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Show J THE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924. -- IZ " - TOE RENT Farni&hed Ap&rtmcpU knuuk dupisxnpt with fuiwiJ to alp4ug ponrk, foursod month t reilabi JSfoV BUSINESS OPPORTUNITIES Hottli end Rooming Home kwM. It Mwi 4 TEN; Eoni4 4, Mir w t. ..-- awtlrr oocmptetely wav OM.tr.tl hwM4. party; attractively w 4 i. 4a .Mt. " including lines, dtoboo . miter, brad, M4 WUt te. lHte fc. ftrd ftauth. Hrtoad dw. kBB4ts4 a T tMioMM WtM. aa hm. coaiBr ptt RlftHTLY im4wi donate sparimaat, Hl-tAN t. U fuf-IE1.1T T7. W.' CO, V nicely fartUM, eterator, t g.nk BMf W. teat. Apply Bettflytte, ? E. AOKVIC. Mty., or ApC 4U OwMlty .dg; a sadvra kowl Tor Mia kr war 4 ROOM mod. ft pi, $43, ftrwom unfurnished, ,. BOTML. THAT M BAE-l- t ef U. 144 m. tad ft. ftr 1M fto. tad Put. la Iwart aaat, MONKTt .iMt taaaeaabta. IuuFINKD, working woman U share Koqt a aara. 1M E. wtl at j foal furIMna; light pi, tad 12 M. la 1 alwpta, koOUE arraad nished; $ift por mbU each; mi la. maw. laratad claa la. aaat aid; kwa-ttf- a W, N. Wan 9698-J- . evening-ICR- . tnriwuai aad Wat at furattara. tean. furmitad apitl taint, light, Wav f.rataa. Emil . ltt south. Wav ai. will kaadta. pi KICJ Vftnft tv fix frtt, priuU WtC ON M (aralWd mdaouaa, faad larallaa. la . loci.; $40. light Waa. alartrte IlfM Waat Wvadovar; Wao. 1763-W- , pUal. alw atwtrtc ,taa. . Apv1? T. 0. Eaa fruCB twomo, T1 Wadar. 1tah. $33. 4 furulnhoA, partly . 4th ftwuth. kUK (ALB Hil. Id maid, .trlctl wad-anIrH oad COVEY Osa Urgft room with kitchalral. latalabrd; laa l.w; Addraaa will warlflra to ca.h, enette, ftwinM room ftftd both. ftftC janitor oerriee, furnished complete tat 40 . B. Cwtar av. PacaUllo. ldaW. paaaa ' 1228. housekeeping. rhoa Was. ftftTI. UVINO mo, kitchenette, kot.l, 14 rooiav' private both. ' roU BALE Walla Walla A ataaw kadtad, raat ataatk. Ula ' fttdftftetriftft, ft. w. heat. Ml IX tnt Walk. BURLY fast. alas apt.; also Ur 1 arwlr fur., wad. nu. ( housekeeping gs. beat. bsl lUtMlUl.ud 4621. ftri 1. tad fteveter lnetuM. Wit. tight. apta., taa. dawrakia. alaaj tall. 2i ( rtr l0irt ,rtB. M. (.. n rtr?f f W, TBI RICHMOND APT.. TO BART N. TIM Mi tuit. completely ItniilM ftr housekeeping, Including lift tat and flft-l-rg- y lobby, telephone la each apartment maid when deeired. ft ROOM ftw4fi apt., fanlAftd for 14 N. Itl Weet. Was. ft64-ELABORATELY furnished apartmemi, room fofr and sltepLag porrt. mouths, any tln attar Jan. 1 CftU Maa. 89S0 or Waa. Tftuft. ftpneioua rt tr It briteton. ftftd Oftft oft Mote 1 Temple. kaatb Opportunities Miscellaneous SsTkTpeciaL. HOTEL. dO rwa.. MODERT (OINTBT lobby id$ afflre. hot and old witsf. furniafted well Uftfto. bftftif gWtd wner forced tft throng boat. ftotl ltontedlateiy. GN away prim flWi hightons Urtaa. In good tmwrn. Bin Mr. Houdft, 87t So. MU. feftft-414way. Urg tons uta . bath, kitchen kitchen a lrft. block at Stad POOLBAIX and S TAD. aoft . ovtnk' bur good tabiea, cigar atand, rate RO; reanooablo ftftd back bar. card roaua, ftte.y good city leak. 130 4 taotb location, apltadift bnaincaa. WU1 Ukd Mr. car r hots equity for part. Sod gd modern. eteee la, lUtpiftf porck; $94 Iftftt children ; ftn.W par mo. Ptk Po.. ftpfttain. ' MOLXAND APl'ft.. 41ft ft. Watt TpU 1 and ft room apt., to porooft omployt. APT8-UOLLTWOOU pc, cota a pMlj famliM. 234 . Wood, lift So. Halo, Wat. 4SS. POU SALR $A3U will giro yoft P' 14room ftpftriftt bouo, of daady per mooth, trlctly aioderft, c tea ring $ltW 2 block from Motor ( buftiaooft dtotrtclf Will Mil oo N7 tftrma If Ukoft by Tuft-dofa 1 must gw oftftt at one. Pbood S74A ; Was fUmUbd 1. ft or ftroov OHOCERY Wu brat aad watr. TP nntt STORE AND HOIS. 301 J. , new atoro wltk modern lUlng I har fur oUftftftU A1AIN aPTH rooms in connection which 1 ftm ftffering albcd apt. 22ft I Broadway. for ftnlo. W are catering to ft rory good ALEXANDRIA thftlr ow APTS. 3 and ft roora ftpU. who ftw class oif CMtomftr w TtwpUi homen whh bth cVwe in and bavft a good tmftftUftt trada. i This U a real money maker for ft man and ft HU. aiMl i. tip. purck, cleall. Baud.. who will help takft cam of the otoro. pbooo. boat. $27. Bj. UU4. PU WU wifft 1 am offering on tho property and fixtnreft ftt . a attractive flgnro and the stork at In1W0 roouift. oq ground floor, wU Either rail ftt tho store and eo voice. ftU pboftft, aad tight, gift bftl mo im Bo. State), or m my agt-s- t at for $M. R26 An Mb Efttt. Kimball A Richard. 54 Mala ot. Waft. 6Btt. 17.30 PX 3 WO ok ruotna and Ulb, CAPE. BOOM TOWN 634 Park at. Located U boom mining taw a aaar . L., "SUKLY furBihftd or onfuroisbrd $ rooinft doing Bent only $70, office bualneea. land with brat. 217 Ho. Hb Efttt. Hy. 30 M. lOflhding living nua. Worth $5000. Quick '4 M u coal ftftd gftft aaU prica. $1B30; only $1U04 cah. urg from, rvouta boift. tDCladod. $20. LET I 8 SHOW YOU THIS. light and pboaa W mlangM. htb North SMITH REALTY COMPANY, 1KH-IDeaerwt Bank Bidg. W. 1M63- SnHe A akwiy furulahod $ kOHbWAY AK18. apt., front rxpofturo, plenty of heat aad XlloHLMT class rooming house la tho ftity. tow rent Pontb 1. TIP Call pi pt. Itit. Parniahiaga very heal High class tenant. Income lH3 per month. Boat, iniiardeaeUe, No. 444 0 W fill 2 met apt, for wployod: gtnge. cluding Janitor 'aervice and beat, aaty $M. dyblitBUK hands la past fifteen K ARIA 2 and I rooms. e Ha notAnchanged Investment that will pay for gaotly furniehod, rtaaouabU raioa. Waa. year. eaah gw a abort tima. $ldU0 Itself la 44N?., quired. 4 YVtO ruums and god aiooptiig porch. B. B. WICKS CO., WAI. 1133 Tull at 44ft Mh Raat. ALL LINKS OP BC8INESB. atacea, U., RAYMOND HOTEL, 64 Ho. MaU Rooms for sale, in or out of city; some Maps; and apta., gas, light famished; axscl-$n- t partner, buyers, aad furnished seller heat; rates reaaoMhio. wanted. National Buataea Exchange. Waa. a ROOM clean, modern apt , bot watar heat 4364. 412 Naas Bldg., Halt Lab City, Utah. and lights fnmlehed. 