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Show Tticvlav. September 4. 1934. local news CACHE AMERICAN oXlU Visit Here Mr. Tripp Here Hubert Ir.pp of Hli liiiioiul wa Mr. and Mra Mu nt over Sunday vla.'ting In I.ogitn LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY I Odell a buin viMlor in tire county and Monday al Father with today, Viiited guet of Mr. and Mr. Joseph Odell. They are! kj nl cu r1 Mla Mato I Mia t 1.1 III l I Luf.iU, Ila ru'le Traffic residing in Salt J.uke. i. llio ftt j I. M.aft . 11. I... I I r I Ill- - .,!..r and J. K. l:,!ril. til in u. dale (aplioi. tati traffic i.atrolmcn, ftere on Marriage Licenses lie Jiil nil day Monday at Well, have been IsMarriage v.lle Imiklui; after llie traffic sued to the following rotipl Likes Golf Course : no accident a reported. llvran June and Klva Hoaed.ilil. lie, Vi' l.. I(ui kinbm.l. former Hi Salt Lake Oily: Jiv Grant Hem tI. hi; . Hole ai J iou Jin hard, apeut '1 lie I.ol'all. ier. I'oftncy and Grace Alberta III di.iloc Rebuilding Sheds .1l('llda I Poyd played mil on lie Imul link- Kn.pU.yeea of the Anialifim.1- - llrown. Murray; Howard and rpoke eiy highly of the lp,j bu..1(r company are busy these Aller and Donna Mavilla Miller. Fvan-Molie raid lei all illiim Util getting ready for the open-ir- e Logan; Gray Heed Myers. out. and Glemhora Fife. I,ognn should he pioud of the lo, ul of the factory at Lewiston Itoland K. JorretiM-and Anna t jurw, They are replarlng the old lum- Amllia Nelson. Huntsville ber on the beet ahed with new. UTAH Face Five rr U- I i hr.-n-.- - ' I nn u 'I' j oio-u.ii- iiilfi.i,l MM Ul e . of itu . II, K i n of the pa-- t ftitk. ft,- - til., t run Mini t, a gumi; at Ila ,uii hum,' In l.m.ur of j V,-- a I', III ii V, .mi. a hri,:,- of the! " , k The room were beautifully d , orated nh mu, lu r f it ft t i, he 11 table ftas loveled ftltll a laie 1, t It oirr ere mi aim i, to! ft.-- i , ii i ed nil a lv r beaut. ful of ,,nk and yhite fnnged asters with ft line m caudlestli ka tafer Mis Klva Wins .i in ilmr, c of the dining room anil Mr Glen R. Winn and Mi- - Mary fhamher poured TMe a ' mg In serving were Mr. Graft TooUon. Mr Done Cliuinlii Ml- White and M, Kintly Marie V hiti Mr. George Gup.j A J A (in,' . - ! i f i " lomlucted September Producer annoclatlon will ho In J the Mute f .eh and game depart- Logan Thursday night. Kept. 6 Hyde Park Mr. and Mrs. Fred Governor announced. N It it g 0YI01 a mint talk Du co and Mr. and Mrs. Grover will give )im nt II Ploml la expected io,at t),(f fhamher of commerce to Haucey motored to Provo Friday. In all peraon lh They utteuded the Democratic Interested parti. Ipute poultry InduHtry. slate convention whiih wag held I Scandinavian Meeting thero on Saturday. They expect : vVv to return home Sunday. Scaitdiiiuviun meeting Glendale Visitor j ! 5 .. Miss lldli Winn of Arimo is l.e held m xt Friday evening Mr. Cvril Borktaan of Glon- Sept. 7 at 7: 0 o'clock In the dale. Cal'f . Is here visiting with the house guest of Mr. and Mrs. Gunner her Klder Follett. Slake House. parents. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Frank The Hyde will be the apeaker. Chnrketts lark ball team P.asm i of Providence. She will Duet by Mr. S'. J. Larsen and remain two weeks and will at- played three exciting games durWe Invite all tend the Walter' Nielsen. wedding supper Frldav ing last week with the North Scandinavians to be present. 