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Show SLT THE LAKE TRIBUNE, FRIDAY MORNING, DECEMBER 19, 1924. GASOUNE ALLEY THEYRE NEVER TOO OLD FOR COMPLIMENTS Put - Six Diicoteriei of Month Giro Prwniie Year. Excellent of Pm, Idaho, MOSCOW, M 0! la im tho aocthem Idaho mining tho ptfbd of tho eoAlnf iprtnf a tho Coc activity greatest d Alen dlatrlet olaoo tho boom day of tho vrortd war wo kmftt out during tho roeont eonrottUoa of aorthwootorn mining operatives In Tho principal roaooo r! Bpokana. la that an intimate knowledge of tho hao groat vain systems of tho district boon gained. Operative back tholr develnow Judgment to tho limit m opment work during tho winter and spring New ore bodies have boon opened up In greater number this year than It remained In any of the poet five for tho management of tho Sunshine oompany to' demonstrate that or bodies of the Big Creek district per 1st to great depths la this belt While ths property hut a record of hlgn grade ore for years, tho Impression the region would prevailed that ore toin anv great depth. fail to go down the past few ThLo theory during months has been proved entirety wrong About a year ago a shaft was started from tns main tunnel at a ttls tan re of nearly 2600 feet. It had not obtained a depth of 200 feet whan two ore shoots wars encountered, one havand the ing a length of etfht feet, character second of eixty fret. The of the ore is a high grade with considerable gray copper of Burfac Indications of ths entlfs to region hare alwss been favorable further development, btit the work oompany principally of the Sunshine veins ars proves not only that ths continuing to great depth, d but that ay the tsin systems The Big Creek and Alhambra com pan lea are also opening up extensive ore bodies Ths Sterling Silver Mountain company, comprising esventeen and drifting claims. Is tunnel, exposing fa along Its nnrubl Indications for 4000 feat Ths Big Creek is on of ths old locations Ths present plan of of ths district the companv is to further explore both the surface and deeper workings Three parallel veins two recthe ognised as those passing throughlocatSunshine holdings, hae been ed The third vein Is said to bs well defined and etronglv mineralised on the surface belonging to the earns vein systems of the district which been followed for soma distance hae on the eastern and western strike. u Cancellation of Low Ore Rate Hurtt Nevada Minet VITALS Cspps, 14 spot U Rtw Ttrfe L4, Ipblut Lit R Lula . Lssits is Uvwr, 4 s-- 8gllt r U4TfIt Tribuae Nsv. Iec II Many ars hard hit bv ths iscent action of ths United States hmsltfng Mining A Refining company in canceling its low treatment charge TONOPAH Nevada mines 7 for siltrspus ores Ths company has been making an extremely low rate on tills class of ore- - -- often absorbing a portion of the freight charges which has caused wsork to b resumed on a number of kw grads producers In ths Goldfield and Hornsllver dis- leed-sllv- " tr pacts tricts Ths company s smsltef at Mammoth 'al handles a lrgs tonnage of heavy sulphide topper ore from Its Halaklaia ml us and an ore carrying a high silica content Is needed as a flux. This demand is now met Admine and ths smelter