62 K street for aervice OPPORTUNITY station, beet corner la one of the beet town of Idaho, PI UN. apts. lorrvut. Uvyai apta., 23 W. Oft No aervice station. SOuft people. Broadway. Pbooa Wa. A snap. highway. WARREN APTS.. 505 Bo. 2nd Raat H. 5SP modern hatha. nicely furaitbad, prlvata Hrlanil 2616-J- . )UH mic cheap, bandy caaft grocery. Cerwef 6 Hr Wonth end Weet Temple, fnq. ft etere. dia. bed. prlvata bath. ftO ROOM apt-- , o. 5th East. POR BALK) Moat popular barber abop la dresMng room, garage. SOB city, up te date, fully equipped, four furnished umdem apt., warm aud cbalra and two baths, paying splendid 327 Denver at. nUeiy cleaned cash or easy term. Owner baaetneot apt., cosy, reasonable, frofita; reason for selling. Writ or call Hr 4667 M. grind loratlon. Box 238, KTyt Nev, $ ROOM furnished apt., 51 East Blxtb UAVB excellent locatioo fur store aad amail South. high apartment house, neat to Junior MCSLY I kt r. ri arbl. Cast-T- woTHE PALACE CaU Waa. H3 Bo. 3rd section. good residence rootn 6250-Phone Wa 231SR. betwseo aad 10' a. m. for apept: TWO Mock from Main at $ rooms, bath, pointment. 222 W. Mh South. steam heat. A WONDERFUL aparttueot house oppoBuy outrtunity, 12 apt., rental $476. TWO rWs7 luoderu, Marquette apt., 56ft R 3rd South. right for 932.3UO. Stale amount of Bflrat can make. Address 55, cteh you payment 8 ROOMS, fiiratabed, $15 a month. 62ft Tribune. E 7th Sotith. westfor salesman CIASS UIGH specialty 4 ROOM rmKiern apt., aacept heat; adults. ern territory. Liberal commission. Aj" 5th Raat p. hi. ply room 542 New Grand hotel, en-COZY 2 room a. m. Batorday apartmeot. froot prlvata i, Friday. trance No 14 S. 2nd Kaat. I LOOi estsorant, good location, NEW7 SANTA CLAIRE APTS. Newly furhotel. Inquire Western furniture nished. anfunruehed apt. in walnut fur- Brd Bo. and State. 2T.2 ruonth W Mh East. niture Oitragca ARC AD 19 POOL UAJJL. BARGAIN', LEAVfurn apt . steam heat TWO and ING CITY. TO W. 3RD ROlTH. 262 E Sth South. and free garage AK(iB store for sale, meats and KRAY-1UI.3rd ave. and P street, Tribune. Addreee eerie. room ami glassed sleeping porch, BUT! HER IHOP FOR BALK, GOOD EAST strictly modern and well furnished; corner BL8I-SH8GOOD IXR IHJING B1DU ATION, apt., 2nd floor; all rooms nlco and Ught. E 56, TRIBUNE. ADDKD8H No objection to oca chill. Price $43. KOH RENT Garage, situated In center of Wan. 3734 J Ideal kcatlon southern Balt Laka 2 I.AROR rooms and sleeping porrh, brat for auto aelrt agencycouuty; or service garage. and light. No objection to child in arrna. H. 8 Crane. Riverton, Utah. write of Phone 525 Center street. leavthe best Main at. locatlona. A room APTS. modern, well ONB oftown. -Ill Bo. Main. Waa. B7tf2-J- . ing furnished, lean, select. 640 E. 6th Bo. OOOli-PAlINcounter Juutn buiue is Hy JW3 ierilloD. 4ong good cash buviaest. NIFTY steam heated furnished apartments forgoodsaid at reaaoftabia 6ft prtca. inquire for rent; gas and telephone; good locaBe fttate 213 South 6th East. tion A latereat la my bustneaa for 2 clean, comfortable MANX rnoins. very $500 to a young mao who will work ; one Phone Waa. 3333. reasonable. 24 E. In office work preferred, experienced Mi Temple. Tribune. rooms E BASSE aud inrlosed RKBiALHAHT Owner for sale. waving 64 N. 2nd West. porch, nicely fnmthed eity. Address Y T. Trlbvme. $ ROOM modem, private bath, toilet, etc., POR BALE E. A R. pool halt Inquire 963 Close ip. 816 Center street. oniv $14. Folsom ave. 41$ BROOM apt.. fiimDhed and heated Gentleman or lady with $10 000. WANTED So. 6th East. Caroline apta. Hy. 4.112-W- , in the manufacturing buatneaa. Big TW'O mol aids with heal partly money-makinbualneas. Take active or S K. location. Was. 8478. fnrnlehed. Tribune. silent part. Addresq klCE. furnished ft d unfurnished apta , OPPORTU NITY for service statioa, beat doee to nnlveraltj reasonable real $08 corner In oaa of the heat towns of Idaho, University atreet. No service atatKm. On $000 people. A snap. A Phose Waa. highway. apt., I rooms aad - R. Bhft B. 4tb Sowthu ftft private bath. as flrat payment $1(100 to ll.VJO UAB m leaae aad furatahiaga of good hotel er i indi leas CDUMUHtlAL storage Will apt. bonne; What be clone la and show Add. B 66, Tribune. vidual nnita; trackage aad paved atreel a liberal net Income, 16th Wet. 2nd 8 he Fisher Warehouse. located an BRICK warehouse Tf lease, Oregon Abort Line. 71 b Be. and Brd West. not over 106 mliea from Salt Yoke City. Inquire T. T. Burton, Waa 646. . Write Tribune. ware I us wit R. H. Coal aM. Ugtol MOVING. STORAGE. ETO. gth flREPROoF storage- - Automobiles $3 and CARPENTER op; household goods, amaU atall, $8; "T and trunk or tewing machines, 3 for $1; remodel, boxes, buiidmg igureyour Brea., commercial apace, $4c sq. foot. Yota can log plane; estimates free. Taagha no 544ft-W- i goods yonr any time. Furattara I Py parked and shipped anywhere. kuK carpenter wora emear work rear Community market,Broadway 45 R. Warehoana, ftMd. Waa. eall etc,, piavtefdwg. elint Broadway. Was. 6810. 1 X L Stores Co., Job work, garages owner. iftliiL.NlKH tuiKieilB DO. eiass. Alt wed first Call Hr built 4 CHEAP BTOHAGR me a a DANG Hit from .L hind carpenter work, remodeling5266-M- floT FTR.R. DW BASE GERMS, BEDBUGS and , rahinet work Call H. ) a i py and VHKM1N. People who have vermin In their call WlU lama, goods naturally select CHEAP STORAGE. gOK repeira er rviuodeHagd For safe storage, alao expert packing and By. 2617-R- . shipping of household goods. BE SURE ta rail Was. 5722 or 6723. KRYSRR STORAGB CO., the leading atoraga TOKB fronts, store and offtca fixtures, remodeled. Gtiranteed workman-shi- company between Denver and the eoaet. Ijhiti reasonable prices. Plans and eidlmatet i. M. TRlitTP MOVING CO., motor vans, Hy. Eftftl M. large er small, local and leng diatanc.1 (Brea. 1315 Etnreoa are. Parana a IQatimatea gives er hour price. OeDeral Contractors, attention to all work. $j B, 6th Be. Waa. 4890. 676ft or brick, ltTitmodellitg, carpentercall work, Wae. ftnftT-l- . houee raising, LIVE Wire Transfer, moving aad hauling of all kinds, trunk to any depot 60c. contract remodeling g. WADB expert. Get my price first. Phono Was. 676$. 13$ M. 4671 Fireproof ahlftgng apedalty. Hy. So. 2nd Raat, CAIX Hadley Transfer Co. (or large er and careful amftU van, prompt eervlc and pamtltig. ait werk rftOOF Get ear eaftmafWft. thee aaU men. Wa. 1178. 