elk tould do and j poll Slake entertained Ihe gtuku And thelc Interest Third game, FalrxleW education e greatest of all nations, largely must not be overloked. Rut the with I ' Dvan'n al.tn's Bor ix ninh, tha game wan a hard fought hoard luemhera and stake in of the j good till and lonscquenre prices school requirements must come from start lo finish aidenry at luncheon, Mullen-ma- t paid for farm products, high from other sources and th proKant Hy in and Moo one of the best gamea ao far. Ihe The highest w ind vein. Ity ever and Rut perty tax burden aalariea. wages good per-fahad l. of tl-I.. Robinson Mr. Mrs. and J, Ctllegian cora being ! I 1. Pitcher an hour, lightened. There 231 wlb- recorded. j when : i who the farmers d ) , at haf. with five Ini catchrepresent C. A. Mrs. are Pr. sources that ran and will be aud Ieterson Rergeson and Inglet. ' was reported from Mt Washing-- 1 I of the entire whila ,7 R. population Iho Mr. Mrs. enterCaine In fi found and si hool maintenance goea with hla wife to New Orleans ton's weather atation recently. I,. and trim lo plat, Hirst ers, Seainon and Howol. j are down and out, history rejeats and Mninht-r- , Nyman, and If ? upkeep seeured. We Richmond and tained the luemhera of Ihe Chore Fourth game, In telling the story that have public self it r Evan ut in mind and shall press for Amel club and (heir partners each r.o four for air trip Clarksion. the Richmond hoys a canyon a Is tlm In as whole nation a de. I good hall throughout tha a their eh it acquirement in the next parly Saturday evening! pression. Our only object In men- - legislature, many revenue proof pa. a were loo muih for Clsrksion, a ching In High Creek ranyon. Tha af-- ( i' .ini fm". run my salaries la that pH hed a good ball with very fair waa In Ilia form of a hack- -' Day tinning Ih Elk hittara ducing tax reforms. which hi'fted j sm h good support. Tha wore being ward parly and tha guests all might be chosen as serIncldently, permit me at thu IllchI I. 5. Clarksion i:i.ks vants of the taxpayers who are point lilihmond came dressed backwards. Supper lo state that to Jensen. and , Archibald era. Pay, willing to join us who pay the reports obtainable, according was served at a long table near Jjr'Y there are Arihlhald. and hill and help carry the burden. Calibers. Panford creek with Ihe dessert being Iho $96.0U0,0uu of worth manufac: 2it' of 1tali on Second day, Sepl. 1, at C.cwls-lo- n served llrst. Twenty sis were pretured products In the state that A recent Tribune editorial have escaped Secoud waid. Thu first game sent. Pr. and Mrs. It. C Merrill There are taxation. Clark stales, "Approximately 2U per approximately 2,000 Individual and .Mrs. Helen Stout were spec-- : played was Cornish and cent of Ctah's population is on tight nii'1,,.,1 puist. salaries totaling sioii. that sure was rein f und some cities and coun- drawing whose taxes both sldesi The m, hmond South ward hard fought game, average less are ties score virtually bankrupt." than $50.00 each. There are a ut held a party at tho played ury god.l La!!, th news of know Readers the this few Individuals whose Income Maik .Memorial Park in Smith-pi- t. ' being 2 to I In favor of Cornish.; - f tatement to he correct and we equals $50.0u0 whose taxes are . Monday In rs. P.ingham. Jensen. Archevening. inon-lcrdeep-ac- a of One Ihe It Is a add that j.j'ght so io'c that they are hardly worth Mr, and Mr. Vh tor Johnson Ilialil und Thompson. Catchers, Now Miowinif in the City f.n t at this time om person out entertained Thursday evening at mentioning. These are things that Seiunons and Archibald. "" Is r six every employed hy being looked Into now and dinner In honor of Mr. and1 ICivvrdah) and ml game. s, of ms. oounii-,n0Ht or ,he melon v ill ho found and revenue see- stales Interesting Mrs. M. C. itiKby of lt. xhurg.; .i"" , Newton. Itiverdalo played a good i listed has or educational exhibition that When pointed. will ,,e yoi',r,( from hk.h 11 to 5 In Idaho. Mr. ntnl Mrs. Righv were visited this city, is non put those two facts together It secured to carry on hl,lp game. Iho score being our needs, guests of Mrs. Kina J. .Mer- -, ''v,'r Pitchers, al.