is Scores Stock by a near-bEureka no longer dependent upon Nevada ores of this character This action will sertoueh curtail the vance of Nine production of a number of properties In ths Goldfield Hornsllver and Hattie Tintic Standard Breaks Mountain districts Ths Tonopsh Belmont has opened jap three feet of $150 ore In a new vein on ifs 1200 foot level This disf 8a It Isikt ill HcMlUtlS covery was made some time ego but As tt is lust been made has public and Mining hx hangs ycstrrdar lectn virgin territory Superintendent sloped a ileoldtdly spotted f trend, Is to Inclined Robbins believe to that Plutus tured by the rapid rise the equaHv rspid dpsisnt un-of Ut mu develop a large tonnage of fe latsls rich ore Tinilc Hlnndnrd to prl der M VEW TORS BONDI. strong dsmnd for Plotue and of 30 shares slNciumi the prlt.s MW TORE Dec 18 Following ere toto a new high end a doss of 63c day a klfk low and duals prices of beads Heasons fur ths sudden rise a lotsl os tbs Saw lark Stock aBciiaage aud the hours ete total sales of oocb bond U' 9 gsveniaaeitt of 2 points in tetit-fou- r not forthiomlng, bueds Is dollars a ad thirty aecoads of dolxopt that those KEW T01X CURR MA1XET ths confidence lars tlst bales la 1UU0 expressed buying ascend to Total sales (f stocks 4P7 RC6 shares was bound H Kureks stock BONDS Total salts sf boada, f 117 000 that at than to an svsn lesi higher 81 H b Low rtoae Ulned yesterday IV 100 31'1JU 79 luo 81 View YORK Dee IS Fallowing Is the ks Tlntio Standard opened at $7 45 as liberty AOilUl 20 75 101 orflrtsi itst of trsnsarHons ea ths New 1st do i2(101 4a close of $8 on ths compared with aFYont 801 100 28 100 i4 TW 44 do kod 1rk Curb exchange, glvlaf all stacks ssf day II 46 ths price preceding 101 7 101 t 180 101 a 4 hood traded Is . U 8rd do receded to $7 60 for trading In 604 408 101 28 101 24(101 A 4th 4a INDPSTRIALfl after whieh offers recovered to C do 17 106 4 1106 00 106 8 shargs, 8 TreaF 4 a Rite Rlrh !w T1oao 65 FOREIGN 15 In contrast to the general tone of 1kV 10 in Dorset Mutofi iHleaHkgh Low ( the market. Walker scored an ex 7m Bjn 022 1524 Ford Motor (kit , 2'IROnm 20 s 20 rsllent rail) by trading at $140 foi Anton Jurgen Mar thmfyear Tire Srttl 9 OH os 10o shares Radio fktrp 19 RRt 88, 80 that destate s Works Reports 82 nof 82 2 101 Swift 1atr Jl UM,lOl Argeailna Oort 7a velopment of ths new strike la provSO' HO HO Co Swift 99 06 ore 67, 9t do Qo an exceptionally premising ing 4 4 ino 6 cited Profit Shar Austrian Uovt gd deposit W 59 90 toail 7a STANDARD OIL Iron King softened under pressure 97j 8d M of Bordeaux 0s JU; 89 and sold down to 7lc Hark Hlngham City 17 174 4001 Ant e Amx ft 98 98 6n do topenhagtA 17j was 16c 400! Prince 6 T H held 6 exceptionally at V4j TU At) pfd 91 91 8 do Grtr Prague 7S huovant and traded Buckeye pip Dnt 'aooi 0H 80 0 18 86 do I yon 9 0OOf 40 heaebrough Mff (notations follow (M M a rest lea tta 89 89 IS. do 80' R2 Knraka Pipe Use t Cl y of Rl. d Janeiro ( atena 8 g Oil pfd' soina 93 93 8a 1IH7 41 H 4 Root 41 40 llumhle Oil ho biota a Rep bo tier Aia Mlrblfsa Imperial OH Pas j mviM mniHR 100 too g 100 1962 y deep-seate- Point; cross-cuttin- g 900-fo- Li v buy-iit- g 1 ia 7 1 I 1 1 I Lies Inter Petr