Show 5 t Is IsS I S flat tor 54 M 1 uatsI I Ij HAD MM L 50 m Hold it Co en th thIr lp Insurance ance o Cullun Hotel me Of nil Millinery Goods at X Z C M I 20 per cent oft off An attractive on n good food and sunshine sIth plenty planty of or els eI In thu th open oien air Her I ici form form with health amid her face blooms lt it b autv When troubled with n ii cog cos costive tIe tive hubit she sh takes taken a Vw w josos of to her of all Impurities Price 60 50 ent C M 1 L 1 FINE HOLIDAY STATIONERY Hurds Cranes Crane and choice put up u In elegant boxes boe Gold pens penn In fancy hold r Waterman and Swim Swan Fountain Pens CANNON HOOK Props 11 and ami 13 St Stat Ii I 15 r I at 7 C M I Millinery Dept All this Week 20 pet per cent off Praise the that yiu yu over either cither n hood 01 ui iti IAL ItAI P has brought so ninny many ove throat anti and lung troubles such as OH coldi bron bronchitis bronchitis etc that Its ItH n are everywhere Price ro cHits C M I II II I had long from Indigestion writes 0 A C Cedar dar City Mo Like others I tried many mans preparations but never found anything that did mo mu good until I took Kodol Cure One Onu bottle our urd l me A frUnd who had suffered I put on nit the tho use uso of Kodol D la Cure He lie la is gaining fast anti will soon be able to work ork he Kodol Cure Indigestion Imd hod made Win him n a wreck its t t Drug Co corner First South and Main streets For family use ue In waye SNOW Is t a useful and valuable remedy Price rrt 60 o cents Z C M t I IMe Ip a Me p tho I Iii N i u Premium I n nAt At The Salt Lake Trading Stamp Co PURSES POCKET POCKETBOOKS BOOKS rolls traveling maes aee and otha leather roods CANNON POOK News Props 11 anti 13 Main Ht St PiLl has hu been thoroughly te fo many years nod in i n a euro for tor this most flUt of troubles BO 50 In Tubes 75 7 C M I In MU l that a w ticks times ev cv every cry ery year ear The wheels revolve timed annually and If tr you n a good rat it nH as jou would any other piece of mm AVo We do all r pairing J our ur ii 75 top for cleaning 1 J br l ft mIti Work M guar for one ne year Sc Se our prices on oil and You Will Ill arc the lowest In town H U I hartz No o 3 Bait Third South doors Si Worms take ietti HI Iii the small In whore can iy m sin these Th ThA t tf f thu p plainly pany hu jv v vl ll It i iK K cents cente 2 z C i M j I 1 S a HANK flAN K and Co Cn time tho oldest and Urgent S In itt Utah pays 4 per cent Interest on onil il 1 to Start an amount JOSUPH I F 11 M CANNON Cushier Interest paid vald on savings W V P F Armstrong prest P W vice pro t J M J Gallic cashier cashIerS UTAH OAI S ante Winter tars tors and nuil Clear Creek lump and alt all kinds In nut Anthracite nil all sizes 73 South M nt ff S D 1 Agent That l l play Wo Give Dive Trading signs IMi t I iI ES The ben from several malt mak rr rM A n It Picture Blocks and Puzzles CANNON HOOK STORK News Nen Props 11 antI 13 Main St t Disease and danger lurk In the tho vital organs The Tho Mood blood becomes vitiated and tho tite general health la Is undermined the tho and liver fall fail to perform their functions na tta rat tiro in intended intended tended Will tone up ht h stomach regulate tho liver where here oth other er empt Price BO 60 cents C M I GIRLS WANTED Experienced