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Show 11. 1985 Thursday. July THE HERALD. Provo. Utah. - Pajre 21 Chapman, Beausheur Today and Amy Ligman with Jennifer Hutching as flower girl and Jeremy Chapman as ring bearer. Best man is Dave Carter with Dennis Carter. Don Carter and Joseph Chapman aj attendants The bride-elec- t graduated from IVovo High and LDS Seminary and is employed at t'tah Valley Regional Medical Center in Provo. Rebecca Ann Chapman, daughter of Mr and Mrs Jerry L. Clap-man- . Provo. will marry Robert Gene Beausheur. son of Mrs Beausheur and the late Mr Robert D Beausheur. Provo. Saturday, at the LDS Pioneer 11 Ward A reception will honor the couple that evening. - p m. at the same location. 4"J N 1200 W . Provo The event is open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendants are Vicky Chapman. Carol n Partridge. Bev-erlAr-de!- T- 1 Her fiance attended Pleasant Grove High and is planning to attend I'tah Technical College. The couple will live in Provo v f,'t;htsell. Sherry Chapman f Rebecca Ann ChaDman Robert Gene Beausheur Dunn, Chesnut Take Vows ii'mi, UUl VU V IvV' Kiv ,' Lllx mM Lai A Procrastination is probably a natural response to dull duty rather than some ri neurosis. deep-roote- d The Key to Procrastination Needleart Making Dirty Dishes Go Away wrap around the pipes of the plumbing system, she'll just have to wait until the first thaw. Experts are convinced Mary Lou drug her feet because of a chemical imbalance in her body which developed when her mother made her eat her peas between the ages of Joan buys new socks when she needs a clean pair. Harry borrows the neighbor's hammer to take the plastic off the windows in June because his is buried "somewhere"' in the garage. Mort pops uppers to stay awake By LEAN.NE HOFFMANN Herald Staff Writer George is always late. It doesn't matter if he knew of the dinner party two weeks in advance or ten minutes be- fore... the swinging bachelor will rush in with a big apologetic smile and some sheepish excuse. Does George have a problem stemming from some deep psychological disturbance? When he was a child did he develop this postponing habit because his younger brother beat him over the head regularly with his toy Tonka? Since the last part of April, Mary Lou has said she was going to get out and pull those weeds in her front yard. Now that the weeds have grown roots which together with the common pro- crastination thread. All of them plus millions of other Americans across the nation are suffering from the maalias: killing lady"' of stalling time, loitering, dawdling, lagging, waiting, hesitating and hanging loose. 4-- Therapists may attribute it to a fear of success, but actually, proa word which crastination ' comes form the Latin pro' i forward i and "eras" i tomorrow" -is a result of putting off today what you might eventually get out of doing. These people may be accused studying for his physical science test the next morning. Twila told her boyfriend Ted she'd give him five bucks for filling out her 1040 short form. George, Mary Lou, Joan, Harry, Mort and Twila are all tied of being inconsiderate, Susan Dunn, daughter of Mr and Mrs. Raymond Dunn. Springville. will marry Richard Lynn Chesnut. son of Mrs. Connie Chesnut and the late Richard Chesnut. American Fork. Saturday, in the Springville Museum of Art. A reception will honor them that evening from p.m. The event is open to all friends and relatives. Bridal attendants are Laura Bod-r- e ro. Karalyn Wood. Jean Jacobson and Jessica Dunn with Holly Dunn as flowergirl. Best man is Scott Bradford with lazy, worthless, annoying and undisciplined but let's face it they are no dummies. Christopher Ryan Chesnut. Prenuptial parties were given by Carol Watts. Colene Beck, Karen Cole and My ma Jeffers; Jean Williams and Phyllis Wiley and Max-in- e Powell and Anita Fitzgerald. The bride-elegraduated from Springville High and attended UTC and Snow College. She is employed in Orem. Seminaiy. He also attended UTC. He is employed in Fruit Heights. The couple will live in Provo. x85 7 wife and I telephone calls we decided to install an answering machine. It is quite costly but we feel it is worth the money. The machine has made several of our friends angry, especially