287 Floral ave. Was, ITftl-W- . A STORAGE CO., tin ether fellow. U PHEB TUANHFKU CaU a ntovlnf. packing and nbippiug, Work for eatlmatca. Waa. 1706. eu rtacedh X K D and "ooIa wead fleer St M. TRANSFER CO., motor van, J. Hy. 3481-- $ at Waa modern mnehiftftry. mn Wa. Ipa ffy 14S1-J- . $ .S ? To d For Bent Warehouse Mining wt StntejaJlelyary. ta, his WORK T Cabinet Work Btulden r Roof Repairing rpauuf Floor 1602 $ I- , Cment Work - LoWri ACTU R ea ceaient proeflag. 147$ Me. - State. PICTURE FRAMING wtW nerk, 801ft. Hy. Wood Turning AND cupboard door, savh..1 fraocea; aiaa A. bava cencretft mixer for rest, Bo 10th Eaat. Hy. 16ft. I.eta. at r AMUSEMENTS " " tU I, BALT LAKB'tENN IB A splendid place fee parties g4$ 16th East. tTnhbeuse te ren$ for private ad dance. Preak HF. 4644 Ipp. Mgr. affair GENERAL REP AIRING ift Veeir fiYua skatm ground. Prompt aev Isckamlthing. Mall ftrdera am vice, werk gnaraatead. 4tfT 4edA 0 Retted. Wmttni Aram $1$ ho. Mala. Was. 1U2, 7th $. rwdis hTy OKiihTRuNG h.NudtHG Wall Paper earn puf. accer te White House. WaN fa per and ptetar framing 3ft W. 1st fte Wae 82S1. liOHTON Bonk Shop, 27 Raat Bdway. ape-ela-k pieturaft and picture framing. Wa 561 FLUFF RUGS BBAUTIfIL ra aaiadef ro eidca r pvt a, Flaff Rug Co. ctothing. etc. . Sait Lake Mg. 2660. 464 Herbert iOUK afthMbie rue remade b? exprrta. bnes R Alameda Rnc Work. Wa FUR TANNING aL far taaoed! AN N CU Y W OO D F I M dyed a4 made t order. Bnekakla and Utah MaaftfacturerW barnees leather. C. Wood, Ugtn Woods Cross Utah. ffSoSHBiXTTTA ff HANoK WE bl Y. or ors rtArt IS rtw GOOtl fSED CAM. 111 Ip.rdaw taa ....t....lEt HadWa l,lftu Coarh lij Hadaaa 1B1 Ikarlaf Hapawktla !W Caapa ll laa Ea 121 Taarta tar 12 Taarta 'wraaKalrtu WUlra-Eat- '! latch alrk , a Maiwott dob sedan. .TVs to car slightly eoed and Carrie gearaatee .... 7 ... M .a a I.S a, SM Taarta 1.21 Taarta 121 Tkarta a., Eaadatar good cab fob CHBimiAIT ni t! O Mu Klaaal 11, EtarwaD 12 Taarta Naa Taarta, KaW 181 (part Or.rl.ad 1M Da Ova la ad 12 Bd Bird Ovartaad 1UJ0 Taarta war kot T7A iis tM ; ft ft how new ......$1161 Maxwell 1924 model Semoeetratar. Joel the car fee hard aarvke I LARGE I TORY CONDITION. PITH. 3M .... .... ?. SMI lag. flh M) nickeled Bumpers, I TM 11$ radiator, 4?$ 47$ 'IfarwoU ISM UnHftf. DUe whdftln Uts f T $ IT$ rp, good Uokiftf 421 174 TAILOR MOTOR CAR COMPART.' 11$ DO Motor An, ftftd MU Seal Wa. HIT PISA P 7D Tourlag rmuTstkr ix- - KXt HANtlR, RMNT, RUPA1R. Distnbotor St, Ijsuia reglatera, Vl(TOR 8 ctuma adtUng ma- chines, $1U0 P. O. ft. Chicago. lkU N. cash mglatora. Berraugt. Daltoa Suaatraad adding araqhfne. t Ijgt K writrra, COMF1 TING acalea TRIAS cumpaay Ne. taueaa woe ftt. Leal cash regiatera. lid ftiafee at., 9iMll-Ur- t heiMiag. Phee Wamtch 2164. Established $7 year. SMITH ft SPECIAL ( HU KKN AND BERP W furafh elM and partie. TAMALES. Waa. 4047-W- . lift pacifte ara. 1 Riw ! SV.IAa, j T Mu ,.pr1 ulL W JH Sait Wt ibid car markit, solth. t t. ' ...... 1., fi. t rorpi Ten, t8 For Machinery, Pipe feet Auto m ra Winter Indosurea vr bullA vr'afar toclewrauT JoVTlt l comforts of a closed ear: work gnaran2 day aervice an all cars. NeUlngtoft An to Top Co.; 167 Motor ara. 8E Tire and Accessoriet be rg I ne i "urAcceaeoriea " a I, L in w i ni Ce.. 180 Swapt tfea eri I. Broadway. rceaaV that foa wlu, ta ran,.. Wbat bar. Br ..III, thla waot a4 cotana tradet aaca ,at raa.ll. Cell Wu. MM. cat j.q was! cd tartartt 1. Railroad W&tches t L.HUne tUilS. Wcllhaia. ItaaMM. 46 tl Howard, $22.8$ up. iprrtto Siam E E watches, Shipped uay place, subject t to- pavideou tiwui office, ftp 1 nt 6 Motorcycles and Bicyclet JAZZ AND RAGTIME la a genuine motorayela, you waft! Into model, hargatft. elect rle tidecar; must he eeen te he phone America a Telegraph toi-legW as. 586ft or Was. 9582 M. GOOD bicycle f uale. Rea Mra JeaesA, Ueaeuar Vteeaeh! PIA SOTk ftegiuuera er advanced stodenta. Barry ins tractor, $4 to fteutft and Erirkaeu, ptontot Main. Advance e FlANO langM. 12 teems. foe ptoer. ME DA Tift, 15$ to fte tft , Mata. . i if RSI Jtk Bast. her Furniture r uT il." ikk t ii ilYi ru a"" iiE in I tab ea. listed arttris-4- dr eWto end tabiea, amektng ataad. sewing cah-aaineka, tockera, lamina, ferneries, fto-)e- g bto and chair, fia ahod and anfta. Chtl-tieednw's apeclai Hied, wagons, auiuft. KM dio Kara aceotera, doll kata, red rsrkora chair. Pwil tin of ehiWraa ley and rerkra Kellebie Para te.. A. Must Broadway. Was. Mgr., tM-IS- t HllIHf MAA DINNER ana of wt better if eerved new Master craft dining ecu. vhich w ara offer uxg at half the regular orkw a a Xmaa tqmcial; also 81$ Mah Jeogg table at $7 80. leweet prior la Uiah. RKUABLK PIRN. ID. 1 126 E Rraadwa WU1ltate BABY CARRIAGE. GOOD US EAST 7TU gJOOO. e.. For Sale 42bft Ktail!!rwl j 6Mata rwfbft IK RRUNft Wlt'K $Vkt$ pool table eomp't. aa a new, 11M Ilth K. Hy. Ckalwara lata wadat Oeartk Jut gaad 40754. Ckaadlar 11 Taarta 193 Ikar. Twirl! Till largeei. cleanest, beet stock ef la-2Taarta tka. furniture, ranges and general Ckar. 1920 Taarta house Held good la tb city. The good ar Cka. 1911 about aa gaol as sew and will he told for atlu Cfca. 1928 about one half their regular prte. Dodda 192 Coapa ALT LAKR FURNITURE 00., TuO Oadia 1923 Taarta 12712ft K. R roadway. Wu 637 Oada 117 Eaadatar 17$ $28 CAAH or converts $2 ytuir TOO monthly Daraat lMtl apart 1 boiler into aa electric vacua m walhcR 17$ Caapa Rioctrie vacuum asm cieaoer Dulfe price. 1919 Caapa ITS Bma. ftM State Waa. 5050. 7art 1P33 Taartp COTBT BALLARD MOTOBfo.. UNCALLED-FOCord 1921 Taarta IBS suits. $4000 value. $2.V n. Uhaa. W. Olaoft Tailoring. 44 W. Bdy. ' SFBCXAL '8 ALB. faN lftll Tonrlftg 11$ HAMILTON BEACH vacuum sweeper for OX 3rd North. $23. 416 sate, r.BD roaua FOB XMA. CtRTiriKD hiX SODA FOUNTAINS. JO pool tab al 1924 TOX TBrCK. ETBBL atoolt. fountain its priLic typos a Now cates, soda 2nd phoni was. ssos. LAT BOUT. 9CRBK.N TOr, CTAKTKU. .M0 cbalra. tahira. cefYee uraa, steam tables, eloetrte mixers, tobacco waU rates, saktau Tt'TKtR MCDAN. BALLOON TIR89 tow backbar aud eouaiar; price, eaay A. E. TOCRSBSTS 898 AND BHtElJt term. Moeer Hartman C . 66 P. 0 place. 90 I9JI RU8T . Ai.sttwrr NSW tot a( 4. I aL la MITI ateck IX). tOAL USED USED OOl PIOi, LATB MOUBL 834 U ar 10 shares, $9 $ per ahare. This stock la led ra 1924 coni, tons each abara tit TRUCKS CABS TOCBIXG. Bros. BD9T AND LT. Call Utah ftavlaga ft Trust c tall Lake DEL. WITIIWT 8TARTKR8. 12 TO $71 We hare several real good boys which 192$ TON TRICK. 