Magnolia Petr Vt Tran W P t on Ohio Pens 2m 71 . , Met Post j J 200 22H 2401 79 pool 4 S Pipe Tine e Pens OH SM Oil of lod do Kan kr do forp ' J SO 10 110 00 8f Ml 1 14 f ftfra dt B lu oof H t4 10' N BOTR 20b ctft 44H 24 H t aoo' it 24 so OTl in fc ' in1TH MT6 1T( 80 IT do pfd (tool Rptl 90 do B pfd 7 lftno 7H do scrip 47 TOO 122 119 120 1 OOOl 10 blenrerk Oil 15 I 10 1 1001 00 c,n!f fin ev dir 00 00 Vfn Pmdwert 0001 10 10 10 Miitoal OH rtfs 14 100! H I 0a It Preek Oust 00 0 551 75 ! do Prodncer oof 244 MINING Aria GUthe . . no 0 onoToft ns Cal A Jenene Sonoi 20 2n sn Coaa Cop Min 900 2 2, Cons Nee Utah 1 pool 06 no T! nv ns Heels Mia Hewe Pnmtd CW Jcfrwne Verde Div Kew Lake Mason Valley . Okie Copper, Ray Herr Mines Two Bfrnoet Torn Rite T nifed Pastern United Verd Pxt T 1 (tool Hi fimvj 1 io 10 10 2 92 s 000 too 2u in 014 j 2H ' 92 ii isl ISIK anni isl lnni is! lu 4 mini 10 nois no mol HI M t, w S s s M 4 M wm ! 11 1 I 1 I I ' 1 IM IN ! m EA8TFRW xnsnro QTTOTATIORi As Reported by J A Hfle hief Dseft tiy Vmmi Iren Btooenn Masnn TiUf Mrteht Iron Ohio Opper . New Cornells Park M A (Mty Park ttah Stleee Kuf CVs 1 n Verde Rit T n Beaters Walker Bif Hill Mliflny per cent 18 S 1 Dlatount pr jr 1 ffnf NEW HOMES IN BONNEVILLE- -. 9800 lo $12,800 Let u build or an you on, of our houses w Art artistic, hulldtnc fifteen thle year and hare eold ejeven. We want to build forty hlgh-cla- ' j Miov rd Ho 6a 0a Mr lavftori Lyna Big Bn Mammoth May Day Uaea Valley Mooruw Mk'Aigas I tab ktoniaua Biagham New Qalm y l207 00 01' 01 North Standard Opoboago fbie t opprM Park ( Ity Park Bingham Park t tab ( By of as 7a do Ncr 7s A do 4 As Hera bey CVe 9s Uudaoa A Mss rfg 5s A do ad) Inc 8 Horn 0 A Ref s III Bell Tot rfg fra III 8e Cble g eat t 111 (ant N O 104 1JBiKM FT 97 71 TK 8 10B 10ft 100 104 ir 10l 101) ;io 1 oo 8 10F 18 ,110 119 119 H0tll6 20 Kft 100 24 Id lft 02 A 98 116 109 lflfr 92 10 'lOfr 104 do j 41 ISl 18 1 0T. 98 M M ftfr 90 99 97 198 00! 90, 97 97 '108 108 L A' o Intar t A do 3 O at atpd ad) 6e Inter M M s f fra Inter Paper "ev fra A Eat City Ft Mam 4e do P A L fro 1 do li Bo fro G A Bloc ' Kan fra Keilv Spring T As Lecledo Gas of St I L 6a 0 A deb M A ggett Lon Myers Nash fra A an 81' 0ft II 89 4 44 98 97 98' 841 97 09 98 98 09, 00 9fr ffri 96 94 04 98 98 94 98 4o fra 81 1 80' 07 1931 I B 10ftiytt'102 81 92 92 IT ua 4a 41 Loe G A Bloc 6e 90 f 90 8 190 Magma Cop 7s 11100 Manati Sugar 100 '100 W4 04 64 Maob Ry con 4s 181 96 99 j 99 Mkt St Ry Ts 101 87 87 87 Midvale Btel ev fra Mo Kan A Tet pr 7 101jl01il01 s O lies do now pe in fra A' 81 09 M 77 2891 77 do new adj fra A 79 o Mo Pacific Jet 27 99 9 60 28 60 98 do gen 4s 21 9T 97 97 Most Power fra A hifc Tel A Tot 42 99 f 90 99 (at ftfra i New f)r Tox A Moij 1ft 98 90V N 1112 i 410 112 112 Cent deb fta 90 98 99 do rfg imp fra New fvk L blc A B1 94 L 22 M 94 98; 91' do 7a tH9jl0 80) 8a 90i 90i N N N T 6s Y Y N Ed N rfg 6t II A H 7a U A H 7t 80 01 ft 1911 113 97 118 99 113 99 1lk;lft 01 01 8.1 100 04 Bo 89 irv'ioO 4 N0 .100 91 83 !l(W 04 102 vy ioo .1 08 ioo 99 115 M 2 LM 43 85 79 81 1. 92 87 104 84 00 80 102 hm) 08 )Ud- 0 99 90 1 2. 