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Show Cache County iA Fair - Logan Sept. Third Year Xo. 11-12-- Ban Franctaco 13 Butler scoring A Home Paper for Home People ') Telephone 700 & RULES WHICH V- - Wcllsville I The Fourth Annual Founder Day celebration, was held at WelNulle on Monday. Seplem- her 3, and waa considered the! biggest and best day ever held here. The committee are to be congratulated upon It .ucces. The day. program began ! Monday morning at 12:15 with a midnight dance at th recreation hall. awakened at 4:30 a m. with the f. v 4. 19.U. . were awarded to those section and first place was given to 'For lie Lands Sake ", with Wayne Turner a negro driver and ! Jones and Leon Turner a the gold dust A j u, in, liar. , ,A m- - RroumU and Pioneer, "T11" ataged on ,hu West Center C!BDA selling Eiht M Pages EASY WINNER ATPROVOEIEET Parent Request Expenditure of $300 to Put Building" in Shape for Housing Pupil. Incumbent in Congrei Favored by Delegate for Renomination Sena tor Over on Firt Ballot hpll Cove aso. parent-teach- DEMOCRATIC NOMINEES: For Dnlted State senator William 11. King, Incumbent. For cong rex t First district) A lie Murdock, llcaver, Incumbent. For congress (Second district) J. Will Robinson, Drovo, in- made a formal request to the Cache County Hoard of Education to make the neiessary repair on the Cove school building lu order that the pupils tuav enter school at home thl season. 1 he following communication has been sent to the school board : To Hie Honorable of Iio..iri, ,)f Kd.i.atl.i hi. 1,h cents today. tu UP BY BOARD children twin. S3 Renominated On 1st Ballot COVE PASSED Prize in the G2 'BUILDING AT CELEBRATED AT 1YELLSVILLE Sifcffe. . Team During.' p of the Week1 SITI 8 IFOUNDERS DAY FITTINGLY fefell;:':: COUNTY FAIR The committee for the Horne Fulling content for the Cache County Fair September 11. 12 and 13, desire that those Interested In the context take noe of the following: All light weight team will weigh in at the Coal Logan yard. Tuesday, September 11, the fit st day of the fair at 7:30 a. in. All the medium and heavy weight team will weigh In on Wednesday, September 12. the second day of the fair nt 7:30 am, at the l.ogan Coal team yurd. The light weight will contest the first morning of the fair nt 10 o'clock. The medium weight teams the second evening of the fair at 7:30 o'clock and the heavy weights the third morning of the fair at 10 ocloi k. LOGAX. UTAH, TUESDAY. College Education Assured GOVERN AT Many Fine Pulling To Be Entered The Three Days Big Show Next BUTTER MARKET ", hr,TD' of ceremonies; sliiglng, Come. Come Ye Saints the congregation; by prayer. trio. Bishop Jnhn J. llendry; ' Solo Mm, the Harmony Four: solo. "The without n Flag cumbent. ''"V J ,,ohkT' al,!r7H-' ' M "I For state supremo court JusI Mrs. alley a queen of! te e District Judge James IL nm-c- , of 1 93 1. Mm Thorpe ; Wolfe, Salt Lake City. and the capiain end iliiefs of Cache County. Utah, Eer state treasurer tb" Dioneer Handcart Company th iill,. men; Joseph Itiric, Ogden. end Hie Indians, also read We noth e in the papers that! Mrs. from telegram Joseph hool building Provo Senator William H. Howell ef Fait Lake, the second lhe various si have been repaired King, fur the pust 18 years Utah white ihild horn in Wellsville; Hie county school now for are and Dcii.u. latic rcpicsentative in the two violin solos, Wm. Douglas, In looking our s hool I. S. senate, easily won lenomin-- a no mnpunied on lhe piano by purposes. over we fmd no work hiiliiling mu on the first ballot ln th Mrs. Ludean Roger Clawson of been done to put it in shape Poppleton and Ira Hansen; pionpuny's aute convention here tooration. Dr. Adam S. has eers of isr.fi. 59. fit), 62 nnd 63 Logan; for si hool work. of Samuel Hennion, grand-oix in inrs; pioneer families In cov-rhUtah dairymen assembled at day.'1 We would appreciate it very Beunion a pioneer of 1S47, who The harness tugs muHt he reahe incumbent plied up such Utah Agricultural Experilhe bar,es s,uart If would the nnnh four American boy each received a $5,000 tcholarahip award give you ,,aKOn? the pull lead as the roll sonably tight when complimen'ed on the parade. commanding an were ment ln farm Feishman Station mr Dairy communin this hool building No starts. Beautiful City, chapel and or- si (all progressed that William K. lugging of the at Chicago from the Fieher Body Craftsman' Guild for building the moet other families were Wm. LI. welcomed to the Slate Agricuthat