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Show 'Thursd.iv. July 850 AUTOS AUTOS FORSALE FORSALE FORSALE 76 MERC Bobcat, 4 Cyl, 4 Spd, great MPG. Rerjit SHARP '79 Mjstang. good motor, Best offer 375 5450 cond. auto AC, V 6. new 'res. $3250 Call Waiter 79 CHRYSLER CordoDa, 373 2376 5 1,000 mil. good cond, 76 TOYOTA S3100. Call rebuilt eng. runs good, $1295 Call '84 LINCOLN Continental 4 R'Ck or Lori or dr, cost $26000. sell $15900, extras, 2261050, 70 BUICK AC, PS, PB, HELP NEED TO SELL runs great, transpor79 Honda Accord LX, 5 tation, must good sell 1st $350 bespd, AC, perfect shape, takes low book or '80 Datsun p u. king cab GL pkg, AC, nice, '66 BUICK, new tires, runs below book, or 77 Datsun like a champ, low mileage, p.u. king cab, AC, rough shape, 5700. 377 2091. '82 CAPRICE Classic, die'82 PONTIAC 6000, AC, sel, AC, PS, CC. S4350 front whl drive, super offer. clean, 377 051 1. 78 CHEVY Van, bench new radials, seats, side windows, exc 78 AC, CC, good cond. Must cond, $2,500 or best offer. Call days. 79 FORD Mustang, low 79 COROLLA, exc cond, blue book $1900, sacrifice new clutch, new tires, new at $1600, paint, $1,995. FOR $123 A MONTH 78 HONDA Civic Wgn. WITH NO DOWN! Great buy at $1900, $600 SR-5- , 0 , below blue book. 5,000 mi on rebuilt eng, air, AM '80 DATSUN 200 SX Coupe, AM-Fexc cond, DL. tape $3595. mpg. Call '81 MADZA GLC Sport. Exc cond, AC, sunroof, stereo, CC, going to Africa 79 FORD LTD Landau, power equipped, AC, low FM cassette, exc cond, great mi, good cond, be- $2400, tween pm '85 FORD Tempo GL 5 cass spd, 4 dr, am-fstereo, tilt, cruise, 4500 mi. assume loan or best offer, will consider trade, must sacrifice. '82 MAZDA GLC, AC, am-fcass stereo, new eng., $5200, offer, '80 MUSTANG 4 cyl, 4 spd, AC, AMFM cass, exc cond. $2800. Phone '81 CC, GRAND Prix AC, AMFM cass, $5495. Call offer. Call '67 TORONADO, 78 PONTIAC Grand Safari FWD, exc $700. Call mil, wgn 64,000 AM AC, FM radio, tilt, power locks, CC, trailer hitch, '80 CAD Seville, radiais. $2800. blue, leather, astro roof, '81 SUBARU GL, 2 dr loaded, $9,900. hatchback, on demand 82 CHEV Malibu Classic 4WD, many extras, $3100, exc. Diesel, cond., AC, PS, PB, AT, Custom int., stereo tape deck, 41000 76 TOYOTA Corolla 2 dr miles wwty, below book, Sedan. $1200. Good cond. Call aft 6:30pm. $4000best otier, VW Rabbit, gas, 63,000 79 '68 BAHA, new motor, mil, great cond, $2,300. clutch, paint, rimstires, & Call aft 5:30 pm. stereo. $2300best offer. 9 Call VW SCIROCCO '81, spd, 0 fuel injected, gas eng., on miles 55,000 mi, 5 '83 HONDA Civic 4dr seAM-Fdan, light blue, stereo cass, nearly body. See behind 75 N new Michelin tires, exc Univ., Provo 32. Bids starting at $4500, ext. 153. BUG 72 little yellow bug wsunroof. Super cond. $1800offer. '81 SUBARU DL Hatch- 76 BUICK Regal, $1,500. '57 GMC PU runs good back, 4 spd, FWD. Book $500. Best offers. price $3225, will sell for best offer. '80 BUICK Skylark Deluxe '85 VW Scirocco, 2700 ac- Limited, 6 cyl, AT, air, PS, AMFM tual miles, AC. This is a PB, cruise, thief recovery. Needs a stereo, 6,000 mil on rebuilt eng, runs like new, $2,650. few pts, $8500, cond. Best offer. 