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Show Leod, Mre. Stuart, Mr. Hoemer Peterson and Mrs Helen Sullenger. Very lively refreshments were served ser-ved by the hostess. George Mano, formerly of Bingham Bing-ham Canyon, now living in Stockton, Stock-ton, Calif., visited in Saoramento on Sunday, April 1st, with friends, Mrs. Stella Skarakis and George Cilaidis, whom he hadn't teen aince 1916 in Greece. She served a won-' derful dinner for Mr. Manos and Mr. and Mrs. Jamet Rekoutia and children and a nice vitit was enjoyed en-joyed by all. Martha Circle met Wednesday nt the home of Mrt. Myrtle Thomat in Lark for their regular meeting. A nicely arranged on o'clock luncheon lun-cheon wat terved. Afterwards a business meeting was held following follow-ing which bridge was played. Prizes Pri-zes were won by Mrs. Kay Sonne, Mrs. Alta Boyd, Mrs. Nellie Chester Ches-ter and Mrt. Helen Sullenger. Other Oth-er members present were Mrs. Bess Kemp, Mrs. Charlotte Murano, Mrs. Bessie West, Mrs. Neva Jensen, Jen-sen, Mrs. Berenice Willie and Mrs. Myra Larick. Next Circle meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. West in Midvale on April 18. dor Club last Saturday night. A very lovely dinner was enjoyed after which bridge' wat played. Membert and guest attending were Miss Mabel Neprud, Mis. Zelma McMullin, Mr. Myra Larick, Mrs. Dora McDonald, Mrs. Mary Greenwood Green-wood of Provo, Mrs. Neva Jensen, Mrs. Midge Niemi, Miss Vera Baer, Mrs. Maude Stillman, Mrs. Caroline Madsen, Mrt. Jo Morris, Mrt. Bess Kemp, Mrs. Hele Christensen md Mrs. Edith Santistevan. Prizes were won by Miss Neprud, Mrs. Larick, Mrs. McMullin and Mrs. Greenwood. Green-wood. Engagement Announced Mr. and Mrt. Willard Barker of Taylortville announce the engagement engage-ment and forthcoming marriage of their daughter, Mis Kathleen Barker to Richard E. Zdunich, a son of Mr. and Mrt. Joseph E. Zdunich, Zdu-nich, 187 E. 7570 South, Midvale, former Bingham and Copperton residents. PIERIAN CLUB Pierian Club met at the new home of Mrs. La Mar Burkinshaw in Cottonwood for their annual birthday dinner party and installation installa-tion of officers for the coming year last Thursday night, March 29. The occasion marked the club's 19th anniversary. A very lovely buffet dinner was served. Appointments were carried out in a green and yellow color theme. A clever skit was presented by the nominating committee composed compos-ed of Mrs. Glen Hogan, Mrs. Dale Bateman and Mrs. Don Parr to announce the new officers. Th new officers are: Mrs. C. John Peterson, president; Mrs. Orvil Dimond, vie president, and Mrs. Parley Spratling, secretary. v Committee .chairmen appointed for the year are: study group Mrs. Chris Steadman, chairman; Mrs. Glen Beckstead, Mrs. Gordon Drake, Mrs. Ross Bateman, Mrs. Tony Brown and Mrs. Milo Pearson; Pear-son; party Mrs. David Reynolds, 1 he engaged couple will be married mar-ried April 25 at the Crestwood Villa. A reception will follow. The future bridegroom attended Utah State University and University Univer-sity of Utah and has completed a six months' tour of duty with the U.S. Marin Corps. He it a gradual gradu-al of Weaver Airline School, Kansas Kan-sas City, Mo. The couple plan to make their home in Newport News, Virginia, where he is employed with United Airline Co. Mr. and Mrs. Josh Hawks and family, J. D. and Julee, of Portage are coming today, Friday, to spend the week end with her mother, Mrs. Eugene Morris of Midvale and other relatives. Pinochle club met Monday night at Midvale as guests of Miss Kay Braun. Prizes at cards were won by Mr. J. A. Fike, Mrs. John Adamek, Mrs. George Dahlstrom and Mrs. Dick Steele. A delicious late luncheon was served by the hostess. Dinner guests of Mrs. Eugene Morris at her home in Midvale Tuesday evening were Mrs. Phyllis chairman; Mrs. Ray Nelson, Mrs. Jack Smith, Mrs. Royal Spratling and Mrs. Dale Bateman; Mrs. Don Parr, publicity, and Mrs. Glen Hogan, Ho-gan, music director. Mrs. Cliff Jus-teson Jus-teson is the club' historian. On the committee arranging the delightful evening were Mrs. Gene Rose, Mrs. James Steadman, Mrs. Dean Bateman, Mrs. Ross Bateman, Mrs. Hortense Steadman, Mrs. Grandale Finlayson, Mrs. Lee Richardson Rich-ardson and Mrs. Burkinshaw. 35 of the club's 36 membert were pretent. STUDY GUILD TO MEET MONDAY. APRIL 9 Copperton Study Guild meets next Monday night, April 9 at Immaculate Im-maculate Conception Church hall at 8 o'clock, it it reported. Program for the evening will be given by Mrt. Dorothy Haslan of Salt Lake City who will speak on "Red Man and the Blue Stone". Hostesses for the evening are Mrs. Vonda Swain and Mrs. Melba Harker. All members mem-bers are invited to come out. Dr. Lenore Richards entertained the Emanon Club at the Ambassa- Lister and son, Aubrey, Claudia Mortensen, Cardon Dalley and E. L. Mortensen, all of Salt Lake City. MISS NANCY JANE CRELLIN TO BE MAY BRIDE Announcement has been made of the engagement of Miss Nancy Jane Crellin to John J. Ferderber. Making known the nuptial newt are parents of the bride to be, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Crellin, 221 3rd East, Copperton, Bingham Canyon. Mr. Ferderber, who resides at 41701348 East, is a ton of Mr. and Mrs. John Ferdber, Helper. The couple is planning a May 26 wedding and reception at Crest-wood Crest-wood Villa. Miss Crellin attended the University Uni-versity of Utah and Brigham Young University. Mr. Ferdber is a graduate of Utah State University with a major in industrial engineering. He was a member of the football team. Lail B. Meenen arrived Sunday from the South Pacific to spend a few weeks with his wife and daughter, dau-ghter, Mrs. Patsy Meenen and Leslie Les-lie and also Mr. and Mrs. Hunt L. Nielson and family. Mrs. Milka Smilanich of Highland High-land Boy visited with Mr. and Mrs. Mike Chanak of Salt Lake City, Sunday. ! Derald Nielson came home from College of Southern Utah at Cedar City for the week end to visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Hunt L. Nielson Niel-son and family. Mr. and Mrs. Lail B. Meenen and family and Mr. and Mrs. Hunt L. Nielson and family would like to express their appreciation to all of those that helped them to bear the sorrow of the loss of their sons and grandsons, Fredrick Hunt and Ned Bardel Meenen. Ruth Rebekah Lodge No. 7 held their regular monthly meeting for April, Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Guy Delia Lucia of Copper-ton. Copper-ton. Mrs. Marie Stuart, district deputy de-puty president, from Sandy, made her official visit to the lodge that night. A business meeting was held after which bridge was played. Prizes Pri-zes were won by Mrs. James Mc- |