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Show learn from the Evans- ton Age, that the Charcoal company has already about 700 cords of wood piled of June From along the bank of the river and expected about 2jO more yesterday. Thus disap genial live miner nA.-T- hat our Uncle Samuel's wood pile. Vti It R C Chambers, Esq.. of pears The Age is anxious to know whether yesterday ITrc '.yVwent here is to be a celebration on the fourth nhiswa.toTecomaoaabrief of July in that town this year or not. Charcoal. mm We Tayy wl business trip- Painful Accident. This morning, Queen's un-- i will ap between nine and ten o'clock, Charles R. Circus and Ueaagerie June4,t. Cole, son of C. M. Cole, of this city, a J GgJen on Thursday, ittle fellow, between three and four years old, was playing with another child about his own age, in an old box, a three Marriott, -Brigham Accident. when he suddenly cried out as if in great of this old son of John Marriott, pain. His father, who was near, by ran !y fell from his bed last Sunday tight to his assistance as soon as possible and bone of his right broke tbe collar found that tbe cause of his screaming lulder. Dr. P. I- - Anderson promptly was some ashes which had been thrown and the patient is doing nto the box, and were on fire, and the ,el the bone, welL child's feet were both burning. As quick .T. antigaf.her from as possible he was lifted out, and Sibmbka CROPs.-- We His dotes employed. right foot was Herald of Saturday, that the l Omaha Dr. who wai burned. in badly Murphy, rospect for universally good crops to in the called dress wounds, thinks at Nebraska are remarkably flattering seem to that with care he willjsooH be all right. as tbe grasshoppers hope-- that the present of the people that State pre8ent,and we lta'ing te bright hopes realized. till be The readers of the with regret the of the death at Salt Lake,on Saturday night, of Mr. William Gibson, member of the ii dd and well known Saints, haying Church of Latter-da- y a missionary. as Ittn very successful YiiERiH Gone. Jwctioh will read He was buried yesterday. cattle dealer tbe total Herald that informs drire of cattle from that State this year A Texas Cattle. Texas the Omaha Sensational "The following dis patch was received to day from a gentle-ma- n connected prominently with the Treasury Department at Washington: Lds. Mail: S. B. Axtell, Governor of Utah, has been, or will be removed from his position in a few days. The cause assigned is affiliation with the Mormons. Through the influence of Secretary Delano, a friend of the Gov ernor s, he has been offered the Govern orship of New Mexico.' " The foregoing, which we regard as sensational, we clip from the Corinne Daily Mail of yesterday. The editor of our contemporary who gives the item, regards the information as reliable, and it may be so. However, we shall know more about it hereafter. exceedingly small, owing to a lurcity of business in that country. We do not like to doubt the statement, but Birthday Part v. Yesterday a birth the number mentioned is so small that day party was given to Father David fear it may have been made to affect Nelson, of this city, at the residence of prices, Dr. P. L. Anderson. his persons, As Wb Predicted. The fruits of There were present twenty-tw- o wives of the husbands and General Sherman's raid upon bis fellow including Nelson's with their children, loldiere, are just beginning to appear. Father It was a very pleasant party, General B. Stedman, editor of the Toledo children. Democrat, says: "It is not good taste and all present joined in wishing Father (or a general who never won a battle to Nelson and his wife long life and con till be son-in-la- soldiers who never lost a fight. Sherman never won a battle Thomas criticise tinued proFperity. Mr. Nelson was seventy-feu- r years He was in old on last. born lever lost one; and Sunday yet Sherman assumes of to be Massachusetts; joined the entirely competeut to point out the the State Latter-da- y faults of Thomas as a soldier." Saints in December, 1833, and since that time has been an active member of the church, and has shared Look cpon This. The Inter-Ocea- n in all the vicissitudes characteristic of ays, in one column, alluding to Gen. the "Mormon" people during their event Sheridan's marriage, "He has done a ful history. urj proper thing in a very neat and sensible manner, and is no longer under From Wednesdays' Daily of June 9. m reprsach of bachelorhood. He is married