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Show CACHE AMERICAN Page Four. CACHE AMERICAN Wrti'f , I very rublb-h- 1unU,' BskwtfpUun u at Aitwruan Uin, luh, Rate Tuesday, September 4. 1934. ( f, DJER-KIS- InbU blnr W' V AlmIUui ratH nut dr mini- - 01 Mean upok Jfar - ! Mt . AMAZE A MINUTE 50 EARTH TRAVELS AS FASTER THAN A BULLET, TIMES g "$ mg see, slop I Sam litigo"' sim. ;T i ' 'J I ! Ihsy'tw arias "VVlivf What full said (sjwwi, showing Hi tit h escilemrut. I don't know Its th li.tgv linn oftirs or tlnlethiog.,, Pgae ran after the two duke, 'Listen, you guys. Tins is a private ebib ball, don eaa't pull a triek like this here! I'nele Pam can pull anything anywhere, buddy But 1 know this man. He's the Marqu.s KH mifrt,i.rne: ho do we know him." Next on the program la the mam Vouse got to do something, event of thu pal evening in the the formal hp.i implored Lola. notion j.klure sear I'll git right on the 'phone. t reix. illation lo the palilie of the Lota, homebody will burn for this Vamjaa Baby Star for IWJl He away from the two of those thirteen young kftreaaek fic.-rlertij hr the VVattij it (lub na the ran and their prisoners while Lola after them, calling: Hugo inost likely to r ath stardom before knother year n out. We will bow Wait!" fho overlook them ia th f r the entrance. hear from Mr K, J. Ranloo, prel-ilm- t arcade Vou've this of the Wampai Club, who will got entirely the Marquia waa saying. rung, make the efllnal presentation." a on out It' mistake" Aa Space llanlua ktrpped Wo got all the records, Mar-qu- i the stage, the light dimmed dona, amd the agent, and spotlights played upon the Hut wbat'a be donet demanded After tin introductory remarkr the curtain parted revealing a dttiy Lola. He'f been two year ia tfaie futuriatie marine setting with huge mechameil Goddraa of fame country over hia original passport limit. It's about time we got around from which a line dropped into immature ocean. The line earn up to him.' "And where are we goingt" Come on with a beautiful girl. a great big hand asked the Marquia, coldly furious now, everybody for a tiny little girll Toara going to the county The applause waa only half- until you can appear befora jail the the of crowdattention the Commissioner la the morning hearted, uned Coeoanut tlrova having been at- less, of course, you can put up 13,000 tracted by the entrance of a pair of cash. That 'a the standard bail." newcomer. 6pae saw Io!a Burn Jail!" wailed Lola. Oh, Hugo! and the Marquis di Bicelli, and in- Yon can'll I wont allow it! " The nobleman became indignant. terrupted hi introduction of the Babe "And where am I going to get 'VVell atop the ahow juat a mo 1 3,(00 rash this time of night n.eut, folks, while we welcome one That your worry or of our biggest and lovelieat atari friend', or Mist Burns, here. your Oct on the left. Lola Burns, in. just entering indie and gentlemen! And her He ahoved the etill protesting handsome escort, the Marquia di Marquia iuto bis auto, climbed in liinelii. Dont they make n charm- and spoke to bis fellow officer. Let go, Bill." ing eoiijdcf A very pretty aight to-'h rl" A faint touch of sarcasm Ill get the money, Hugo! Honhad entered hia voice, which caused est, 1 will, Lola called nf,cr them. nla I, to pause in her progress to a Don't worry, darlirg. I'll in table and glance up at him. Whoeven thing. ever would want to aeo them apart! Lola looked after tho departing That a what I would like to know! car, wringing her hands, as a newsthe Star Mary Carlisle, Baby paper truck came into the drive and from dumped a bundle of early morning players, was the next to' be an- - papers on the pavement, She almost All the world knows Djer-Kis- s is foremost among all Talcums. For the whole family, after bathing, it is indispensable. Use it daily. it Softer, finer, absolutely pure protects and absorbs. The delicate, inimitable Djer-Kis- s fragrance, of White course. and Rose. da-be- d JUr-- 1 THE PAINTER LegaLnotices Let us paint your brick home to make it look like fire brick. I. THE SUTTER OF THE TATE OF Af.NES KERR, AI.HO KNOWN AS AONES KIRR IUUKIVSON DF.-MCBRIDE, EASED, will Creditor present claims with vouihers to the undersigned his residence in Wellsville, Utah, on or before the 15th day Of October, A. D, 1934. David Kerr Parkinson, 5). Bha, m iATra-wjmk- t Parfum, le a dainty price paid for ranner use less and freakly dead horaea and rattle Call URL Ifyeum Highmt Paradise Fish Hatchery Furniture or Pianos Moved C. R, llird and J. O. Hughes; vocal solo, Murcellt Bird; Misu Mo-- 1 xi'llo Barrett was tho acrompan-- j 1st. wa senjoyed Ini Dancing the amusement hall after the1 prognim. the M.I.A. onhestra furnishing the music. Mite. Alma Lnmonf spent the pnsl week in Ogden as guest of .Mrs .1 VV. Wright. In the work and business meeting Tuesday the Relief Society quilted and the following le Mis Orella lllrd, who tin n been visiting wiih her sons and families at Holbrook for (he punt few weeks, returned homo Saturday. and Mrs. George Thomp-- j Mr were Fuesti of, mother. Mrs. t ltird, Sunday. Frank H.inemk p(lnt n eon of MrThompson's Oreli.