377 5165. '78 PLY Volorie 2 dr Sports Coupe, needs new vinyl top. $995, , 78 CAMARO, needs work, make offer. Call . between 72 AMERICARambler, new front. End will sell cheap! - i 4 Stasia or gooa UL. AC & eig 5 5 PLYMOUTH Rehant exc car, AC, PS, PB. Cruise control, cloth ml. priced low 8. very easy to maintain Great gas mi stereo. AT Chr,s Quality Motors Bann financing avail 81 hy. SHARP AM-F- '61 SUBARU GL 4WD exc cond , $4600. , wag-On- , best otter, Dennis 295 '64 THUNDER BIRD, rose-beige- , very good cond. 559,000 ong mi, 375 E S Orem. S4000. 1010 Corolla, cute car, very economical low price, air, PS, PB. AT, new tires, exc mechanical cond Also AM-Fstereo & rear defrost Great car. Chris Quality Motors at the ' Y' entrance. Trades welcome '81 VW Rabbit, diesel, 5 '83 TOYOTA 2 dr, 62,000 spd, cond. 53500. Lex mil, exc Nice 82 Ford Museng. tang GT w the 5 0 Good looking car, air, all the super stereo, extras. This car is 'Hot'! Will take trades. Chris WOW! Quality Motors at the 'Y' entrance. Bank financing avail. Caprice Clasdiesel station wagon. Cruise, rear defroster, FM cass 8. many e- CHEVY AC, AM xtras. New brakes & shocks, exc cond, extended warranty. S6800. '83 CHRYSLER LeBaron, 2dr, white wred int, loaded, beautiful car. 79 FAIRMONT, 4dr, mi, PS, PB, AC, blue, vinyl top, good mpg, sl 500 or best offer. Call 80,000 '63 IMPALA, S500 Super dependable, offer. 77 Honda Sport cycle S600 aft 5pm. '84 NISSAN longbed 1500 mi, exc cond, silver blue DL 785- 550 'of-fe- 83 HONDA Civic dr, 1500S. or ofter. Don't want it any more! '74 Cad, runs great, looks terrible, 5595, DL '77 LINCOLN Mark IV, very good cond, S3000. call anytime. S4700 runs needs work, S675. aft 4 pm. 84 CHEVROLET Chev ette, low, iow. monthly pymts of only SI35, with 5500 down. Air, cloth int. Not a bad little car! Todd 0 MAKE car your tter sel faster clean your eng. HERE1 look be- Steam MAZDA GLC 55,000 mi, good cond. 53,000. Call Todd MuST sen 82 Ford Granada sa'ion wagon GL pacn-ag54700 offer. Phone Chevette tut very approved credit. Chris Quality Motors at the Y" entrance 1230 N Canyon ' '83 MERCURY Marquis Sta Wgn, exc cond, low aft 6pm. mil, Rd. '74 CHEVY Malibu good very dependable, 5750 offer. Phone Kerrie '76 cond, classic "B" seats, etc, MGB-Th- New top Call 8. "MUST Sell" '82 DATSUN B210, hatchback, new tires, exc cond, low mil. 53400 VW 1981 Jet-ta- . mpg or 1984 Buick Skylark; will accept older car in trade. '79 DATSUN 310, GX NEW DEALER Coupe, runs great, looks PRE GRAND OPENING great, new tires, stereo, 30 83 OLDS 88, super nice, mpg, 52695. days. 57,995; 81 Olds Cutlass 78 DODGE Colt, 4 cyl. 4 wagon, beautiful 54,995; 80 dr, 4 spd, super clean! Ford F150, low miles 78 Buick Regal, sharp, Great economy! 51300. DL $2,995, 78 Pontiac "Bargain" S295, 78 Pinto wagon '84 DODGE Daytona, AC, must see, 5695. 