happily." AH very well, now Personal. Cyrus H. Street, Esq., of look upon this. North Platte, son of Hon. Frank Street, The succeeding eolumn of the same of Council Bluff, and brother of Mr. )per contains thi3 brief sentence, "Ah Eugene Street, of this place, arrived in " ts OTer. One unfortunate taken a town on the U. P. train yesterday. After Wkieh shall we believe! a brief sojourn in Utah, Mr. S. will pro coed to San Francisco on a trip of sight W wioudo Strings. The Colorado "'Press, printed at Colorado Serines " unions for an eastern railroad, bv 7 of River Bend, and has ' figuring up the probable recently expense " mtle enterprise. As the distance about sixty-fit- e miles on a "rilSat i . line , .UB uttuj kyuuiuj prooaoiy T to be about seventy miles long, and stimated cost $ 2G4.800. We 9nly ... Hats! Hats!! Hats!!! A fine as and sortment for Ladies' Children, and all the late novelties in Hat Trimmings, just received' at Mrs. SUilHAM'8, f ittn d223 2s45-- 2 Street. Lati. - tt r rrUry The Supreme Court C0OIlienced yesterday Lake City. 0USlnsi was transacted, The IK hZr.nonst'SM " 'PWion Of C.ftmrni.,,: Pced on fil r- t "tier 0n which - the papers -u v. COnd a tte 8 c" 4ht,UrJ' which lowers reh i rr.t ... . was the in the contempt dl8trittt court in party. , of . BUDmittea Dilley.C.P. Huey were 'Emitted attorneys A nunDer of cases on xa v.. ar-- i Previously Upou the calender for ru"u regret to learn, as we do from the columns of the Herald, that Mr. Kirkpatrick, formerly a member of the Salt Lake bar, has returned to Nevada, where he resided previous to taking up his abode in Utah. Dppartkd. i0 spread themseh es. o 1 llstnet for Geo waa areued 7 rorfIO"fiutioa-- ao defendant, decision. W fcy We Dead. We learn from the Salt Lake Herald that Ralph Harrison, who re eeived injuries a few days ago at the Utah Central depot, in that city, died on Monday evening, and was buried yester day. been a little cool and we cloudy pretty much all day, and as rain begins go to press a gentle acceptable to fall. We anticipate a great deal of benefit, should it continue to rain during tha evening aad night, unaccompanied Rain. T Sheriff Wm. Brown, of this county, has been absent from home for a few days past working up a herse stealing ease A9 most of our citizens are aware quite a number of horses have been taken from the range in this and neighboring counties this spring. Sheriff Brown obtained information which led him to start west on horseback to try and recover some of the stolen property. He found, at various places on his route, animals thathvd lately been sold. AtCot-tcThomas', on Dove Creek, he found four animals recently purchased. When he arrived at Bue'.l City, Nevada, he overtook and arrested the men he was looking for, John and Robert Davis; they had just sold a mare which the Sheriff identified as the property of John T. Bybee, of Easton, in this county. Mr. Brown reeovered the the mare and returned with tbe animal and his prisoners on Sunday evening. We understand that John Davis is under indictment from the Third District Court charged with stealing a mule belonging to Wm. J. Newman, and the officers of Salt Lake and Davis Counties have been after him for the past two or three years en various charges. The prisoners are at present confined in the city jail, and are to have an examibefore Justice Middleton. nation y They seem very jolly ever the matter and pass a great share of the time singing and shouting. Why they should be so merry is unaccountable; there is no hope of habeas corpus now. The Sheriff says that he heard along the route of another gang of horse thieves, who had taken some animals west, and from there in a southeasterly direction, and were now south of Salt Lake City with a band which lhy were trying to dispose of. Great credit is due to Sheriff Brown for the tact and energy displayed in this arrest. n !ieil. Mark Twain on Spelling. At glaterville, June 5th,187o, Thomas There was a spelling match at the James, son ef Peter and Eliza Bowout, Asylum Hill Congregational Church, aged 9 months and 3 days, late pf Bir Hartford, Ct., on Wednesday, May mingham Conference, England. $&t Lake papers and Mill. Star please 14th, and Mr. Samuel L. Cler-en-s, "Mark TwaiD," being called on for a copy. few preliminary remarks, spoke as Rocky Mountain Pills. follows : Ladies and Gentlemen : I have A VALUABLE MEDICINE. honored with the office of introducing the approaching orthographical solemnities