-111 St bool favor of Rlverdale. us tells lh l'"5 our f that Woodruff of re-- 1 ve must have an income tax ,1' and Anderson. rill during th- - week. They Kirtiv. (entire population live on dole or broader and fairer anil more far turned home Monday evening. .grounds in I.ogan. 1. , have nru Catchers. Nehcker and Pntker.and their thet.iNpay-terOver lOetl rarp specimens and Mrs. P, It. Caine ami daueli-- ; reaching than tho present one The third game. Fnirview "hat think you which will replace the , ocean curiosities are housed in r 'ow re reduction Ruth, were Balt Pake "Y Richmond, a condition. 'hat g we are asking on our homes and the repliia of a ship loo feet in the week j"l(orljSj'n 1' tors Is It Can not any farms. The sales tax must be alarming? M. Harris of Washing-- 1 length, which constitutes one oft Ritchers Murray! George what the result will changed. Eliminating Ihe present of Falrview and unusual ex-- i he In Ion, DC. arrived here Friday for the most course few a of and Kean. Calchers. Howies and a months visit with his pari ms, hildts Unitoriginal years un tax burden from absolute neceshas ever made a trails less something unforeseen hap- sities. and to those purchasing C. Z. Harris. Mrs. and Mr. The fourth game. Trenton and pens to change the condition? luxuries. Judge and Mrs. M. C. Harris Ono need only visit tho relief Z. C. When I state that last Mrs. anil Mr. of I.ogan, various cities, the farms and fruit orchardsyear il sure was a nerve slrain-"- a Harris an(l George Harris of rooms and the the state were assessed $18,508,-00- 0 me. both sides were tied Th ursday food 2 for nine innings, the tenth on which there was asked supplies, t broil ono oil ooo 2 Inning the Lewiston arlous stores, $1,650,000 tax money, you must hoys lost Dr ions right now realize a year like 1933 121 400 S3x 19 control and Trenton run in five and these Olp UIUI til Hi ft. Drysd.ile, runs, rather spoilt the game. The were guests of Dr. and Mrs. A. well known sea uiuiti try: F.rrors people were carrying a burden captain. Hitchers 2. 7 2. R. C. to , yi. .I.diy, Our Indebtedness score being Rasi C. Peterson, Tuesday. Incompatible with their ability A few of the very unusual ex-- 1 Our four taxing units, namely to meet. Archii.iidJ , Mauihley, Ivinun. Rutler. Wheeler nnd Ralr. CalchMiss Blanche Winn of Bin it of a liibits consist i e 'Two-hnRair. Cache schols. hits ers. Rayno and Home r"n l!?vn Logan G.iiii ami lilimdi. C ui Out (laughter of Win. L. Winn a or Siinfish. a 1.iuu- g. XI Pel, Tlild day nt Trenton the final of Bmilhfield and J.n LcGrandc uuu.J uiiu C u. ad Cdi..li bllilllli, !v.p. v Slate isxes Sea Turile measuring pound have a bonded tournament. of 3 HosIndebtedness Hirst 2, Fames. NymiVii' Gunnell, son of Mr. and Mrs. feet across from flipper to flip- windup In the Right now at the present time! d Rlver-over and are Corniah $1,200.0110. They Nielsen to M.auchley to married tile play paying Ohio and Illinois are arranging First game. George Gunnell a gigantic Golden Opah Mulleti-M'i- . Nielsen to Mu'ler.e-auto eliminate all tax money from Logan temple. per; ile, a shut out game, the Cor- Wednesday at the T,c t.ikm it pounds, weighing e6 ex- - real to such an and indebted on is were slate I? urmsjven they Mrs. Gunnell and o C. Ar' hibild nish hoys sure estate. That is to say, the George dan- several Hawaiian watris; score iiico-cannot mat The its at(t.nt they to H'.slalo. Jilru:k out Kvans know how to piny hall. state requ'roments will he securdaughters. Leora and Cleone of species gerous in Our Ritchers 0. obligations twenty years. 