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Show V TH , WEATHER. I ijjli 'f ala -- FrMy asd Saturday, (snereltjr fair; . oatmusd ceid. Leeel Satttamant Prices. .... (fiver jvU4 pepper . Ill (cathodaa) M 171 1 Tribune Want Ads form a small but influential financial and industrial center of their own. 24 SALT LAKE CITY, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924. VOL. 110, NO. 66. Julias Kahn CENTS PAGES-FI- VE Hughes Moves to Curb Jingo Agitation; House Kills Brittens Effort Something Unusual, Two G. O. P. Senators From Blue Grass State T 1 Illinois Congressmans Administration Takes Proposal Subjected Decisive Steps to Secretary of Interior Calls to Bitter Attacks by Counteract IS c a r e Alleged Poisoner of Husband Takes Witness Stand in Own Behalf. Body Repose Gompers in Sleepy Hollow Cemetery, Near Metropolis. Meeting to Be Held in Denver on January 6. Republican Leaders. Promoted by Radical Govern--riieCoast Repre- Nipponese sentatives Declared to Be Oppose Suggestion as Un- Observing Pledges; wise at the Present. Not Menace to U. S. Pacific Vet-Rabb- is Eulogy. IS X T. Le TARRYTOWN, Aamoel Oompera wta burled today on a little knoll In Bleepy Hollow cemetery. HU body wu laid at rest In company with noma of America a moat noted personages. In a spot famous in j tradition and history. To ths right of his grave flows ths Hudson, to ths left wind Picturesque wooded glens of Sleepy Hollows roundabout. Peeping from the grass or reaching toward ths sky werf ths simple markers or massive mausoleums of Washington Indng, Andrew Carnegie. William Rockefeller, Carl Schurs, and of the Dupuys, the an Horne, the MoCoombs, the Van Cortlendts, the Beekmgna, the Dela-an- s and the Boocks of earlier genera-ilon- s serlve at the Elk After a two-hoclub in New Tort City, where the bodv of Mr. Gompers lay in stats yesterday and Ust night, a 'funeral train of him scores of automobiles brought here Preceded by in honorary escort of motorcycle police from the metropolis, the cortege made the Journey In two houra, passing en route through many suburban hamlets, where streets mere lined with those who stood with doffed hats. streets-o- f crooked Through the Tarrytown the cortege drove across ths Headless Horseman bridge, where Irhabod brane mads hts traditional rids, and through the ranks of wait lng automobiles, men and women, to s canopy anu heaped evergreens which marked the Gompers plot. The burial place waa Just a short distance beyond the massive pillars whleh marked the entrance to the cemetery. FUNERAL, CHIMES RING. eras falling as the A misty rain silence among- - the hundreds who waited waa troken by ths chapel bell tolling Nearer, My God, to and the van of the cortege Thee, entered the ground. There fllowed Mr limousines bearing Gompers his widow, his sons and daughters, brothers and grandchildren, his as eootate officials of the American Federation of Labor, delegations of labor union Chiefs of all trades gathered from far and near and Freemasons of St Cecil Irdgeof New York, bav lng charge of the rites The impressive ceremony lasted but s few moments As the bronse vasketwas lowered into the pit of everwith greens, banked huge floral wreaths, the Masons raff Lead. Kindly Light the twenty-thir- d They chanted and sang Beautiful isle of psalm Somewhere " A sheepskin apron fluttered Into thqi grave and sprigs of symbolic evergreen from ths Impels The chaplain utof Masons fillo-tered a few words He has discovered the secret of peace, without which there is no understanding now the Then there laborers task Is tf er was a brief praver, another softl chanted hvmn, and the relatives and friends of Mr Gompers were led back to waiting automobiles. New YORK SERVICES. NF)W YORK, Pee. IS Impressive funeral services were held today for 8amuel Gompers at the Kike club, afea Fags Elevaa (Colusa Tore.) CIm Congressman, House Military Affairs Chairman,) Succumbs to Illness SAN FRANCISCO, Cal. Iec 18 Julius Kahn, for twenty-fou- r years representative .Jn oongreaa from the Fourth California district, and chairman of the house military affairs co remittee for many teerions, died here today after an extended dllness He was 4 old His wife, Mrs Florence yeajs Drag