81'CEL BOUT.... $23$ City. we will give teal prices oo la order to have KINDIJNG 25c, root sack, deltv ; flour and feed. 262 1 2d ft. Waa. 4806. atoraga. BPBOIAL THRU POR XVA. MOTOR CO. 250 t8&D tires and rlma. all aises. Weat- 1524 Oldemobll sedan. WAS. eru Auto Rervlee, 429 So. Mala. $H 80. AND MAIN. J924 Oldapioblla touring car. SODA fountain, larbonatoto, milk and wa2924 OldamobiJ apart touring car. ter cooler, coffee uraa and steam table; Above, sew car guaranty. Stenall restaurant work. Mfg. Co., 14ft 1922 Otdamobile tonring. E 1st South BUY NOW 1(20 OMynobiie touring car. MONEY. SAYK AND 1921 Cberroiet roadster. TP'OK BANJO. lca than half. 159 4 So. 1928 Chevrolet coup. Main more 18 toss 4963 The win and thrifty motor car buyer U24 Pbrd oup FOUR pn$d tablet, bargain. Wautch Furn. tb beeaua aeeeoa la the winter buy 1923 Ford coupe. Co Broadway at State at. prlras art always lower than at any other 1920 Hodge touring. 1 this To Urn the aubatanttat 17 VOLUMES of year. history, including the his1920 Dodge ruadster. statement $ut read the Hat below; tory of the world wars, profusely 192$ Chevrolet touring. 1928 (oar-deeft as Ha finish paper, beautifully sedan, in excellent con $471 bound aud good at new. for tala at a barditiea TERMS. 286 1622 coupe, two-eoipaint Job Phono Waa. 685ft J. gain . 1921 and new Haaslera. 26 OWNER tires coupe, A-dia- T0UR38EN, must sacrifice twu liy. coup mondeef excellent luster. CaU W 16188 1928 toortng Oldamobila Distributor. V. 8. HOBART meat 1928 Mblng roadster choppers, scale, Jiuteher auppllea. McCray light delivery dW E. Haiti. 1922 2979. 1919 too track, new stake body refrigerator and counter. Largest assort-meaL. F. Himnt, 114 Aa a lowest price. te buy during peclal inducement this month wo ara offering a bet ef iieeeaa West Breedway, Peery hotel bldg. COTITBAIXARD-CBBT1PIBD plates pet with purchase of every need FERTILIZERS, toll. aaud. gravel for ante. 18KO CAR. car. 419 Dowalngte ave. a Hv 112-- J FERTILIZER for year lews and, garden, 19 NA8H (PASS. TOCKINO. WITH MOTOR CO.. . 146-Rfresh er eld Murray BEX BNCLOBCRES. 140 Motor Are. Waa. 2ftt6. 192$ NARK dCVUNPER CARBIOLB. A AUTOMOBILE atoraga, $6 per mo, L. M. 192$ RASH TOfRING 192$. WONDKRPCL ENCLOSED CAB. Auto Repair. 655 Be Btata Btockmarr A 'IJk paw la every bargain, 1903 BCICK PRICED B10HT terms. 442 So. Main. reaped. Waa. 7490, Peterson. ADDING. eaVcolntlng. atatement, boek typiAND IN riNB CONDITION. rantal. eab a ng machine;ADDING raglater; New fine Ford sedan. 12$ 8TCDEBAKKR TOUBINO BIG 8. $240 TAKES MACHINE CO., DALTON 460 So. palat. $65 down will haadle. JtRT UKB A MW CAR. 4288. Phone Waa, 417 Bldg. McIntyre 192$ BCICK T TOCKINO. ALMOST A. State $16 1 up ADDING machines. guaranteedKBW CAR. BUS SNAP. 4258. Waa O. Ra'kmau. Geo. phone 19 1828 Dodge, with lot of extra; mileage A PINE CAB-P- ERT HCDROX TOCRINO. boot 7000 REASONABLE. Price $600. CaU Hy. 8922 B CLOSING out Urge stock com put tug scale. a) leer, moocbeeae-cutterer Hy. 5IM W. HCPMOR1LE. $200. 192$ NASH CISC 1994 KOHL) TOCRINO. dCXL. prices to meet quickly, air ters. utc. Bargain motor, touring, apeciai 625 Bo. Btate, WHEELS AND PCLLT EQUIPPED. term given cnrtalna 6266 He. J. 1928 JEWETT TOUBINO. VERT LATB new paint, FRANKLIN MODEL. chummy roadster, floor showcase for sal. $11 a foot curtain, tires aad motor in good shape. NEW LATEST MODEL LINCOI.N PHAETON. aad up; counter abowcaae. $4 a foot; Call Wa. 611$. A BIO REDCCTION IN PR1CB. for runt. 82 Richards at. Waa. cnee also TOO MCST SEB THEM TO APPBB-C1ATFOBD coops, Utf model, Dew 192ft body, 821ft TBB TALCES WlU sell for motor la A-- l condition. THERE ARB NO BETTER USED CARS cash or terms, or trado. Mr. Barton, and Brussels New Ajtmlnater CARPETB IN SALT LAKE C1TT. Wasatch 865$, room 76. factory sample; will aU for nig.than9x12. HUDSON redan, excellent condition, whotoaal good today. lea price the COVBT BALLABD MOTOR CO., C. Butler, 121 W. rubber and accessories. at. Fnrnlturo Oo.. 4ft Richard 2nd Bonth. awiveF truck chalf," on STB SOUTH AT MAIN. ROLLTOP desk. 1920 FORD roadster. Call Starter, tire a early box for ford roadster. new. terms. 00 $5$ wlU $145.00, easy SS4.SSd. WAS. WAS TERMS. THOMAS FXBCTKIC CO. Our bia are81 460 Bo. State. Was. 4$. handle, known for aervice and aatisfaction. DODGE aedaa, 1924 model, run 8700 miles; Waa 1246 place. Exchange In first-clas- s condition. Will aell at a WKETEB COLLETT MOTOR CO. Pboaa Hy. auto knitter, cheap. bargain if bought at once. Party leaving NEW 4628 R. 648 Elisabeth at. town. ' Hy. 1716. GOOD USED BAROAINS: at . $408 aud LAKOE heater typewriter Good need tfturiag car, some with Rex new Chevrolet WILL sell $467 equity In Highland Drive. tncloaurea. in Salt Lake. No better value $41 touring for $300; excellent condition. condi. UNCALLED-FOB742-Movercoats, geud Bn 20 East. Mechanical codditlea the 7th aad appcaraace Hy fttobeck. 56 tion. your choice. $6. beau 1921 NASH 81 x coupe, flvft wire wheels, . South. cord tire, mechanically 0. K.; $67$. a COlfl IN AND LOOK TBE8B OVER. $175 00 phonograph. WIIX aell 076 W 2nd Bo , or Wes. 15M, Koehler. te reaw, for $75.00 aod on payment 7 Kissel, paae. eoudlhm, splendid 6ft Cadillac Bae It tMlay. Excepphaeton, Rex Incleear. sponsible party. 1600 cheap; would make a real bugs. 1928 Btude Lt. 6. Rex lnelosare. 743 Raat 17th Booth. tional bargain. Major. 1928 Parkarrl tour., 6 pass , 192S Packcak mixer at bargain. Address DODGE runabout, ard tour. $250. At 287 fto. .4th ELECTRIC K 33, Tribune. 1922 Buick tour., Eaat. Hy. 8496. winter apples, onions, CHOICE potatoes, 1921 Buick tour., HALF TON Ford truck, flrat-clas- a running 1924 Hud non Bpeedster. vegetable. Wa deliver. Pirate Hy. 6083. 653 Bo. 2nd condition, $125. ftiat. 1928 Gardner tour. 620 violins and a viola. ItOIMiB coupe, will" aell cheap If taken by TWO bargain Buick tedan, Naah sedan. Chandler building Templeton Dec 26 Call W'aa 6118 and Ford sedan. CABU register, total adding, tape printing, 1928 IOIGl9 eoupe. good shape, by owner. Worth , $123. 11$ for quick oato. $55. Ala. Waa. 8428. 476 So 1771 or 146 B. 2nd South Wa Regent nt WEBTER-COLIjKTMOTOR CO. FORD ecla! at extra bugs priews. Buy OAK roller-todeak and Remington .35 A Safe Place to Buy feed Car." Small deposit now, sire $75.06 will rifle. 