Show i AGAINST 1 s c for flu De Ilc J orveil orvit or 11 Pat Pa 11 Dec lA 11 Murl iler let tho man Saturday Int ot nt urea Broad antI and Chestnut streets charged with having declared that President should be ba served the tha same lIone as Iwas W van was WOH today hold held In WO MO bail for tor court for Cor disturbing tho tIle penIe j B At the hearing before Magistrate at nt the city hall ball Mueller had to say beyond b declaring that he ho was va not responsible on Satui f day ilay la for fOI the words Imputed lo to him himlie himlie himlIe lie stated that ho he boil been n a machin machinist 1st in Wilmington Del Mueller r was wn arrested on com of F T P robin who claimed to lavo heard him use USI the tho threatenIng language lon Tobin said sat today that tim the remark was mode made In the th Hotel Lafayette at nt the tilt tune time tho the President was vas looking nt at Hi tIl be football game gailie lilt Philadelphia At 1 tL 7 hoarding place ilace It was waB staled he lie Ie had hall always aloys Conducted himself in III a quiet Inlet and orderly manner Ho lIe Is In said to have havo been out of employment for tor some lome time |