00 r 87 104 84 80 02 - t 80 o 02 109 100 09 00 09 00 00 06 89 0ft 102f102jMtt M,' M M iior ioov, Soi Rond rr.n 8 St I, Hen 4a pr A do ad) 9a Inc do f 1MI 02 91 fta 71' 09 71 00 71 I 79h "0j ft W 85 99) 9 9a 6a 99 M 70 0V 07 M 90 82 90 84 109 102 74 90 80' 4a 4a B'ec ev Tenu rfg 0 bird Ave adj fra do rfg 4a Toledo Ed 7a I o Par Ut 4a 'I 43 IfWN, )Oft 10 96 99 M 2 81 A7 2 37 ft 106 100 91 1? 91 ' I0ft 99 Bl 57 109 91 OOdtSWB 0PI.NI NO 8 A LAB f otimbua Rrall W0 at 500 In at oiora 2OO0 at 4 Kaat Tlnlic knot 1 utic ( on , 000 at 1M. ktrniotb 000 at 18c Piulua, 8lu at 4'c at 16Uc Pr o Silver Krug toallUue 00 at ft 00 t.ver SuickI 0uo at 10c 500 at 10S 9000 at T Qtic Turtle Htandard 225 nt 87 0 St 7 V. 00 at 17 00 10 at ? 5 Walker Mining. lOuO nt $3 80 ( LOSING SALES Cwlomhu Kexall 000 at 2Nl-SCO 200 at 74c Iron Km at T8c 100 t 7Nc, Um at 71c Ohio (vpper 100 at 61 25 Park B ngtiatn 100O at 13c PltitM 17(i at 0Or, 9U0 at 61c, 800 at 62c loo at 63c do Ta Virginia Ry rfg fra Irglnla Ry & fta Wabavb W etern Elec fta , Wettern Md 1st W eaters Pacific fra Westers 1 rn'O 7a Wetlng Bl West ftbore 4a W k 4teucer 8 7a W Ulva Overland let 4c ( Quote AM. c 200 Mining TFKPKirrUIC Ga r sales fok. m 476 B , I . Dee Terpenttso. 100, receipts, g&8. ship- 14 596. sales. 1284. - receipts, 42;WW,K. 860. 60, to 1, 6 WG. 7 65, FLOUR. lflKAPOU Mlott , Bras, 481.00. unchanged. M X 150. 4.65 A 60 J Poe 44Flour, CURB RnorlMi h? J l A Rol A 70 79 13J 71 $640 678 Total U S $564 162 $158 - government securities, Foreign loans on gold $60$20000 All other esrntng assets oy) Total earning assets $ is? 50 Five per cent redemption fund federal reserve bank notes uncollected items $h2i 414 Rank premises $7 764 $?1 4S8 All other resource Total resource $5 198 48 Liabilities Federal reserve notes in actual $1 871 457 Deposits Member bank 1 4 reserve account and son ordinary 099 $2,-- 2 frosen $1 65Q1 7ft ft 1925 lltf . Chi A N W rfg 8e t bl Railways fra e R I A P rfp4 (bt A W Ind 4a Chile i epprr fta t lev mr t A Bt Louis, rf fro D Clevt 1 eWm Term fta Cols ft 8 rfg CorntDoewealtb Pr fta Coos teat of Md fra ( oneumere Fr fra ( nhe ( ane Sugar deb ft atpd s ftsb.1 Anm fit? 4a Pel ft Had evt nhT7M, 0 ft41 lft! fta . 90 M 84 1 N4 77 j 00 MV m i 71 7ft I' M, 84. 04 2' 70 t.jiosi, WliWl, Ml MS' M MS mint ms' MS MS Msf MS l 1 " S' 7S PTSI 7S 7S 7S 7s MV,9VV 9! 90 (fine ft5101llO9 j M For Home end Btdblt. treatThe extraordinary Boroson ment for flewh wounds cuts, sores, and scalds Is Just as efgalls bums fective In the at able a in ths home heals with remarkable Horncfleeh speed under its powerful influence The treatment Is he same for aniFirst wash out mals as for human infectious germs with liquid Boroson, Powder Boroson and the completes PHc the healing process (liquid) 80c 60c and 81 20 Powder 30c and 60a Sold by Schramm Johnson, Drugs I (Advertisement ) th effective circulation, Double double the results, make Tribune Want Ads cost the least (Adv ) Zions Savings Bank & Trust Company CURB MARKET. NFW YORK Dec 0 Stoc k prices bounded upward in todays rurfi marft 94! 94! 