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Show ' Tl: 18 BALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924. OGDEN DEPARTMENT F omc, E 13 24th street. Phonaa Bualnaaa, 81; Corespondent, 81 and 00 IMM B0UO! Bociaty, 2180. 2603-W- ; Many College Coache Idahoans Will Play Nine Annual Games on Believe Play Enhances Value of Luck Element NEW YORK. Da 18. Barnstorming" Bpeetal to (Bf th. Prene ) Although a majority opinion now among football coach r a, experts and rule makers apparently la opposed to placing reatrtcUone upon the Use of the forward pass, gather , inf demand for curbing tha aerial game hat become evident, promising a lively dieoueeion when gridiron gather Ip New Tork the latter part of this month to frame their rules recommendations. The attack launched a few da a ago oa ths forward paaa by Harold M Gore, coach of the hlasearhusette A has aroused keen tflscueafovi and drawn support from several sources, tiore branded the asriai game, in lta to the present usages, as a menace correcgridiron sport and urged as tive step, that only three points he allowed for a touchdown due ti a pass and that the run by the receiver of a paaa he eliminated. U C. Boles. director of athletic, with (kre in Oberlln college, aide characterising the serial game as a which is relegating foottaU 'menace to the category of outdoor banket, while further criticism eras ma1 pub-t- o today by Foster Sanford, fmrmer Kutgera coach and advocate of the naming attack. None of these critics, however, apparently wishes to abolish the pas, confining their recmnniendathnia to means of putting restriction on the aerial gams. The pasa is needed to glva balance, aaya Banford, admitting tha aerial game has oome to atay, but nevertheless he believes it is too unfettered In Jts present form, upportrs of th, Uor plan for cutting In half th, allowance of point for a touchdown from a point no out that .coring by Uhls method Ynore difficult than bv field goal which now rain, but thro, point. Ttiat tha rule commute. la talc In oognls&nc. of present agitation again! th pa vu Indicated today In a statement by Prrd W MKr, tra-ure- r of th Harvard Athletic j,ua-tloand member of th committee would that th question no doubt com before th midwinter eesslon of th rul maker. Whll potntinr out th advantarei of the pa In irlvttir th ram balance, Moor declared return from footThla reason ball ram throughout th country om that would Indicate team, weaker In many department, have cored Victor! by forward pannier There la no quention that the paaa la danrerous and yet. I believe that It cannot be ruled out of the prnu without eubatltutlnr aomethlnr for It " men-tor- a pa. n y Trilmne T ow. Dec. 18 Nine basketball games have teeo scheduled with amateur c.ula o' the northwest during the OvrDtmas hoildava for the I'niversltv of Idaht Theca hoop squad games, which oomprise the annual "bam ormlng loir of the tsndals, have prove i f great value In the past four veara in hardening the men to the rigors of a stiff cunft rpuce saao n The Idaho .squad will leave here Saturday aftemun ten men beirg MacMillan on taken by ('oath the trip through northern Idaho and EFCAIANTR De II Ths senior girls basketball team of ths E slants high school established a dear clalrd to tha claws championship In defeating the sophomore quintet, U to t. here recently This fa the third game played between the two. the others being ao done that the (ham by pionshlp was definitely decided playing the third The freshman five showed class hv defeating the sophomore team the day after the championship gams between the seniors and sophomores Following this, a special game between tha high school tram and the town team wsa played, the tow u winning by six points. Between Difference Con- (,DL Roche 18 De Union to alj Western Open Likely to to Cleveland' association wishes gpeets! to