Kahn, his two aone, Julius. Jr., and Conrad; three brothers and his mother-in-lawere at his bedside when death came The funeral will be held In Ban Francisco next Sunday from Temple Emtnu-K- l Mr Kahns Illness, which began about a year ago with an Infected foot and a disease of .the kidneys, did not become critical until yesterday, when a cardiac disturbance arose At 4 oclock last be became un16 a m conscious and at tgbt today suffered a cerebral hemorrhage At 12 b) p m he died Mr. Kahn was the second congressman from thia district and Jiving In Sen Francisco to die within slightly mors than a year Ths other was John I Nolan, who died In DecemHis widow, Mrs. Mae Nober, 1923 lan. succeeded him in the bowse Julius Kahn, who came into national prominence through his activities as ranking Republican member of the military affairs committee 6f the national house of representatives in 1917, r Wire was a military strong advocate tomto of universal training, military and naval preparedness In a speech before the Public Spirit club in Ran Francisco on October 19, 1922, Congressman Kahn declared Trouble alwavs comes when It is least expected, and 1. for one, want iRy country to be prepared to meet urh a situation and not be helpless as It was in 1947 He said that while most nations Ceattseod m Ftp Eight Cel waa lie.) I TO Asks mo Court to LIFE Cut It Short, Meaning Deliberation on His puilt of Lau (Criaaa Six.) . witness stand here toda la true Elsie says that as her pastor in the Methodist church at Ina he made ministerial calls and made love to her, told her that her husband was "going out on drinking parties with other women, that he drove her to desperation with his attentions, always promised he d atop and neve-dimade her afraid to tell anyone about It or atk for help, because he made her think no one would believe her And that was not All In the end he got into trouble over his munificence with arsenic and then after the law had looked In a room with Might he painted for her ao realistic and v Ivld a picture of a mob of her d husbands miner friends at Nason, lna, that she feared the mob would hang them both and consented to sav she poisoned her husband, with the-- understanding that he would straighten things out after the trouble had died d)n TELLS STRANGE STORY. If Elsie Sweetlns strange siorv is not true then she Is an Iron woman If she was lying she did it with a fine courage and a magnificence. She talked with a deadly earnestness, a in great conviction, utter calmness good voice and with a finality that appeared to leave no room for doubt. She leaned over and turned constantly and looked hard and earnest-I- v Into the eea of twelve gravefaced peers, farmers and villagers, all at middle life or past it, as she gave her testimony Bhe met lilxht In December, 1923 He came first to our house to make ministerial calls," she said "He came later for milk. He started to make J mate Wv. I Sadi Jet him corns because as s minister of the ohurrh J had confidence In I thought he was a food man him I thought of telling my husbandv or He said dad (Uhrlstopher Sweetln I didn't dare no one would believe For the first time in its histasf, the sovereign state of Kenttiekv, realm of the bluegr&sa, baa two Republican United States seuatois m congress at the same time. Kentucky hga been considered a Democratic state, though haying at times perhaps one of its senators a Republican. When Frederick PaAett (right) was elected in the last election the new precedent was made, for he joins Senator Ernst (left) in that august body. I k A Ihoto. M'CDY TO TAKE hr t. -- DWYER Lkr iYtbtyi Ill, lec 18 d, , , IrhtiD. Salt Be VERNON. Orafty Isgo himself never had anything on the Rev iawrence M Might when It came to pure dev tlishnene if the story told by Klaie Bweettn from the BOY KILLED BY COUGAR. WENATCHEE. Wash . Dec. 18 Jimmy Fehlhaher. IS, an orphanf pkane. was killed by a cougar yes terday near Brewster when he went to round up some strayed cattle. It O. D. TOLISCHUS. was announced today. Parts of the UniversalBy Service Cable. His boys body had been devoured Dec. 18 OerrAsny, HANOVKR, knife, indicating that he had put up would happen a fight, was found at the bottom of Greweeme things again If I were freed, Make It short. a hill In the brush Release me from my suffering " II ith death under the headsman's BIX DEAD IN MINE BLAS. In the face, with he FBATTI-E- . 