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Show Thursday. July II. II Tm I - I til) itxemonai ilTD -- A girl snatched from a park in Mil water, Ore., was found "in good spirits" Wednesday at a park where her kidnapper dropped her off, police and relatives said. Amanda Lee Sargent was found about 4 p.m in Riverside Park near Interstate 15 and 80, about 24 hours after she vanished from the small northeast Oregon town about 800 miles away. "Evidently," she was in the playground there," said Salt Lake City Police Lt. Gene Young. "She approached a driver of a truck and said she had been kidnapped." The truck driver called police, who picked up the girl and took her to Primary Children's Hospital. Young said she was in "good condition" but declined to say if there ton-Fre- e Phil- the ip Maresca. hijacked TWA Flight 847. has returned to Salt Lake City to the cheers of friends and "I can't wait until it snows again." Maresca told the crowd of 100 who greeted him at Salt Lake International Airport Wednesday night. "You're home! You're home! You're actually home!'- screamed skiing companion Annette Martin as she threw her arms around him. Friends presented him a ski cap with a yellow ribbon tied around it and Ms. Martin gave him yellow roses. Gov. Norman H. Bangerter and Salt Lake Mayor Palmer DePaulis were among dignitaries who greeted Maresca. It's good to have you back in co-pil- well-wisher- s. - " Intermountain West l,.lt. was any evidence of abue. ' She said the man told her he would drop her off at the park and said he was going to get a hot dog and he never went back." Young said. I'tah police issued a statewide alert tor the suspect, described by Oregon police a a white male in his mid 5ts with sandy grey hair, driving a green or light blue 69 New Yorker with Washing-Iolicense plates. Young said the description was provided by Oregon police. "She's sate, we've found her.'' the girl's mother. Phyllis Sargent, said moments after a police detective delivered the good news Wednesday evening. "The odds against that were higher than I care to think about," she said, fighting track Ch'-ys-le- n it II pressing issues was the rapid growth in school enrollment He said that 19.201 students graduated from Utah schools last spring, while nearly 40.000 kindergarten students are expected to enroll school year. during the 1985-8He also urged teachers to encourage students to make the most of their school hours by taking classes that will help them prepare tor jobs or college. "We have to set the responsibilities squarely on the shoulders of our students that the need to recognize as early as possible they have choices to make." he said. At the top of Bangerter's list of challenges was a call to help make the state's new basic curriculum successful. The curriculum is de 6 earn more money by taking on additional responsibilities. Make sure new teachers are qualified for the job. Take advantage of such alterschool to natives as accommodate the state s burgeoning school enrollment. - Make use of techology to improve the quality of classroom instruction. -Encourage students to tailor their elective classes to meet career goals. Update vocational education programs to include a strong technical foundation. Support economic development projects that will expand the state's tax base and provide jobs tor graduating students. signed lor greater emphasis on basic subjects, and will go into effect this fall Specifically, Bangerter chal- lenged teachers and administrators to accomplish the following-- Use classroom time more effective!), year-roun- . Measure a student's progress on the basis of how much he or she learns, rather than the amount of time spent in the classroom. -- Raise student achievement levels in all areas of the core curriculum tor elementary and secondary education -Encourage interested high school students to take college courses while still in high school -I- mplement the career ladder concept, which enables teachers to -- d Helicopter Pilots Rescued From Great Salt Lake GREAT SALT LAKE. Utah iUPI Rescuers from Air Force and Army Reserve pulled two helicopter pilots from the Great Salt Lake early today, about three hours after their military chopper crashed in the lake. The UH-1Huey helicopter from the Army Reserve's 321sl Medical Detachment crashed in the lake tears. Co-Pil- ot aboard 5 The latest developments in I'tah and around the I II Y UOV. vu.l (All Norman H Bangerter has issued 13 challenges to Utah