TS TrUsaue. ' IDAHO FALI.H. Idaho, Dee 18 Joe Maddock, well known as the former coat h of the Idaho Falla Tigers during their championship season last ear and motp recently assotiated In Oreathletics with the Iniversltv gon, returned from Kugane laat week, where he spent the past three months In directing the football activities of the Oregon aqund, with several vicMr Muddo k tories to his credit apol e Ixjfrre the Idaho Fulls Kotarv club at its lumheon meeting too tv on matters of general Intercut to the lover of sports fr New Exchange Club Officials Take Control Dec D The nenlv elect of the Hxchange club were inducted into service tonight at the annual Installation, which took the form of a stag jwurtv, and was held at the Weber club The members ate venison taken from the Kalbabfrest by Thomas 8 Feen.v, Jr, seoretarv of th club Charles II Hollingsworth tvok over the rein of the club from J Francis Fowls Fred G Taylor lauded th retiring president fcnd hi officers, as for which lunchwell as the purpose Mr Fowies and Mr eon clubs exmt both brleflv The talked HollingsworthV Hev John llvsiop and Htuart F. Hobbs aiternategi as toetmaa(ei T he function sparkled with humor A vaudeville trio furnished and wit music. The new officers of the club are fKDU, fd officers Iitane Named as Kiwanis Children and Matches Causes of Home Fire GOLF Dec DOS ANGE7DES, Among long distanc applications received bv Governor Friend W Richardson ftr berths on the newlv created stats boxing commission, the one from Leach Cross, former boxer, mailed In Rome, Italy, is believed to be the winner. In his letter to the governor. Cross gave a long list of prominent lo Angeles business men for references. By AS CHAMPIONS PLAY IT TOY A IFHARD OC YOU 9AU.S DON'T BY eKPCNSIVI ONSS. rara. Is PGDUN lec 18 A business block with a fnmtage of lot) feet on the rule of Washington avenue will ALTHOUGH le hu It dmrrh L the Guaranty Mortgage cornpanv according to J 11 Amirtw. maiiagir of the com n panv. who has announced the Gland Treatment Dr. Lorenx, famous Austrian according to a recent pres Ui.pstch, has submittd himself to treatment. This treatglandular ment, according to the doctor's own statement, has restored him to the .health and rigor of his earlier dsrs, 'and he is hignly enthusiastic about this new branch of. medical science. Thonaands of men and women who are lacking in health and energy, are taking advantage of sci most recont discovery and are using Glandogtn, a highly eon eestrated glandular tonic, in eon cement tablet form, prepared from 'h glands of healthy young animals. Glandogett has had remarksur-eoo- 4- ' C! able tureen in the treatmen. of n nerrous individuals. Glandogen U obtainable at Rchramm run-dow- , Johnson, PrugA cepted Mail orders ac(Adv.) at of the property acqui-fdtlu- 2Jb4 NNgsh-4n- g on avenue to 71b According Andrews, the building will be entirely modern and will have space for alx store on the ground fbor VVcrk will begin short iv Mr. Andrews added Vehicles Horse-Draw- n GOOD bawls AlWAVS Are to Be Licensed Otv BSST Famous Austrian Surgeon Restored by Block Built to at ralxeml Benice. NEW YORK Dec J Miguel FerSouth American heavyweight, his recent repeated victory ove- Joe Fllvoni, local fighter, last nieftt. hut did not win by a knockout this time. He took ths decision aftr six rounas. G3riYF j i c n , .1 !j vt sprsGt K.y" V 'GSTi I ,, 18 Dec An ordinance OGDEN, vchkles providing that must be licensed whs passed by the t it v lummNsloners today Request foi this ordinal e was made by expressmen h ) drive borne Idle commissioner consented to the ordinance, as horses create a much greater expendturre to the city than Is it all right for the beginner t automobiles and trucks. The commissioners today passed the play with old damaged or repainted balls, or should he use the best bail pay rolls for December, In