18 Wash Dec The ax staring him Jury ready to pass upon him the exBurnett mine of the Pacific Coast Coal company, flftv miles south of pected fatal verdict. Frits H&armann, the "human vampire," most murderhere, where an explosion killed six ous monster of tne century, summed miners last night, is being cleared In the above words hla final plea today of gas Four bodies have been up recovered and two other bodies have to the coart In a speech which was been seen by rescue crews. The ex- probably the met creditable performplosion occurred 106 feet below the ance of bla whole wretched, misspent surface Two men who were serious- life With a desperate effdrt . he bared ly injured are In a hospital here his Im story and made a final attempt to save hit friend and Hans Grans, from the same fate which ta in store for him. Now Coupons "In a abort while I will stand God.' he said "f want to give May Weight you a view of my fife and I will not I have read that I Mach-Discussadorn the tale am the biggest criminal In Europe. I know that I have acted like a beast, Dec. but I do not want people to think WASHINGTON, , worse of me than I am. and department of justice ofare "I have been exploited as a'vlctlm ficial, considering whether I denied everything at first hecaw-- e Senator Couz?na of Michigan vioIn humanity lated the law Impelling aecrecy t had no confidence From' mr youth I have only known for Income tax return, when he a as good being I waa a my mother recently made specific mention of the figures of the United States soldier and I soldiered bodv and soul. Wv superiors liked me and even InSteel corporation vited me to their tables. It waa pointed out at the deWhen my mother died, our family partment of Justice that the attorlife waa wrecked. The mistress cf ney general had Instituted procame Into our home while aaralfiat myfather ceeding, newspapers which had published merely the my mother still lay In her coffin, and' and the my brothers and sisters spat at my name, of taxpayer, father, amount paid, white the Michigan , only on good friend "I have had genator went lifts tome detail. -aHan Gran. I have that The law on this point. It waa begged for grim and I stole for him aald at thg department of juatlca. But I wanthlm to confess, too. Grant rune epeciflcaUjr to any person or la no angel I ao not want to Impliof official the government. Athim. It waa only when he proved torney General Stone 'raid he did cate an Ingrate that I accused him. not care to give a "rgll fence opinis not as wulltv'aa he has been repreion," holding .that the Question What has come out has come sented fequlred study! out through himself In this Instance. It wa explained, I was like Wax In Crana'e "Knrmenlv the aecrecr surrounding the re hands I bad to have some human turn waa lifted hr a United Rtate me who could beep me around being senator, who baa certain immutowards the professed a friendship nity privileges while npeaklng In United States, tyftts country haen t a debate,, but It is doubted whether that .Immunity applies otherwise. Owtbtri m ftp Own ed By ORVILLE . MT Ooetlaned Senator Feel New Method of Repaying Construction Charges to Says Pastor Hight Had Made Love to Her, but She Refused Advances. Impressive Funeral Services Conducted for T Unable to Form Cabinet Sensational Hint of Jury Out of Reichstag Chaos, Tampering Quickly Si- He Tells President Ebert lenced on Investigation BERLIN, Dec 18 (By the Associated Press ) The parliamentary situation. up to a late hour thie eve-ntn- f. apparently still waa In a state of hopeless chaos. Follow Inf authorization of President Ebert early today to make a thorough and final survey of the situation ratewt' r in mw hra which would command the necessary majority In the relchstsf. Chancellor Marx held a number of conferences with the major parties and late In the ; afternoon motored to the presidents me On Ihl Proee utor FYank office to apprihe the execullxe of his point cross-ex- a as follow mined Thompson fatGe ii Hn h for a solution to the exJuHt what did he do9 