2t In honor of her brother Iae who Logan team. The two teams were recentlv mnrrled Orva Morgan. rivals for the ihamplouship of North The newly married couple are at the commercial league. Rider Loses Wind Suspending a 3300 pound Nash Dig Six coupe by one of the i" cables used in it Bcndix braking system as tlie won the first game, Hyde Logan a on to the bronco Mexban in charge of engineering, proved the tremendous factor of safety wedding Adams. present trip Tex manner in which N. E. Wahlberg. on Park took the second game made following the impressive demonriuon showed no stretching had Measurement cars. into Nash built all rider, was tossed high Into the Yellowstone Park. a with aeoie the home diamond occurred in the cable strands and that the tensile limit of the cable had scarcely been approached. E. H. McCart y, air and had his breath knocked The last game to deride of 13-and director of sales, were interested observers of the test. out of him momentarily Mondavi Wild Forest Fire president of Nash, and C. 11. Bliss, was at played the championship afternoon at the Wellsvllle rodeo. A forest fire raped high tin the fair grounds. North Logan He had Just mounted a bucking on the slope of the Illacksmlih won the game and the chambronco coming out of chute No. Fork canyon Immediately north A a score of 10-with pionship . him his 1 when the animal gave of the Vtah Power and Light large crowd of townspeople at- tlon of Mrs. Bertha Mathers with' governor foresaw has already Miss Alice Hurren at the piano. AVOluS V'llt and spill. afternoon dam materialized. Fortunately, throng Sunday tended all three games. A short talk was given by Allien a planned budget, returned evening. The fire was burning Avon Miss departments Hyde The rest of the program Beautiful Flowers tiuve been held to less than the the Junipers and other brush and home last week after spending Reese. was music. The members were total amount appropriated The drouth hna done little If timber that wss growing on the some time visiting In Ogden. to beautiful. A large crowd them, so that at the present rate any thing to destroy the heauty ellffs and in the draws of that Charles Ashcroft, small son very an expenditure total of about of the flowers grown by Victor slope. During the early evening of Mr. and Mrs. Theron Ashcroft, attended. he saved. Peteron of Hyrum. the florist. the whole canyon for miles round Is reported to be recovering from Sult Lake There will he no $150,0110 will 0 Mr. Peterson has been making was lighted up by the brilliant a serious illness. The baby was Even If salaries were not reat the mis in pay order rapttol duced further and revenue did his regular trips to Logan and blares. to avoid a deficit hi Mate s treated at a local hospital for of supplies his customers with seathe biennium of J9J4- - fall off to a level below that suffor and trouble hemmorage heart the to meet ... expenditures. sonable flowers throughout 35. This became nppaient tod iv ficient Ihe lungs. , Investigate Accident summer months. r a emphasiz- had I,ln,or been lifer l,v made Champort Alfred e Mr. and Mrs. Millville Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Hlchwav Patrolman Earl in his report that ,,le thought H F Director S(ale were visiting Sjoberg and family and Mr. and! Invest'eatlne an accident bers of Smi'hfield Nll,.s to Governor Hence IB 'here would he no deficit. A Good Sprinkling Job Martin Maithewg and fam-- - j)00 aI,, t)ip wliiili oernred south of Wells-vfl'- e with Mrs. Belle Thurston. Sunis caused by government doof (..rnin- - fi,dt a e day. Tom Jones of Wellsville did tn which George Glenn lly mo'ored to Pocatello on Sun- - ,,rs a(P jos'eriiuv. . jpiriincnt spcpd'ng more than is was he'd ' A ninonHrht dance good Job of sprinkling for the Hair. Glenn's it d, and at no time has . wtb day to attend the Sjoberg reun-- i uppropn Morin-1 ! Founders day celebration hit h ft as held on Monday '.ho nr.h'ile tbrPP year old child was thrown,.,, ' he amusement hall Friday ion the pre-oexpended nil that, ft.at I1 ia.nne i:nri,i-- ' the1., at the home of Mr. and Mrs. the wind shield and