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Show ie4Q - THE HERALD, Provo, Utah, 11, 1985 Thursday, July Nuclear Heactor Passes Meltdown Test in Idaho IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (UPli -iiuclear fuel meltdown test -Called the most significant ever conducted was completed withal-incident, with safety systems JaS test reactor working as designed, a federal official says. 'The test Tuesday at the Idahc National Engineering Laboratory simulated a nuclear power plant accident that led to nuclear fuel dissolving and the release of radio- -- active fission products from A Information from the test will be tlx used in reviewing licensing rods, said spokesman Terry Smith. He called the test "the most significant and severe fuel damage-tesever conducted in a nuclear fuel - rnary coolant system and emergenhe cy core cooling was delayed, said. He said the luel bundle criteria for nuclear power plants, in determining the potential for radiological release during accident and in assessing the accuracy jf computer codes used to predict fission t reactor." "The test was conducted to provide data on the release and trans- 100-ro- reached li.lioo degrees 24 minutes into the test. Oxidation then drove the temperature several hundred minutes later, degrees higher 4 The fuel dissolved and radioactive fission products were released from the fuel rods before emorccn- nl u tin- lot. cy cult- rimlniy product release and transport. Smith said. "The test simulated an accident in which a small to intermediate bre.iK iMiun-iin in icjil"! I'll port of fission products such as might occur during an actual power reactor accident," Smith said. rur 7 1910 R SUAAM n 198 DIAMOND JUBILEE and radiological reconfined within the reactor's systems," he said. HERE ARE VALUES TO MATCH THE HEAT OF THE SUMMER HOT BUYS! SO PICK THEM UP NOW! WEATHER furniture company 1910 "Major test phenomena occurred as predicted leases were Smith said safety and monitoring systems performed as designed but the full extent of the test results will not be known for several months when components are re SOLID VALUES FOR YOUR YOUR HOME SINCE u moved from the reactor's containment building. The lest was the last in a series of ,'i8 to be conducted in the Loss-o- f Fluid Test reactor at the laboratory. the tests were a joint venture between the Department of Energy and the countries of Austria, Finland, West Germany. Italy, Japan, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and England. Smith said ALL A h 3 PIECES SOFA LOVE SEAT CHAIR 3 m wrr-- cJLr. Plj ( CHAIRS y n f 1 FOR DAD WHAT A BUY Thoroughly rary with attached contempo a plump pillow back, deeply-padde- arms, and diagonal-weav- bolster d seats with front welt, fabric upholstery. e SOFA n LOVE SEAT , CHAIR FAMOUS BERKLINE CHAIRS NOW ON SALE 1 j i WALLAWAY RECLINER fjy One of our most popular chairs uphol stered in easy-carvinyl. e 3d mm EUROPEAN MODERN "8 look with Decorate your home in the popular layered pillow-bacbases all upholstered in cushiony pillow arms and cushiony, comfortable velvet. k ROCK-A-LOUNGE- It R rocks, reclines. Upholstered in velvet. ONLY lounges, and iir-- $279 $354.95 je--i n.r jar INSIDE THE SHELL EGG SCRAMBLER Reg. OAK Makes Food Look And Taste Better Than Ever LEATHER . This electric egg scrambler automatically blends the white and yolk in just seven seconds. No mess, no fuss, no dishes to wash, and no runny egg whites. The egg is automatically blended inside the shell. parts that touch ONLY the body are genu ine leather with matching vinyl out- side pieces. Reg $499.95 All tA aq gQQ i DELUXE If You Think This Is A Crazy Special, You're Kidding YourYou'll self! It's Something ENTERTAINMENT CENTER 1m m mm j bour doors, drawer storage, and slide - out shelf for even , r egg steady and count to CU. 'Til in " '" No Sales To A M Frirtnu Dealers Cash And Carry Limit 4 Per Customer your VCR. i 8-PIE- Makes a comfortable, padded seat for baby. ' STAND L Place egg on $188 lx,jn. press down oently until DINING ROOM SAVINGS m W My in 1 I SPECIAL Has protective TWIN ii best buy $1 llr MATTKfcib 2 784.95. SPRING FREE SPRING FREE SPRANG FREE SPRING FREE 0 You No f 5?S t 'Ml 4 Cooks to time, cooks to temper- ature, and offers Magic Chef's fine features and high Model N.td Pay 9i More Than 3" FINANCI CHARCE Pf YEAR ON EACH $100 YOU FINANCE PligJlJU Tako A Year To Pay With Gronife' low Credit Plan. 7o APR M4I-7- urniture company UTAH'S LEADING AND MOST PREFERRED (wj MATTRESS ti KING QUEEN MATTRESS FULL MATTRESS the you can buy the the box you Quality Contemporary styling in a large rectangular table, five side chairs, 1 arm chair, and a lighted china. Reg. MICROWAVE " Famous Serto Comfort Classic gives comfort you want at the low, low price afford. For this week only when you mattress at the regular price you get spring free. 1 vinyl wrap finish. 5 drawers. MAGIC CHEF j, BOX SPRING CHEST L mmm to) h shown obove, has wind-umechanism to keep baby swinging for 15 minutes. Comes with safety belt. Doubles as a baby carrier. SB - pi GET THE The swing, ' arm' BUY THE MATTRESS CE ii J to HDBD" Ouolily leatures hove been crafted into this genuine oak set by Dixie. The large mirror has a curio (ront, the drawers and doors or the dresser base have Colonial sr.le hardware, and the queen-sizheadboard has cannonball posts with an arched back. 2r Wat J $459 Serta MATTRESS BABY CARRIER Jl CHEST 5 slowlv a Kl MIRROR TjkESSER 2. Hold Appreciate. Has glass doors, tam- 1 i r RECLINER BUY BEDROOM i I.. ivfjji.ii. t .a CENTER FOR I I fD) V i I I I I I" I Provo 1134 North 5th West North of Utah Valley Hospital Salt Lake City At 1050 East 21st South th Ciinar Hnuco Plata - L5 HOME FURNISHINGS 75 PROGRESSIVE YEARS I & I'liJIiLA; .3 iff J9 |