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Show .'' ' ' - ' ' ' FRIDAY, APRILM962 PAPFTWH THE BINGHAM BULLETIN of West Jordan elite Stngljam Bulletin of West Jordan (Continuation of the Bingham Bulletin, Plant in Wert Jordan, Utah) Published at We.t Jordan, Utah, and Issued Every Friday at Bingham ( Canyon, Salt Lake County, Utah. Entered at Second Qlass Matter at the Post Office at Bingham Canyon, Utah, Under the Act of March 3, 1879. NATION A I EDITORIAL ttSSOCWIOM ,""" JOHN ADAMEK, Editor and Publisher GLADYS L. ADAMEK, Assistant Editor Subscription Rate, per year in advance $2.50 Advertising Rates Furnished on Application ing for the ward' Easter program and anxioui to have their members cout out to practice. Regular prac-tice will be held by the choir Sun-day at 5:45 p.m. and the Singing Mother on Monday morning at 10. Bindy Boylin, who it attending BYU at Provo, is coming Friday (today) to spend the week end with her uncle and .aunt, Mr. and Mr. Dean Bateman and family. Last Saturday night Mr. and Mrs. T. Earl Kelly and Mr. and Mr. Kennedy Thornton of Salt Lake City enjoyed dinner at the "San Franciscan", returning afterward to the Thornton hpme for cards. A pot luck supper and program was held last Saturday night, March 31, at West Jordan Stake House for all members of Melchizedek Priesthood and their wives in West Jordan Stake. Curtis Jewkes was master of ceremonies. Program for the evening consisted of skits and musical numbers with each ward in the stake furnishing a number on the program. The affair was well attended. Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Spencer are spending this week end in Las Vegas, Nev. Mr. and Mrs. Royal Spratling and son, Richard, hosted the March fa-mily birthday party for the Bate-man family at their borne last Sat-urday night. The occasion honored the birthdays of Dean Bateman and Blaine Wixom. Other family mem-bers present were Mrs. Dean Bate-man, Mrs. Blaine Wixom, Mrs. P. T. Bateman, Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bateman and Mr. and Mrs. M. A. Wixom of West Jordan, Mr. and Mrs. Lee ' C. Brown of Holladay, Mr. and Mrs. Wilson Bateman of Mill Creek and Eugene Wagataff of Midvale. Mr. and Mrs. Dale Bateman and Mr. and Mrs. Royal Spratling at-tended the funeral of a cousin, Mrs. Delno Olson at Logan Monday. West Jordan First Ward Relief Society is holding their annual fashion show of articles made by ladies in Relief Society next Wed-nesday, April II at 10 a.m. An apron and. bake sale will also be held that day. All ladies of the ward are invited. The 26 local chapters of Beta Sigma Phi sponsored a luncheon and fashion show at Hotel Utah in Sak Lake City last Saturday and among the models was Mrs. Rich-ard We itwood of West Jordan who has been president the pastjrear of Xi Pheta Phi and is new parlimen-taria- n of the city council. West Jordan Third Ward Singing Mothers and the choir are holding extra practices tonight, Friday, it is reported. The Singing Mothers are meeting at 6 p.m. and the choir at 7 p.m. Both groups are prepar- - Mr. and Mrs. T. Earl Kelly and Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Beers enjoyed dinner at Alpine Country Club at American Fork on Saturday, March 24th. WEST JORDAN Claudia Butterfield AM Marlene Webb AM There wil lbe a dance held at the Pioneer Hall this Saturday night, April 7. It is being sponsored by the Seventh Elders and will begin at 9:00 p.m. after the Priesthood session of Ceneral Conference. The price is $1.50 per couple and 75 cents for anyone wishing to come alone. Music will be provided by Jeanie and The Pioneers. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Klenk are vacationing in California for two weeks visiting relatives. Mrs. William Booth returned home from the hospital Tuesday with a new baby girl. It was the second girl for them. There were two babies blessed at sacrament meeting of West Jordan .Fourth Ward. They were Shirley Jean Barben, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Barben, blessed by her father, and Tamera Bowen, daugh-ter of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Bowen, blessed by Chris Steadman. Norman Butterfield celebrated his 1 4th birthday Monday, April 2. Theodore Booth is still in the hospital recovering from a fall suf-fered at his place of employment, but is reported feeling much better. Carta Harmon celebrated her 14th birthday Sunday, April I. The presidencies of West Jordan Primaries are attending General Primary Conference in Salt Lake City this week. Claudia Butterfield was dinner guest at the home of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Johnson on Sunday, April I, honoring the birthday of their daughter, Bobbie Lee. Miss Lynne Johnston's Sunday School class of West Jordan Fourth Ward is going bowling Friday (to-day). After bowling they will return to the church house where all will enoyj banana splits. Miss Johnston teaches the 13 and 14 year olds. Scoutmaster Lee Halveraon and Assistant Scoutmaster Dennis But-terfield are taking their Boy Scout Troop 620 fishing Saturday, April 7 at Utah Lake. NEW SMILES FOR OLD FACES SOMB PAINT,5oSW S) WHERE OLDER. POLfctf, ( 25TS-W-C r M4wiwBrACHBDivAwoPsrm;l f;- "- z Y' rtbl'St OXN DEVELOP MEW INTERESTS, J? Jf&tri ,' 'vi'MTMQ7TsT ANO ENJOwYhAeCrTeWIwTISe pIWeoTsHflEAIMR SCLUB &-- If fflliiftSA AMl hifMA, t&su ) j i q 1 if dm Mwf g- - " " - V ' - - MoviJ,nuvei.o&ue5 auo '' sn- - CAR.0 " CLUB SON L9 JUfTL--V L--J. f CAMA.W , --RlOS. ,?mOW LB. Vi0St0 OUCE A MOMTH ARB. POPULAR. . ImAK V.Ml tJ ' i ' 1 SBC'NOCBUMSTeP.OOSlOO, .,4 1 VJ W.M.g.J UlEMAMM Lirr,V rOU GO! fCiAPM Rasmussen, Jeanine Fahrni and Marilyn Bardsley. Coaching them was Mrs. Emma Dansie. Miss Marilyn Holladay, who is attending BYU at Provo, visited her Mr. and Mrs. Tharen Carents, the week end. Primary officers and teachers from Lark Ward attending the annual LDS Primary Conference in Sak Lake City this week were Mrs. Sylvia Hopkins, president; Mrs. Ruth Perkins, first counselor; Mrs. Ruby Hansen, second counselor; Mrs. Rita Rostron, secretary; Mar-ilyn Dalley, Linda Moulton, Mrs. Edna Moulton, Suellen and Carol Rasmussen, Mrs. Carol Michaelson, Mrs. Elverta Peterson, Judy Hop-kins, Judy Hansen, Mrs. Myrle Foist and Mrs. Rex Groves. Visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. James Dalley and family last Sunday were Mr. and Mrs. Morris Covington and daughter, Jackie, of Salt Lake Crty. Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Fahrni of Richfield visited with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Fahrni and family Sunday. o LARK NEWS Marilyn Dalley. PR 4 2789 Mr. and Mrs. Everett Allinson and son, Danny, visited with Mr. ' and Mrs. Ned Allinson of Eureka over the week end. The Lark Ward boys volleyball team won first place honors in the Riverton Stake and will now enter division play at East Mill Creek, it is reported. The boys playing on the team are: John Edwards, Danny and Billy Allinson, Robert Moulton, Sid and Terry Sandstrom, Ronald Hopkins and Dennis Whetsel. Wa-lter Abplanalp is team coach. Michael Dalley was honored with a family birthday dinner at his home on Friday, March 30. Help-ing him celebrate the occasion were his family. Mr. and Mrs. James Dal-ley and Marilyn and Mr. and Mrs. Don Peterson of Kearns. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Peterson of Bountiful visited with Mrs. Uettia Peterson, Friday.. Venear Coombs is visiting with his mother, Mrs. Agnes Coombs. He will be here for two weeks. Mrs. Jack Cressmen and daugh-ter, Helen, and Mrs. Joseph Baugh-ma- n and son, Johnny, attended a luncheon at Kearns Wednesday giv- -' en by Mrs. John Blockovich. The Lark girls volleyball team entered division competition Thurs-day. The team will also receive a participation award for the stake. They lost only one game during 'their league play. The girls playing on the team are Suellen Rasmussen, Lorraine Rostron, Connie Edwards, Linda Moulton, Marilyn Dalley, Lois Fahrni, Judy Hansen, Carol a. SEE US FOR EXPERT SERVICE AND QUALITY PRODUCTS-DEAL- ERS IN: CONOCO PRODUCTS ADDERLEY & NICHOLS COPPERTON Phone PR If your telephoning tries to compete with tele- - "It's for you. vision or a pair of playful children, you're ' Want to answer it On overdue for one of life's little luxuries: pri- - . vacy. It comes with a bedroom extension tne DCflrOOni ptlOnC . phone. You