8ft W. 6th South. Was. 6336 M. 460 Bo. State. hold till spring. hifh-frad- s Teanaosee of line BEAUTIFUL 1921 FORD coupe. 1t-clrood.. gwd FORD ciiaaais In Drat-claa- a condition, good cedar cheats for sale at factory price rubber, speedometer, epotllght; buy 61 B. ftth touth. rublter. bqt 4fHUL Waa. 1(143 while 601T. Waa. laat. in Belt liftke. Bamnel' W. they garage. 1924 FORD roadater, starter, demountable Call after 8. BICYCLE. Ilka new, cheap rlma, 6 Urea, spotltgbt. fvt feed, wind12ft North Main, apartment 33. 50 PER CENT DISCOUNT AND PRAC shield wiper, full set of tools and curtains, TICAIXY YOrR OWN TERMS ON ALL $275 cash. muslin . of SAMPLES 4329-Munderwear, goods, dry Wan USKD CARS. All make and prices -- 60 car. ilk petticoats, bloomer, knit underwear, DURANT 4 touring car, rua only Qnoo and fancy good. sweater, hosiers, glove tnflea: wfii take Ford coupe aa part payM. L. GRAHAM CO.. 17 East 1st Booth. ment. Term. 881 So. W. Temple St. Hy. 1504-J- . port.blf, $20 ,nd 25. I a bargain Buick six touring car, PHONOGRAPHS, THIS 4 1924 Kura tJaa. BY OM NtK ai $d; IHnm and records. Juat like new. with good rubber, new curtains, motor perfect, must be told at once. CaU By. M11-M- . An exceptional buy. tiQthrle Bicycle Co., term $225. Hy 1504-J- . Term 22ft East 2nd South. DODGE roadster, 21 model, good condition, 1026 FORD coupe; mast eacrlfW this week; three 83x5 INDIAN and Harley sidecar, 240 J at. $.400 Waa. fttftO-J- . can arrange terms. Hy. 626ft-$- . tires, good battery, Avolt; real cheap 1994 POHD sedan; 6 cord tires, bumpers, 1600 Major. 1924 FORD TOURING 1924. Hy. 8404 J. etc. Email payment or trade. Ill BBT. Car la practically new, hn extra tire, almost SAXOPHONE, Buescber, motometer and cap etc. A bargain on your a good new. CaU 1114 East let fto. terms. GOOD USED TRUCKS. Hy. 2892-W- . ALCOHOL ( HAIM, BATTERIEE TIRES, ACrEBBORIBALow overhead enables na 1622 Reo Speed Wagon Ton to aell for lean RENT A NEW FORD. New aad second band bat1932 Itodg 2 Ton teries. Graham Jack Salmon Tire aad Battery Be 19S1 Reo Bpeed Wagon Drive It Youraelf Co., 14 Too pairing. 478 E 2nd Bo. Hho 1919 To 114 36 West 4th So.. Salt Lake. Bpeed Wagoft Waa. 160$. P. 1919 Oldomobile Ton ADDING machine! and cash register. Phone 8500. ,2276 Wash. Ave., Ogden. 8. Spooner, 907 Boyd Park bldg. W. 1006. 1919 Ford truck 1 Ton equity la a hemet l will Ma5 jot , RADIATORS RETAILED. trade a 2 too Kleiber track foe It. This WBETBR-POLLETMOTOR CO., L. M. Blackmarr Rapid Repair aervice. truck will make yea money this winter. A SAFE PLACE TO BUY auto repairs, 636 Be. Btate. Waa. $464. 63 So. W j Fnwler P Temple. j A USED CAR, apple, elder and . vinegar. 2244 $166. 1921 f6kD touring. You rant beat 475 Bo Main. Wu. 8428 JONATHAN E. 17th Jtouth. Hy.$202-Rthis snpwhere. $66.60 down. bai. $16.0ft FORD COUEB $2M5 425. UBPD cars bought and sold. Btate Auto 460 So. fttate. per month. In fine cntlitloo, mechanically aad other Bo Btate et. 10277 67 Was. Wreckages, wise: eaay term contract. Hy. $441-2- . A FULL for NEW Dodge Bros, type A aedaa. la hall, pool equipment including FORD SEDAN $276. $275 beatnlful back and front bar; sacrifice. be evr been fully equipped, and seat covers, pew tires, Wire wheel Ce Utah. driven from the sale , Bingham. leat Bingham finer; will Canyon B Z terms. in good condition. 612 8a discount. reasonable take By. BKID chain tale $1.96 to 1 95. ill aisva; Main Wa. 7496. Peteraou. 1963-to $2 and cover. $4. hood radiator MY Ford la three month' old, will sell for SALT LAKE AOUBfiftORY CO.. Call Wallis at W. 2100 $160 discount. 160 E. Bfondwny. HUDSON sport sedan. flrt-dae- s brand-neFord coupe, 192$ conditio. . bargaip. Inquire IS W. VERY late One sack to FERTUJZER. maaurt. aheep 8th South. body and fenders, motor rebuilt, new rear sufficient for lawn 29x20. Prire $1 tack. axle. Very attractive price, easy ten 1923 DODGE BROS coup, le la excellent Hy 362-W- . Bo. 8tata: 460 rubber. Will eeodlttea throughout, good Steel safe, ooda ONE fountain. 6 hotel ftrst-clashape. Hyland take Ford aa part payment. Hy. IftSft W. FORD sedan, range. 1ft Nat. cash registers, soif drink 1077 Bo. ftth Eaat. SH9 J. Western Fund: and luneb counter outfit. WILL sacrifice my nearly new Ford coupe, 1920 TRUCK, motor completely rebuilt. $80 tnre Co.. Broadway at Btate. Wet. 813$. to responsible party. Term Mr. $473. will handle. Ready to go. 466 fto. Rtate. etendT Pyle, 6th Eat hotel. Waa. 4100. tree FOLDING Xmit everlasting THIIRK CARS to b. kI4 RoU-k- . FORD OWNERS Mir each while they last. Viran KNTDBKN'ft. Cora at Twombty A Ntl- - $55 Bo! ptste and Chandler. Ttoe Your Ford Start HardT K 4th Bo. TEST YOUR MAGNETO FRER j eon. 1 LET SLIGHTLY seed rocking horse sad pra.'tlr W us and recharge It necessary. th FROM MBN WHQ KNOW. doll baggy. Call Was Hy new child X'OLPIN Magneto Reeharger. used parte for all cars. and New Bare Atl7 W. 43 No. 2nd Wu-- t. Satisfaction Guaranteed $0 to 75 per cent. Money-hacguarantee. A NEW set of drum. $43 09 and term. SAMUEL GARAGE, UTAH AUTO WRECKAGE. Call Was 6468-J- . Wan. 4068. Waa. J2H7. 4th Bo. and Weet Temple. 428 Main Bt. 8F.WTNG machine aad electric washer. n KIRBBLKAR tft good running order; owner Sale ftgO Bo. 3rd Eavt 870 South State. bsrgalT leaving leaving town; $75. Xmas NATIVE trees, at corner ITth South 49U PIPE: PIP hi PIPE! Ear gala, 1928 CHEVROLET tourtag. and ftth East. By. 204 and Hy. 203 TBED pipe, newly threaded, cut to $256. 