93 ket all classes partlc lpating in the 93 20 95 advance and a number creating new 100 10O 2U00 )t 21 9H 04 records high 60' 00 00 Oils rallied th avmpathv with the 100 04 00 12 99 60 better demand for those Issues on the 6 HI 110 '110 Net gains of s point or big board 11 107 107 Rl07 more were recorded br Standard ills 88 02 12 84 and of Indian Vw York, Gulf Im8 70 76 76 perial and Northern Pipe one of ths most shares Radio gave 100 10 100 99 6a 194 94 impressive demonstrations of group 63 04 WHaoe ft is let 9e Dubilfer 8 60 A6 56 strength. touching a record do r 0 top at 65 and Ware at 37 and Freed Bbeet ft Yonogaoms more than. 2 point 83 96 83 15 Flsemann climbing Tube 9s Buying of these Issues was of bB1t todsy were 17 88J to 81 Tutsi Ml a of heavy holiwith 814 780000 previous day stimulated by reports 000 complied exday demand for radio set and the s4 l 1073 000 a year ago pectation of favorable dividend develCOFFEE MARKET, opments on several teeues in the near 18 Dee 4ffws fature future NBW YORK jnri today st s Seerioe of 15 to 2ft points Lehigh Valley Coal certificates reBsdrr mttxlag by revest beysre, wko wers sponded to the declaration of wn Initial probably imfluesced bv reports of as easier quarterly dividend of tt 5 by advancMarch sold off to 18 80c, Is Brasil ta Dearly S points to 44 or 81 po'ntg, sot lower but there wore par- ing accumulation of tbft public steadytook tial rallies oa reverts ts lk 1st trad utilities place throughout ths sesat 18 4fte. The feecral March cleatn lo es Poeomber sion, net gains of a point or mors beset sachaa marhet clear by American Rower A ing a tower registered dellv 86 to ether poiata but Gas A Electric, arte. Bale wees' estlsiate 21at 48 ftno Light, American A and B NaSuper-PowAmerican Jam 00c, December, Cleat qieUtha A 18 40c Llrht, Tennesnee Elee--trMay. 19 50c, tional Power aary. 20 AVT March 17 40c Power and Western Powdr. the jBlv. laeur, Bepsemher Spot coffee steady Rio 7s, 23e ta 23e Jat named scoring an extreme galir Basts te 27t, of tour points. 4a, 20 1 St Sooth Mala Exclusively Barings tod Trust Company. Bank Interest oa Pay 4 8arlngs Account j I 101 42 futures, Antimony, $7 spot, 407 $14 45 Suggestions I0ND0V Dec lft Standard sapper spot, 9ft 12a ftd. futures. 90 lfr, electrolytic. 70 futures, 70 IPs Spot, 258 12s ftd, futures. 268 Tin, spot, 2 42 fta; foturea. 8 10a Lead, spot, 37 fta, futures, 86 17s id. Einc, spot. of out Securitieg, or A Svlngs Account Will Bo Very Approprlato And Acceptable On BOSTON. eleea NEW 6Te, BAR iIXYER. Dec. 18 Bar dollars. S2c. T0RK. Mexican TRUST rowl tot CMIM Waa. 53 ,UUH So.' Main ai'T'i'i'iiiriTi'iTiTri'ii'n'iTpri It's Always Fair and Warmer . when you ride in a Chevrolet Coach, Coupe You o where and when you or Sedan. of weather. please, regardless smooth runnfng and economical all combined in Chevrolet. are operation Low cost and easy term are another big Visit our display room. reason. Fine looks, Open Sundays, 12 to 2. CARLISLE MQZT&RC? Murray .Utah State St. at 48th South. Phone Murray 483. i fuiMun. Boo FTU. Cum aAim . - Step Out of the Crowd Of rent payers gnd into the class of HOME OWNERS. Theres plenty of room for GROWTH and Success. The columns of The TRIBUNE carry all of the best values. Use the VyANT ADS to buy or sell your Real Estate1; real estate Thats What Counts Concentrate in The Tribune. Results Office Equipment . j WASATCH 590 WANT AD DEPARTMENT. Priqting