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Show - Pa?l3 THK HERALD Provo. Utah. I Jf Thursday. Juiv II. 1985 I rga. FLOURESCEKT S TSMiBfe fit V --c r . i .. iohd brass heads ,n MfWNsras JvjfJ ' i.ifn ntii 1 l19 H lri FLUSH the Won't break cheap plastic one. Quarter, half, or full patterns. like Built in flow adjustor Low throw angle 5.95 'iffir r. 19 Ji295 11 '13" 95 15S5 retUSS D0U31E SI"X KITCHEN COUNTERTOP SALE 6', 8 . 10', 12 iengths choice of Butcher Biock, Your camel ret or steel construction almond -- e Aqua-Lin- Several fantastic values on beautiful, discontinued lighting fixtures. Come see our fine selection before you pay full retail elsewhere. 35.9 $2995 white ,$495. DECORATOR LIGHTS (waters evenly despite wind) True square ! Full warranty 96out ASS One year limited warranty feature Automatic repeat cycle town Genie quality VALVE nW 18x18 KITCHEN SAMONS is the place to shop for all of your plumbing needs. 39.95 $2095 ft- - DS Beautiful displays on sale now at unheard of prices. Make us an offer on several different in stock cabinet items! PATTERN HEADS TIMER : fm.heo.r KITCHEN CABINETS 6 STATION ret styling grease, smoke, odors and motstvre contemporary kinds of assorted hardware for many of your needs. Tools, decorator items, come on in you just might find what your looking for at a greatly reduced SQUARE fiQo , All RAIN JET ret- 99 3005 I ODDS-fJ-EN- FIXTURES DUCTED WHITE RANGE HOOD 30 Removes irn iI $4995 HEADS act IHDUDUId! DHKUHIh viii iiMJA"'"" up irafcfessa, ii i riwy.- - 0600103 O J 1 ret FAUCET washer less installation limited warranty ret 3.99 4 I AC J 1I3J 29.95 SAMONS BEST! HOME SATELLITE TV PACKAGE lO'V aluminum MESH dish 7000 receiver wbuilt in actuator, stereo capability, and digital UNIDEN clock. 100 K LNA, Super Quiet Block down converter, post, cable, Ina cover, and jumper cable. Complete installation and PRECISION TUNING. SAMONS has been famous for our low cost system now you get one of the most advanced systems at o SAMONS price! available anywhere uniderr Jiiii till! Hill nut liwi INDOOROUTDOOR MODEL LOWEST PRICE EVER! comfortable lounge feature " unit pulsating solid foam insulated beautiful redwood siding HO 1 reg. $3059.95 ittW O O "moto-massage- JETTED TUB SALE Aqua-Lino?vm4 Designed to tit in your existing bathroom Completely plumbed with motor and pulsating et sys- e rwrt-rr- tem Extra large and deep a luxurious, relaxing massoge ba'h While they for 4A' GRADE lost TOILET ACADIA' water Unique DUAL HANDLE wosherless, chrome tol tree install LAV ret. 39.95 warranty 195 MODEL saving design includes afl internal parts free installation instructions from SAMONS your plumbing experts CEILING FAN! A Artesian ret, TOILET TANK 5.99 REPAIR KIT Contains float, tush ' I - rtt in JL MARK VANITY PACKAGE ond GATE VALVE Vj" sill Kt cock 3.39 THERMOSTAT Tvs delup 85 I Tt IT 89 9?1 package so'id oak and cab' with great bo that sells FLAPPER wciU leaky 1 $149 99 6" DRAINPLUNGER A muil (or every house re- includes regularly at el SAMONS hoi everything you need to fi o broken cooler! 21 ret $1495 in A only. I Add 10 5 $599 $90095 fafiiv $59.95 for mirror r ; LIGHTING HEATER OFF SEASON Gloss lined 5 yr tonli warranty to We'll show you ho eploce your old. Itoky, wottr heater FURNACE SALE So 'oney urr.o(e Jti)J1iJJ3 ret UW 10.000 ITU rt 1)69 95 105 000 ITU f H99 9b Up now oh their ELECTRICAL HARDWARE HEATING & AIR CONDITIONING luel eHictent be'ore the price, go up thu SO.OOOITU 34 tA Q95 I . UM m V hf fm ret SILICONE ACRYLIC to 97 U199 95 S19QQ95 fuel Efficient CAULK LWJ DETECTO-LIT- I n Li ial white bronie E clear check tKt so( household current woy ret 1 your choke 99 19 4099 25-Y- .95 KITCHENS PLUMBING EH 129 95 TV ANTENNA element gold m color .15 1 SPAS 195 PUMP Our big 4500 cfm mod- hold 0i m norm! irttUHiHon) COOLER (faucet not included) 5o GAS WATER CoS?'i Replace your switch with th odded convenience of o thermostat, S404 rt TOUI (NOICI (includes BeauMuL 'ugged 36' onity Includes drawers net pace White 0" 'op goes any bathroom decor 36 Sijrate mount 7.99 toil CFM 95 - TOILET TANK GAS COCK K6 3.89 4500 COOLER nt. 4 29 V2" V FLUIDMASTER 1 ,99 Vi" BRASS 101 NOW ONLY Hopper, float rod. mechanism 3 ftC-C0- house will be the coolest around when you get our most popular down draft cooler installed! You'll have the added cooling power of a beautiful, contemporary ceiling fan absolutely free with your a $39.95 value! purchase! Your 00 VALUE Op WHITE TOILET SEAT a $1,200.00 you. j0. I I I I j 3 j- w OREM 374 No. State M-Sat. 6 Sun 11-- Ph F 9-- 3 9-- 9 225-750- 0 55o I |