Show CEDAR PORT FORT 0 N TO I to I hi Ii I rt of ur t Ve I a a mm ti I I ti ii Cr I t t i mm I l iii ii I ed Ceder Fort Kort Utah Co eo 1 Nov No n I very vory pleasant reception wits In by y tho lie people of ot Codar w rd in imi honor hOllor of or their Eli lieu Hon nott natt no It It hIs hili birthday The 1110 Ill hind Imil n a very or day ilay at itt homo hOllO with Isis hlA children grand amid Wall not aware n of ot time tho preparation which sieve mantis for Cor or Ills hum re nt lit night ii On Oil over OCI to tho ho Mons Mena meet lut hll ho lie found nil alt time the ns assem ain bled blell III In honor and of hu isis hI services After congratulations l had 1101 been offered till lie mooting Wits was to order by h 15 E 1 Chain amid n a very vor was wall Crafts Alfred Anderson John Johll 1 and a n of or lie tho prom I emit ent citizens of or itile In lu very vcr hlo terms Onus of ot tho ho lIlu attic services of ot Brother Hertle Cook Coo rend rand a tu Very Vcr erl ito In lion 1101 Tho Thio were with songs IOU etc titter which h a it 1 banquet bouquet wan wall and then lien tho II young rind amid old out alike Indulged In III the time of or the lie cot Eli I II siltS born III In In its 1831 Ilia parents wholly afterward moved to Shelby county III where hey thoy tho Joined time tho Church and moved to tu Nauvoo Although only a n boy hoy of nr if II 1 1 Dennett clearly r hers bars the of ot and amid carnage ge Incident nt to time the removal of oC tho thin from lie was with the lie I Joseph Jose ihm a nil often had lie tho of sel ng him him Ihn Ho Ito came camo to trl Utah In with ox cuss cow co t and nettled In Codar whore where he ho line has re mc sided Killed H Ii panned ninny Iron tott t OIl Bi session nos In the of or C dru Valley amid well such merits tho time title of fir Pioneer has nl wiy taken nn an III In Church Chulch anti line ban acted as aR of or Cedar 1 1111 Valley for tor twenty yenta yearn ho Iso has hM his jOth year ho lie Is as Oil alert amid ng os a I to nil iii IsIs Ills various duties with witha n a promptness prom lit nail and ou J which boa always hits hili notions lie Ilo hins hIn to bo ho n 8 man of ot licen Il and blOnd brond 1101 m tIme llio honor amid approbation which tho the have havo shown him The rho rh of ot his hili ward wl h him many InIn of his hili tIn and HM ni nilie the lie year of or hIs III wore were filled with trials and anti seen floe flee so flin his hilt be hp 11 with pence peace anti comfort anti content contentment ment macut |