Binding -- Tfca Old lUUiblo i tn But ( W. Logal Blank . M S a 3 A 3 A a hlgb-clM- JUalioranIudge company SOI sliver, i ' i WOOL MARKET. Dec lft. la the wool market considerable Inquiry ta current regarding supplies of about all lines of the raw i terial Rent Idaho fins wools ef th French com bio claas bars changed hands os a basis of around 6 1 4ft per pouod, clean, A fair amount of Ba of the this market. better data hae moved at 61 80 per pouod, I Xmas r 06 1 ic fr a4 07 SgSr 14e KANSAS CITY PRODUCE KANBAtl CITT, Mo , Doe 18 -- Produce uik hanged -- 744 Government 3o42 Other deposits $77 022 $2 2G 708 Total deposit Inferred availability items, $23 943 Capital paid in $112 036 Surplus $20 017 All other liabilities 813 843 Total Ilsbllitifrs $5 log 4$g Ratio of total reserves to deposit and federal reserve note liabilities combined 73 9 per cent ulnllUt.S!53ld XETAL MARKET. 1ft YORK, Dee flna; Copper electrolytic, spot an futures sear by, ftfrfr 6S, fuTla, steady, spot ture!. $66 78 Iron, steady; prices unchanged. Lead, firm, spot $8163 10 12. Elnc. steady. Bast Bt Louis, spot. $7 40 WENT Ce I Asked -- 4 BANK CLEARINGS. Yesterday's bank debits $2 567, 0o3 Same day last year, $3,810,120 ftr-tf- j do rfg established Todays transaction involved ths seat of John P Grier, which waa acquired by H P. W. Hunting CLOSE A Bd 0a fro 4 tt 86 at BOSTOB Combined of the twelve at the dose of were reported since the bull market of record high figure of transferred 1920 when the was $115 000 to yield 6 15 per cent. 98 14 Treasury notes $341 45 Certificates of Indebtedness, 80 7 85 62i 00 con 4a B Antonio Pub 8 err 1 96 fta rfg 84 04 M JWa Air I, coo ft KH 77 Hr 78 do adj fra 24 06 00 do rfg 4a 141 7 07 Sfarialr Cos O eol 7a 83 8 0A do 17 UM 00 do ( rude O 41 02 do P L fr 90 2 90 Pac Southern 8 M j 00 do rfg 4a 100 22 107 So Ry gen II 102 191 do gen fta 78 17 74 do gen 4a 90 8 W Bell To! rfg fra SO l 99 fttamlard Gao A El ftt A 1 $50,-00- the highest at which a membership ha been price c, 108llt 14 108 4 87 10 14 pos ssnsatlonal advance to sition where it Is quoted nominally In New York aV 10 cents a pound is causing ths question to arias In sums quarters as to whether there is not a chance of the gray metal becoming a rare metal In ths near fuis ture in other quarters perplexity expressed as to whether It would not of lead be well to buy a few pounds and retire shortly od ths profit netted by ths speculation Demand for the rnstal is considerTh forably in ad vane vrf supply eign market is stronger than ever reached ths Lead in London has Dur8 cents a pound equivalent ofveanv few deposits able ing recent to produce oh a large scale have been that discovered Notwithstanding production Is gradually increasing, can hardly keep pace present output with consumption The present settlement price for lead of 8 9 cents a pound is 6 cents higher than the average pries for lead during December, 1923 of 7 369 In fact, the settlecents a pound ment price for lead is higher than the highest average of 1923, which was 9 252 for March Up to date ,the high for the present year was reached during March, when prices averaged 9 013 cents a the lowest pound Price touched point, an average of 7, 020, during June The Importance of the present strength of the lead market to the Utah metal mialng industry is great and a relaHigh cost of operation tively poor price Dur silver would have boniblncd to reduce Utah output to a minimum But th demand for the gray metal not onl for operates prosperity for Utah mines, but guarantees a continuance and wide of pronounced activity search for new metal re source a at RESERVE BANK STATEMENT hf-.