Show Tin Tm l I held nt ot helena Ih Proposition Ion Thoroughly In all nil probability will have haven n team In tho the field next season saOn 8 An enthusiastic meeting nf ut it baseball enthusiastic was wo held hold In the th of ot W E In the Mon MOh Montana Montana tana bank building last laft night The Th chief topic of or the evening was the discussion of the tho proposition to have hAte Butte Dutte and Helena join the Intel r mountain league which It Is proposed to have My cn of Lako Ogden anti and and pos poa Letters front from tho the president of ot the tho club from front the tho secretary of at the tho Halt Lake Lako team were rend spoke highly of ot having Helenl Join the thelea lea Another other letter was received from froni th Oregon Short Line Lino offering a 0 n a 1 tulle to tho the proposed league At Al Alter Atter Atter ter much lIscI a n committee o wan vas appointed to 10 confer with tho the Salt Bait find and Ogden anti arrange o and of or tho the league If affected The Tho prospect of ot having n a 1 league con coil of or Helena But II Great Orent l and vas ohm alto discussed and anit should the thu terns of or the tho league prove It Is II quite likely that t lilt tho the Above will mit mh t Spokane has lifts already signified her of or a n place In tills this league If It Is IA carried out Helena Independent |