your immediate attention horses into the load. This has perfect miniature model of a Napoleonic cearh In the 1034 Guild comltural Wm. fiienn, Karl Dar gan nnd paid tribute to the ity and experiment sta- Wallace of Suit Lake City, a been permitted in the past but petition. In all, 24 scholarship award amounting to $51,000 were mad. ker. James the Sunhonnett and it may he ready for school this tion bycollege pioneers, Wm. ArchiDirector I. V. Cardon of rival candidate, moved for nominMitton, would We estimate $300.00 not now. Those In the picture from left to rlfjht are: Baitholcmew of Alex covered wagon. Indians and trap- year.our si hool building in shape the Experiment Station Friday ation by acclamation before las-aicl- i, bald. Orrice Bradshaw, put If the animals get out of conpers nnd the beautiful monuand Wayne Detroit, Robert H. Heilmann of Indianapolis, Franklin S. At.tter ef Spence, Francis Maughan and ment morning, lhe occasion being the Weber Washington, creeled and hoped some day for school work and we are sure third trol. hark up anil then lunge, New B -- tain, Conn, and Frank F. Hlnet.of BUcktvllfe, W. Va and Ora counties had been reachat held annual Smith; handcart companies to see a monument day be duiry will glad erected for the si hool patrons ed. Mr. Wallace's motion carried. I!10. Ju:,Kr." Ah.alL"'".p th,m bu. W. A. Fisher of Detroit, president of the Guild. were Lyman Maughan, captain. farm. Fort and a W set on to assist you In every way pos- theDean that shall not count a a try, Maughan Senator King' victory gave L. W. of Wanlass the and Winston Alton Gunnell, In the mountain for Wellsville, also sible to repair the building However. If the animals persist n Zaida Maughan. Adell Jones, It In shape school school of commerce substituting the lucuinbeuta in office a clean for to "Will Achieve". putting in back!ng up and lunging, for President E. G. Deterson, sweep, as the two congressional Leishman. Farris and Har work. they may ho disqualified by the: the talked briefly on the great ag- si i.sl r id conventions had previousris Anderson; the floats were by Mayor Christensen read yours. Respectfully Judge. the Wellsville ward Relief society program of the day and the glee ricultural expansion that took ly renominated Representative Cove larent-TeachNot more than two men shall Second ward Relief society. Deter (lull sang. "Hurrah for the Flag place ln this country and of the Abe Murdock of Beaver and J. Association. stand at the head of the horses' Ye Children little hope for better prices for Dp Maughan camp of Daughters of and "Climb to get them under control and benediction. Bishop WIIEEI.KR Dioncers, First ward bee hive; Climb; agricultural products unless forethe tugs and cable are tight. ign markets can again be opened PROTESTS girls down band; Second ward Evan H. Bankhead. All drivers must ride from or production Details of the sugar bind proWellsville' The Hyrum Stake i Sunla5r 8h001: Madra club; A meeting was held at Wheeler up and expanded children's the During meeting start to finish. duction control program for 1934 Old Folks outing held here on American Legion; Queen of 1934 races were put over on the park Friday night at which the par- is controlled and limited In the Bridles may he either open 35, nearing completion in the Friday was very successful. Each "ss Julia Thorpe of the Wells-wui'- it under the direction of Celia ents of that district voted with country.O. JE, . faee or blind but no change Agricultural Welle villii tiLQtid .ward t 'iin in ii Madsen., in charge lmn ...hnrp- -, , Adjustment Adminree to - keep oT Dr.. Parker.1 e )rc eptl em r fter lha .rantoat .xtsala A- wlff lid" "explained" to' heir own group and saw that vllle ward the Animal Pathology laboraWellsville will home. children They their He sure harness is in were entertained first istration,' hands The growers in a series of meetings j (hey were comfortably seated in scouts; Newton band; queen of with tory explained the U. S. Departthe early class order to withstand dinner served In the dining not permit them to he hauled to ment this fall, announces William lhe Wellsville tabernacle where 1.856, Mrs. Susannah Bailpy; of Agriculture plan for the Members school. Iewiston the If under breaks the harness tabernacle of room strain. the I eterson, director of drouth re- eradication of Bangs Abortion, ss nl0re mai Wcilsvllle Ward Sunday school; were was (he committee following central program of the given Henbeen load