- I 1 first grade rails secondary rails . public utilities .. Industrials . . Combined average Combined month ago Combined year ago Total bonds (par value), $17,833,000 NEW TORKT Dec ir Bond price fluctuated within narrow limits today bit stadv investment buying imparted a firm tone to grading The firmer tendency of time money and inacceptance fates, due to year-en- d fluences however, brought moderate recessions in Liberty bonds and discouraged any fresh speculative operations 0 Heavv oversubscriptions of the OoO Belgian loan, offered today on m 7 percent yield basis was the principal feature of interest in investment circles Bankers estimated that subscriptions exceeded the amount of the loan from three to five times, and said that ths demand for the new bonds compared favorkbly with ths response to ths recent krench loan Meanwhile the new Greek bonds, sold yesterday continued to command a substantial premium , Negotiations for a loan to Poland of between $30,000,000 and $40,000 000, reported under way in cable dispatches from Warsaw, have not yet reached ths stags where an offering Is In sight, York although a number of New banker have been approached on ths proposed financing The most interesting price changes In bond trading were in Individual the varlcBis group movements Issue revealing no clear!) defined trend A monk the rail insues which advanced were Delaware ft Hudson convertible Grand Trunk railway 7s Oreat 6, Northern 7s and Central of Georgia Robbins A Myers 7s lost ft points &s on a small turnover Public offering will be made tomorrow of $7,900 000 Chicago North Shore 6 per cent bond A Milwaukee- today marked $101,000 -- I 21 102 BONO MARKET. Ten Ten Ten Ten federal reserve bank business Dnemb-- r 17 reserve board tonight by the federal as follows in thousands of dollars Resource Gold In the reserve agents, $1 822 414 Gold redeTnglicm fund with V S treasury 147 048 Gold held exclusively against federal CHICAGO PRODUCE reserve notes, $1 8b 472 Gold settlement fund with federal 10 Dec lower Butter rnit AGO reserve board 157) 3yo 80r extra crcamcrr extras 4K standard b t. sec HWtfftOr Gold and gold tertlfkatea firsts 8ftfe3Tc, oml 82t34c banks 1 195 27t 1821 110 case $2 UDchtoffed reserves Kgga receipt Total gold t4 fowls HQIT'Cc, PtMiltrv alive higher Reserves other than gold 194 4b7 rooeter Iftc, turkeys 7 048 54J aprtaga 19r Total reserves 174, ducks. Iftc geese Nonreserve cash $40 418 Rills discounted POTATOES Secured bv United States govern18 Dec CHICAGO Potatoes Ear.y ment obligations IIVI 41$ account late placing of cars 738 light $125 trading bill discounted Other about market steady receipt, ftft cars Total bills discounted, $283 811 Wisconsin total U 8 shipment Rills bought in open market, $316,-8- 7 sacked mood whites. ftfrQ9Ac bulk $1 10, round whites. 