Q ' ist ng deadlock HE CAUGHT HER HAND. Among the proposals made to overA WeM, when I handed him the come the impasse wa a suggestion milk pail he caught mv hand that the present hen th$ preacher came as a CAblnet be formally reinstated as the Q a hat did he come In? functioning government but that it door preacher A. The front door one roetnhe of the cabinet he And when he came for mlik, fromglea Q eaih of the Herman Nationalist what door and Socialist parties to serve without A The hak door These, jrould officiate tn portfolio Q When he came as a lover, a hat the nature of liaison officers between door did he come to the cabinet and their respective parA. He never came as a lover with ties. hut would not pledge 4hdr parfnv consent ties tva formal responsibility respectBack In the direct examination she ing governmental policies had told that the preacher " said her In this manner It was explained, husband aaa "untrue to her hoth the numerically strongest parties Thompson a anted to know about In the reichntag would he given this also in the resurrected cabBaeet'n "that inet without forcing the latter to Whv" said Mr was the second time he made ad- abandon Its present with revance to me R told me mv hus- spect to foreign issuespolicies or its program band aaa going out on wild drinking of internal legNlatbn as dictated by I No. parties with other women Germany acceptance 'of the London did not tell my husband about It agreement Now ahen did Hlfht ftrt ana-feQ arrangement however, would to you thAt hed Ilk to fet Wll-ftr- d stillThl leave the government at the out of the wav of merrv fluctuating majorities on the A . He dldn t suffet It floor of the house, as both minister, HADNT SAID 80. without porffrdina would act only In You knew he waa In lve with the nWtnre of confidential agents for Q their parties without pledging the latou and wanted gou. dldn t Sou? A. 1 don t know He hadp t raid ao. ter to snt measures determined by the minority cabinet comprising the Well, what did you think? Q I didnt think Clericals treemanns Peoples party A huaband did and the Democrat If you five your Q of that The Socialists at their first party any araenlc. It aaant any It caucus today adopted a resolution to araentc that Hlfht fave you,-wa- a A t dldn t five my husband any oppose any hourgoiae cabinet w'hose oh tons purpose would he araenlc I aay if von did. It waant an concerted war on the radito make Q Hlfht fave ou? Answer my ques- cals Thev voted to demand the resWeimar toration of the tion I dldn t five my husband any foalition. which was composed of the A Clericals and Democrat, Socialists arsenic Once when Thompaon made her de- hut which, a a result of thelnmn elec- scribe WUford a sufferings and talk elusive outcome of the about hts death and When she last tlons, also would be a minority raid- saw him before It. she had tears In net The Socialists slso announced her eyes and shallowed hard. to fight that thev would i present Dr paul back a flood of them. Tyehe a a candidate for the presidency of the feichstag destructive Another contributing Lynches Cea timed es Page Pear Town in Calm Past t pt Mob Negro' Missouri CHARLESTON. Mo., Dec 18 A mob of mere than 2o0 men overpowB. B In hts ofJackson ered Sheriff fice here tonight and dragged Robae-ve- lt negro, w ho Grigshv, haL bexn identified as the man who a white girl two t' attempted to attack houra previously, across the court hanged him to a tree within jard and the sheriff's office. fifty feet ofwaa fired through the A bullet was cut loose fromi then whkh body, the tree, ttd to an automobile and ii the street of the dragged through negro section, followed by a howling rf which were mob. some member The body even- brandishing gun tually was hanged to a post In front of c rrocerv store. Before the mob departed. how- ever the bodv wad ut d wn. a hug bonfire waa started and the body awn was charred embenr No one attempted to Interfere with the lynching and the mob dispersed within an hour without fresh outbreaks. At 10 oclock the situation was quieL DOCTOR WINS VERDICT. OMAHA. Neb, Dec V9 A verdict In fsvor of Ir. Clyde A. Roeder. sued for 8V.900 damages for alleged malpractice, was returned here late toa district