Miss has of the after lifted, lief for ttah, who is in receipt Marge thousand dol-- J bee the direction disease. Thirty-fiv- e nomiuation. of State Com- - Wellsville ward 2nd year Secpresent at the Wheeler meeting. iurs have been set aside for the that shall not constitute a try. of information from John K. Dal un(ler the direction dry. hive girls: NRA, new deal. mitteeman B. M. Thompson. e Joseph Rine of Ogden, a dark cannot carry whip. ton, chief of the sugar section. Drivers 0 At 1:30 p.m. the South Cache payment of Indemnities and Community Binging, America ond ward bee hive girls; Wells- band horse, won the nomination for No whipping, slapping, swinging A history of each teston the individual under concert band a and administration for flower gargave ward ville primary; the direction of Evan O. state treasurer on the first balthe lines over the horses, or beet growers past production for den club; Second ward primary; hall park. Newton band played ing, in Utah. assisted Anona lot with a total of 477. The anDarley, by In 13 touch the horses any way each of the past five years, De Lands a concert during the rodeo and Commissioner David F. Smith nounced candidates, Arthur N. "For childrens section, at the Maughan organ; prayer, with hands or otherwise. now being compiled by the AAA of the State Board of Agricul- Smith of Price and Mrs. Nellie rodeo men on horses; they were each enjoyed immenIt is permissible to make a from records furnished by the H. D. Hansen of Hyrum; address Sake; ture endorsed what Mr. Madsen H. Jones of Duchesne, received attendants. and rodeo sely. A ball game was played bequeen of Mr. who welcome, Thompson team from sugar factories. These records light and heavy Garland Miss Mary tween Wellsville and had reported and drew to the 167 and 152 votes, respectively. Miss Louise Stuart, abalso excuses offered for the indivithree horses. The good pulling will serve as a basis for attention of the dairymen as did Baldwin and Miss Martha Mur- with a score of 16-- 9 in WellsPresident M. sence of D. in The battles for places on the horse may compete any class dual and factory production allotWellsville was the center of Dr. Madsen that the program favor. This was followed clowns ville Chairmen Eugene John- ray, helpers on horses, if the combined weight does not ments. ticket on kept the convention at a the led cooperaadministered Cache a ln he Valley would rodeo by with attraction home ever and parade, talent; and James W. Hall: remarks the best exceed the limit in the particuthroughout, but it Through the county agricul- son S. a U. high pitch and the result as rodeo clown the and rodeo Department queen Labor and Day, game club; tively by the national comNo ownr shall be tural agents, who will be the key were made by Dres. John C. floats by the fish for lar class. remained all State from the Newton there Departband, and attendants of citizens thronged Agriculture, We literary club; Eliasons Market; in Brenchley; two choruses, issue to produce the mitteeman of the some and permitted to create two teams men for the administration One and of ment communities. Among the Agriculture helpers. Lumber Co.; Boy riders, ropers and The Lost Anderson In the same ciass out of three the sugar beet producing areas, Love to Serve dramatic climax of a noisy, hecfarmers and Indians; of the largest crowds to ever the outside visitors to Wellsville Utah State Agricultural college Scouts; horses by pulling the same horse' each grower will be given an op Chort by the Singing Mothers future tic of R. the Morris H. day. A. the J. witnessed to come Wellsville wore: Rulon Professor Bickmore, home makers; ward1 twice In the same class. A pair portunity to verify his record as of the Wellsville Second But despite a bitter fight of to Soon game and rodeo. The day ended Hovey, Isaac E. Quinney. Diver Dairy Manufacturing Department Born fire inV. Mrs. AAA. In under department; the of direction submitted the by competing in the light class the stances where the land has with picture shows and a dance Hess. Charles Yonk. Wilforil of the College discussed the feed- the supporters of National Comchang R. Carver with Miss Edith Dar- Theron Leishman and Archie at first day shall not compete in a A. A. Firmage. George ing of roughnge compared with mitteeman Orman W. Ewing to the recreation hall. Baugh, ; as base Darley. Dres. hands the perel ley talk,' during accompanist heavier class the next day asj harness man; roughage plus grain to