with a few remarks. been FROM NEW AND RARE MEDICINAL PLANTS RECENTLY DISCOVERED IN T11K ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Purely Vegetable! The temperance crusade swept the Fifteen years ot earnest boUnlcal research land some time ago, that is, that vast among thene mountains ami valleyi have reeultwl n the uiscoTery, out only or matiy new varletie portion of the land where it was of plants, but of new apeciet; some ef which hare medicinal ana curative proper t us. needed, but it skipped Hartford. womiermuy )iy eontinual experiment their virtue have be-Now conaes this new spelling epi- come knowu and thin from extracts of theae newly d'sooYereJ plant are theae DilU compoun demic, and this time tee are stricken. ded. ll properly wed, they will cure yery nianv S I suppose we needed the affliction. diaeasm. paiui and ache, and are more Ml,ilr 1 don't say we needed it, for I don't valuable in DYSPKl'SIA. L1VKR COMPLAINT. JATND1CK, anc nil ra.i of see any use iu spelling a word right, INltlOKSTION. FKYKKS, COLI'8. URINARY and KIDNF.Y and never did. I mean I don't see I1SKKS, KUKUMATI.HM, CU8TIVKNKSS, 11EARTHUHN, 1)1 A RH IKK, MUMPS, MKls' any use in having a uniform and ar- LKS, fcr Purifying the blood, and for many other and all cams of BILLIOUSNKSS and bitrary way of spelling words. We diseases, Disordered stomach. accompanied by the caah or postal might as well make all clothes alike On order I will tend aaMy by mall postpaid, 1 box and cook all dishes alike. Sameness order, Pills fur 25 cent. 1 box boxes S2..V), 1 rutii boxes is tiresome; variety is pleasing. J. . J OH X NO JU . I $24.00. bt. Ueorge, Etrfh. have a correspondent whose letters are always a refreshment to me; there day, at home. Terms Free is such a breezy unfettered originali- $5 $20 per AJJross Q. Smses A Co., Port He al- land, Me, ty about his orthography. ways spells Kow with a large K. Now that is just as good as to spell it with a small one. It is better. It gives the imagination a broader field, a wider scope. It suggests to the O. W. TUHXEEl. mind a grand, vague, impressive, new his old sNu.d on FIFTII 8TRKUT, kind of a cow. Superb effects can be Ila for tue purchase aid sale of produced by variegated spelling. Now there is Blind Tom, the musical prod ALL KINDS OF PRODUCE. Garden and Grass Seed, igy. He always spells a word accord is sound his carried to ihat ing to the ear. And he is an enthusiast in or At his BOOK STORE adjoining he keeps all the Periodicals and Newspapers oC thography. When you give him a the day, also a full stock of Stationery, word he shouts it out puts all his Wall Paper, Piotures, Frames, elo. soul into it. I once heard him called 0. W. TURNER. upon to spell a rang outacg before an audience. He said, "0, HI orang, ger, oranger, tang, Circus Montgomery Queen'M oranger tang I" Now a body can re and jueiiagerie G. CO., Will exhibit at Ogden, on Thursday, sped an orang outang that spells his a name that like in vigorous way Jupe 24. We copy tbe following from feeble dictionary makes a But Ogden, the : Californian the Daily Alta of him. mere kitten "On Monday evening next a scene will In the old times people spelled just be witneed at Montgomery Queen's as they pleased. Ibat was the right Ames Portable and Stationary Engine, Empire Saw Mills, single or double, Circus, on the corner of Jackson street idea. You had two chances at with Parkhurst's Patent Head Block; and Montgomery avenue, which has nev- stranger then, lou knew a strong Evarts' and Lowe's Shingle Maof chines, with either Power or the inside seen been before er man from a weak one by his ironclad ring Hand Feed; Sbingle Jointers, any circus in the world. James Robin- spelling and his hand writing helped Edger. Circuson and Charles Fish, the two acknowl you to verify your verdict.. Some lar Saws, and all Saw edged champion equestrians, will appear people have an idea that correct Mill supplies, in a number of new and daring feats can be taught and taught spelling which will undoubtedly challenge tbe is AND COB CliUSHEItS, admiration of every one. Nver before to anybody. That a mistake. It qOUN who is is talent. a a it People gift; have two such riders met together in the Sugar Cane Mills, dc. same ring in fact, it is almost impossi. have this gift in a high degree only ble for any manager to sustain the need to see a word once in print and Also; the St. Louis Invincible Vibrator enormous expense consequent upon such it is forever