get convenience and color, too. ' Ordering's a snap. Just call us (rtfx oi ask one of our servicemen. Mountain States Telephone Have You , Better buys locally! Sure, it'i better when you Yeah I You get more for buy locally. Buying and lell- - your money. Comparable ing keep our community alive items cost less here at Home and humming. That's what than elsewhere .In some make a community folks "high rent district." You get buyin9 ond Jellin9' trading a guarantee of value and and wapping. satisfaction. In the yean Trade? Swap? No, no, not ahead, when you need serv- - you, Harry. You're part of the ice, it's as near as your tele-- home team. Not you, Harry, phone. , I say, Harry , , . I I dUO a I IIUIIIC 9n(J community progress Your Hometown Newspaper 4fk ' . & i HiAfo Boot ?. W RECOGNIZING THE ACHIEVEMENTS OF PEOPLE YOU KNOW n ' kv." Issue by issue, your local newspcrper unfolds the history of 'mIT--X H'fS' your community in stories describing important or interest- - - - J.. - 'h ing events as they happen to your friends, your family, and si j other members of your community. A source of interest and l ' pride when they appear in the news, these stories bring per- - JfV 'AV ' 4 fili 't sonal accomplishments and events to the attention of the rjf: Vf'ir' v vTv'ljLS entke community. Saved in family scrapbooks, they become - ff ' V f v A treasured possessions to enjoy through the years. As time jlVx - n'. ? S"-- - 'jtff(W f goes on, we gain more and more pleasure in reading the t li" yT'P --J news of the families of our community as events take their J:' "t- - - '4 'V - place in the history of our town. ' J, )' W' LZJJ ENJOY YOUR HOMETOWN. NEVSPAPER-- " IT'S T.HE STORY OF YOUR COMMUNITY! SANDY NEWS by Connie Sargent AM Mrs. Alice Burke visited Sunday in Copperton at the homes of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore and fa-mily and Mrs. Idella Watkins. Mrs. Rosa Scroggin and children, Brent, Terry and Maxine of Cop-perton were dinner guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Dennis Scroggin and daughter, Christine. The occasion honored Mrs. Rosa Scroggin's birthday anniversary. Mrs. Ralph Evans 'returned last week from an extended visit with relatives in Idaho. - Robin and Julie Turner, children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Turner of Kearns, are spending a few days this week at the home of their grand parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Turner while their parents are attending Primary Conference. Greg Tyson of Copperton and daughter, Bobbie Lou, of West Jor-dan were Sunday morning visitors at the home of Mrs. Alice Burke. Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Ronnie Burke and children, Kim, Pat and Mike visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Moore and later were dinner guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hardman and daugh-ter, Debbie. Marie Yengich, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Marko Yengich, was hon-ored with a surprise birthday party on her 14th birthday last Friday given by Dana Jenson and Nona Pace at Dana's home. Eight guests were present. Thomas D. Price of Gardena, Calif., was dinner guest Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sargent and sons, Jon and Carl, and Mrs. Mae Stillman. 150 children from Sandy Stake Primary were chosen to sing in the Thursday afternoon session of the Primary General Conference this week. Mr. and Mrs. William D. Nielsen and Mrs. Maggie Peck are moving this week from Bingham to their new home at 65 Main Street in Sandy. Mr. and Mrs. Hosmer Peterson and sons, Russell and Danny, of Copperton and Mrs. Mae Stillman were dinner guests last Saturday evening of Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Sar-gent and sons, Jon and Carl. The occasion honored Mrs. Sargent's birthday anniversary.. Mrs. Verio Kendrick was hostess to her bridge club Wednesday ev-ening at her home in Copperton. Prizes at cards were won by Mrs. Jack Householder Jr., first; Mrs. Hosmer Peterson, second; and Mrs. Phil Sanderson, consolation. Love-ly refreshments were served by the hostess. y ' If X "Come on, we're late! . . . what look ya' so long?" |