dairy prevent the election of a sucFister, pioneer have or A. ior delivered also introwho John Israelson growers this puts a premium on shrinkconvention went Charles England. Andrew cows. Preliminary indications are cessor, the Bishop to one more than Mrs. duced bees Christena Larsen factory, ing horses. Leonard Miles of that In some instances the most ahead with its announced plan Otterbeck. will he to Of asked landowners to came in who April Hyrum The horse pulling contest is Smithfield; W. H. Shaw, Budge economical milk production can and elected A. S. Brown of Sait assist in making a final check 1860; duet, Little Bluebird of creating unusual interest this to see that asSmith, James M. Smith and fam- he obtained by feeding roughages Lake City. Mr. Brown deieated the Gill hv Ivonne Miss production My Heart," year. The committee already has cribed to their land for the past and F. II. Baugh, Jr.. Lallis nnd no grain to dairy cows. W. J. Halloran of Salt Lake City, ily; of Third Incompany Hyrum Any nearly forty entries. a talk on emergency feedClift Dunn, Derwood is correct and that dealso was defeated by Mr, who In five Westover, years of Revolt "The L. ward; reading, terested should contact J. of GaSav of Lo- ing of dairy cattle Frofessor Ewing for the position in 1932. to all factories are cred- Mother, liveries Olsen, manager Mrs. Allan Leishman Robinson of Richmond, Arthur ited to them. To assist the coungan; Mrs. Ida Anderson and George G. Bateman, SuperintenThe vote was: Brown, 376; Petersen of Hyde Dark or Heb- ty agent, a committee will be of Wellsville Second ward; chorus John L. and George Amos Jen- daughters, Mrs. Agnes S. Allen dent of the Dairy Farm urged Halloran, 242 and Ewing. 31. are completed Plans Mrs. Bells St. The practically of Mary, er Murray of Wellsville. out their all Mr. Mrs. James sons of Mrs. and Carrie selected from each community. Ethel Jones and company was and daughter Norma; of for the sheep purchasing pro kins, dairymen to cull Immediately after this countelectGarnald Larsen, poor cows and sell them to the announced "Every beet grower will he af- Wellsville ward; organola selec- gram and buying will begin in H. Jenkins of College Hill, have Humphreys, Mr. Brown was rethose misKnows Calf Roping fill calls to forded an opportunity to become tions. Stanford government, keeping only Metropolitan Life Insurance Broadstone of the very near future, although both received ed by acclamation. Harry cows for which plenty of feed is Parley Reese, chairman of the thoroughly acquainted with the Hyrum Third ward; song and a definite date ras not been an- sions. presentative at Hyrum; of recommendation details of the and the program as yet. states William Cache county fair rodeo commiton hand. This T. Sorenson of Men-do- n nounced John, a graduate in music of Wadman, Lea Dunn, manager contract reading, W. of the and emphastee, knows his calf roping. He provisions Little Jacob Peterson, state director of Drouth the Utah State Agricultural col- Farmers Feed and Detroleum was fully endorsedWilliam ward; reading, Peteror th Beaver of Bowen Director county S'raus, Relief. ecommuuity Lotook the grand prize for the best through ized In William by the been officiator has Co.; Miss Helen lege Sybindon calf roper at the Founders Day meetings, Mr. Dalton says The of Nibiey; vocal solo, Miss MyrThe organization for buying gan temple for the past four Dam; Dostmaster Cantril Nielsen son of the Extension Service. over The afternoon was given celebration at Wellsville on plan will be. strictly voluntary tle Yeates of Millville; organ sheep and goats will consist of a years and chairman of the Tenth of Hyrum; Dr. II. S. Amussen, we want every one concerned of to a report on fertilization of Gunnel Denin George He located Office Josh Gunnell, Monday. As a matter of fact, and committee. ward Mrs. Anona genealogical Maughan Regional to know exactly what is expected selections, of Parley was the only man to get of him when Colorado; the state director will leave for the mission home Richmond; George W. Squires of pastures by D. W. Pittman, and he signs a contract of the Wellsville ward; benedic- ver, cat- in Salt Lake, Sept. 7 and will go Sauires Tailoring and Cleaners; the Agronomy Department, with as the same his calf. be will the of M. A. Israelson tion Hyrum. to rontrol sugar beet production. . That the "best team in Y from there to the California mis- Carrol Olsen, manager of City short talks on dairy problems