1. Bases Cornish tended a trousseau tea given by ed front income taxes ranging Rlverdale jt. HRv 7. rtnainiutwn n Beajs overburdened woh deb' iulo the higher brackets nnd a nt her home in sharks, a complete octopus Miss Winn on hal Fvatis 1. Hul.se Ringhsm. Packer. Catchers, a baby whale only S incheslan(j By. deficit it field. be'ween S111 It January sr.les tax that finds i.s source Saturday. Charge defat to Hulse. empires mons and Kirby. Mrs. Marion Ralr and child- in length and hundreds of otheri i(- 11134, !tn,t July 1st. 19.!5 will among those who purchase the He-- ri Second and final game. Trenaud Simmons, ocean rare curiosities. beexceed to and that $S.0uii.00O.000 Mr. score of Fork ren and and luxuries. This- Utah must do and Spunish ft ..Hr 12.145 1234 12J ton and Falrview. The The new Griffin process, con- -. mU!it be added the late drought, do Mrs. George M. Thompson of I.oquickly and by rutting out ing 10 to 3 in Trentons favor. for-1 of recently perfected appropriation of $525,000,000. the st: te requirements will of Pitchers. Butler. Inglet anil Mur- gan were visitors here during the sisling the visitors and How, may I ask, are these affords niulae. home of Mrs. week Jesse the at Bowles. itself and le a relief to properray. Catchers. Payne children an opportunity of gallons going to be met nnd who ty owners. great Butler of Trenton was tho star Webb. seeing and studying these sped will pay the hill? In the last anin Iron Fireman Is the machine that Cliilb May I close stating that pitcher, he struck out 15 men mens in their natural forms with alysis it must be the taxpayers, the I'cr.tp of thehyworld is tremmade coal an automatic fuel. It is the one game. Home runs. Stoddard all their beautiful colorations those who live now or those to bling in the balance. So also is of of Richmond and Mltchel This come after. as in natural life. largest selling automatic coal burner intart the of fortunes the farmers Riverdale. exhibition is strictly an educaIn the world. The experience of thouCounty Valuation Bill, 000,00(1 trembling in the balance, and Winners. Trenton first. Fair-vietional one, of the highest charWell .,i!lo ( baseball club adFive years ago, the assessed their relief must come and come sands of nsers shows that Iron Firesecond and Cornish third. acters and interest, and will be valuation of all Cache County now. One-thiministered a big surprise to the of our nations Wickham and Read. Now Able to Eat man cuts fuel costs 15 to 50 in Umpires: 8 oclock property was $31.000, Out). Last population are farmers. Any- open to the public at Garland ftutv Monday afternoon Official scorer Hauser. When addition to providing a superior autoeach are valuation of all this morning. prothe nation year's they prosperous 0by hsn,d'ng Ihem a 16 to 9 dething, Says TravelOther very rare specimens to perty was about $21.000,01.0, The Is prosperous. d feat. Th game was part of the of the matic firing service. Iron Fireman is he seen at the exhibition are the levies each year waa about the world's population fs farmers. As Founders, day program. Tom ing Salesman made in a complete range of sizei AGRICULTURAL electric ray, which delivers an same. When the valuation was they have miffered during the Doldwin who hurled for the for homes and for heating or power From C. E. Jeffries, traveling electric shock of sufficient inten- $31,000,000, those handling the last fonr yeafs so has the world Jiome club pitched a very heady ADJUSTMENT NEWS to knock down a full grown tax money required all ar.d call- suffered in consequence. It folboilers op to 250 h.p. It can be gams Oorland used two pitchsalosmun, Neosho, Mo., comes sity man: the fish, porcupine ed for more. Those who handled lows then that to save the farmers agiinqt the Welisville stickinstalled end may be pur quickly the following interesting letter: fish, many trigger sea horses, a mother the tax money last year seemed ers the nation is saved, business ers chased a monthly plan; Learn on to increase facilities I suffered from Ffforts last to will be