to no go to Montana to stitch overalls nna shirts Call nt itt once M 07 ho Ito hool tel ol Millinery will give 20 O per cent discount title weak BOOKS BOOKS Latent popular histories blot of Ut travel and anil u uuro to uro re boyn and girls 81 els books toy t ny plu ide uro books anil fancy booklets tit ot CANNON HOOK De erot News 11 und 13 Main Ht for r The rite mucous membrane lines linen alt all pas mill cavities communicating the ho exterior Catarrh Ig 10 ItU executive secretion he tc with chronic Inflammation i om mOnt the tho membrane Hoods nets on Oil the thC nut niti no I the he I blood eo o action and radicAlly cures nil of 3 vr fly kind W t femur lux l oon nt for tor K It 31 HID tito child lbs gout ill MIt i in wind and RittI u h t for 25 ii z 0 M Will soil nil alt Ladles and Childrens Hats 20 per ler cent oft this week Everybody cats It t Nothing bents beats It Look for the label and ask usk your grocer for It every day Health follows Dr Hr I 1 Specialist Skin end Diseases Gh floor door HOTAL pure clean healthy wood good for br every everybody everybody body lOc per do For sale at the Royal south Main FIRE PROOF STORAGE HERMAN VAN CO tOrio and H t W Continental Market Moving stor storre tor re awl nuil of II II loads Goods a Y V II IL 1 P n LAM PS AND fl TIN AN I D work Mo til I spinning general repairing 0 U 75 10 I Third so o U r CARPET CLEANING A OA II Called for and Host ItoI quIpped equipped plant I the city 13 HU Ii cleaning ork Mil tb W V AS Temple AUCTION Toil FOR AM AN nt at 1 X U L FurnIture 4 Carpet house Terms Jl SI on ou lf Iu lii en on tW U U I Ind Ind nd outI r I A 4 Tot Tol 4 S k Ic AT MOS LadIc DC negligee garments Hindu to order Pry Dry Notions ito eta tt L f REPAIRING AM AND in Co US 03 U E 3rd rd So S Tel Kino work r ro prices Send Senit u us your clothes OSTEOPATHY wn ALTi CUTI ANt AND Ic and tino solicited Dr Ir and I V PAINTING AD PAPERHANGING PAINT AND ANI painters Alt All of painting Interior and exterior urk done dono at most tile the slay on kind W A Duvall ii W V South CONTRACTING AND flU lIVEN GIVEN O ot of work No J contract too bt None Nona too A L i contractor and builder rear Main t 1 z 1131 Princeton Avo SAFES Al Mf fl ANt ANI EX Lake bufo bafo t Mk Co bt t It W V ANt toP id und exchanged ItS W ho opposite I I 0 SECONDHAND FURNITURE N Jm Now and secondhand sold and In mu everything Dont lont buy boy before calling oti on ma Now tew tins lino stoves chased the tho printing plant dant of Oco q Can Cancon Cann con n Hons in hi row oW the exclusive Church publishing house AVo we will make to book and orid era erM desiring to handle Church works ltd Hot There In is a ft splendid throughout Utah And states for n a bright In lines for or free catalogue PERSONAL P E NAL PAU lois ION itro tro tbs non and best located In the tho city 0 round Ground Soar In thu modes Complete hair good combs otc etc Ludio baths now In popular beacon eaon Soo the tho now hoon can bo be maito In ad ranco Yanco proper fully from effect ol of thu fire anti better than over Very ory pleasant thun coot cool evenIngs SI 51 tl V South STRAYED TIlE IOWA SW 0 Temple Ht St orrel mare silt In oar ear branded J H Ih on left thigh four years old Hay wan three old bid Suitably reward PALMISTRY HIVE HANDS are M 