order to he can afford? permit employees to have the money foti Christmas By LEO DIEGEL. Canadian open champion, Illinois open APOSTLE ON WAY HOME champion, ,fchawnea open champion. OG.PEN, Dec. 18 Apostle David O. should The beginner adjust his pur- McKay, retiring president of the Euchase of coif halls to his skill, it ropean mission of the L D. 8 church. he tops the bgll with the Iron clubs, wiL arrive 'home Monday, Detembej he should buy Inexpensive balls with 22. according to a letter received from durable cover However, the more ex- Apostle McKav bv Jesse S Richards, Ogden Rotary club, pensive balls have a better Right and secretary of the are more eatinfaotory in every respect. of which Mr McKav is a member. There t no question that a bail with FOUR COUPLES LICENSED. a cut cover or a core out of center wtU not give the best results. The OGDEN, Dec. 16 Marriage licenses effect of an imperfect ball is alwav were issued by the county clerks ofnoticeable, even In the play of a dubb fice today to the follow mg douples: In any case, the player should buy Letter M Felt and Nellie C Hamthe best balls that he can reasonably mond, Ogden, Claude - Adams and afford. Hazel D Woods. Ogden; Angus K fi.ru keen and Ruth K Graeme, Salt Copyright, IH24, Associated Editors. (tlibert E Maw Plain City, and Inc ) RCSULTS hor&e-draw- n I- Grace Drown, Farr West. IK SPECIAL PUnOx FLAYER DELIVERED NOW BUT DONT PAY A CENT TILL FEBRUARY 1, 1925 Then $10 Down $5, $6, $ 8 Month , Up Permanent Home of Steinert, Kranich & Bach , Ballet & Davis , Kimball , Story & Clark , I vers & Pond, Henry F. Miller, Autopiano and Other Stamlard Make Uprights, Grands and Players. Ogden Is Soon .to Have One of Handsomest Structures in Country. Mercury Drops to Fourteen Degrees ' Below at Ogden iu.JK, Doc 18 T lie ndde-s- t weather of the v winter thus far tame during the last two bum when the tonight, imnirs dropped to 14, below zero in tg-mto Ane Nan De according raaff. ogdeu weathfr obitrver Tht empeiuture presaged a further sdght droo at dawn and during the earlv m rning hour ne therrmunt-te- t s registered 1 bei.w rero wiriv this m rning. and l v o k k the mere urv had risen to zero During the dv the it sauntered alout out of cis who fc it tho coldHt dav of the dois T'hwfa was a conspicuous season ftbmme of automobiles in the eltv and buainesi cor'S district, reported Inabilitv to start their cars this morning due to the frigid w eather nnw in Weber countv N The with a thick packed well and n the gr und sleighing Idanket is ideal except for the extrenieiv mi ccld weather sr fi 7pm and i c kitJig is In tigfbn Valles ihe temp r.ifpro T lie Ik older tl'on in the ltv thermometer registered 8 degrees in below 7t ro Huntsville this imonlng Vt.r an exterior finish ! In Om south congress, 15-192the Italian During this period he eurressfully fought -for appropriations and legislation fo- the benefit of Ran Francisco, the city of hie adoption, and Califor- r 8 according to llntijrson anti Myrl A. who have Just connileted of th bulldlntf It will h. Mrawmij, rlnihtivd in ateme. tenu cotta and bri.k on the outaide The Interior plans are hardlv complete and will not be completed untU those Interested in the structure have Inspected manv of the finer hotels of 5e ;iumv aA p Higelow, president Reed Hotel company, Mr. Hodgson and Harry Beckett Jr manager of tne Reed, will Wave January . for a tour of the east and or the purpose of obtaining ideas andt augirr snns to JnoorKrate in the Off-- d 1 -- Fif CMtiiwI fr by the Democratic administration following tve outbreak of tha war. He was appointed chairman of the house military affairs committee in served as representative fHDNN Dc. 18 The new hotel 1921, having the Fourth congressional district to be tmitt on the present site of the from of California to the Fiftv-stxt- h and Heed hotel and additional