year seal and four baby seals, and get aiong by retrenching, hut, revived, prices adance. Wel!.,villrt would tike to have for slaughtering aud processing what Iron Fireman can do for you; trouble and treld many hundreds of others. The exhibi- it is true, called for more. They labor sought at advance! prices, stomach a game arranged between the to of keep pace with purchases will he open daily from found ways and methods by and aH will find that to save the n Ask for free fuel surrey aed preparations without tion Collegians and the Wells-vill- e cattle in ihe drouth-stvicke- n report; $ oclock in the morning until whii li they could get along fairly farmer fs to save the nation. TIi i would make a club I Agfeel satisfaction. very grate- midnight. are being made by the well with the money at hand. areas I trust you will follow mo in an Adminisdiversion for afternoon good i'.inw.'Wni'iMtw ricultural Adjustment This ful to Mr. Wilson tint Neosho proves conclusively that future articles. at th county fair. tration in cooperation with the for recommending Williams S.L. where the money cannot be had, and Bureau of Animal Industry cor- K. Formula to me. The relief Wh ztz the Schoolbook thosp who handle the public ZBSS3E5&XJHB funds can retrench If they will, the Federal Surplus Relief buying this medicine has given me has and if disposed to start at home ! poration. When th cattle than less I no longer Histories Leave Orf . . . and handle public funds as they wonderful. program was initiated - been would would their own. two months ago. processing aver- have gassy pains and sour stomUnless per animals 3 aged about 58.000 I That Is Whert the Work ot the demand upon the farmer, the whereas and formerly ach. been now have home owner, and others is conweek. Facilities average Is lived on n liquid diet, I now sistently and fairly and substanexpanded so that the to-- I food of wide a Scott-Vatseselection efforts and week n Elmo enjoy 110.000 per begin: tially reduced, they will lose pro-denied 1110 before. their possessions and become deward further expansion of made, are being pendent upon the government. It cessing capacity Your druggist is your friend. . : i cattle of thousands follows now is the time to do it. in addition, Ask him about Williams S.L.K. his illustrated feature in and localities to moved to save ourselves before we are being Try feci should too, Yon, Formula. availarticles which appear in this are lost. We must, therefore, ask where pastures are still dowonderful this for grateful able. newspaper he relates for out for another consistent reduction ctors prescription for stomach, on farms and homes. They are Wilreaders and those little-know- n disorders, liver set kidney oal assessed above their "actual cash Assurance that the is sold Formula S.L.K. liams s not in American history value. They cannot be sold at nation chapters for reduction of the1934 the recommended City by and corn-ho- g AUTOMATIC COAL BURNER which afford fascinating sidethe assessed valuation. They will production in the is Drug Store, and they will reon tho building of the not bring profit on those values. program will he accomplishedcrop fund the purchase price if you lights If tangible property is to be val-useen in the governments pig results nation. History is his speThe rcPrt are not satisfied with the Advt. and they are thus valued, report of June 1. a trial. 149.