court Jury. The day by suit was brought by the parents of Averdiae Reelev, i, df Magnolia. Iowa, who contended that a soonre used during an operation pejformrtf by thf surgeon last January had been left In s--i cavity of the llttla girl a J I ANGEI.ER, Ukllf. Dec 1 Charge made .today that the Jury hearing the evidence at the trial of Kid McCoy, charfed. wth the murder of Mrs Theresa W Mora had been tampered with were appar- ently quashed here" tonight The charge brought by ths prose -- w'hat-soe- Rumanian Queen Scores Short and Scant Dress Dec 13 Queen Marie of Rumania in a signed urticie for the Vienna Frel Presae severely criticises the modern tendency toward short and scant drew The present irtyle of short dresses." she write, "is responsible for grotesque fashion of scant evening gowns which hardly cover the knees and from which rag of all from eery posshape hangasdown a sort of substitute for sible corner the train. These merely serve to get the feet entangled or to have the gentleman who happens to aay good evening tear them down GENERAL DAWES HONORED. 18 WAbHINOTON. Dec Charles O Dawes, vice president-elecwas a elected today member of the board of trustees of th National Geographic t, society. Considered. l TV Trtbuse house WMUJT'N Dec he The mt ec WASHINGTON quickly smothered a tlal step toward putting into ef'e t ihi af eriuM-the new method of repayment of con resolution Introduced by Representawhich would atrurtlon charge on goernment rec- tive Britten of Illinois a confer-m- e lamation prelects on a bals of 6 direct the president to call all white nations bordering j.f per cent of crop returns tn place of on the PacifU to discuss measures for annual inthe present twrentv-ea- r safetv against a possible oriental stalments waa taken loda The Britten resolution was of menace A conference of representatives submitted over the protests of ReIfrlgatton district and water users atassociations from all the pr jects was publican leaders, was vigorously called by the secretary of the Interior tacked from ths floor of the house own of reclamation and f und only one defender Its and the commission to be held at Denver, Colv beginning author Mr Britten previously had anat 10 a rh January I 192$ a The new repayment method was in- nounced his put pose to make such In bill pitrposal, basing his determination cluded In the second deficiency on the attitude of Japan Today whkh recently became law and con- partnumber of western representatives tained a number of the recommendaought to dissuade him, but he deg commission clined to withhold the resolution tions of the The text of the resolution ft Hows that made an exhaustive study of "Resoved, Th t fur the purpose of In promoting a solidarity of the white federal reclamation last spring addition this act provided fur ths teoplea of the Pacific, ths president and he $ hereby authorised to call reclassification and tuning of farms :e conference of the white nations on each of the projects and the fixing bordering on the Pacific ocean for of rhargee against them In accordance the discussion of ways and means for It also promotinganda better economic. with the fertility of the soil polltUal understanding provided for ths operation and control between said nations of the projects by ht water users Representative Britten, who is rankRepublican of the house , naval through Irrigation districts and other ing ommiltec, also announced today that condin certa under organisations he w uld introduce a resolution which would tions fore an investigation" of the SUMMARY OF AQENOA. relative conditions of the American These subjects, as well gft others Mr. Britten laid he had not detercontained In the new reclamation law mined the exact provisions of his will be discussed at the Denver conresolution, but would have U ready an ference for the purpoae of adopting for introduction tomorrow, BuchCool-IdA inquiry I opposed by lYeidrnt a procedure to carry them out as unne'eaaary and unwise. summary of the agenda of the meetSTARTS OPPOSITION. ing follows Mr Brittens resolution was the Number of tones and ha!s of classi- object of a wrangle in the house, the fications of land to secure as near lUinol representative declaring e-theas may