ans-- . night. A large crowd attended day. He heean early in ,9,JI through r" seemed lo I.os 'ri. ,;o of year h,di. v Mr! coming and Mrs. Hickmore AllRu-- t morning wiih his grav and ta f n jnr.rl a deep gash over Its left lCo.eijuirt, ht some ", fran, in radnal ""Y, lu.,t the at sieps ' team and did much lo keep down rVP yt rPPPvoii other head and Angeles. Calif are visiting Orson Olson of Idaho Falls mg expend,!., r.s might b? have toi',1' the dust for the children sports body bruises. First aid was given home of Mrs. Laura Carver. ''glslature did not approvisited briefly on Saturday at ha taken hv the governor How- In the morning and the sports at the Christensen hospital at Linden Seamons was treated the home of Mrs. Matilda Olson. ever, the slight Increase through prime enough money, not he in the afternoon. Wellsvllle. at a local hospital Thursday for Keith Hess of Ogden spent the adjustments by the tax ea, mis- cause the stale government spent an eye infection. He is Improv- week end with Mr. and Mrs. sion of the assessed property val- too much. o Ronald Olson. uation i the state to $5X4.000,-00- 0 Estimate Beet Crop ing nicely. Young Men in Trouble Necessary Accompaniment Mabel Matkin was hosMrs. Mrs. this is and Garr Rosella for the marked year comvisiting Franklin County Sugar Three Cove youths over in the tess to the Happy Hour club at in Wife: "No, I didn't sew a but-- i Morgan, guest of Mr. and Mrs. nerease in Ihe payment of Sopany officials have made a thor- county Jail are a pretty sorry her I was too! Ion on your pants. afternoon. taxes, Rulon home the Friday Scott. operthrough In fields of the beet ough survey group following their arrest and cial chat was enjoyed and quilt Is more Important. tired. Whiih Home of Loan ation Owners the L. Mrs. Nilson Mr. Hans and estimattheir territory and have arraignment before Judge Jesse worked on. Lunch- spent federal anyway your wife or your in corporation and other and ed the tonnage of sugar beets for P. Rich this morning. Two of the blocks were at the close of Soda Sunday where Mondaywent financing organizations, makes pants? served wan eon tons. 71.900 Springs they the present year at memyoung men are charged with rape 11 club Huslmnd; "Well, theres places to Governor Blood and other officThese beets will be harvested on and the third Is charged with the afternoon of to attend the Hanson and Chris- ials take a more hopeful view of I can go without a wife. Mr. and Mrs. tensen reunion. Due to the assault and battery. The two are bers and Mrs. Dave Seamons about 7.200 aeres. a was special Nilson greatly enjoyed these two the situation. white fly and drouth the tonnage held In Jail In lieu of a $5000 Soda Springs who in has been cut materially. bond each while the other Is held gllPSt. days spent with a few of their theFurthermore,tax an increase of Hancey collections Mr. and Mrs. Everett cigaret friends whom they have at many on a $7 50 bond. The young men in were visiting Soda Springs. One hundred and $10, Out, and in the inheritance Involved are Birch H. Cornish. of Wellsville Final Checkup thirty-tw- o attended the reunion. tax of $5(1,000 will help to make and Albert Day. town. Wednesday. Wesley Biges President E. E. Hendricks of The offense Is said to have been Miss Ruth Jenson and Miss the structures of the stab govMrs. Edna Elwood entertained the Cache county farm bureau committed early Sunday morning Thursday afternoon In honor of Inez Jenson in company with ernment without curtailment cf BREATH oband general chairman of the farm following their attendance at the her daughter. Fern who was Mrs. John Ginos of Logan mot- service to the public. bureau fair has called a meeting dance in Logan Saturday night. serving her eighth birthdav However, it is ored