and congress, 18'9-190property Fifty-sevenF'tfty-nint- h to the Sixty-eight- h (Hdicqntng th Heed on the will the n h pp-d- 0 Important Matters Will Come Before Chamber Tonight sterv hwever. that the hotl will1,,'rtl,n contain about mo modern tooins and will be rune stories In There win be a large club height room a tafe end ballroom dliMtjf The mnin entrance will be from Washington avenue on west with a side entrance on the (Twenty-fift- h street over the State hank, which will re tin Intact on the corner of &shirgn avenue and Twenty-fift- h street, there will he no rooms, but possibly a roof garden This will pro-- v Pie more rooms with an excellent Mew of the city from the north and west A gr at Is being community pride taken in the proposed hostelry Work on raxing the present Hoed hotel will Ugin as wain as plans for the new Htiuctuie are adopted and contracts let Final Tributes Are Paid to Mrs. Mary A. Waldron OGDEN, Icc. 18 Funetal for Marv Ann Waldron, wifeservice of E aldron, proprietor of the Reed li tel news stand and bf ths seirttutv Kiwanin flub, ld at the KsrkendaW f b this afternoon were ipe bv me mbers of the Fastern attended of will h Mrs Waldron was a Star member, and bv Eik Masons and Kiwantans, witii which l slu-- Mr aldron i Many other friends also at-- ti nd d T hr Hev. John FMwsrd Carver nia. his home since 18bfl Congressman Kahn was credited the first member of congress to direct attention to the necessity of extending the provisions of the law compelling the publication of campaign contributions and expenditures to primary as well as general elections. ending In such an amendment to the law Congressman Kahn s family emigrated to California in l86fi, and he received his education tn the public with being schools of Man FYanc ic o He drove a bakerv wtgon for his father from the time he was 12 years old until he was 16 He married Muo Florence Frag of Ran Francisco In 1899 After leaving school he entered the theatrical profession, plaving wtth Fwtn Booth, Joseph Jefferson, Tomasso Salvlnl, Clara Morris and others who gained fame on the stage He bFgan the study of law in 1899, and wav admitted to the California bar in 184 REGRET AT CAPITAL. WASHINGTON, Dec, 18 Announcement of the death of Representative Julius Kahn was made Kg the house today by Representative Curry. Reand the champublican, California, ber Immediately mark of respect Mr adjourned as a that Mr. Kahns death undoubtedly had bken a result of strenuous work he performed during and immediately after the world Chnry wild war first as the linking Republican member and then as chairman of the hotvse military committee The customary procedure of appointing a committee to attend the funeral waa abandoned when it was found that it would be impossible for a congressional delegation to reach the Pacific coast on time Elks Will Assist in Raising Charity Fund IDAHO FAIJjS, Idaho, Dec. 18 William Buxton, the representing Elks loilae, was delegated aa a committee of one to arrange plana whereby a working evetem for the raising of funds for charity could be formed, and Joseph Kemellus a errond meeting held for the orsang ' of 'The Homeland and "It Waa For at of an aseoc iatecjAr harlties At the citv . meterv the ritual ganization in Idaho Falls Tuesday evening of the ord r of the Eastern Mar was It wxui pointed out hv Joe Taylor, Ty nitmlnrs exemplified of nnen chairman of the board of county I.sthcr chapter who presided at the meet-- Til U. luhn U(5Ti;s Inn ing that it rested with the citizen W Wvslop re tor of t he ipiuprtl as to Just what could of Falls Idaho I i of tlu chinch told nvember be done In the matter, wtth relative clui- tcxlav that tt waa depremg to from the qounty. assistance think that iiritmaa had be me o It is believed that not more than c.mmer lalized ami all we think of will le needed to carry on char!250 is