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Show HE SALT LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 13 19, 1924. CO. 75 50 Winter Dresses- -- 19 KEITH-OBRIE- DFFERjPLftYS QUALITY it assured if you buy your GIFT siLKS from Keith Specials! Three Chriitma Produc--. tiont Will Be Presented School Tonight by Today and Tomorrow -- O'Brien f'he playlets. under ttve direction of Miss Kth Cbnnefly, dramatic coach of the West high chuot will presented In the school this evening The program A will t composed of thrss parts Christman Chime," a cpmady based upon the affairs oT two lovers and The Child in Flantheir quart-elsders.' a Christmas fantasy, laid in war, aud France during the world s "The Mange Ktnr Tbs latter of P direction ths sntata. under Melvin Petersen, musio Instructor of the whooL Those taking part In the cantata. In addition to a chorus of flftv voices, Evan Pike, are Wallace Williams Randolph, Clarence Brunner i'aey Armonri Carr Clifford Waterman. Merrill Tew, Camille Juatensen. Basel 1 eters I iter. Alma and Kathleen Derr. The caotata will be presented with full stage setting and costumes nant Christmas in, tHE about this DRESS is the wonderful dresses, themselves! Just the clever Winter Styles youve admired so in the Fashion Magazines but you never' dreamed they would be ottered at such a modest price. Store convincing thing -- . AND CORDUROYS ; Satin Charm euse , $1.79 Yard Corduroy , Yard, 95c Sutm Cliarmeubt, in navy ami black only; exceptionally nice dress $1.79 Special, yard quality.. New shipment corduroy just received. .Big eolor assortment , lovely quality for kimonos, bath robes, etc. 95c ard Special, 40-inc- h character. the corned' Christmas Chime Glenn the rrogram. will featiue Husbands and Margaret Haueriiaih u a married couple Dolly Heiner an 4 Sulne Jackson are other members of t he cast of Flanders" la a play Ae Child with i prologue and fte tableaux Te tot Include Casey Randolph as Whit inker, ft corporal In the American ftirtes in France, Merrill Tew in the r.l of an English private. Paul Cris mon as an .East Indian and I Leonard Snrnng aa a French peasant. The eat high orchestra and music department will furnish the music for the progtam urnlture properties and decoration were supplied the wood and art departments of the m hook The new cclorame curtain, which la the latest addition to the stage property, will he used for the first time. This curtain was bought from the profits' of the sohool book More. J Demi-Mad- e tf. est ' , 79c $1.69 $1.00 Silk Jlroatlcloth, $1 .45 1 ard ulk Broadcloth, extensively iiAed for lingerie, in shades of orchid, pink, All peach, tan, cameo and black. -- yard ...$1.45 Special, Very .... Specially Priced Challies, 95c Yard i . BUck, Poudre Blue, Lanvin Brown with the new Novelty Checks. to sell for between $lo and $40. Colors Costume Velvet in navy and black only; soft, silky finish; elegant quality for dressea and childrens wear. $2.95 Special, jand All-Wo- ol fist-colors- , Costume I civet, $2.95 Yard s three-quarter- on-lud- This remarkable group includes Flannels, Wool Repp, Wool Jersey, Wool Velour made in straight lines or coatee styles. Length Special, Vest lengths of yard each in plain, stripe and embroidered. Conies' in the wanted lingerie shades of white, peach, coral, niais Make erv praetidal gifts. and pink. each Special,' per est, West High flip 11$ to Remember the Unfortunate Ones Students of the West high are busy filling Christmas cheer boxes foP the poor chHilren of the city. Each nt dent has beep asked to fill st least one box In the past it has been the practice of the high school students to fill these boxes ana gle them to the poor people of the oltv on Christmas eve. However, a new plan has been adopted this year Tickets will be given to throe In need and each will be given a cheer box at the community Christmas tree At the City and County huUdlhg grounds upon the presentation of the ticket The boxes are filled with toys books, drawing sets, candy, fruit, necktie and surprise pack age a Last ear the students of West high filled and distributed over And boxes. The West high hand will plaY afv eral number at the community Christmas tree More than 15ft students KavaaJgned up to sing with th Christmas carolers. All donations received will ba turned over to charity organisations. Domi- for Silks. audf-torlu- for the N printed chalhes in polka dot, allover and floral designs. Very desirable for street and house dresses aud children's wear. Regular $1.2.. 