those who love to call and shoot the breeze. Our recorded message says, "We will call you back," and we always do. My sister, who lives 1,500 miles away, refuses to call since we installed the mechanical device. She wrote last week to say, "I am not paying good money to talk to a machine." When we are at home we often pick up the phone and if we want to talk we interrupt the recorded message. Many callers who know this feel we are ducking them when we don't cut in. There has been a lot of anger a couple of hours. I feel like a tramp when he drops me off at home and never even walks me to the door. No one seems to care about me. My parents never ask what I do or where I go. I wish they would ask me what my life is like. I feel alone and unloved. Ann. can you help me? This boy says he loves me but I think he is just out for what he can get. Crying For Help In Idaho among some friends and relatives who resent being "screened." We feel sad about this. Is the machine worth alienating them, Ann? Please give us your honest opinion. Temporarily Disconnected In Tennessee Dear Temp: Anyone who chooses not to be trapped on the telephone by folks who have nothing better to do than "shoot the breeze" has the right to do whatever is necessary to protect himself. Make no apologies. Survival is the first law of Dear Crying For Help: Tell your parents you need help before you nature. Dear Ann Landers: I am a girl and have been having sex with my boyfriend. I know it is find yourself In serious trouble. Be perfectly open about what you have been doing. You sound like a reasonably bright young girl who has become involved with a "user" because you are desperately lonely. Give this guy the deep six and I mean immediately. He's bad news. wrong because I feel cheap and dirty. I think he is using me. When he takes me out for a date I know why. We never go to a nice place. It is always some crummy dump for a hamburger and french fries. Then we park someplace for ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo o &!S o 'JZS- ix iteti3 - g center ' I -I- nrl kmN ( dIIiiii Richards, Lewis ('mil-tolli- iii r - knit SiM-alr- r Special 7-- 9 Sizzler! wT"n RIRBLNG each I. mar (FRED MEYER PLAZA) iiii x.x -9 Sat, 10-- 6 Infant OR GO' Oresoaa Id If y 7 ) D O o 9 O o o ' - 1 HOLLADAY 278-284- 268-060DR. OREM 155 STATE ST. 6100 SO. SUGAR HOUSE OGDEN 1033 E. 3354 0 HARRISON BLVD. WEST VALLEY 966-138- 8 6 2100 SO. O o f" 621-635- 6 E. 484-878- 0 703 SOUTH .. FASHION PLACE 6 4700 HIGHLAND 225-775- x v " 3581 SO. MARKET ST. cx 4 4-- lil lA rn. Girls' Dreosso ul o o and under , sW'piw 16.50414X3 ; Mfe. Infant Romplio; wand Soncuits. GiLAFA'i?00 O v4ioo ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo -- Coya' Short S!c2vo !rc3 2T-- 7 r) L 1 OSOO 05700' (J - ft ?:td prices $1059$XC3 BANANA SPLIT Doy3' f t :: to 000 000 3 il J o f Qifff4--- If ff u V 1,-- - Glrb I J i tit: Orem Store Only. ALL 11 xsr AH QPjiriisrpAn - PATTERNS. i w., ONLY 4- NOTIONS, Blessing Dresceo s OFF ALL FABRICS ON SALE. ALL troup xMit'iHtg M-F10- v ... 10 tl COLLARS O(pi00 ' yd. T-SHI- RT 2300 S. iai ui 5Ui. 6.-0- ALL FABRICS IN STORE NOT ON SALE! The reception for Diane R. Rich- i 373-481- 8 M. 9:30- - in Inn print HImii-- i' Ijlirir (utton wlntir Sliirliiis Ijlinr & innrr Urii-ln- lltivr KiiU ards and Ronald R. Lewis will be p.m. at 210 W. 2300 N.. Friday. PL Grove. An error Sunday gave o Summer g Pw, Includes: Answering Machine Alienates Friends Landers: Because my receive a great many 230 V. Cealer OUTSIDE SALE! I 20 12-1- 1- Ann Susan Dunn Richard Lynn Chesnut FABRIC MILL 374 E. 1300 S. Orem. 223-312- 3 Mob. - St. 9:30 - 930 The Salt Lake Needlepoint Guild and the Salt Lake Art Center are sponsoring ""Needlearts "85." a needlework show in the Salt Lake Art Center July 27- - Sept. 27. 1985. Entries will be accepted by mail or in person at the Salt Lake Art Center. 20 S. Temple. SLC. IT 1985. Any Utah 84101. July resident is eligible to enter needlework in canvas work, surface embroidery and counted thread. Entry forms can be obtained from the Salt Lake Art Center. the address as K Her fiance graduated from American Fork High and LDS Taking Entries Ann Landers Dear IS ct OQOO - n::..;?SELECTED ;;x CoCnd Girb'SiidllD X Xx r rf Vu J v. v ' ?. - I |