-- t Me- di' im.i'is D w Logan n Mr. and i b r VVi '1 i e V! I V. fmolu! gtie-- Mr. of A. J i on Tues- day veiling the Elders quorum game the following program: with Clifford Stauffer conducting Vocal solo. Kay Sorensen; talk, John Welch; duet. Mareel- - shed. 3 or more rooms Phone Retail nr Wholesale Ca-il- S3 Is Central, S-- Lake City Convenient, Comfortable for Earning, 31 nine, and livesUuk Interests The Salt I akc Home for (ache Valley People Try the Twenty Five Cent riale Lunch at the Soda Fountain Head-iu.irtir- s W. D. (WILL) ROBERTS, Mgr. Cache County Fair Auto Painting Get your ear repainted by We do the work experts. right at the right price. We have run shop in Logan 34 years. Sept. 13 Expert Furnace Work Vaacuum Cleaning Service . . , Smoky Furnaces . . . Poor Heating Systems Repaired and Re-sand made to Work Efficiently . . . We Can Make a Modern Pipe System Out of Your Old Pipeless Furnace. et Re-vamp- ed Up-to-Da- te guaranteed. Miller & Son ' 1st East Phone 899 W Next to Budge Ginic 430 462-- W 428 North North Main West Second South Day & Night All work 9 THE CULLEN HOTEL ri Phones 184, Hat Shop Johnson Tbone 314, Logan Radio & Re-fgelation Service Sales. Electric & Refrigeration Prices Apples, mackintosh red: (tor-- , i.ian prunes; Peaches, while tliev lust. Bring your containers, Produce Co. 375 North Man, rbone Certified furni- FOR S1.F, OR THDK $50.00 credit at Baugh Motor Co. Call Parley Savage. LOST Police dog, black and brown. 2 years old, weigh! SO lb, friendly, answers to name of Hap. Reward If returned to 29 6 East 4th North. Phone 565-J- . JOHNS Cab & Transfer Everything in Radio, 699R1. CAP. From or to any point In I'tah, als local movinr and hauling. We Carry Cargo Insurance 25 Vonntta, Puna Sira MENDON 1$ the time to have your old Felt Hat renovated by an expert hatter. roww, Regular TAlCUAt POWDER Djer-ki- PB;rm.:meat LIVESTOCK WANTED Size Genuine NCW Administrator. L. E. Kelson, Attorney, Size Jumbo WANTED r Call 103S 1 tat-tain- . t" Jack Mathews llurlu-s- , Moil'. C t 8tr. Blf ARNOLD j&JJ CHAPTER AT THE WAV!' AS fl.L'Il BALL Club baby Uri far Th 1!3J wer being luOuJiicfl kt the r'uba l all kt the Cacnanut Orov Ab Lyman or. L' tr ended k fr I,,, a and ll.a ilanrrta rnumcj their rat at tie table, arranged o fared k that emit of the kt the far end of the rtigl fr.ftr.l loom. lie iTO'fenium curtain Ml arranged in k marine tffect, Ak an Oounn r a speaking into atatiok IV ;q lliaiion. ri-in- of the Earth would never reach it, THE Ann e -i LV Life insuraiue s.tlis. uhkh haw Ireen ieadily during 1931 in the face of uncertainty in general business, ate indieatitc t wl.-- l might he called the most important American charactirbiie self rtliancc self help. in pite f legislative epeti-meht- , In spite of dipresr-ionand in spite ol social and economic upheavals, the aveiage Anieiican citien still w mts to shoulder his own obligations He wants n other agency t bear them tor him. He wants to achieve security and independence for himself and his family through his own efforts and abilities, lie does not want to become a recipient of a dole in any shape or form, in other words he wants to jay his own way. That is the true American spirit, and he is a pessimist indeed who believes that it is changing in any fundamental manner. The American is still an individualist. Political movements come and go, economic conditions vary hqt that characteristic remains. It is what made our country great in the past. It is essential if our greatness is to be maintained. The earth's great speed A rifle fired in the direction M.- (Hlio, Notice to Creditors The American Spirit SCIENTIFACTS e0 r,-- t KufllT J. I Jl, t t! tinder the Aft of Mar- - h I. IH9J. by farrier or u Mrs Iiv Mini", I TALCUM 4 Jc-.s- e ilt.iir-'i- ; S j ' u4 Fn ' w.u given: Vina! due!, Walker, Mrc. O, J. rend 111:, "A Friend 10 prog ram Mr. matter aorarS-t'- Offlr . r' (.h it (t Vft t ruler btrri. l.atisi tub J. a Atlf.t Jr, Mlt.r WM. f. IV.UM), Mau.itrf Sui rrtr l. nFil J. 0. ENGLAND, fu'ertO fil Kttrprr. Pf !' . LOGAN. CACHE COUNTY. UTAH Logan 85 Jackson & Fry Coi West Center Phone 130 90-- Cache County Fair Sept. 13 VVhy Be Bothered With Washing at Home When You Can Have It Done So Cheaply at JAPANESE HAND LAUNDRY stnszZmg i Is An Investment designed to accomplish some definite purpose . . . whether it be to stimulate sales or to build prestige. It's value to you lies not in what it costs, but in what it ac and complishes, the results