receiving a gift The real signifiA OODKV, Lee IS filed ity work. for the winter season, which cance of th dav N forgotten, the todav in th citv courtcomplaint , harife Lilla expected to be raised by contribuli m Meredith Rev Mr Hv'-dosatd. with emhevrling human tions from the dtf'erent churches and The Hv Mr Hvslop said that the hair belonflnp to Tlraah Kn, of the citv. organizations Th complaint char? secret of happiness wn giving not that the He told of can adv of tho hatr aa bailee receiving W. O. W. gifts cqmlng Into Ogden which would for the purpora onlv of trucking It into a traneformatlon make rhildien happv Tha value of C. C. i-th hair la et at 120 Commercialization Christmas Is Deplored n' Embezzling Human Hair Charge Against Woman roeid Belle London Is Killed in Coast Auto Accident WILLIS T, Twin Falls Elects Sweet BEARDSLEY DIES H -- Willi T femur !, n'v auditor of nden OtUK nearda-e- v and manager if th Ucardalev tavdead In San Mis D r.i B ern In Salt Lake. rw OGDEW Kranciwo, acronllnff to word received Tophan, well known l n Ogden a Bel e hire Afer leaving ftah Mr Hearda-lequeen of the uuderw M was ent to th Phllljplnea, whore id tn a was killed years ago. ntal'y he tahHhd postal sating banka San Francisco two week ago accordHe In the armv I N purchasing deing to a letter re e vti bv W G Dalrvmple partment In France during the war Bi rce frrm Dr ftrier (gden dentNt DAMAGE SUIT TILED The jetter said that Mr Tujhvm OftliPN line 20 The Southern wa matantlv killed when run duwn Pacifl rnmpany Is the defendant In bv an automobile a u!t Med MS.fMKI After attaining considerable noto- in damage today district court by Emma went to K the riety in tgden, Mr Topham Widow of Erithjofh U'fnnlet, Salt Dike where she a No was who dl.d May 8 laat from with the umlerw.lld rei cited p an explosion In the Southern Pacific shops In Ogden NEWSPAPER HEAD HONORED OGDEN, Dec D J U Fdredg. CHILDREN TO BE GUESTS. Jr. general managerwasof thethe ogdem OfSOKN Dec IS The children of iecipitnt of a beautiful desk upon hi fiftieth St J' seph's parish are Invited to attend tree celebration Mrthdav anniversary todav The gift to be the Christmas glten bv the Catholic Woman wa from tin .eninl yees f tie newsat St Jo.cphk school Saturleague fic s Mr At of home Kdredge paper December 20. at ISO o'clock In tonight a social was given In his day. th afternoon honor Ut.-- r I 18 lndn y rerd fr asso-iate- t, d Ptandarcl-Examm- SEPARATE MAINTENANCE oGDk N Dec pers. filed suit 18 anh ASKED i ham- Nli,m P Chambers todav, akng f r separate Mrs maintenance Ghamr nliega fails to vole SJtaiuxt fr pr that her husband her Thev were married In Ogden, im April 12 Population of Ogden Is More Than 42,000 OGDfryc, Dec 18 The population of Ogden is 42 845, an imtvse of per rent over the United States census enumeration f 120, according to the returns of a survey made for the chamber of commerce by a newrsp&per bureau of heeling, W The survey ehows that there are 21 2o? females. 21 436 males and There, are 23 858 persons more than 21 years of age, of which 11 are males and li St4 females The number of families in ths city la 10,144 and thore, are 848 homes. --f- - I Charges to Be Filed Against Two Suspects 1eot!.n as to what charge shall be file against V R. Jones, 3, and J tt ad. worth. 