60 c and Una Ons Dollar Prof Sterling ri Alain jU TIN MID AND CORNICE WORK WORKS S AN tint let an from us No contract too loo small too Urge large Job wort K lid East Esat third ct NOTICE HAY li 1 i old ohi blurred brand on left thigh saddle marks If the animal IK t not on or before December tho thu HOI ha he will at City i found at 4 2 pm nm John U Worda from Success Depends n a liberal patron age UBO of printing ef cf Ices John Jacob Astor Write thorn on tho thoI I Lining of your brain FOR ESTATE M UN SP buys yon a little linnio on III Ith K H st t a room flow lag wull we II fenced and trio A Kroat groat tuttle TWO oP U A modern U 2 bath 1051 lO Third TO lIT 1000 tou 12 nor por month homo home cash month cash balance fM U hubbard Investment V W nil nU POll FOl SI A tooM CORNER LOT rodi Rood hawing null city water barn und DM t lat Jut Kt S wi vR lillY inn AsH Ai PilOt Fruit and 0 N Parsons t Co lo Walker Hid R g lUAt THAl ArZ Tuttle rd ball bali I signs KM HJ Main FM US AlA LOANS sad nd Insurance Stein W u Halo iain WILL WItt REU YOU OU AT A VA VAcant VAcant cant lots a cottage or n a modern house Homo In any part ot of city U ti Walker X IBY 0 MAIN M M N ST Must bo ho oali groat bargain owner wants tho thu or bill lug Hint iii at il i buy 19 l x 10 rods on cor on IV l St Its ft a bargain Tuttle lire and Iro FOR SALE 1113 M hands high M Schwab Co a Wyo yo Tot TOP AND DUO in IS when now anti and li t In good SMS 33 S laSt OAT AND CORN Haled hay any quantity 13 V 2nd Houth bt St Co A flOOD CORNER WITH nest ness Good masons for soiling Apply foul ger lIro K I street James V t Second North OO If NooN LUNG WOW Woof bred brod Address ifs Utah A mv 01 OP YOU UNO NO A Also ho omo and K K J Mote lintel Knit Inko City or A J ft 4 Co to FROM Tug MOUNT Note nil all Apply at the hews now building OAS Stab Opun evening for EDISON U A Ill MAIN NEWs A limited of thin tho edItion ot Of bh Standard or Store pi FOR RENT HUH K S Bo So 3rd OH OIL HANI ITANI machine all all nil all prices Johnson SO 25 b t 1st So MX s 5 AND Tuttle 19 Main tit S roil rod bull ball signs SEWiNG MAChINES AT 30 month at 2 W South FOR RENT FURNISHED M FOIL Norm State WANTED WITH OS US OSWell Well do thin rest nn Estate OJ O Harmon Second Bo So hIGhEST cash price for tin Iron Copper brass rub tier bur rags rusa sari flour Huar West Wust Second struer ii DO YOU WANT If un ron iOU want ant help Go Oo to Agency lul d 1 Main strout 4 U TIlE THE M mh A Hulled ot of the latest edition ot of Dm Iho Dictionary for Tithing or py WF WANT lOLl CoINS ANtI ANI will pty cash for f 5 tILl and ISO ti pieces to want rant 1 look ot of nil kinds especially Mormon eshi price paid iS Hook Store Moro 74 W nd v MALE HELP WANTED IN EACh COUNTY TO old finch cla dat j bona oona hid weekly ca h salary of 15 Ou inid by each with vitti till nil direct from advanced for ax ponies Chicago YOUNG IEN for Hallway IulI Cedar RapIds Ja Ia HELP WANTED A KOH AT coca ITU iu W V So S AGENCY felt en on short tnt f on terra term Phone Wa W Do lIe BK K and D GIRLS WANTED To GO TO Helena Montana lo to hilled ail anil shuts shine null mu at on Room lioom W hotel INFORMATION R M ATI 0 M VV WANTED A ANY TUB rIm At AD dress of Mr J I I Road d or tho thio Wade Vado Corset Company u a th News by same to this