their photographed upon Threshing Machines, with Carey an undertaking, and we know of no ene Peocan't it. Power, cither mounted or down, forget They memory. so who be would as brave Mr. but Queen is fast superseding the old style which must be to who content haven't it to risk the experiment. When the Great ple Grain Belt Machines. American Circus went to Paris and ex- spell more or less like like thunder no World's hibited at the and expect to splinter the dictionExposition, We iollcit orders for the above other company would dare aocept their wherever their orthographical named respeetfnlly ary 'will guarantee and fell on Machine, challenge on any of the different propostrike. to FORK OV. XVKB TKRMS BE THAN BETTER happens lightning Robinsitions made. At that time Mr. words to in the FERED are of Utah. Clr. There the 114,000 People Dencrlptir and son was the leading equestrian star, won many encomiums for bis remarka unabridged dictionary. I know a lady eulari eent on application. All lncjulriee for fur kber information will be proiuptl; anewered. bly graceful and daring riding. Mr. who can only spell 180 of them right. a mucn younger man, She steers clear of all the rest. She Fish, although d!93 s35tf Ogden, May 1st, 1875. has achieved a great Continental and So letters her more. learn can't any Eastern reputation, and both men have consist of those constantly remany warm fricuds and adherents always between is no There jealousy existing curring in 180 words. Nowandthen, them. They are both members of the when she finds herself obliged to same profession, and are painstaking in write upon a subject which necessitheir, endeavors to please the public. tates the use of some other words, These twe gentlemen will appear on Monshe well, she don't write on that day night, and will ride several acts towill an have subject. gether, so that the publio I have a relative in New York who opportunity of judging of the merits of the respective riders. It was thought is almost sublimely gifted. She can't Office - Logan, Cackt County that Mr. Fish would object 10 any such word right. There is a any spell did he not but net only arrangement, called verbarium. A dozen object, but he waived the professional game weleach with a sheet provided people arc rights which were justly his, and cormost three Steam Saw Mill betide eeverikl brother comed his equestrian of paper, across the top of which is UhvIdk Water Pewer mill, w are prepared toftirnl.h will contest The not and warmly. dially written a long word like kaleidoscopbe for money, but for a friendly trial of BILLS OF or something like that, and the skill and agility, of which both men ical, mvke who the can see is to up game possess an unlimited amount. The Menagerie still continues U at- most words out of that in three mintract large crowds, who take considera- utes, always beginning with the inible pleasure in examining the wonderful tial letter of that word. Upon one creatures which are contained within occasion the word chosea waa eoffer-datbe different cages. Mr. Queen has made addi-tioWhen time was called everyIn any qaautity at rate which arrangements for receiving several to the Menagerie, and in a few body had built from five to twenty days a number of rare and valuable words except this young lady. She DEFY COMPETITION. beasts will be added to his already exhad one word ealf. We all only tensive collection. studied a moment and then said : "Why, there is no 1 in dam." Then BY ?I A little girl at school read thus: we examined her paper. To the "The widow lived on a limbacy left eternal honor of that uninspired, unwill receive Immediate attention. soul her by a relative." conscious, sublimely-independe"What did you call that word?" be it said, Bhe had spelled the word LUMBER Shipped to any point oa tue RoJlroatk asked the teacher; "the word is "caffl" If anybody here can spell calf any more sensible than that, let legacy, not limbaoy." little girl, "my him step to the front and take his "But," said the M. D. HAMMOND, sister says I must say limb, not leg." milk. The insunectioa will now Boston Courier. . I to-da- PRODUCE 28-C- STORE. m r, CHILD & W. Utah. Drag-Saw- s, ; seeing. The C. P. passenger train dn this morning at 8.40, was four hours only o U. P. tratn was held until the good reason why the road should late- The Mailt, arrival of the former. Ju T" C0UET Important Capture. by frost. It has The Utah Northern LUMBER Co. laUMBER ns OltDERS nt bc-gi- a- t Alii |