be equality of conditions in ths secretary of the new and naval Ceatinvee es Page feat payment of project costa on a basts of trial, but at the time of adjournment attorneys for both aides declared their baks were turned on the affair," and Judge C ft Crall refused to make any statement The admonition gi'en the jurors by the court before they parted, how eer, bore a marked difference to those of previous occasions The Jurors were tolf to refrain from the trial in anv manner with anyone and to ignore the headline of newprera " From the testimony during the dav the defense established the fart that strained relations existed between Mr and Mr Mor prior to a dlorce D Mr Clara action in Mav last Simpson, a rlse friend of the dead woman related what she termed "a terrific fist fight between the two ih the ?!r antique shop At the time of the alleged quarrel, the witne-- s said McCo attentions to Mra M rs wee thoe of a gentleman " Tht defense counsel announced tonight that McCnx will take the stand In his own defend tomorrow along with AD ert A Mors who ha been subpoenaed and who was to have been the "star" witness for the atata, but was neter taLed VIENNA Fully nt f fiT (Crime cenr of" ths orop returns To determms the acreage of land now Included In the projw t that ought to be excluded and relieved from all obligations to pay project coats The willingness or unwillingness of the water usets to organise a district and as a district to take over the management and Control of the proj eel, as provided by the nev. law Any other matters which the water users mav desire to bring up for consideration at the conference It is expected (hat former Governor i horns E Campbell of Anxona and Dr John A. V biter, e recently appointed to head two committees to rewill appraise reclamation projects attend the conference and take part in the formation of recommendations Notice of the gathering were sent out today to all projects, inviting the water usera and diatrot organisations on them to fend representatives to the gathering Dr John A IVldtsoe of Sait Lake who haa ben appointed by Secretary Work a rha'rman of a committee to study the quetlnn of repayment of 'onstruction charge a presented by ea h individual reclamation project, nid last night that h had not been officially advised of the meeting In Denver, nor even of his appointment However this whole question ha been under discussion between Dr Wdtsoe and T'r Elwood Mead commissioner of the bureau of reclamation, and Dr of the understanding that Wldtsoe will be present at the Mead Dr Denver conference Igee R Taylor of Favson. president of the Federated Water I safe association and himself a water user under the Strawberry reclamation project, said that the federated user had already asked that when the new reclamation law is put Into effect the water users might be heard from as to administration problems and method 8n far As the Strawberry project Is concerned." said Mr Taylor "we believe thst 4t will be among the first to be taken 04 er from the government by the water users under the new A form of contract has. In fact plan already been drawn up In conformity with the terms of the new law, and on the w'hole, negotiations are further along as to this protect then as to any other federal reclamation project, we believe." POLICE TOKIO, Dee. 19. (By the Asaa-etatt- d Presa,) lit order to romovo entertained by o oor-ta- ln misgiving section of the Jopanooo poo-pi- t, tho United Btateo govern, ment Intimated its Intention of the American fleet to sending Yokohama after the maneuver In Hawaiian waters In 125, but the Japanese government declined the offer with thanks, said Premier Kato, spooking at a dinner of the Boiyukai party last evening. to reassure the country against the scare of an American Japanese ear trangement were taken today both by the administration and in Congress. In a formal statement which broke beyond the bounds of ordinary diplomatic courtesy, Secretary Hughes weloomed the appointment of a new Japanese embassador to Washington and predicted an era of the moat cordial relatione" between the tvfo countries. these Underlying development there waa revealed a studied conviction among highest officials here that