to Ogden on Monday where. that a -Pof all fair committees for to- The young men will make their Games were played they went to do their fall shop- - rmi'M decrease in revenue amine from drouth or some other unnight at 8 o'eloek. The purpose pleas Friday morning at 10 n. and luncheon was served on the ping. Many attractivs persons are foreseen catastrophe might result of the meeting is for a final m. to 20 little guests at the Messrs and Mesdames lawn Elmer a shortage of funds before the eheek-u- p in on all plans for the fair, no! welcomed of social gatherafternoon. of the close Humphreys, Dowayne Humphreys, end of As a mea which will be held September Ashcroft had the mis- Cleon Humphreys, Thomas Jes-so- p sure of the Iris because their breath is Miss ings Governor protection. 11, 12 and 13. and Mrs. Francis Jessop mot- Blood urges fortune of receiving a broken dethat Don't be one of them. the state bad. baseored to Lava Hot Springs on Sat partment rose while attending the as In the Make sure that your breath is ball game on Wednesdav. faceA urday to attend the Humphreys pasti ,vith the bmlpP't depar!11,en: Lightning Strikes reunion hatted hall hit her in the The home of E. M. Larsen of sweet and inoffensive by garfor the keeping of the expendiPeter Williamson of Wellsville tures strictly Providence The First ward breaking her nose in two places. within the set limits Whitney was completely destroythe of was a brief visitor on Saturday by the budget. gling with Listerine. It combats Announcement Is made Trail Builders held a soiial at ed by fire about 2 oclock TuesLeo Elwood and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. of .'.ouise home of their the is infections in the mouth, checks It leader, engagement out bolt when a of that Governor pointed day morning and Evelyn Bradshaw, daughter of James Neaves. Blood foresaw the present emerlightning during the severe elec- Fuhriman. A bon fire, gamesenterinfection and instantly destroys Mrs. Matilda Olson and Newell gency. and urged the legislature Mr and Mrs. Orrice Bradshaw trical storm of that night struck a wiennie roast wa3 the will Olson in company with Mr. and of were About The marriage Lambert Pharmacol 19.33 odors. tainment. Wellsville. to hoys means of of thirty home. supfurniture the provide Very little Mrs. Nephi Nilson of College port for the general fund In case was saved, and practically no present. take place September 12. St. Louis, Mo. Company, to Idaho revenues fell below the amount The First ward Sunday Bcliool Mrs. Delhprt Duce entertained ward recently motored clothing, the fire even consum- officers entertained Falls and teachers where several of spent her they In honor appropriated. of food ing the winters supply at dinner Sunday He warned of the likelihood in the cellar. The downpour of at a canyon party on Thursday husbands hirthdav anniversary. days with Mr. and Mrs. Orson A very delightful time that shrinking assessed valuaevening. for Mr. and Olson. marked were rain, however, probably saved hay was had Covers O tions and increasing delinquin-eie- s by a large crowd. Larsen and family stacks, chicken coops, barn and Mrs. Wells Whitney of Brig- Mrs. George and Mr. and Mrs. Candler field at Atlanta, Ga., might result in considerable small sheds. The man who lost Wellsville of at week one of the countrys major air- slump below the total of spent part of last "and family of Hyde the properly is a son of Mr. ham home Duce John Mrs. d of her daughter, wasteBut the ports, was a appropriated. and Mrs. E. S. Larsen of Logan. the Park. too Leland Zollinger. Skeen of Loran land a fewrough for cow pasture legislature did not see fit to Kills 200,000,000 germs Mrs. Joseph LuDene Jensen onlv make this provision. Miss What the spent years