by Dinner was served oil the tle program, and all business will The 1935 marketing allotment Plain City; J. ofRobson. will go into an unusually E. Gas masks for dogs and horses distribution; R. this lie transacted Oil company A farewell through and sion. on tables testimonial lawn history long sugar from sugar beets has beautiful Central will con- party has been planned in his Rocky are new defensive weapons of for and spectacular Neuberger, Tliain Watson R. Bens. Manager Weber fice; the county set-u- p tight 1,550,-00- 0 which were decorated with gladset at been W. approximately Ballard, war. Conference football sist of the county agent and one honor by the Logan Tenth ward and wife; S. E. Needham of the Dairy. Ogden, and J. Mountain short tons raw value and pro- iolus, linnas and snapdragons. or who will be termed tonight. Needham Jewelry; Cal Erickson Jr.. Benson ward. race this fall is the prediction of duction is to he adjusted toward They were guests at the Donkey a more men BAI announced Coach G. Ott Romney, Brigham five galwill his Bateman with Q. Pctersboro "Sorter. of inspectors George ball on the held park this level. In 1933 national pro- hall game George Amos Jenkins will not the winners of last years dairy Young University football coach. duction of sugar from sugar where they all had a good laugh not be usedThein the sheep buying leave until November. He has lon hat. and agent county program. guessing contest: First show a production free which was As sport fans in the beets picture 1,757,000 short tons after with the been called to the Central States Kearl, Logan; 2nd Brvant place, raw value, and in 1932 it was was given in the opera house for sorter will arrange territory turn their U. a mission. He is also former 3rd Richmond: of the for the location R. C. Merrill. the annual gridiron toward 1,452,000 short tons. their enjoyment. Some two hun- owner and A. S. C. eyes student. (4-Club of hoy) goats at the time Benefit payments are to be dred and eighty members of the sheep Wayne Hansen, nnd tied for 4th campaign. Coach Romney proor seasorting. inspection made after contracts are approv- stake enjoyed the day. Spanish Fork; mises them an outstanding O The buying of sheep will he J. Baker. Cornish, Heber son. The average strength of the ed by the Secretary of AgriculS. C. Dahl, under the direction of countl ture. Houtz, Salt Lake, and "Big Six is seen into be stronger Hansen Child Dies o Salt Lake City. agents with the sorter handling at any time history. Utah, than The the inspection and buying. rum tht less noise it makes. U, and Denver U. are Weston Gets Water musicians Louis Tulane Hansen, Colorado of The aggregation Sorter and assistant sorters will Providence Owen at Talks hand Grettle Leo and of son strong and look about still Newton very Weston had has the its who compose city plans be appointed by the state director SEPTEMBER matched as when they on home at the died the as a new for water family I'ansen. evenly works be to congratulated are system the 3 Dirigible Shentndoeh d A most inspirational talk season in a triple Sun- from a list recommended by the the West in finished 86 First street, to made South according fine approved they Engineer showing ltroyed over Av, Ohio, state, county, or regional sheep and regulations and deadlock in 1933; while Young receiv1925. Eugene Srhaub. The trench for day after a long illness. He was association to the state director. ed Official notice has been director Wellsville Founders day parade. traffic rules importance of observing U, Utah Aggies, or Colorado Agby William Peterson, the new pipe line has already horn here November 17, 1928 is director of the the given Sunday The Sorter will designate thoo of drouth relief for Utah, that Lvnn Barker is 4 Confederate troop assisted by these rules, was been dug. He is survived by his parents, from may emerge victor. the blind he and ably Approval threaten Washington, D. animals condemned and those fit the Government will pay $2 per in the Providence Second gies two night and PWA brothers been ha made has for the three who pur-states and thirty high always sister, Ecklund j Eight Hunsaker, ones George Earl condemned The food. C, 1862. for and by $1.40 chapel female for head sheep chase of the materials for the I.co. Owen, Conrad, Karren, Marie will be killed an active part in making- ward traffic Mr. schools contribute to B.Y.U. s taken owner under the These by patrolman. female for Angora goats. -- Barbara Fritchi creditable organiza- state hA An pipe line from the spring to the! and Grettle Hansen, Logan. Funwave, cosmopolitan team of fighting direction of the sorter. will apply to condemned the band a Hunsaker has edified a number reservoir. The old wood stave eral services will he held today theBefore flag it Rebels. 