it attains. Cache American Cache County Fair Sept. nounced and Space returned to his duties of the evening. A short time after the presentation of the thirteen Baby Stars was over, and the people were dancing again, Space Hanlon stood at the entrance iuto the Grove impatiently glancing at his watch as though awaiting someone. As he waited two burly men shouldered their way through the throng about the entrance. The headwaiter attempted to Btop them, but one of the men took some object from his pocket and showed it to the waiter who then stepped aside. The mans eyes "rested for a moment full in the eyes of Space Hanlon, but no recognition dashed between them. However, Space 'disappeared from his place of a on his face. vantage, grin The two burly men made their way among the dancers and the tables of diners, attracting attention by their incongruous appearance among the other men resplendent in evening dress. Lola was dancing with the Marquis at the edge of the floor. I could dance with you forever, Hugo, she said, dreamily, but started as a man tapped the Marquis on the shoulder and addressed her: Sorry, Miss Burns. Ive got to out in. I beg your pardon, said the Marquis, haughtily. Youre the Marquis di Binelli di Pisa? I am. The man showed a badge. Were Federal. From the Immigration Office. Youll have to come along. The Commissioner wants to talk to you. Hugo! What began Lola, startled. Take your hands off me! said, the Marquis, drawing back. Whats the meaning of thisf Lola demanded. What right have you to come in here like this and Her voice was drowned by the murmur of the crowd that had begun to collect around and by the sudden swelling of the music. She followed the Federal agents up the steps of the entranco where Space Hanlon had again appeared. I dont know what youre talkthe Marquis protested ing about! to some remark of the agent s. Space now started forward with a cry. Hey, what Lola grabbed Spaces am. i T0 Ee Cache, County over them as she turned ta into Coeoanut Grove. Th of the top paper caught her SNATCHED MARQUIS FROM LOLAS ARMS. Subhead Feds Step Between Coupla read: at Coeoanut Grove. Binelli Threat cned with Deportation as Undesir able. Tho Marquis had but this moment been arrested, and already the news papers were out with the storyl It was the dastardly work of that Space Hanlon! Furious, Lola darted swiftly into the hotel and around th arcade of shops. Entering the lobby, furiously angry, unaware of the whispers and looks of the people staring curiously at her, she stopped as she caught sight of Space Hanlon talking to two reporters. She op proached them and took refuge bo hind a palm. Space finished reading some article in the newspaper in his hands. He looked up at the reportstumbled go back streamer eves: ers. Thats great swell! I couldnt have written a better story myself You boys stick with me and youll scoop the town every time. Drop out to the studio in the morning and Ill arrange for an interview with Lola. He slapped them on their backs. Well be there. Space grinned after their departing backs, then turned and walked around the palm to be confronted by the raging, Lola. Ill give you an interview right white-lippe- 68 West First North We Call and Deliver Cache County Fair GsSav 78 Phone 485 CACHE Sept. 11-12-- Well A fine gag, you nasty, coldblooded Space cut in on her tirade. Now dont shout, Lola. Ill explain everything. If you think Im going to listen to any more of your lies... Youre going to get hold of $3,000 right away, touight, thats what you are going to dol Space was nonplussed, he repeated: Everything will be all smoothed over, I This time youve gone too far! stormed Lola. We'll see whos smoothed over for this! Space had walked on, Lola following him. They approached a door "Come right in here, Lola, I'll explain just how it all and COUNTYS RELIABL- E- 13 West 1st South kra 71 IS NEVER UNDERSOLD THESE PRICES TO DEALERS IN UTAHS COALS Everyone 17 Wasatch Red Sept. 11-12-- 13 STARTS ON SPLIT SECOND Aberdeen c Per gal. At Code Prices - Prompt Deliveries T See K L The Worlds Greatest Stoker . . . CUT YOUR COAL BILLS IN TtyO THIS WINTER with a Golden Eagle NONE BETTER Per Gal. Save Money On Oils, Greases, Accessories, Tires, Batteries and every other Car Need Save at GaSav Cache County Fair BEST MacLean and 19 . 8TOICOL To See Means to Own One On Display at 167 South Main St. - Phone 98 High Test . . . Cr JkH) eilSMl --AT Call A MILS SAVING- - at the Center Street Service Station, Sept. 589 West Center and be served promptly and with a Smile. Phone 74 OPEN FROM 7 A. M. TO 9 P. M. DAILY Continued) Fair OLDEST ILogasa now! Caught Space coulan t deny it was a plant of his own arand stalled for an idea. ranging, Now-- , listen, Lola. Its just a can M. & L. Coal Co. Cache County Fair Sept. b |