educators The challenges addressed such varied issues as overcrowding and stricter curneuhims. In a speech delivered to teachers and administrators at the State Office of Education Wednesday, the governor also announced the tormation of the Economic Development-Education Committee to help his administration meet its goals for educational and economic which Bangerter development said are inseparably linked. Bangerter said Utah educators have performed admirably despite shrinking budgets but must do even better. Bangerter said one of the most Hijacked TWA Returns to Salt Lake SALT LAKE CITY (AP) - Page overnor Educators Challenges - Abducted Oregon Child Safe in Utah SALT LAKE CITY THE HERALD. Provo. Utah. 1935 about 11 p.m. Wednesday, near Antelope, said Capt. Dennis Drake, an Army Reserve spokesman. A private plane picked up a signal from the downed helicopter's emergency locator signal and radioed in the location Capt. Gary Buhler. 37, ot Draper and Chief Warrant Officer Gordon Hall. 40. ot Salt Lake Citv were S0 Salt Lake City where you belong. Perhaps now you can get some peace and quiet," the mayor said. Maresca. 42. spent 17 "days as a hostage aboard the flight hijacked to Beirut, and since his release had been with his family, who' live in Baldwin, NY. He said that while held in the plane at the Beirut airport he thought often of Salt Lake City and skiing. Maresca told a news conference at the airport that many privileges enjoyed in the United Slates are taken for granted and he has learned the best way to protect some of these privileges is not to take them for granted The experience made him realize his own mortality, and, "I think a lot of us feel this is like a second life. This is something extra." 1 pulled from the lake about 2 a.m. and were taken to the University of Utah Hospital where they were in stable condition. Both men were being treated for hypothermia. Drake said he had talked to both men "and they were in good spirits. They should be released from the hospital today." Drake said the helicopter piloted TAYl0R & C0MPANY .J A by Buhler and Hall was on a night training mission at the time of the crash. He said the men were wearing special goggles used to fly during nighttime conditions. Buhler and Hall were in the lake, clinging to wreckage, for about 2 before rescuers located the craft and dropped a life raft to the men. Drake said. "XS Vr ANNUAL Briefs Gets 5 - to - Life Sentence Gasaway Utah - William OGDEN, (AP) Gasaway has been sentenced to a term of five years to life in Utah State Prison for the gasoline burning death of an Ogden man. Second District Court Judge David Roth reminded Gasaway he e could have been charged with murder instead of being allowed to plead guilty to second- first-degre- degree murder. The charge arose from an Aug. 25. 1984, incident when Manuel Sandoval. 51. answered a knock at the front door and was hit with a flaming saucepan. Sandoval died two days later e burns percent of his body. after suffering over 50 Ogden Resident Dies in Accident SALT LAKE CITY lUPli - An Ogden woman was killed Wednesday and her husband and son were e accident injured in a of west the Salt Lake Internajust tional Airport, the Utah Highway Patrol said. three-vehicl- jr.-- S Vivian Dalton. 64. died from injuin the 6:53 a.m. accident. Her son. Fred. 20. was hospitalized in critical condition and her husband. Burl. 66. THOUSANDS OF YARDS OF CARPET PURCHASED ESPECIALLY FOR I ries she suffered was you're looking for extraordinary values on floor coverings, snoP Taylor & Company's Warehouse Early Bird Sale. Choose If J third-degre- S. I from Wools, Axministers, Wiltons, Wovens, Berbers, Commercial Residential, Plushes, Sculptureds, Level Loops and more! BRING Y0UR CASH' CHECKBOOK, BANK CREDIT CARD, TRUCK OR CAR AND HAUL AWAY INCREDIBLE SAVINGS! in fair condition. Child Hit in Crosswalk Dies of Hurts - An OGDEN, Utah (AP) Wyoming boy injured by a car two weeks ago has died, a St. Benedict's Hospital spokesman said Wednesday. The child, Jonathan Nelsen of Green River, Wyo., was admitted to the hospital's intensive care unit with severe head injuries, said spokesman Brad Ericson. The boy was in a coma until his death Monday afternoon, he said. South Ogden police Sgt. Val Shupe said the Weber County attorney's office was reviewing the case and charges could be filed against Lorna Carol Pittsenbarger. 39. South Weber. iMn vv . r. M ; V 'J I FROM j . 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