2d. who were arrested Tuesday on suspicion that they were the two who held up the motor-ma- n and a passenger on tha Vest Seventh South streetcar line earlyv Tuesday morning, will be made prob-aldtoday It waa announced laat night by the police Officer declare thev he praeticallv admitted their Implication tn the robbery The street -wa held up at the end of the West Seventh South afreet line and the bandit obtained th receipt of the car for the day. rr FESTIVITIES PLANNED. to Tb Tribuaa. MAVTI. Dee. of rthis city Is making SpeHsl fl Ille Os-de- fXJPKV, Dec 1- 8- Besides three on Important civic matters, three Imiwrtant question will be votforum meeting ed uim at the opf-of the chamber of commerce to be club held in the Weber at 8 o clock tomorrow light Tha proposition of whether or not to elect haif of tie directors for a isn-yeperiod and half for one vear will come up for discussion and vote Mr Mr Hollingsworth, president to iiaugethe 'late of The proposal Mr and heenv. Prank Higginbotham the annual meeting from lie third ne president Ihibbs h'lank Pran-- , to in J inunrv will the fourth Mon1' It Thatcher and Iank l r B he voted upon and K one to provide Matthew directors f ntn chump in for notification the fi o clcnk the Tomorrow eening at the constitution and lo law, hv u new arvd old offir and diroi toys will ten-dav written notice hold a toinl nutting for the purpose are ,the Topics to he di of appointUig a aecuttaiy and treaa-r.r- ei the semiannual pavjmft of f t tv'Ttv nchn proposed constlii.it! r and NNeier countv an! He i ManIs ager form of gvciriie.it Head tha !. t. iamnt Physician 18 children were at a parent-teachmeeting and the little boy, 4 ytra of age. and the girl, t veara. were put to bed It la auppoeed that n overheated stove a4 the house on fire The alarm waa given about 8 o clock, 'but it was too btte to save tha children. The houae, a log one, waa on of tha first built In the' Carey aettla-- i mant. It burned to the ground and thia morning tha charred remains wera recovered. Tha t of tha children lather. Wren Chideeter, has beeli away from home at work at tha Bypass canal. president and general manager of the RACES TONIGHT Some of the best roper skaters in and around Salt I,ake will t kc. n Franco-America-n Cue in action at Bonneville rink tonight races will be featured Riv the Herzog will attempt to lower half-mil- e record Ruv jom h will nice !n the agaltmt the stop-wati- h PARIS. Dec. 18 A Franoo-Amerl-oa- n fr-cife Ul vcnt, d billiard tourna- for-a- ll half-mil- e f r men will ment, presenting Roger Conti. Albert he run providing aran''iffldont number Grange and Kdnwnd Derhler In com- of entrants sign races Other and petition with Willie Hoppe, Jake ent-ie- s are as f dlows Kch&efer and Welker Cothran, la beMile tlvde Btnlll s, W ilPirn Gnm-dk1 V ing planned by the French Billiard Jm k lArl ada k r federation. Garber Mnnip'i yrial Smith At the conclusion of the present (Tjde Club of Mlwes Katheime French 18 2 championships, now in and June Molem m progreas, the federation intends to 1 Mill Dec D - In ! t,libN. send the three leading French piaverx tt d i r uic f t of the j j h ian wa to the United Btatea Negotiation i to tho club hcl Kiwaui at elation are now under wav wlththe billtnnl M at the regular luncbton in the authorities of America to arrange for NS chib her the tournament Other officers named are Dr W Tramage estimated at $75h was done Conti, playing in hla most brilliant Baine vice presuient Jam' H form, won his initial match of the vesterdavT afternoon by u fire at the SHIU, treasurer, A M Merrill O. Knsign, 4fi2 Pnt Ninth championships todav, going out 7 in six home of Jed BKbant'ne, Frank 2 of run houth The with tritee, blaze a street is to tnouht high Innings, Browning, Joseph P Barker, have been caused by children ilay.ng M I Horace Lnsign, J V Gutry, L I. with matebes. Hatn and Vads M Johnson, directorBOXING NOTES MORE TOYS NEEDED. TTts club pAxasd resolutions of sym-ptth- v Dso, 48 Th Provo f fr f r H Y WaRlron, 8efretary cif can handle VWW TORK. Dec It Abe Goldsniplovee dpartnivnt the Kiw'aJti club ovt.r the death of stein bantamweight champion of the mor di'ordd tovg, and would be hl wife G 1 Brewer, salesmanship them If the hDi them, 1 crown glad to world, will defend his addievstd the lul tomorrow night in Madison Mu&ie fir ths pf or flnldtcn f fh vitv, n 4 expert, n oinln r The club ate vrnison t fifteen-mm.d In