-50- 0 after 67 cialty but not ell of his according to their income, then 8 prepared from returns from the that articles deal with historical real estate must be measured by farms, indicates saved this oats same rule. number of spring pigs below the ies probably hay and The may subjects. Ho also writc3 on that reg257 Reduction vear was 27 per cent 1933. The he imported duty free. on sr.cr.ce, literature popular name As would stated above, lands are ports ulation nalso average of 1932 and be-- 1 CLAM from fine and countries the arts and on many assessed above their actual sellnumber of sows farrowing 1 is of entry and the iESOOtED be October could far and value and above what the which the commodities other subjects of current in- ing tween June cent IN returns from justify. Our imported. estimated to be 38 per his state law,there terest. Teachers find accordingly, is violated c; Deles valuable for suppleSHIP I smaller. More than a million dollars a'.u herein is adjustment necesThen phone us to make a free survey of your heating plant. We As stated has been paid hy the admentary ure in their classes sary and demanded. Further modifications of wheat eon- - per day in my previous article if it beto cooperating farmministration adjustment .limit corn-hoand so find trill them you comes necessary that the farmer AUTHENTIC can give you valuable information. The heating season is j, acts to permit planting of fod- ers in the corn-ho- g program durEJCfiOKAL for ing the past two weeks. About ' ' just interesting end informative and home owner place their own ' der corn and grain sorghums that you will want to, tell ticket in the field it will be on the rented 0 SO per cent of all counties parahead. You well as the forage purposes and might enjoy comfort of economy done. Such men will be pledged in the corn hog provwr friends about them. to contracted acres now Pel! of ticipating accept office at reduced pay. wav for unlimited productioncon- gram have now been authorized IRON FIREMAN coal automatic heat this winter. to prepare contracts for the final all land of farms under SEETHE signatures of producers. Farmers tracts. reUNBORN in ten Utah counties have in BABY Wheat contract signers of ceived a total of 40 thousand WHALE dollars up to August 15, out of Utah have received a total from the Agricul- a total of nearly 32 million paid $472,544.83 in the United States. tural Adjustment Administration. Proof of compliance forms have to Cattle purchases by the govbeen completed and sent to Washington in preparation fors ernment In tho drouth states 20 the final payment of last year the close of business August Sixty totalled 3,439.767 head. crop. This forthcoming payment will be nine cents, minus local thousand head have been taken farms. Payments from our Utah expenses. (WOODRUFF approved to the same time covand head has a over million signed Roosevelt ered President Authorized Iron Fireman Dealer SCH0OL, GROUNDS to $16,692,998.00. a proclamation declaring an amounted tothat for ' and Cattle grazing directing emergency shipped IMu ationul I ture ly Logan, Utah to taled 594,937 head. Phone 460 import duties be suspended drouth-ridde- n David in farmers enable Captain More than $5,000,000 in gold areas to obtain enough feed to Jonathan Barnett keep their livestock from starv- is believed to be in the Lauren-ti-in CHILDREN ADULTH Cache County Fair sunk by enemy submarines ing. Treasury and agricultural Sept 10c 15 officials are working on regula- Lough Swllly .off the Irish coast, tions specifying what commodit- during the World war. Income Tax Must Wonders Of General Board O Members Make The Deep Now Bring Kevenue Richmond Visit JosKIH CIODGES Showing Here CountyII) Chairman. Report Made Utah Tag llts North Cache Ball Tourney COLLEGIANS TAKE TILT IN If Will Rogers lt Uproarious In Handy Andy ! SUNDAY' FRAY quick-(Hand- I sec-Oli- C m-- i i I J I pre-gam- rt rUr Ken-dal- one-thir- d GAM )A f $11,-ooo.o- . ),- - -1 well-know- n j ! rl!-'a- o one-thir- d also APPLES TO YOU GOOFY MOVIES and News vl.-i-- dti-in- J Ifht . - 33uu-pnum- ofr-.- Mola-Mol- 'o-e- V x, . man-eatin- g . fam-,mo- - I o. Garlaftrt Ball Given Big obii-scho- ol Great For Surprise Monday Stomach Relief w nl , One-thir- I & Sons well-know- no showing! a; h. Palmer j Days Only Lagan Utah Read the full page zmmnmi o? !S0P ISA FIREMAN el advertisement on Page of the September issue SATURDAY EVENING POST out today 130 FOOT EXrj3iTiS3 . g Palmer & Sons It c, 13 .1 |