496 tnurlag, cheap. $160. furemeuts. fitting, valve, utc., rad. 1919 Chevrolet WALL. CANDY DIBPLAT AND CIGAR 5 Meaner Iras A Metal Ca.t TQft 192ft Buick touring. GOOD rubber. BHDW CABER. NEW AND SECOND. ft. Vm 4766 Wet 256. and other car Ford rUbga la price thoubandb or or new and from $56 to $106.00. Open Sunday. KYERW jo USED PIPE FOR PURPOSE ft, fttate at. ALWAYS ON HAND. SALT LAKE PIP CO.. INC.. P&rta WAft 1748, Wftg. MIN 4 tft W. 6TH BO Fay A Egan arieksr. $478; SAVE 40 to 73 per cent at Felta Auto t'ftlO i .used 142-4alao planer, $74, O A E. 3rd Wreckage Supply H. W. Baum Co.. Walker Bswk building. Booth. Wa. 667ft. 8AVR 4ft TO 66 PER CENT ON ALL PARTE POR TBED CARS. AUTO 8Ab rm.ia rw.l, 1U1III-T- I act. PAGE, TB9 BTATE. ,rt Mi 4lrt.DC (or. om ,1b4 rt 1 ladlllw Taarta FOE SALE FORJALE For Sale Miscellaneous A lh. T. 121 TauUI "aklla Hamahita ltd Eoadatar B.Waklla tkll Taartaf 0.a' uat FOB SALE For Sale Automobflu - POR. SALE For Sale Automobiles t FOR SALE . REAL ESTATE FOB BALE BEAL ESTATE and Unimproved Improved Improted and Unimproved cook A WONDER FUT CHRISTMAS MOTH, OlfT. Maks year fsafly a praaunt mi thto loraly flA nwa brick bungalow, located at hftt lisut Ath South street. Dursufkly modern, Bungalow. full cement haeearant. Th beueu la aU Ucs fed REAR 17th ftOUTH aad MjMt,, newly ps pared, faeea south and to clean to Living room arcoas tha frost witesuy the rutraealty af Utah, teat BUto big ft rep tom. beoUeese and HARDWOOD echool sad grad arbeela. Sewer sag stoe-wal-k FLOORS: Bedruoma, Kitchen and bath paid for. WILL SELL FOR $100 60 ae Dntahed In enamel aad ara arrangad cash and $50 00 pee month. Including aud aiaed tor coarautoara. Uaudy and will glra Immediate pasu haaemant Hnnae la ef Thto 1mm baa aerar been occupied. for lasadry. brick construction and to baUt an Lot 49x116 feet, planted to Lews, flower $3200 00. aud shrub both (rant and rear. 11x1$ atrietty modem bungalow, nvee eaCent ewu rnest be semes Garage with Cement stripe. enfc t, gumwued ftoieft. er $490$ without the Improvements, but 1129 Girard avsuue, egsad the weet side, eto he U longer in seed of a horns aud to the Onequ arheol. WlU ao the first ewe offering $3000 with aa $100.09 cash and $29 00 take e Uttle par mntk, $500 rash aad $5$ per mouth. Including Interest at T per cent, gets It. CaU Mr. HALLORAN JUDGE TRURT CO MEANT. McCeDnua, Hy. $11( Evenings. MAIN AT BROADWAY. WASATCH $5$. NEW, COLONIAL BEAUTY. RWOO. ' bedsteads, etc., at half th prtco ef sew. Call Hy. dft. aek fee Me. Pant. Old furniture taken 1, exehaaee fwe new, l U H k Vik K. eitNu eeadlttoi, $8 to $2$ Inauiled; 16 range. Uaiveroal. Mom Near 16th East aud 18th South, where the $16 to $8$: remferta. perfect eeudittoa, ather h h fnrnltnre rbap view ef Mountains and Valley 1 MODERN ERICK, This home It af til brick surpassed M DIMM iMa chairs. 84 rarklag ebslra, and cement ceastructtoa. which la abIS rauchet. ail with leathee euahtoao; Umated near Rufarbousa hi dtotrict i 19 rest and hat hanger solutely gnaraateed by the builder, with ptoto f sew Roms Largs living and AND artistic rooms. LIVING ROOM mtrrar Call at Covey Investment gisra hardwood rooms, dining floor, modRECEPTION HALL across front tho c va r$$r Ha TotiR street. off re ern kitchen, ft ales bedrooms full and are finished In GUMWOOIV with 1 H i Lk cemented basement. y DkHhUk. AUCOoN. Largo lot, all POLUGIBD Indirect FLOORS. OAK PER Ha will bay year furaitura for aaeeeameots paid. Immediate pom H REPLACE. lifiitlug. OLD ENGLIBH senates can be rash, er arir It for yen ea rammlaatoa aad of nod give, finish same Dining room of the He 479 g're CAftH GUANANTFR a also and plan that will dsilgbt. Two ASHTON JRNKIN8 COMPANY. NEW mahogany furniture ter sale, part af in enamel with oak roomy bedroom Wasatch 123. S2 Mato Bt. II . Call 1103 Ceatiaeelat Bask btog. floor TILE BATH; Buffet kitchen arv-tr RKRAKFABT NOOK with Tile Drain. cement and oak floors. basement Full DINING room table, dareoette buffet, without lodge, COLONIAL HOME, furnace, fruit 1377 (to 3rd Raat. range $4UU0 lea tha a cost. room, coal bia and space for an amuseb TlKt B dlolug suite. daveuatia. $165; Cement Moath ment room- mad. horns, sleeping porch, boanfl exposure. at lea. pbitno.. $60. dreaaers, ruga. ful living ra., d bedrmu, meplu (ken drive and garage of the seme construcrocker fin range, heater, elactfle weaker, e, ONLY $5659 with throughout. Hat water hvetiag pleat. tion as th house aee. bookcaae bed complete, high chairs, Call $730 cash and $51 per meth Fries $99991 $590 down, 'good lot, lib. table, kit heater all how bold mg baL monthly. Mr. Turner, Hy. 4177-Evenings. furniture. VERY CHEAP. 2f14 11th East. range, RIFT uu rr BEE NOW. BMTTH REALTY COMPANY, WALNUT dining i! et, comb, gkl range. COOK A NOYES. lee t her rocker, pedestals, Was. 2291. Butts 1104 linoleum rug. Templeton Bldg Deseret Bank Bldg. W. 13$& Col hot blast beater, other household furn. COSY brick cottage B 5th Kaat with aU 217 Bo Btate. Impressment pgift New plumbing, but , LEATHER rockers, leather daveaette, tot kitchen, gas, etc. $3109; $496 down, FOR BALE BY OWNERS. WHO room ar will trade. What havu yen to uffsrt leather 9x12 rug. ARE LEAVING THR CITY. dining chaira. automatic washer. Hooeier hitches U THIRD AVENUE t'ORNBR 09 Uy. 2616-M- . P STREET). cabinet, gee mag, all ether household ELY awa ara equity la five-roobungs-r- , furniture. 217 Bo W. Temple. NINE ROOM PREftftRD RED can be handled fur smell down pay ERICK HOME MODERN IN ALL meat. A real buy. 1053 Legs DINING act, table and 6 chaim. genuine ara. BMPRUTB. SOUTH AND EAST walnut iNRWl; will sell fug aecoud band -ROOM modern brick ; hardwood floors, FlkHT-CLASEXPOSURE 48 Richards street. price. meat basement, garage; gtosu to. Call EIGHT ON GROUNDS. Wa. 9483 W. 9 PIECES. SHADE THEM AROUND Dining room set, brown mah.. new; owner GROUND FRUIT AND THREE F&rma moved to Texas, $90.06 rash takes U, fte a Wonderful locaIt at 1812 Bo. 117b Bant. AND AN IDEAL HOME. TO RAlLWAk tion UMKAL PALiklU RE BOLD THROUGH OWNERS OR L&AV1NG city Rauge steal conches, leaUtah, Navada and 'California. Splendid YOUR ESTATE AGENT. farm ar grating toads; torgs av small REAL ther couch, china close t, buffet, bureau, OPEN FOR INSPECTION TO IN 19 years te pay. combination tracts; aaay tens Maps dining writing desk, chair, TBHR8TEO TERMS PART11E and particulars. Southern Pueifto Lund room taby, clean A 1 fruit Jars and other Rkauonaei.b ID houuebotd good for sal at bargain. Call Agency, ream 699 Eeyd Part Eto Waa. 2141. Main. 1024 Elm ave. ftra-rauBILL Usds 29 acres ef land to Meat.. cabinet locker, office $5756 OAK brick chaira, Ideal for ranching ar farming, for Eaat. and 18th Dalahed excallently partition, utc. 212 1 ommerctal block, rued late model cur valued at $1889. Thla. equipped, I Deluding cement basement, hardNEW household furniture fur tale: must he wood a your ehasce fee a good toveutmsut m ft built-l- a electric floors, feature, nage, sold at once, party IcftTing town. $48 etc. West front, with aomnaandlnc vtow . Tribune. Elisabeth at. Hy. 1716. over tuUra vnUey. Attractive terms, OR VaLK 69 scree of good Vheat lauC or breakWKITIS glass-totahlq. kitche together wfb $ small flour mill ta rich fast room, 28x46 In. Waa. ftoftft HOOLS INVESTMENT COMPANY, H E Tabus, valley 20 mile from Elba. Was. T7. Elko. NaradFINE heater, like new, cheap. 