huf Heed B shard a match ivrditg Garden, from the kaibnb f ret i lrouiht f the against Eddie Mhrtln of Urookhn it member lub loeter iitd will be Goldsteins thiid (tie map h hers since he won the crown from New Business Joe 3vnch at Madison Square Gnrtic n last spring. Be Soon Tourney It Proposed tpeeial to Tbe Trtbaae. CARET, Idaho, Dec. II Tha two .email children of Wren Chide star were burned to death yesterday whan tha Chidestcr home burned lung to tha ground The mother and oLder struction Company Offi. cials Taken to Court. com pan v, Is Gonatructiun harged with spending thousands of money dollars of the corporations without auth rlty from the diractora and without counting fur it, except eastern ashmaton to call it expense money, in a suit Tha schedule follows Ppoksne Athletic club, Spr.kane, December ID filed in the bet ond dietrtct court toMandpoint A C , December 83 and 23 day by Joeepft Kirle aetrvtary-izeas-ureOVeur d Alena A C. Deremimr and V II Tavlor, vlfe peal- and 26 leav en worth Wah ) A C , December .6 and 27 Spokane A i,qenUf the company, against tha Sm ksne I eoeuitxwr 2 North Takda I nlon (4i nstructlon ceftHvani, W E. Arrhniltural college Musuw, DecemKoche, A 2, Glasmann and ITame V ber SI The Idaho team has shown rapid (.lasrrarm, directors The plaintiff ask that the personal development during the pnt ten days. Goach MacMillan states Gap-tai- n defendants, Rrn he and the two Gl.is re"flklppv Stivers has not yet exmanns account 4r all monevs of the ported for regular work but he defendants spent by them pects to be tut during the holtdas irKrate of all money and ak for the getting Islimbered up for the season illegally exiended Kiuest alo Is alowl fmrn Stivers retverlrg to made have the First I'tah Saving hi net k ami spine hank received to ap(elnted receiver of the comduring tha football Msae h t the or.du in to order pany properly In his absence Milan has not the company to the sail had a regular forward on the job Me affair of of all concerned faction time has spent not a little of hi The complaint state that during developing Nedros and Miles teamthere ha been mates in the veorling quintet a v ear the pAt ft w months Benwell a dissension between Hoc he ami theS H ago, Into varsity caliber on one hand and forward last season has been shifted MaMiutun to one of the two holes at guard while Ghild also a duectcu, on the other to a the general policy and manageIgamphere has been filling In as runequipment Nelson, stellar guard of ment, the pun hasing of into ning mate many tunning 188, Is working this vear at pivot and contracts bv lb he of made dollars thousand Green and Other likelv candidates are as to Hoc be emplo n.ent forwards Fields BrUkson, and Bereon, and the salary Jtnid him Hillman and Canine. guards Koche he drawn from the corporation during the List vear natnv thousands of dolKrs, luui pur based equipment without the consent tof the Go acboard of directois has full, d count tnativ expenditures, and has ri.EVFI.AM Ollln, lec IS Th, thrcAtoned that no profits wdl be made the (ornplaiut set forth When 1826 open ( hainpjonship tournament Mr Rlrle and others protested to him of the Western Golf assoi latlon in h abh will be held at the Tmingstbwn in would fly into a mg and malign the in, it la alleged. was frmn an buumd it Country dub The complaint alleges that Rocha authofftative source lure tonight associaGolfers The Itofesstonal is upheld In Ida conduct bv the two tion of A merit u nttlfied the western tilnsn.arinn, and, a they have equal association tHhiv that it favored the Voting power In the toN.ration, It is oungstown tours over that of impossible to obtain redress out of at cording to the Informacourt Inasmuch as a majority of the tion of field In the (lassie is oimi-ovout tho professionals it was imlnted Western Golf as latlon uiub-ubtelv would be influent ed