there ia no threat of trouble between Washington and Toklo uulees by pop-n- v ulaf agitation Imagined danger are magnified Into real misunderstand -- v Inga. WHITE HOUSE ATTITUDE President Coolidg and tboeq who -share with him responsibility for tkar foreign relation of the nation took upon their contemporaries in place of power across the Pacific a candid exponent of International friendship It t the belief of the administration that Japan performing faithfully her obligation under the arm and the treaty agree menu relating to Waanlngton the tar that her government la trying at; nmeMly to keep pace with the new order of International relationship, and that her responsible leader want nothing but amicabi relation with th United States If he two government are permitted to along together, unhampered by agitation and suspicion among the two peoples themeelves, it t th belief of the president and hi adviser that th bst qf international relationship will rule between the two But they do not conceal capital their recognition that if the American and Japanese people aggravate their misunderstandings out of ad proportions to their importance, the two government will become Increasingly embarrassed when they deal with on another. tval ' STlEE WIGHT Barricaded Negro Shot and Killed After Two Officers Are Wounded. N DECLINE TO AMPLIFY. Whether Mr Hughe had ia mind any particular subject of recent agitation ahen he issued hts statement OMAHA Neb. Pec. 18 (By th today was not revealed State dee officials deelined, to odd Aeeociated Pres ) Sought oh a partment to hla pronouncement welcharge aa a revolt of hi, alleged anything new ambassador, but It the coming aiuult on a negrera, Frank Mylar, was recalled significantly that such a negro, barricaded hlrnelf in hla a statement on such an occasion email frame ahack. ehot and seriously stood virtually without precedent In of American diplomacy. the wounded Chief of lAeleetlies Bon The history statement was as follows Dewounded and Not Mr. Matsudalra a Ilanbaum slightly only i tective Tom Kien and then waa killed Cestiaved es and wilh Fsge Three riddled ahotgun after oemg l Cehnaa Three, rlGa bu"et from gun of police who surrounded the house So effective waa th work of the police and the fire department, which set the shark on fire, that not on The Latest Compilation demonstration waa noticed deaplte the fact that th ecene occurred In of Game Laws Is the thickly populated negro district. Danbaum fell, ahnt several time Beady for You FREE. about the head and face, when he wraa to Here I the latest uthorittive leading a equad of reinforcement, He wa, erased negro. Information for the man who may capture thea local hla want to go hunting It 1 the sumhospital, where rushed to condition waa pronounced a, aerloua. mary of the provisions of the federal snd state game law and of Detectli Ryan waa hit by a glancrxn fallen to he when bt, shot those of the provinces of Canada. ing It Is compiled by the government chief a aid' and therefore 4s authoritative The attack on the fugitive re- It give you the condition under rambled a barrage Police detective which you may shoot big gam and and other armed with shotguns, rehttl at any point between Mexvolver and rifle perched themvelvaa ico snd the North Pole. It tell opentd fire. My-- I at any vantage and you when th open season begin ler returned the fire keeping upfacta fusillade despite the closes tn every state. It tell and dangerous home waa rapidlv being da- In you what have been th chang that hi under which you by flames Tear bomb were! the condition Lady Astor Likes Gin, but atrojed did not surrender ik he msv but in la Maine, shoot deer also used, one detective blared the full conSaskatchewan, grouse in New She Says No Good until which In lodged Mexico, quail Vtrgi nia, or tent of his ahotgun negro's face The Isrgc police turkey fn Bouth Carolina. 