15 Layton ISO fte. Malm. ra . opposite 1850 fto. Mala at. Hy. 4964-M- . MONEY TO firebrick by owner. yORal hardwood floors throughout ga281 E 17th fto. rage, private driveway. Na fsua. Phoaa Hy. 8148-J- . FlHHKHft M rrae sTO H 1. Partial paymeate allowad any tfB with$1660 Btelnway plane, asm aa sew... $656 , BBAt TirLL, rorNTRT UORB. out ftottee. 460 $760 Foster player, plain mahogany Highland drive country hems, ft a ef Quick actleft wu kma eur own $850 Apollo player, elegant walnut . land. Arm. mod. bom, doubly gnragu, city maku eur awa ihspectieu and pettlemeato. $700 Kimball player, fiaa tone ... with f towers, wafer, beautiful ground THE HOME INVESTMENT A ft AT INGA $650 fttnadard player, plain cats nnlversal grass, driveway, rounding COMPANY. .... tone $400 Kveret piano, elegant Owner spriakttof ayatocn, fruit, ooopa. Glet Miller, President, $450 Hadley piano, small fits elderly, will accept city boms aa part pay08 4 A Walker Bank Bldg. $400 Kimball piano, neat case ment. Price $13,560. MONEY TO LOAN $3AO Willard piano, atftall walnut . IJET Uft'BHOW YOU THIS. ON IMPROVED REAL MUTATE $350 Baltwood plane, walnut cast .. SMITH REALTY COMPANY, 166 Na Ilk Na attoraeya new.. aamiasiaoa, mabogany, $320 Brunswick, Bolt 1KU 6 Deseret Bank .Bldg. W. IBM, TO Na aaatera company. No delays. $123 5'tctrola. mahogany er oak No complications. $0 $1008 modtfn brick, bard weed Attractive terms. of cabinet phooAgrapba. cboif eemsut Ctoao ta. CaU garsga. TRACY LOAN 4 TRUST CO., off . Gibson mandolin and guitar ' W.Wae. 8468 181 Mato Street. platad $147 saxophone. FREED FINANCE CORPORATION fttrlog Inatrumento. all kind, reaaouabto AROOM mad. boons toe mat aad a A room sata. fee FlhHEbt ft MI'HIO STORE, bungalow Hy. 2283-W- . 819 Ramona ara. R. Broadway. LOAN MONEY ON RRICK bouas and garaga, 40$ South 19th automobile, furniture; buys builders ConPhonograph ftpKt'IAL price on repamag. Ne agent. Call By. 4919-W- . tra eta, writes tasurmnes of every kind. Raet. main apring, $2 50; rasopbon vepaddtag - Was. 5687. 422 Kcsrno Bldg. and cleaeiag, 11$ 09; band had orchestra NEW AND DIM1UARLB Instrument repalribg; begt werk. guaran- liwai strictly modem borne; MONEY TO LOAN ON SMALL ttUCU? h floefU, expert ta r barge, fisher furnace. 1643 Ptwersc teed; factory 2977 J RANCHI. Hy. Music Store. 121 128 E. Rdwaj Was, 5671. WlU make asm loan on aubuitmft houses Two fow-roosew BY OWNER m assy paymoni $396. d ahickeft ranch to street ear, school doe modem, , player-pianoweed and Roma 4H Mclutyfo Bldg Great bargain In fine mi school ; glaasad-ihigh atoeplag porch To can as re $400. and cement base meet. ON only a few months. Reason Iris. TO MOXKY IMPROVED U)AN Cash or aod $290 cash, balance $20 aad $28 $150 Reo It today, 1812 11th BaaL REAL BMTATE NO DELAY. per easy terms to reaponolblo party. Just tboas later-eete- d month. Call Hy. SM7-J- . RICHAJOto SBa CO., KIMBALL la quire. WAft. $86. M MAIN. MODBLLO player, walnut, aged $ months; bench ad twelve new rolls; $5oO, Bald- FIVEROOM asodera," "'eaat side, wulkfag REAL ESTATE CONTRA.CTI WANTED. Waa. 709ft. win Plane Rooms. 21 R. 1st 8 WE BUT FOB CAAH ssUera equittoa In diataaco, ineludtog furnaee aad garage. cabinet "phonograph, Can be real estate contracts. Your own terms, ec exebawge- Toronto 4 Cm, SB BiU NftWIUK $165 fumed oak. good aa new, with $5 records, bought for $1000 lees than actual coat ef West 2nd So. at. Won. 6891. MT7-W- . to will 1902 East. you It $75. pay 8th Hy. for building. inrasUgato. NEED moosyl Wo loan It at right terms REALTY INV. CO., LUCIAN L. NOTE BON'ORA on real aetata. A. JUchtor Ce, $9 South IJ66, aod $1U0 worth of records, 626-2Cont. Bank Bldg. W. 64H, W. 7272. all frr $100. Waa. $87R Main. Ill H Bo. Temple, 7 block south MALL ef House, Sugarfrom fao ON UTAH and Idaho NEW, brown mah. piano, direct farms; liberal ep bouse, $ 200. Hy.1709. Uutto Minor ft Visit. 412 McCornlck bldg. tody, slightly damaged by B. R, Co.; will close it out cheap for eaah. Call Hy. FOR SALE Equity to new, modern five-roo- IF you ara atcadily atnpmyod to Malt Lake 1614. bungalow and bow f oral torn nt aae wu wlU loss yea tho money ta pay your rifle; good E E location, ctoao to. conHORAKT M. CAHIaB plane, flnt-claa- s outstanding bills. drees EM. Tribnno. INDUSTRIAL LOAN A INVESTMENT CO., dition, plain case; beat bargain in city. BUNGALOW, Baldwin Piano Rooms, 21 E. 1st to. Was. NUW. MODERN Was. 4769. 20Q Ream Bldg. owner, moat sell, $4260; R569 cash, bal798. fjBERAL loans 0 good rani estate reut-- Phone Hy. S4A0-NEARLY new console plraoograph, Edison ance like ba oomplkarioea eg delay. FLETCHBR-LLCAfand Victor records Included, at a sacrifice. t INV. CO., Ad Will aell to 12 monthly Waa. 2264. 9$ W. 2nd South. payments. BEAUTIFUL 6 room home at 1329 Rooe-vaTribune. dress dlamooda. LIBERAL ou loans watches,', av. Tito bath, best, amusement 75c. for $56 TAKES my $173 phonograph, like new ftio ftOe; fur $2$ Large garage. Can accept well located teaJewelry, 743 East 17th South. room. tmust sell today. as preport ienaltly leva. OoufldenttoL Price bungatow part payment. Prarideut Loan Society, l$$ fte. Mato at. BRENTWOOD piano ftiayer. 29 rolls, $87$; $9000. CaU Was. 2262 or Hy. 4662 J. Bradford plane, $93; phonograph, table WILL tax food car to aa my $64Mu Ad $to PCT. meaty for 1st mortgages on ft. Wee tern Pars. C., R reedway L. Improved property. Ne coudlUoaaw type. $3$. $42 Mtltou arm mod. brick boag. t Btate. Beet privUeget, Tuttle Broo., 80$ McOurulck. R. E MCONAUOUY, JR -riSHKK B MI 810 STORE pay highest 966 Kearns Bldg Wf. 294R A HIGH respectable place, where ladle cash price for used pissoa, player pieaee, SEIL or trade for Salt Lake property, 20$ and gentlemen can borrow money ua 121 Tho' aod Jewelry at legal rate. pbooograpbs. musical lontrumeata. ate. 752 Dearer at., Balt acres. Wa. May. Wae 5671 and 123 East Broadway Diamond v Shop. 15$ So. Main at. Lake. $125 BURNHAM Supertea phonograph aad WILL pay highest eaah prices for dia80 good records, very reasonable; almeot monds. Wa, J. Smith, Jeweler, 16ft fte. av 62ft Downlagton new. Main. clesalag, LOW rates ou real aetata iueao in Salt BRAKH-NE$110 console Tlcuelq far $75. HAS wash work lag, p!atertug; tinting, ifto 161. 