95c Special, yard Green, Tan or Made All sizes. lints All-Wo- See Windows An interesting corner from the beautiful 6i 4 1 Foods ' qneb HEALTH bu Winifred a FCOO Stuart Gibb$ SttCUUJST Do we not ahow at time a Dually fluent tendency to adopt without adaptation slogan, phrases, catch words of any group that chance to ba engaged in outstanding activities? The word Bell' as emploed by advertising salesmen, fails trippingly from our tnngues, whether we speak of some product the exploiting of TO IRRIGATE TEN ACRES. which entirely legitimate from an Peter Barbogllo of Rl Paso, Texas, advertising point of view, of a plan filed application with the state engi- for whose launching we seek help, or neer yesterday to ufte of a even, a was heard recently, of the second-foo- t of water from an un- praoticalValue of Christianity. In named spring Now', fetich borrowing of phrases Is Horse canyon commendable only so far aa it serves Emery county, to Irrigate ten acres. 1 h to actual! expand the field of activities likely to result in good to the When we speak of selling" rare the idea of gxd food, balanced diets and competent cookery we are perhaps Justified In such "cribbing" Again, we go to the advertising field for a flexibly applicable phrase and say that we must "dramatize' And again, so the idea of health laudable Is the purpose, we may be of lack our oiiginallty! forgiven So. in dramatising the health Idea for children we find the teachers and health worlwc putting on plays, directing pageants, composing songs, writing atones, all with the theme of health, and quite naturally food plays a prominent part In such dramatization. But hntr about us, children of a larger growth? la- ghere any wav 4a which thla dramatisation idea may he employed for the Illumination of the mothers ancT fathers and sisters and cousins and aunts who grew up when health education aa we know it toddy was not? f Undoubtedly, but we must exercise our heaven-sen- t imagination a bit if we are to accomplish all that we ueslre , For example, element enters Into the children a diet program and for us the question must be more ft4er and every day In Its aspects Possibly the best wey for an adult to go at his Individual problem Is to formulate, first of all, hi greatest wish for his life at a whole. Till done, it la comparatively easy to work out the logical connection between the accomplishment of this purpose and the food eaten at breakfast, at luncheon, and at dinner. Does mother desire above all else to 'preserve" her youth so thing as to be a companion for the growing-uchildren? Then let her picture herself as a tottering old lady and the chances are that she will find herself eating and drinking with Che o attention to her Individual Doe Dad Aspire to show the bos what a rest mast can do? Then tell him how to eat fer health Aa for Big Bister, she will wish to be beautiful In the ee of her "new side kick, although, being truly modern, nothing could make her own It, so her program will include a diet that will, make her eye brighter than sny idrops, her cheeks pinker than any vanity case, and her hair softer than sny pmanent wave yet Invented No one of us hut needs occasionally a bit of "jazzing up"' Drab duties are utterly devoid of "kick"! But tasks undertaken for the purpose of achieving a cherished reward Ah, that were different "altogether"! (Copyright, lt24. by the McClure Newspaper Syndicate ) the-pla- Garden Gifts of Gifts that endur muat ta chosen car, fully! Make your selection bow. t Fifth Floor p j Olv Service Silk Hose you think of Christmas, your thoughts turn to Gifts of character and distinction. From the far corners of th earth, from across the seven teas, Keith-Briens representatives have gathered with fine distinction, myriads of wonderful GIFTS. These are banked GARin a richness and variety almost unbelievable in our beautiful DEN OF GIFTS. Visit it today a real inspiration! Fifth Floor, WHEN . IJt 0 for-yo- Granite District Here are shown just six gifts picked at ran- Board Members Inspect School . Intrlgulngly Lovoty Gift Handkerchiefs dom from this wonde- Ralntlar