by the SENIOR HIGH GIRLS Joe Maddock Pays WIN AT ESCALANTE Visit to Idaho Falls Special la The THbaoe. Tot of kTwo and Four Left in Log Cabin; Bodies Are Recovered. Trip. rxrx EnsiTr of idaiio, 002 GREAT SURPLUS WHOLESALE STOCK SALE CL0SHU3 EXTERIOR DESIGN OF NEW HOTEL Ontff ward preparations an Interesting Christmas fyr program to he held in the Center ward V Christmas day, Jiwwrd p. Cox,chapel Jacobson, Votwia Hernia, Tbra And Ruhv Frnithwait are tin charge ol tha program. Pec 18 TWIN FALLS, A Swept wa elected consul com mender of the Woodmen of the World Other "officer lodge of this cit elected at the meeting held Wednesfollows. were as Banker, T. day night W. Fljnn; clerk, Philip Dlx, escort, . C. John Cress watchman, Olson, L Harold IbUy: eentrv. managers, Thomas MiElwain, W (3. GerrU Dr. The newly electJ E Iangenwalter ed officers are to be Installed at the first meeting of the camjr In JanB $685 GRAND s nationally known, nationally ad- This vsrtlsed GRAND, selling regularly In our own stort here for $685. Thia one hai aeon slight use, but will give somebody the same service' and satisfaction a brand new one would give. It's a beauty. $14 Bench FREE. I No Money Till February New Player-Pian- o Here ie an example of tha oeneationa! values offered during closing days of this SURPLUS WHOLESALE STOCK SALE. This player is a $560 instrument, brand new, and at thus whole. sale price It la such tpiend value that It ought to brng spot cash; but you can have it with free bench and rolls, no money till February 1, and Cut to Only. . Nip 'll I . B $298 A everyone know. It la unprofitable for any merchant to nandl too many line. We therefore have decided to DRASTICALLY REDJCE OUR STOCK and concentrate our entire efforts on a few of th very best makes and to clean our floor of all surplus stock even at a in order to make room for new shipments now on the way from the few manufacturer whose line we have decided to retain exclusively We have also decided to Include In the sale every brand new factory sample, demonstrator, 'every phonograph returned from rental traded-l- n and etcrv slightly-usephonograph In our stores and warehouses Look at three sample pricesaae-rlf- ie - VICTROLAS. EOISONS, SONORAS, COLUMBIAS, KIMBALLS and many others 12 FREE Selections, $1 Week Up Treatment $ 35 VICTROLA $ 40 PORTABLE $ 50 VICTR0LA $ 75 $125 . $125 $185 $150 $200 $300 $250 $295 It in the Bud. Cold are too often neglected un til they have taken firm hold, lowlet in the ered the vitality and lurking germs of grippe, pneumo ma, jronctutis, etc. The onlv safe plan is to attack A a cold right at the beginning. hot bath, a laxative, a aweat and a of Vicks application rigorous VapoRub at bedtime over throat and cheat will often break up a eold aver night. For hour after Vleka i applied the vapor of Camphor, Menthol, Eucalyptus, Thyme and Juniper Tar, released, as vapors by the body heat, ara inhaled directly into the infected eir passages. At the same time Vieke is absorbed through the ekm like y and stimulates or plaster. poultice It is an obstinate cold, indeed, that can resist thia direct, wouble action. At any drug store. pj. Huge Savings On Standard Phonographs Never Let a Cold Get a Start Will 1 It is uary This Simple Home Cut to $387 This 23 23 32 43 VICTROLA KIMBALL .. ..$ 78 KIMBALL . .$ 87 KIMBALL .. ..$105 VICTR0LA . ..$110 BRUNSWICK $125 AgGELUS .. ..$145 VlCTROLA , ..$178 EDISON .... ..$193 Player-Pian- o Here ie e test but not least example of the many sensational values offered during this SURPLUS WHOLESALE STOCK SALE. This player is a $660 Instrument, in mahogany cete. While net brand new, It is such splendid value that if ought to bring spot cash; tout you can have It with free bench end rolls for $8 monthly. No first payment till February 1, 1125, Cut to Only. . murnlnlKTcTTYUTA. f 73- - te usi. iDtc tdn I a I |