PALMISTRY HANDS are 60 cents and line Sterling Sierling t Main Miln bt St UPHOLSTERING AID REPAIRING BEST IN TIlE for all kinds of Your old fur made mado now S 5 U h Mat Mig to Co Temple Temp is St MACHINISTS is ci lii FIRST South Jobbing sod and repairing lieu equipped plant pistil In iii the tho city No Job too small or too Quick work ETC 41 PhONE Kd rIa bow oto ATTORNEYS i II Ift iI II P vi iii p Counselor at s v j and tind AR 0 H 0 ill 51 DENTISTS I I work iii crowns or nation MID ann iiii porcelain York orl thi L rc 15 ji Sf Y ni nil THOMAS 4 street Sail Halt tako CIty lilt p I a S PA iii w let 1st Diseases of women 1 Iro L faction or write MONEY TO tt a CENt ov o x J k So G Ht St ON PIANOS No OR S III 4 st sn stON roms ON ANI u rat M Ony tat i site t On of property 0 r tam and ml my any at Ut any ny buns j 5 J l Co at w So 1 ONLY MY no third party no unit tt ra pany no delay low line raLos many L 1 Tracy M Mahu Mait ELECTRICAL T F a Ci Vi iv tn ci an toti st work of all n k j i I I louse wiring end and done don hr t I and nt at price fh rt i L L Ji SIt t tr ANt r wiring tj work n a large nf of thu thi latis Inter Mt t Co 1 let o K Alt All kinds of Wiring thu r at Our Oil m of chin nail and en pIl now up U II to late Ui Iti w V 2nd ti i I Mgr Jog JOM C sc F 10 AId OF K U work Having the tue finest lin if f j L 1 2 lx I Urea In I ii L city Cl ti and amid make ins Ice a HIM p s n It J of wiring vi ring and nil iii I k ii cf f rt rc repair work All work tit Hilt Lako Co lUia v at a i M No 6 ANO MD HEATING 1 I W JAMES TO i t steam hot hat rt h K E Sd tI So HU St 1 I T end and Hot hIet Hoard of Iri W idi DEALERS w am lEO 1 h FULT A w JO lumber lahi sash do door r e oti So anti Tel 1 JONS ZIONS ANO ANI LUNCh n s West Voit l l t Mouth Carolina Quick AT A P WON VU lillY It IL IL Tickets aiM ji Main St Walk house bought sold and Jl I St LIVERY S S SA A LIVERY WJ 1110 THAT WILt SUIT IN every way lIt rates Tol Id M J JJohn John So io stilt UNDERTAKERS AND J K burial casai and Office UI Fast Kast Souti MAKERS and steam ua i stacks to W WS d STOVE REPAIRS J 3 T alt all repairs stat i bought and sold 67 T K 3rd St S Tol Eu tt X SCAVENGERS TUB run I ft U Ulies lies 1 S SALT LT bAKE LAICK 00 OFFICE under Hank OPTICIANS W ss It ii 73 W IV 1st letSo 80 llen OJO W MAIN rt It Opticians retail day as Complicated dup on J u HAVE ibri TESTED Every Kery known lens lena ground to order fitting J 11 II OD Up lain St WATCH MAKERS L Jeweler cud repaired Kino Fine Watch In Jewelry M ee v more abets lovest prIces price M MK a I K 3rd Bo St FINE LINE AND Just received 0 K W V anti ml 12 It First i P hOES Jewelry Jo sirS The Tho Latest In SPECIAL S TUB TILE NEWS WILt A limited of the tho latest ta the Dictionary for Tithing tn or Pa SHOES FOIl DEFORMED FEET S FOR liMIt TO Dt lit Special casts shoe Dig K Ou Ous 1 K Third South MERCHANT TAILORS S I TUB YOU antl a MJ caa line samples to from t Urn Main Mam street IFE INSURANCE costs Write for U A WI hAVE YOUR OLD HAT loads good its now into C COt Ot new Salt tAi IA r 1st ht Mo Sti Y J J TRUNK ER IL TRUNK tory iain T antI at the tho moss able prices lurid I or 69 TRUNKS TRUN KS AND DA CS 1 1 V a in rard F ro o tIny liny this the au from the tho and MOi sava a 3 P pet r c CAlain Alain street renu to pay |