than on dreams' are hero for Christmas shoppers. In exquisite 4 Co Up poo-slb- la rful array. Member of the Granite school board wvre entertained at the Granite high school yesterday at a special assembly and luncheon. Those present were Superintendent and Mrs D. W. Permit, Alma Swenson,Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Austin P. Miller, ana Mrs. H. EX Howe, Mr. and Mrs 8. LeRoy Richards and Principal and Mrs. Lorenso Hatch. The board member first were Invited to the classrooms and then during the noon period they were ushered throughout the separate buildings to becoi more thoroughly acquainted with the crowded and congested conditions at the high school. A large number of the students are daily forced to eat their luncheons in the hall and many of the classrooms, do to the tack of other auttable eating places. At the special assembly the board3 also were made acquainted membffs with f the fact that, although the whool has an approximate enrollment of 650 students, there are but 560 seat in the audltorum. This nea large number of stucessitate dent being held away from all assemblies or else standing in the rear of the room. were Originally made for the addition of a plana commodious balcony in the auditorium, and students and faculty of the schooh are asking tha boyd to provide thi Wb ballavo that avory woman will appraclat, "Sorvlco Silk" Hoa mora. than any othar kind, bacauva aha would aak for Bar- vlca Silk whan buying for M haraalf. Per pair, I . Gift boa, pairs, Gift ORIENTAL VASE-rT- his handsome vase' originated in. the Orient It is of and is new made porentirely celain in deep orange, with decoration in black, and gold lines. The shape and color have been called decidedly distinctive. It is ten inches high and priced $6.95 boxes.... Gloves-- ? i9 Umbrellas Women and Children Glov fn all the different style. Wool Skating Glove Me t $2.M Pair Fine Fabric Glove THE GOOD SHIP DON FERNANDO, for the fireplace, is an 'English reproduction in antiqne finished brass, the stand is 50 inches high and 15 inches wide. Priced, set ,1: $45.00 ,....$1.2$ to Pair $2 M DRIVING GLOVES Fur cuff, wuol lined Cape Gloves, also plain gauntlet with seamiest wool lining. Priced $4.M to $$.$$- - Driving Gauntlets each Umbrella Is a Very useful gift. We have a splendid selection for women and cbiU drea. Priced from $1.00 is $11.$$ Each Kon-ak- id for women, CHINESE TRAYS ENAMELED Bine, yellow and grounds, each BRASS green ASH back- ...$1.95 A fine Salt Lake Chamber Member i Help Nephi 8am K. Smith, assistant secretary the chamber of commerce, addressed the Neph Commercial club at Nephi last nlsht on "Community John W. Boud, member-ehl- p secretary of the Balt lake chamber. also spoks briefly. Nephi Is attempting to create Interest In Its club for community development. nf SHALLOW BRASS OPIUM . BOWL is hand carved on the inside only. The outside is highly finished and has a carved d A teak-woo- stand. Farm Bureau Executive Committee Will Meet - Mouthers of the executive committee of the T'tah state farm bureau will meet Tueaday to complete plane for the annual convention to be held la Balt laka January 0 or XI. This announcement wee made yesterday from the offices of the state federation. ehm-plet- e A GIFT OF RARE DISTINCTION! Charming vanity boxes, from Italy, are made of flesh, white, maize and bine alabaster and have dainty hand painted decorations ; several sizes and shapes. Priced $1.95 to $4.95 Stationery Dept. Chriikmas Cards. Christmas Baals and Tax. Box Stationery, Imported and Romastlo Ulnaa Correspondence Csrda, Fountain Fans, Erershsrp Pencils, Candles, Besllnc Wax Beta, Flayto Cards. delightfully F WORK ENOS. Re Pue Falck.lsnd classifier, Vnlt-c- d States reoloriral survey, has his classification wofk In Utah and. California for tha season and was at the survey office In 8aitLake yesterday. He expects to spend Christmas at his home in Otrden and then go on to Washington. D. C. Rouble the effective circulation, double the results, make Tribune Want Ada cost the least. Adv.) I $15 , e SURVEY Piced Gifts ANOTHER EXQUISITE IMPORTATION! Dainty pincushions, made of La Normandy" lace with colored linings ..$2.95 Whether tt be Comfy or Dress , footwear, your ift win be more appreciated If it .comes from s! I. iENCf Give Footwear f |