1862. on Cougars. Their schedule follows: tionbe prices an can the in county for as those dgoats well sheep as audiences of animals ColIn the Logan L.D.S. First ward pipe line is to be replaced. Two wcks ago the hand mad Sept. 22 Montana State bought It will be necessary for shipment. s;)me subject on various President McKinley fachapel, with burial in the Logan owners received much few lege at Great Falls. and for animals the to list their past of cent a the fine showing during purchase occasions Fifty per tally shot by Czolgoas; City cemetery under the direcProvo. sale with the county agent. Sheep price will lie paid to the owner praise for its part in a celebra- months. Sunday Visitors 1901. & Sons Sept. 29 Occidental at Form No. 2. which is an applica- and fifty per cent to the lien tion at Lava Hot Springs. ProMr. and Mrs. Neplii Deterson tion of Lindquist at Laramie. 6 Wyoming 0ct at rodeo tion for selling sheep to the gov- holder, if there is no lien on the ceeds from the annual and members of their Beef family Oct. 13 University of Utah at 7 Prof. Langley tinhlp ernment must be made out in flock, the entire price will be Newton and the funds received Secures Fine from Salt Lake City were visiLake. refuse to fly, 1903. Salt In Folks keepms advance by each farmer desiring paid to the producer. tors in Logan and Providence Visits Sick from tours are used William Gibbons, the hustling Oct. 20 University of ColoThe to sell. The county agents will the together. will a The beef for the who permit organization program Saturday and Sunday. rebuys rado at Ogden. Bishop William Worley has out in butcher of local these forms. di in Galvtzton, markets, has shearing of sheep and goats be- members are all dudded Western State at 26 Oct. turned from a trip to Salt Lake supply ewes over one year old fore they are sold, and the pelt- white uniforms with lavender number In a Texas, tornado, 1900. Only of 3' fine supply very game) brought Friday Provo (A Returns Home where he visited the following and female angora goats over of animal condemned. colored caps. heifer beef which he securNov. 3 Utah Aggies at Provo After spending the summer Logan patients in a Salt Lake one year old will be purchased. ingEverything is in readiness for Is president of young L. Larsen W. been He In has Lake. Bear ed 9 California it admitted te (Homecoming). month in Utah and Idaho, Mrs. hospital : Mrs. John H. Squires, No stunted lambs, kids, wethers, the program to begin as soon as the organization; Jesse Barker is tht Union, 1150. Nov. 10 Colorado College at supplying his local trade with Mary Bingham has returned to Edmoud B Spencer and Dr. W. or bucks will he accepted. A fiat a definite date is announced by Amost Griffin, these acwhich fed heifers, Colorado Springs. her home In Lo Angeles, Calif. W. Ross. These are all members rate of $2 per head for sheep the government, says Mr. Peter- - secretary and treasurer and Faun counts grass the choice steaks over for Nov. 17 Denver University at of the Logan First ward. She left here Friday laBt. and $1.40 for goats will be paid. son. Christensen, manager. th block of late. Denver. uingi:s cannon and began their day, sen as master work, The parnde began to assemble I on t be ball park at 9 a m. and by 10 a. tn. one of the most gorgeous ni.d mammoth parade started its way along tlio state road begin-- 1 nlog at lb corner of Guy II. Vaughan's residence utid contln- mug south to the Second ward 'clitinh. The parade was headed by the marshall of the day. John M. Pop pei on and was us follows: flag In arers. Heber Murray. Wm. 11. Rank head and Levi Cooper of i be American South Legion. Cache high si bool band: four teen Indians with Elmer Woodward ns chief; trappers. Joseph I I i j Little Hope For Better Prices For Agriculture rules Pop-pleto- n. I Af-to- Sugar Beet Control Program er Developing -- ... ti I w- $8.-50- Citizens Throng To Wellsville To Celebrate Blck-mor- e, I Tenth Ward Government Youths Get Sheep Program Mission Calls Announced j B.Y.U. Gives Promise Of Good Team An-tho- ; Inter-mounta- in Sheep Purchase Program Plans Announced Newton Band Makes Hit At Wellsville rsTV - ssSi t; H |