96696c Minnesota sacked V S government securities 00c Idaho sacked Rueeta mostly poor 91) 08, 10803 ll(H 60 agent at Sad Francisco for many ysars, baa resigned his position to become assistant to 8 Parker Gilbert, agent general for reparationesunder the Dawes plan. Breck will tablish office at Berlin Mr Breck was formerly conected with the staff of the foreign loans division of the I nlted States treasury and was a member of the financial section of the 1919 peace High Levels Significant Dec WASHINGTON resource and linbiMtie 91 08 24 90 104 Sensational Advance of Gray Metal to New i rfg ft Inter Rep Tr 7a do rfg f a M5W YORK. Dec. IS 81 AS FRA.NC1SOO. Dm II Hnrr C. .Breck, aasistant federal reserve New York stock exchange seat for M 1A 6 a Great 1, 107'l07 uoia 75 77 141 do Grand-Tma- 10 99 0107 T lofr 6 104 Oj Hunting Buy Exchange Henry C. Breck Quite Seat at Fancy Figure Fedeyd Reserve Bank 9 n n 82j 109 10 $ 102 Nalldrlver S Bonding 6e 10I v,l MV. ' lr. 07 102 97 84 4 110 911 04 of Brig 4Sfa 00 102' 102 10 84 70 62 4a do Sweden 0 Oriental Dev deb 0o Paria Lyons Med t 0a Rep of Bolivia 8 do Chllo 8a DKl do 7a do Colombia ' do t uba Rep of kl Salvador a f 8a do Flo la nd 0a fttato of Qoeeuaiud 6oi Biato of Rio Grandel do Bui 8a State of Bao Panto a f 8a Lebl TintU. home HOGLE INV. CO. 4s 7aj 7s 7e sl i Drumark ft Hungary 7 Netherlands 0a 1973 . do 6 m4 1911 do Norway t ruata aud do fterh Raat Aatelopo Eureka 1 Illy Eureka Bullion Western Gres Howell Iron Blossom Iron Km Keyatooo Kennebec ad Watch King do do do do East Tlutlc tou term and price now, a emU pay. 00Wa kr tnent down, the balance like rent can be apread over a term of ten year Sketches, plan and perlflcatkna firm. 78 can be aeen at our office, and we win ment ftoaln be plea led to show you our fmlahed Stock M Insurance, Mortgage, $tiwet do 91 Sc Federal Heights 1M Mam . kt W S 6t Daly . Drsgoa (ton iOtaeia Alitor kujplro Mine Euivka Wipe. ('rown 1vlst Last Tin Coat y per ounce Money Short bills rales three month', bill do 6o llkj Dull h E Ind 0 r, la 1963 do Fr Amn 7 Freni h Rep 8a do 7 s Japaueoo 6'xa Cardiff t'roff Little rv 7 nte 6 (an 10. 01 Bristol Pries Mining Prove Rice Argentina Rico Wellington Sooth Standard 8 radicals Silver Ktug t oat Sioux Mine Stiver Shield Tar Baby Tlotlc Central Tintic Standard I dc I bmm 1 tab Lon Want Toledo Walker Miulog Mints Copper laof 5 Dom Plorhe in Con Dept of Seine 7a Domlotcan Hep a f Ballloe Plutna Prises Con AO) I Alia oa Alta TAT Alta Merger Hi Lott Coat Beaver upper Black Metal Riogbam Bio l eoteanial Eureka t olunbua Kexall ( oQt blued Matala t otorado ( ou trows Point 200 r1W! OI MTaCFlTA Rerrice 4 awina vnn n 10 20 jrt4 3tH 2! R7H do N T 8wan yt nch Oil Yarnum 75 ft 44 62' pen n Prairie OH Gas do Pipe lins Solar Rtf 104 IA jno 84 ( 22HI 2R il84 14HI 14H f ( J 71 71 t 80070'134 0 -- l Imt Pipe Denver Oar A El 1st! rig 6e D A k fl rf de eon 4e Detr VMlaes rfg e Date Lotted Rye Do Pest de Nem Dnqneeoe Ikght a Bast Cabs Bug Empire GAP Brit evt 4o D do gea Use 4a Flak Rnbbor 8a (eo Elc deb fra Goodrlek Gondyear T fra 191 WaMtck tag HMdqu.rlM.". ur attractive di.pl ay ,f Mcaful gift B t |