ago. spent Friday visiting with Mrs. ar.ifrij iiUMi Thursday and Friday with her Violet Seamons. of Hawks Lou Miss Ella cousin. Mrs. Betty Mikkelsen spent MUTT AND JEFF Jeff Knows Big Game Any Place Lewiston. Mr. and Mrs. Don Bullock of Friday in Hvrum at the home Mrs. George Missoula, Montana are spending of her daughter. their vacation with relatives Jensen, who is ill. Theon Nielsen of Lewiston i here. 22 West First North Walter Fuhriman motored to visiting with his parents, Mr. and Phone 32 San Francisco, California last Mrs. Thomas Neilsen. week. Mr. and Mrs. Ernest R. Lee Duard Chugg of Brigham City were visiting in Mr. and Mrs. welcomed the arrival of a baby town. Saturday. SPECIALS FOR girl on Monday at the Budge Twenty one officers and teachMother and daughter ers of the Relief Society attendhospital. are getting along nicely. WEDNESDAY ed the Cache Stake Relief SoMiss Jean Astle returned to ciety convention held in the Loher home in Grover, Wyoming gan Fourth ward chapel, Satur-d- o Friday after a pleasant week v. POT ROAST with relatives here. The Relief Society will hild The First ward primary held their ward conference on Sunday. Heifer, lb their home coming program on September 9 in the ward chapel. PORK SPARE Wednesday evening in the ward A good attendance ie desired. chapel. The program was as folMrs. Clarence Hurren enterRIBS, lb lows: prelude, Donna Hammond; tained Sunday in honor of her invocation Louise Kendrick; song son Bruces PORK ROAST seventh birthdav anBeauty Every Where; song, niversary. Games were played lb. 1st Shoulder, group; and luncheon was served to beginners rythm band, Z Z. and G's; broon Bs dance, PORK CHOPS, 10 guests. MUTT AND JEFF If Jeff Were After Butterflies Hed Take A Siege Gun flower dance, Zion's girls; song, about A number of townspeople atthe of lb Bells Scotland Blue by Loin, fair at the ball game the Blazers; spring dance, Larks; tended in Logan Sunday. The LOIN STEAKS Santa Lucia Trekkers; grounds song, Elk Blue Birds; game was played by the summer dance. Heifer Beef, lb. -Dutch dance, Sea Gulls; song, and Collegians. R. S. McQuarrie Mr. and Mrs. BOILING BEEF "Aloha Oe, Mikanwees; drill to Preston. Sundav of the nations. Trail Builders; motored lb ...ftf-rthey visited with Mr. and song, Family Tree- - Mikanwees: HAM BUTTS President Mrs. Fred Newbold. talk to graduates. Balls Mr. and Mrs. Deward Amelia Fuhriman; remarks, secArmours, lb. ond counselor, Mary Larsen of named their baby in fast meeting gave him the They FLOUR board: closing song, Jesus Sunday. A stake $1 name of Deward Ferrell. of Little Friend Children; 48 lb. bag Word has been received by Ice benediction Annie Atkins. Mrs. Carrie Hurren that her sisKELLOGGS WHOLE cream cones were sold. Rasmussen of A few friends of Mrs. Ina ter. Mrs. Lois Wheat Flakes Gibbons spent Tuesday afternoon Smithfield is ill with pneumonia at the home of her mother, Mrs with her in honor of her birth3 pkgs day. A dainty lunch was served Will Follett. of Logan. The program for the M.I.A. MILK, Baby Size "I Qc to Mesdames Arlean Lou. Annie 3 cans Ojettrup, Edna Poulsen. Lorraine conjoint meeting Sunday night Dora Checketts, Agnes was furnished by a male chorus, Smith, Berthas Boys from Smithfield Hansen, I.ola Jensen, Luell.i Nielsen and the guest of honor. The rhoms was under the diree- - and daughter, fleutie ero In i barge of the trousseau room and Mi lbatrbe i Thernley took barge of the eirm other asisting were Mr. rvY" yr f, ijtcltC in Employ Wages, City Boosts Cost expin-dituro- , TTnn-s-'k- , s. eol-I.e- ut i j Mrs Slrlln m g. . '.oinley . hornley .J Mr. d..iubter 1 ' Mi I visiting rilnt.vea and Salt Lake City. I.nwol Van Noy ha fncd been trans- fice. entertained Menorl.il LEWISTON 1 Mr. and Mr. Fred daurhter and Miss Lillian and Rec-r- Mr. of Rexburg are guests of J Rwlnyard Mra. Reece M. Mis and Swtnyard are daughters of Mr. Swinynrd. Lillian has lo live at Rexhurg during the rominp winler and attend ed school. Mr. and Mr. II. II Harrison, daughter Mary Jane and Mr. and Mrs. Bert Orchard spent Sunday at Garden City, guests of Mr, and Mr Arden Pope. Mrs Pope Is the daughter of Mr ;.nd Mrs. HnrrBnn. Mrs. Mr. nnd On Tuesday, Anna OrHoward 1. ay Tie, Vr chard and Mrs. Mary Orchard were I.opnn visitors. of Logan, j DOES YOUR OFFEND? po.