Show MININ NOTES Sliver Is down own to B 61 contents o Con COl ore u I showing copp r conJa i now a of ot f Sam 1 Tho dividend will he paid palt on U 20 11 The of oC ii wilted to distribute 00 for Christmas Ton stamps of ot the t n In th the Century 11 ar In operation Ofton Stockholders annual meeting of t the California Mining company today tol It I IH likely that th the mining will wi be bo closed during the hold Halls of tho Oregon Short line arc J extended 1 to tho Con 1 ll of ot tho ex ox exchange When Wh the governing board l change adjourned on 01 Saturday It put tho future tulo tor over action lon on al 11 two weeks Supt of ot tho Tesora Is 18 to t m 10 Improve the Iho mill as to the losses which Its 11 operation Nw fk U t onion MM bUI of or imps MI from Crom Mio Iho daily This rh n I of ot tho known ua 11 tho Iho Pros of ot Snit Salt Lako Inko City Utah began h work ork on 01 tho ox r lr K I Is an ni lion of nt titles of ot In II the Iron county Holds to t tho big deal donI Hint U II now In II In 11 Now no 10 I I of oC the tho recently sale has hM bran IJ el here there thero Is 11 Iloh renson to believe that It I Is 11 nt least near u I Plu oar of machine 1 y last InAI week for COl a 1 copper plant that Is II to II h li or nt It Court HOI o on 01 Ih and road Salt Thompsons by I Lake II 11 II Thu t which left lett Ulver Homo Nomo airo illo bound JUI for or Meal bur JIP not ot us nB yet yot mulo UH Il up lP at t that end of ot tho line lne Tho HuH Oil 01 has taken In InIa Ia new boiler III hUH at UH In hI begun drilling n Il property 1 Lake Tho old olt boiler bailor ot vt only power I WIl to run 1111 the drill though It will do for tOI tho An Another n other i 11 IK h hi bM brought up from the district of or Texas rOXI tc 10 In over ou the tho Jow nou It I will wi be J Tho tan fall In II silver threatens to calso 11 In tha th cotton trade tNIe by h diminishing exports to Chi China Chini na ni and India tho Iw London lolon rep representative of ur the tho Tribune It I Is II at nt attributed to heavy salea by y American rather than to ru rumors rl mors mor that tho government wl dump nn enormous quantity of oC on the tho European In the tho Installment of or tho Indemnity In Indian dian trade In IH however favorable find Manchester are ure hardly JI t Hod In forecasting than thana I anything moro 1010 a 1 temporary flurry Lyon Lul County Nov Tho Kroup of claims In tho end district of at this camp CUIP in including II the old Daniels copper bondea thin to J A lyu aid nud mother It H C Dyer of oC this ond Robert C Drum of 01 San Bun Francisco l lre live luo claims In II nil 11 they 1110 boon bonded lor for COl nine At present thu Ihl t SIlt vork Is II elu dono on this property ho Iho IrM of ot the tho year extin work the WO on 01 group will wi bo commence I Tho ho old 01 Daniels mine III ban considerable high grade ore In days gono gOlo by b nUlo Mining the tho city el council and the board of ur county com have to nuy IY donation towards defraying tho of entertaining the next nL of or thu tho International Mining s which war WOI designated after i I I hard to meet In II next year This places tho matter mater In tho bandit hanl of or tho Huto men and It re Ie to 10 bo seen oel whether they eire ere for tur the Iho honor 1010 of oC tho oly Inc who were in In seem eI In the tho cf of such a t nta live leathering to nary lar funds lunds lo to properly entertain tin the Belt Mont Munt Times Tho smaller mines of ot tho arc with usual of or ti coal roal produced In them la IS used In tie th homo marker ot or is 11 limit cd e though contracts lire tilled a I Tho Millard mine is II Ing In about bolt six or 01 eight men Mr 1 lessee of or tho Lewis mine Is II work worle to a 1 crow and ald the ai I busy delivering their product 10 their many customers The coal coni from frn nil 11 these thelo mines Is 18 of or n MJ u quality and a 1 good market would transform them Into thil thiL would furnish work to a u largo force They fhe aro al In shape shapo to produce largely on Oi short hort notice Ur it Full J nl Loader Montana hau hn tIl largest and 01 best hest d It of ot oro In the thu world it 1 la Is In II the tho south ml jf r the tho valley 23 3 miles mies south loUth west of ot a 1 short holt distance south of ot A company for Cor tin th purpose of or buying dovel it was organized it a n meeting held ell at Tho ho oro Kirk ot th Uc 1 lt Dr C K It McCoy Fred L 1 Klein Lovei ett S Ropes n mining engineer who IM M made a specialty of oC mining III Tho deposit Is n 1 running from 24 4 to 34 Inches wide and has hll traced for n I distance of oC tu miles by u 1 of oC thirty pits One On hit hun ban been ben nun a feet teet 40 feet tet and tho othor holes are ac crosscuts HO so tho th course courso of ot tho ml Is fully tui defined Savior Valley Times Tho Trappers rId on Il h Gold Gul Mountain contemplate putting up a n large o mill mi un 01 their property curly next lext Sll In Dr Dl C J let left for or Chicago to examine different prop propositions for or machinery Inc to wo O which In his hil Judgment l II th hind 1111 they need and 1111 possibly fel the same sant This ht to 10 become I great producer when a amill I mill 11 is erected and Wil William II liam Ial hao han taken n to toI tun I un an al to tho present pro nt tun tunnel nel ei liX 10 feet fet The present Iru ent tun lul lel U Is In m feet teet and when this con coa coni i met rad is It will wil be te 8 25 5 reef feet Ir tr Th 1 Golden ha has neatly noarl 40 hack 1 kR of or ore rend for shipment they her expect to ship a ear car about the 1 11 f next month Tue rne ore orE Is of a n and It I will wi no doubt brine tin th I good gol returns White 11 News NawtOn On Saturday last the Jupiter group of or claims WOI 1 ded to the Hit lt bonded to W for Cor the mw IW company now be he hem being ing m In the tho East This Thil prop i i one of ot tho thu most promising on the bolt bl the work worl which hoe hM al already Il ready been In done 1 u I lo to be valuable able nut not alone tor Its Il gold but or topper as a well wel A con cou counting of ur Milan Hibbard of or t V Y T P 1 of at N Y Q O H 1 Dunham of ur Titusville Pa PI E W Campbell and F 1 R H Campbell Camp el of or Dew Deu drop ro PH and C K h of ot N Y readied last Friday n tour four of ot Ken leman UnI the board ord of or of ot the the other tu two Li ni m men n who ar accompanying their for tor the of ut a knowledge of or Nevada and aud KH ThU Thil party will wi be Ill her h I next by Dix V Smith of ot the uno no wi i t from Crom Salt Lake City CIU by l C Richmond of ot the Ul talt Lake company which secured till the contract for fOl plating the m il the new mill mi U It Is understood that at tt the cun which Kill 11 follow the d luy In the completion of or tho plant will wi IM h explained and made for Cor the development of or tho prop property erty ert from the lower level 1111 again re returned turned fumed The rhe parly went out to examine the w ter right a I the old il Monitor mill mi for or which the company Is negotiating |