401 W. 100 AT, clean!! Must sacrifice N. Provo, Deal S6.800. Quality RV with the owners. Ask for or eves. days Eldon or John. '79 DODGE Diplomat low '81 NINE pass. AC, cruise, mil, AC, exc cond. $3100. am-fcass, exc. cond, 21 Phone 53900, mpg, 40 INSTANT credit bankruptcies 1st time buyers Over welcome choose from C Torino Sta Wgn, almost new radial tires, car does run, 5300 or best ofter. Call eng Mercury, 4 Tai V RESTORED & 'mi XEWegon c'10.985 76 FORD Int. Statu 66 VW New 500 Also 74 good cond S600 C Lie. . Optional Jump Seats Available SI 82 SUBARU dr. exc cond Kim GlF, sporty 84 loaded. NISSAN'S NEWEST 2 Make ofter. under book fer, S8750 -- MORE THAN A WAGON i 51000 make More major motion Irom Nissan the 1986 Stanza Wagon Uniquely built with dual sliding side doors tor easy entry and loading There's room tor vie wtth plenty ol cargo space. Ptus. you of- ATTENTION! WE are moving 8, all lot inventory must go at cost this week!! Horizon 81 get electronic fuel injection, front- wheel drive and more standard equipment than you'll tind on other wagons. The new Stanza Wagon is fun to drive try it out today' Plymouth '81 Chevy 52225. 80 GMC Citation S2730. Pick-u53225. '81 Datsun 210 SL $3325 '81 VW Rabbit S3250. 80 AMC Spirit SI 775 '79 Honda Accord LX S2675. '79 Honda Civic S1000. '78 Datsun 510 52175. 77 Toyota Wagon 52375. '77 Toyota Celica S1995. '75 S1000. Chevy Pick-u- 1 '80 SCIRROCO, superior cond., AC, CITATION V6, 4 dr, 73000 miles, tilt, cruise, AC, S2250 offer, 81 GHEES iER Member Of: FINANCING on stereo, S4400, Call dr, needs restoring, runs good, best offer, '80 CHEVETTE runs exc, good cond. S2200offer. Phone 78 CHEVY Monte Carlo, V8, air, PW, rear defrost, 1985 2025A 1984 CHEV Master Deluxe, 1941 2 SUBARU fr, wheel dr., 5 sp. 1984 Wagon 9017 1984 626 MAZDA $9536 LX : Ton; 2 WHEEL DRIVES & 4 X 4's : $4895 MAZDA CHEV. 12 & 34 $8395 AC, 3651 CC, exc cond. Luxury 74 CHEVY Nova, runs good, $600. Call 9015 1983 FAMILY WEEKLY FORD MUSTANG Low miles 6099A Offer Expires July 31, 1985 $6895 626 MAZDA Luxury 4 door 4x4 $579509 PU 3680 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA 5 sp. 3597 Only 1980 . . . .$4495 o USED CARS & TRUCKS o '82 CHEV TON 4X4 ... .$7695 AC '82 CHEV MONTE CARLO . .$6195 '80 CHEVETTE 4 DOOR . . . .$2495 '81 MERC.COLONY pk. wgn ..$6995 '82 PONT. GRAND PRIX LJ $6595 TOYOTA CELLICA GT ..$4395 Lift Back, sun roof AC 2019A "" 1979 r Month 2081 1978 K DATSUN - Mfc I3B"I 3678A FORD : See Chevrolet Full Page Color Ad In Sunday's Fam- ily Weekly. $9129 Aircond, 1981 - I MAJOR MOWN low mi., 73 CHEV Impala, 4dr, AC, gpod cond, S550or offer. I : COME ALfVC, COMEAHODfifVC DL. READY to deal. 73 Ford Montego, 351 eng, 2dr. Call NOTHING DOWN LEASE I. to 5 Long bed I cars 5C Konsigned 660 W State Kar Korner PI Grove. paint. Brand-nePU. S5695 offer. Days eves 73 NOVA, exc cond, runs exc, new paint, $695. Call YOU CANT BEAT OUR LOW PRICES! $2295 78 A '84 SKYLARK $1895 Clean car must see to appreciate BUICK 79 77 SUBARUlAOT DATSUN F10 COUPE LWB CHEV 0 FORD FUTURA CHEV 4x4 SWB ..$1895 $6950 $2195 $2895 1 79 79 '80 73 '80 '83 CHEV 12 TON CHEV Vi TON LWB AMC EAGLE 4x4 IN'T SCOUT 4x4 CHEV Vi TON LWB CHEV y2 TON 4x4 $3495 ... .