-sib-le Inc., Phone We ' ? ROBABLY V PROVIDENCE LISTEFJNE ends halitosis i 710-- 78 W West lt South Cany Gasoline, Oil & Grease Courteous Service on Needs Given Promptly We also Carry Car A Gordon Creek NOT A BONE IN A CARLOAD Carbon County Coal from Gordon Creek A Clean Burning Coad Very Little Ash and Very Little Soot. You Get Your Full Weight to the Ton Members Participate in the earnings of the Company on purchases made at your station. 2000 Pounds gully-washe- j CityMarket e a MLi riit jftft iaW la ferred to the Preston D P. & L. office while Joaeph Coff will take his flare st the Ural of- - -- t the Jatne Mack l'nrk on Tuesday evening In honor cf their retiring officers. Supt. Floyd Thorn-le- y was in charge. A ball game and other games were enjoyed after whiih a delicious suppi r waa served and Ihe following program rendered: Steel guitar aolo, Mrs. Done Thornley; humorous paper, Mrs. James A. Cragun. A musical comedy under tli direction of Willard Thornley and sponsored by Glen U. Wmn wa presented in professional style. The musicians wore old fashioned clothes and were Introduced by their stare niinus. Those taking pnrt were: Mr. Jessie Perkin. Mls Oralie Gragun, Wiilird Thornley. A. It. Allred. Curtis Sorenson, Jas. A. Wendi-Perkins and Gragun. James Thornley. There was a large crowd present. Mr and Mrs. J. A. Gutke returned home Sunday after hsv- - I. tr p In Ivrh and ugnon on Riindiy enterDotirh.a lliiopi tained at dinner on Sunday la honor of her birthday anniver-aanry. The room and t.hte were I'e ititifiiHy do orated w h sum-- n er Coers, Cover were laid for twelve. Mr. and Mra Ad. vein TooUon and daughter left the forepart of Ihe wek for Richfield where they will epend a month as guests of Mra. Tordsonc parent. Wil-o- n Mr and Mr Tl.ornley and ihildren of Orden were week end guest of Mra. Fmtra Thorn-le- y and family. Bishop W. L. Winn ar.d Miss Flea Winn are spending the meek at Milton Wmn Gcoige Winn, Mr Mis and Mr Frank Winn. Winn roieived many beautiful A delirious and Ucful gifts. Inn, boon wa nrved to one hundred i lo-- e frlchda who railed. Mims Bl.ani h Winn, daughter of Bishop W. L. Wmn was married nt the Salt Lake temple. Wed-- t esd.iv, August 29 to Gunnell, son of Mr. and Mra. Riihcrund. George Gunnell of The i.;.ii. lie their lo me ! in t!n irot d. 1 lie offher .no ' iis-.t- Lon Winn vtuinif f t II I ll.-nr- , j J.cora , ! lit ii h rr.l. Mr. H, 7. u) tint, r. and aril Joreph Timmii Mrs (lark Tborniey ht'ended the Brighton reunlou held at l.'gi'im on Funduy. GraMr. and Mr Juu.e. nin and daughter ('..! c and Mr Frur.k Wmn and i ighter Dernell, Carla Rue and Ed.tb attended the Hol.iduy r in .on held 1 r. .. the.r H'iif, V. H.g i Va-.- ' nod Mr Role t G urg.t Mr uhd Mi and son tienqi, Vr. J.,! e Thotr.ley and 1 1 ..t ant Ml tanniM. M. lam ii Natauial Pre'-'- , ha-k- or. 'l! I - in-ail- ) HYDE PARK I r' ir t li hi mo Kumia lli.r l.nncymuei' fi n Opening of Bird Refuge Edmunds Here Thursday feieii.oiiiea foriiiuHy C. Edmunds. the lord refuge Ju; loitiplete.l Clyde general ! ill at Ioioiuotlve Spring of Ihe manager Ituh Poultry 2d by on i: ' M m n lie- - nerthwi-f- t Mr, mitt Brakes Can't Break 99 Wt-alc- iVtfis, IJIIM WFJMJT?? J flT W By BUD FISHER By BUD FISHER |