1878 Thornton ave. Lute City. Quirh carries, I No rad taps. reaaonable. By. 620-1- , TORONTO 4 COMPANY, pa tot- Was. E B. STEFFENRKN, paprhaatng, $8 West tad South, price ing, tinting etc.; rry, beat wortot w wTErTirToirTAhiriTO MONEY FOR CHRISTMAS. 6 Hy. Ml W, right. wk pi Wu wlU lan you mosey to boy yonr prow-notWESLEY'S ideal tinting, patoting and' W. 4T nod arrange for you to repay ta small par cleaning. gasrautoed. AH Installments ta suit your cratvsaloueu. WILL pet you cah for year seed piano. 211 Austin Hy 26 piaea. business Kristi confidential. Utah Music Go.. No. Eleven Raat 1st fto. HANGING, ttottog. paper elg. H. L. DRAKE. PAPER AT RIGHT WORK Sale PRICKS. RIGHT 16ft fto. Wato St. $6$ ftooct BMf. Rites Hr. 62ft. n MON siT for tad mortgmgs teaaa an JU3T received, a direct Importation of tin ling, real OREENBEBO, painting. beautiful eatato. full per roller cunarles; Write city singer. ptoatev pstcblag, very good tteulara te E29, Trlbose. clsualng. Vogoler Seed Store. $88 J. work. Hy. "10" loan BYVIN cent and on real GOOD watch dogs, Airedale per money police and eieaaing, 150 estate. Hoffman Bros. L. 4 T. Cto, Wan. Netooo ave., opposite old INTERIOR patoUagTttottof hound. the reasonable winter W during vary 22 1st 22S2 fteuth. mill. Hosier Call Anderson. By. 294 M. REAL Bostons, ready for Xmss. eligible ROOFS PAINTED DRESSMAKING 22 reasonable prices. aod fully pedlgre-d- : Method. by Was. 10104. Bo fttate. HARRIET MUFF, oapanemced Arose maasr. Kent Company. Hy. M3. Boston bull puppies, w tehee week the nay. Waa. ftaftft. s$ THOROUGHBRED CAHfFUL paper naaging, elg., tinting and E fte. Tempte. T. J Rrark lft J af. very fine W. W. Farley. Hy. 216$ 4 pamttof DRESSMAKING. STRICTLY FRESH I9GGK PEARL GUKY, Smart. LET A. M. Jackson cave you mosey, paint One day old by dnu er case. quick and rriiabto 4 ft. Broadway, baL tag, paperbaagliif. paper ctoaalag, katom raqy. ROL10S POULTRY FARM, Ws. 7649.. 4697-J- . r Wa. mining. Phone Murray 446. gftft East 83rd Bo. DREA8MAKING. tbie; atoe chUdrena patoting, tlatlog. winter 9i4 8rd a vs. Mrs, ftbnrrad. Wan. euata. WANTF.- 1- Live poultry. F M. Adams, I'AHEK hanging, prices. Kellv. 9 Pe 1st Wet. W. 1006$. trMJ. rear 42x Btate. Mur. 25. Murray .Utah. and katoomtolng. paremodeling af aalta, coau; fur luu WHITE Leghorn pullet. Farm prad-1i- PAINTING,46e papering double rail; werk gnaraateed. ARTISTIC pering 45 W 7th Bo Co work aloe 10 seder. 718 ftth ft. Hv 2529 W. AMrii--Ll poultry. I i rill eall for CALL the O. C. K. for special slew oenaea Mum? 99 them sod pa v the top price DR EA8 MAKING and plate sewing; chLdrunt inducement prices; good wyk, Hy. 494 J clethra a specialty. Hy. 428 J, Vm 40UIU 2ND RABBITS FUU SALK. kalae- - PLAIN and children's WUON Piloting, paperbanging, WERT. rawing done at very Hy. 299 M. mluing, paper cleaning. Phone reaaonable rate. Has. $518 W. CANAR1KB make wooderful prenents. fteleet GET L. D. McAdams special price now for GRACE VON NORDICS will raw out ar tnek. now from this pedigreed Deposit at next apHag. hanging, Paper 407 tinting, 7199. 466 E So. tad will hold till Christmas. Waa. borne. Hy. 273-B- . Hy. 4N7R patoting and sign painting. B Street. ALL htade ef soAr guaranteed ; altern- banging. 89c doubts nMl. Work Mrs. Vary, 417 M at. CANARIES, singers, genuine rollers $8 and PAPER ttens, muedellng. Waaatclr, 4966 J. guaranteed. 9612-W- , 842 each Was. 49-J- . Browning $10 qveH undarwear sod aprons a PLAIN GOOD Red cockerel for breeding. Call Wae. sesrlag. P&inta, Waa. 8269, 106$ 3rd avu. ft5ftft J or bet. 1st and 2nd W. on Mh N. specialty. A ;v D WALL PAPER HhwThoN PA I v aU each kinds af aewingi G1KLB d tosses aud FIFTY 1923 spring chichena, ftie part T. WAft Ift'.V CO.. 339 BO. BT ATE or $n. Was. 9971 J. cfalldrras clothing spocislty. 168 C ot , PLAIN sewing, plain sheets and ptllow Livestock rssra hemmed; rraa. 2N$ Tramau am. SgTON T YP EWRITERE We huiid hhlX and buy f poel rent, repair them. Manufgturera service from Lata models trained mechanics. PLRAT1NU ef all kinds, Myers C teasing ft Retain-torented. Special rate ta stndeate D yeing. 114 East Broadway. Was. 9$. Tyepwritor Ce., $9 E 1st tailk. Pboua PLEATING, ALL KIND. Wae. bemstitchtof. Rid Eotteua. butteehoies. KFBI ILT TYPEWRITfeKi, ALL UA KES. Specialty parlor. 42 E. Bdwy. Was. 284R Fully guaranteed. Let Easy payments. Get our price list. WHOLEmodels rented. School SALE TYPEWRITER CO., 821 to mth Mala st. Phone Was. 276L PTEUrauraenira your dau h ter'g worth white. Waa, 92L Xmas id ft. ALL makes for sale aad rest, fttate agents Main. Royal and Coroua. Utak Typewriting cla's NEW Was. 4b36. Momtoy Brows ftc&oot ef preee-iraklchange Ce.. 21 B. 54 fto 6tb Bast. Wa ITC. SMITH BROS. 8 Poetoffte ptoraj new and rebuilt, so Id, rented, repaired CHINA 3146 reasonable terms. Wes , FREEriraseolftehlBa,U'palotlag,rrLrpty-chromatte aad dye to our cost amirs; ' hand Use of painted china, artist complete ALAC R LA U N DB 43far rJT1 y ooV bund Is and decorated d user and to three offices. It costs less: 96ft Mato material, white many patterns formerly curried at.; 17 East Bruadway: 19 East ftod fto.; glassware, to thto city. Hall 4 3rd 2$ East let fto. ; 78 West Broadwyf 7$ elsewhere floor Walker Bros. Dry Good. Was. Weet 2nd fte. x II Weet let fto. Cut-rattUMPLETK Ime of white china, leusoo aad price. No exteq ehwge foe snectato flrisg. Bertha Wxqeaer, 4te Scot! B idg. PLUMBING AND RA( E "i. THUMPfUtN, 449 B. 17td fts rate te etobs ta l He. H y 537, FLCkftl.VU rraeira, oatrr JackeU eleesed. furuirea. 4.; prtceu reasouahto, ceils, Waa. 4961. John H. Chepmsa. FOR faruare work, water Jacket etesned, SPORiHuhN, bas ysur tr.. coils mado and rapairad, cnU By. 1971-E- . by 14 health, 725 Kara Broadway. and Acreage trrr8. K dk, LEND tzvnimx. Piano and Phonograph ... uan ... !$ .... It Mu$l axi ' For Sale or Trade ii i PAINTING, PAPERING rf.dresri towTlwIai Wted For Pianos, Phonogjapba 61. Poultry, Pet Stock I; Wall Paper f Tor Sale TYPEWRITEitS T rawi.bTs "Pleating and Hemrtitchlng 85. fri of Dressmaking lx lt8o. PAINTING LAUNDRIES f $. HEATING TAXIDERMISTS |