$3895 ... ... $4695 $1495 .54995 $9395 OF PROVO 3975, Deluxe Wheel Trim, Interval VVipeis XLT Trim. Tilt Rool, Privacy GUss FALS good PU, 1982 WAS $13,184 NOW $11,995 4 dr 7 Wi'LlBETYOUIQO GALLONS OF GAS f UjJJjM c0 374 8167 81 Only 21,000 mi, looks like new. Very affordable w CONVERTIBLE V JL light 8am-2om- 224 t L-A- Dodge Omni 2 tone gray 55 45 Auto a r Can 226 1030 DL ChEv -- FOR SALE m mm mm 84 Aril AC, cond Mave otter1 2 v MB m w Good shape Oniy 375 3056 att 6pm 51375 80 AT cass. AM-F- ter AUIUS SALfc 39 urrn TF771 WHOlfcSALfc MUST sen clean 78 Hon-ZO4 Coor front Afieei Or.ve 4 SDd rear Octroi- 377 0814 78 FORD Fiesta, sun roof, AM FM stereo, runs S, looks great. S1450 Phone .ood, spd or sell FOR D Escort wagon, good cond, 53050, 81 AC. 5550. CHEVETTE, 5 mist DATSUN 210, radials AT, AM FM. nice paint low m,, 52495 rack, only 20,000 mi. very clean, great value at S6.800 or come see & make ofter. Call 77 CHEV Nova, looks great, runs good, best offer. '73 CHEV Nova runs great, 76 Mazda 80 - 0085. very dependable. 80 Coif automatic Pest offer, terms '83 CHEV Malibu CL Wgn. AC, CC. stereo, roof 75 THUNDERBIRD, Silver, loaded, good cond SI 4 dr, auto air, super diesel 4 3 economy' AsKmg low Dock 55500. DL S23O0 82 CHEVY Impaia pr,ced AC, 'o sel:, 30m p; CC, Must see 608 N State 768 8 or 4618 Orem 9am ed m, 54795 otter CeleDr.ty, Horizon A;pine SiWf TC3 DiacK s'ereo BUICK Century LimitAC, rm for 6 great 83 CHEV PLYMOUTH 80 DL 54900 rOH FOR SALE ar s'e'eo AUDI 4000. SPd rrboilt 81 eng. ne cluKn Priced at lyw boo booy 83 sic er options, very nice car. 71 INTERNATIONAL $3,500. TravelJll. $595. '82 OMEGA, exc shape, new tires, velvet sets, AC, '80 MGB, AMFM radio, new top, 40,000 miles, exc CC, stereo, $4800. cond, $4,500. Call work SHARP '81 Datsun 200 SX, home tach, 33 mpg, great cond, only 35,000 mi. Re- 78 MONTE Carlo, clean, tails $5200. Sell $4200. Call new radial tires, $1,850 cond, must see, ion $3900 '82 miles, good cond, '80 OLDS, sunroof, all pow- 'S3 NISSAN AliiUo AUTOS AUTOS - Page THE HERALD. Provo, Utah, 11. 1985 312 So. University Ave. .liSvSr,'l. 48 Months at $221 80 Month Phis Tax and on Approved Credit 191 SOUTH UNIVERSITY PROVO PHONE 373-406- 0 MERKUR XR4Ti vs. COMPETITION DIRECT FROM THE FACTORY TO YOU!!! 550 plus FOR REQUIRED MAINTENANCE ALL PARTS & LABOR O O ' AU , ) f c i.- jj fjs DRIVE ONE TODAY AT UNIVERSITY Turbo Charged 4Cylinder 0 to 60 in 7 Secondi 4 Wheal Independent Suipention 170 Hone Power mi: r i; WAR 1 1 v ENCORE FROM $6778.00 x LINCOLN MERCURY 137 Milei Per Hour Certified 3 Speed Transmission Biplane Reor Spoiler Full -- Americon Motors Sales Corporation will poy the customer or dealer, os indicated on the Application Form an amount equal to the cost of 10,000 miles of gasoline, as computed from the E.P.A. ratings on the Retal Window Label for that particular engine and transmission combination. Gouges nrrrn 123 If:. mucus 1131 N. t r RENAULT o TO ALLIANCE FROM $6465.00 THE MERKUR XR4TI IS HERE! s-i-- 500 W. Provo, Utah 373-211- 4 : |