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Show U til '- - Li HUM Vis? Mi Giant among the IBwarfs. GREAT Ti A KB CITY, OF CALIFORNIA! SHOW REPRESENTATIVE SALT WILL KXIIIUIT AT B13M, THURSDAY, IHJME 24th. QUEEN'S Aggregated Wonders MENAGERIE tlio Prolific of UUUUl OP WILD Earth IN ALL KINDS OF Staple ! M erchandise BEASTS ! Required by the icicle in the WITH THE HOOKY MOUNTAINS, GIEAFFE! t ONLY LIVING Etcr Keen in Utah. Purchasing direct from Manufacturers or the most extensive dealers, and haying special advantages from buying in large quantities we Can offer to HOGAPOTAMUS FROM THE NILE! THE NONDESCRIPT OUADAD. Africa! of Lioness Tawny ! " MERCHANTS AND FOUtt YOUNG CUBS. AND THE LIONESS AND THREE BABY LIONS! ASIATIC In Jescribable wonders to be nowhere else on the Pacific Slope but in Been Caravan, Circus Brilliant Ovation. M JOBBING & VIenagerie Crnncl Centralization of Genius. Inducements Unequalled House in Utah. by any other SHIPMENTS MADE TO ALL POINTS. Concentration of Jlerif. Monopoly of Equestrian stars. A VAEAXCIIE OF ATTRACTION! GREAT DOUBLE CIRCUS TROUPE Two Separate Hings ! TWO DISTINCT PERFORMANCES 2 ORDERS SHOULD BE ADDRESSED TO ! Supt. 2 BEST SHOW on Earth ! THE KOYAL FAMILY OP ARENIC MONARCHS. Vast Assemblage of Undisputed Artists. WORLD-WID- II. B. CLAWSON, s4-t- f. Under one Mammoth Pavilion. THE EETAIL TRADE & SIMMONS & CLOUGH ORGAN CO.'S IMPROVED CABINET ORGANS AND RIDING CELEBRITIES, E Kir. JA.SIES BOB! -- .fl-- - AND III ,1112. JAMES ROISIXSOX, years, comes to America to dispute the Great Bareback Champion, of World-wid- e celebrity. Mr. FibU has traveled eight thousaud consecutive miles, with his horses, to meet Mr. Robinson ia San Francisco. Mr. Fish is the only equeHlrian who h'is ever dared to Accept Mr. Robiussn's challenge to ride for Ten Thousand dollars. Both gentlemen have expressed a willingness and desire to meet in the rings of two ilOXTfiOUEBV QUEEX'S GREAT MORAL CIRCUS A' w,wMi!ifi5S5 the World. Medals and Hate presented to both these artists by the Crowned Noblemen and Heads, Ariftoeracy of Europe, and the Distinguished Families of the United States. This is done to settle the disputed question of Qol4 Dianr ond Studded Belt of TL jfeLy'S Each Fresh from hN European and Ameriean Triumphs, nnu me contesting uiinnipions. SSB. CflAS. X FISH, wbo baa been riding in Europe for the past with W1I0 IS T1IE CUAMPIOX RIDER? i ftpit I V.A. u ff iJ - Grand AND WHICH IS THE Oirent Invent of 1875. TO SEE RIDING j0jf iheir iBci.uiHarblo K1DJLNU ami MR. JAMBS School of Kquentriaii Statuary. ( riMll.tlM niiarllied Principal 'BACKWARD IUCK ant lORKWARl iEKT TO FKET 80MKRSAULTS and TRIOK KIDKR. Mr. Jinn bavin been rwttntly (toclarwt ehamnlon llider of Kiifland, Pruwia, Aitri.t and Riiwia, rturni to America te t ) f"nitit hia Smmrioritr In tha Nw World. MOLMi: IlltOU'V. The prlncea, er Arenic tiit only racojjuirad Female Sooimaautt RiUor on tUa fuea of the (tloiie. KR. UOMKO SMlAftTIAX, Tha Double Pirowtta and k Iudvi'. Ttie, together With tba KO.VS M. MAKKBACK uninnclinMe IUS. W niH Bar-Uc- AlinlssIon--Oii- e AND STliONGEST TllOUPE Of finished, d and Artista warrant SIR. in aiwertiug tlmt he the bent Show tver btfore ireaentd toQFEEX the peoof this or assembled under a Csnvtuw. Thia EatablUhmant country, ple haa been orKanird with a special Tie w to a tonr or California after the in San Frncico, and aluo to vla-- all the cit iea do of aa the rep resentatie Show of California. The Public may new East, truly aud well exeluim. hiuh-tone- hifh-alarie- d hs tuan t "Let iihIiatc a Bis? Show!" We will gl Half-pric- 1 and 7 p.hi. Performance to commoneo at 2 & 8 fc.m. Sharp ilOUll FOR THE fit-!- ' 7n"iT im If .i f I, ' BTfiirSJ :iArsffiaaggea Combination Organs, MENAG-EH1J3- . In- i' Out celebrated "Vox Celeste," "Louia Patent," "Vox Humana," "Wilcox ratent, "Octave Coupler," the charming "Cello" or "Clarionet" Stops, and All Uie Late Improvements Can bo Obtained Only in thest Thirty-fiv- e e. TWO GREAT SHOWS DAILY ! Boors open at f EQUAIi TO THAT OF THE BEST PIPE OKGAJVS OF THE SAM. CAPACITY. It. AUhnngk 7aw augmented wy futrmAriplfd my attractions, quadrurUd my txptnstj, thfff. will not b? a raist in the. prict nf atmision, charging tkt taint prict at tht ordinary UUU. Show charge. Dollar. Children mm t ii mm An indention having a most important bearing on the future reputation of Reed struments, by means of whiak the quantity or Volume of tone is very largely creased, and quality of tone rendered Circus, and see F.ngeneln KOM.V i SCItlBNEITS PATENT QUALIFYING TUBES, You must go to Montgomery Queen's and hit Infant M nfcter 4-.- P FITTED WITH THE NEWLY INVENTED ! The Best in the World! LAHGEST MK.J IMF.S ItoniXIKOX t f w CIRCUS, Aggregated Assemblage of Talent. Nothing like it under the Sun. t $. -- 1 p QUEEN'S ELEGANT MORAL mim FACTOM EsTAB Organs. Different Styles, For the rarlor and the Church, The Best Material and Workmanship, Quality tind Volume of tone Uuequalled PBICES, GOto GOO Dollars. AND WAKEROOMS, CORCth & CONGRESS STS., DETROIT, MICHIGAN. AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY COUNTY. s93-- l IS BED IH 1B50. 0 Addbess, Simmons & Cloxtgh Organ Co., Detroit, Micbioak. |