18 LONPOV. Avtor. in the then Idv moved cantlouelv up to license what r It tells you squad tor her at th known houee and found him dead. necessary and what they will cost. texteletjon tn the houee of theMvrer on complaint of wa wanted whether tells send It you you may common, of which he la t member, negreaa Walker, your kill home or if you must eat publicly owned up to a I.tyraeschool tudent The girl claimed it on the spot. It tells you if you hwn !lk!n for ardent eplrlt a took week attack a place may combine pleasure and bust-n- e tinged Opening an Kat end "puh" Juft the but - , , for M'ler warrant grand sell the game you kill at the converted from a liquor uloon to ago. waa not Issued until today. a good profit In fact. It tU evtemperance way,. ,he raid "I am rest that ft sportsman needs to erything fond of gin and rum but ae know to map out bis hunting time fvery go through life you will find there Norris Blocks Action season. this for a kit of thing, you want but are This i ft fr government pubbetter without " Proposal our Waahington Inforand lication On thie text eh baaed a little n will secure a copy Bureau mation Dec. 18 An nt-- i concerning the evil, of alcohol, WASHINGTON. for reader who fills out and which, eh declared, wa, "no good tempt to unanimous consent to mallsanythe coupon below. Knclo to anyone vote on th Underwood Muscle Shoals two cent in stamps for return bill next Saturday was blocked In the Wnte your aam and postage. Senator todav by Norris, address clearly Belgian Loan Taken in senate Nebraska, author of the meaNorris government (operation Less Than Hour sure Frederic J. Haskin. Director. The Balt Lake Tribune Senator ruytlat the Republican lead- KPyi' YORK. Dec,' 18 Norrl asked If Senator he Information Bureau, then of the 880. MX) 000 loan to Bel- - er,ould agree to limit debate on all of Washington, D. Cl glum waa indicated today in tho an., (he amendments to the Muscle Fhoals J enclose herewith two cent nouncement that the book hurt been bill except those offered by Senator in stamp for return postage on closed hlf an hour fter th offering Underwood, Norris. Jones of Washfree copy of the Game Law had been mad. New York, ington snd Wadsworth. Booklet. hut the Nebraska senRepublicans, BISHOP ORDERED RELEASED ator again objected Name o Dec 18. (By the COPENHAGEN, The majority leader then served he Will a,k th senate to hold The . superior Associated Pres.) Street court todav. after a number of hours' night sessions beglnn'ng tomorrow deliberation, ordered the release from Benstor Norris retorted that he would ' City custody of Pr. Anion Bast. Methodist make a motion that rh senate ad- bishop for 8caadlnsv.' Journ at 1 o'clock each day and shoutEpiscopal State pending proceedings In connection ed. "H you trv to force a final vote slth the alleged misappropriation of by phrsical endurance you on t get " charity fund. by -- Ith It." aert-ou- I k j j rc i .Failure Forces Drastic Action FLAGSTAFF, Arix., Dee. 18. The failure of the Grand ranyon deer drive might be laid to three causes inadequate preparation, laek of enough driven and the total unexpeeted refusal of the deer to herd, Zane Grey, the ao'fcor, declared in a atatement iraued today. Aa a result of the failure of George McConhiek and diif land of rowboTS and Indiana to drive aeveral thousand deer aerosa the Grand ranyon, (he Kaibab foreet in northern Arizona, haa been opened to hunting on the eaet aide and thii method will be need to Tedure the which are faring death from atari a'ion beeauae of ecoriHOua herd lark of forage. Xo further newi waa received from the drive headquarter, in Vho Zane Grey and I party 0 moving pirture men arKaibab todav. from. the arena of the attempted roundup and rived Jiere laet McCortmek and hm rowboyn are returning homo by the trail over wbieh Ibev expected to drive aeveral thouaand bead of deer. todav over hia aignature, tellGrey'g' at lengthy itotement the deer. He raid that with 500 Ining about the attempta Jo drivo reaulta. but that when the ahowa better have diana, the drive might waa made to drive them in a coean found that being deer attempt xistent direetion they stampeded jnd ran in every direction and tho About 125 men attempted herder could not hold them together. the drive. There wtre maty dead deer found, according to Mr. Grey, who aald that there waa practically no forage. "- -1 1 K 4 Dec. 18 WASHINGTON, By the Associated Pres ) Decisive measure Its Gun Will Reduce Deer Herd, Now Facing Starvation; Drive -- trdy i on-Shoa- ls ,r-mo- ft Half an no-tir- I (e,. |