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Show I BY TELEGRAPH. AMERICAN. Washington, 8. Tho Secretary of the Interior has appointed Got. Axtell, of Utah, to be Governor of New Mexico, vice Geddings, deceased, and George W. Emory to be Governor of Utah, yioe Axtell. Major Jas. R. Martin, asst. adjt. general, has been relieved from duty in the adjutant general's ollico of the war department, and ordered to report to the commanding general of the department of Arizona for du'y at the headquarters of that department. Louis McClair, who is to be manager of the new bask in San Francisco, recently incorporated, had an interview with the secretary of the treasury and director of the mint in relation to the policy of the government in obtaining supplies of bullion for silver coinage. to-d- ay York, 8. A long consultation took placa between Jewett of the Erie, Commodore Vanderbilt of the New York Central, and Taomas A. Scolt of the Pennsylvania railroads, for the purpose, if possible, ot making arrangements for the benefit of the three lines The subject of an increase of the present schedule of rate? was under discussion, but ultimately had to be abandoned for the present. The future plan of management of the lines on a more amicable basis was also canvassed at great length, but left unaltered for the present. Receiver Jewett, however, expresses a hope that ere long every thicg will be arranged between the three trunk lines. Philadelphia, 8. A mass meeting of those iu favor of an expedition to the Cluck Hills was Different organizations held will leave for the Black Ilills by different routes. When all together the number will be 15,000. New t3-da- y to-nig- and professors tf the Berlin University. The banquet was attended by eighty gentlemen, of whom about forty were Americans. Mr. Thompson presided, and proposed a toa?t the German Emperor and the President of the United States Scburz toasted Germany and America, and made speeches in German nnd English. Ha was repeatedly cheered. Among the persons present were Herren Benningsen, president, and of the Prussian Loewe, House of Deputies: Befrauih, of the Chamber of Peers; Brevy, Councilor Ducher; Prof. Memmens, the historian; li. Kriesswan, Consul General of the United States, aud several members of the Prussian Diet. Wiesinger, who attempted to extort money by implicating persons in a plot to assassinate Bismarck, has been committed for trial. vice-preside- nt The Keecher Trial. London, 8. The Persian railroad commission to Falkenhagan has lapsed, because the oontract was not fulfilled. London, C. A. special to the Times from Rangoon, 84T8 Forsyth, the British envoy to Bur- fa&h, has been instructed to demand of the king an immediate explanation of the friendly reoeption ef his majesty to the Chinese general who was imphoated in the murder of Margaray, the British explorer. The Burmese are cutting telegraph wires The Times' Taris correspondent tele graphs that there are rumors of a movement in Madrid, ia conseresent military events which of quence the that troops are unable to gain prove any advantages over the Carlisis. Dublin, 8. The Lord Mayor of Dublin has issued invitations to a banquet to be giveu to the Irish and American rifle teams on he arrival of the day of the international shooting match. The Masonic body will also entertain the American visitors. Many Amerioans have already engaged apartments in Dublin for the time when the maten takes place. Toronto, 8. , A disastrous fire has been raging in the heart of the city fer seeral hours, but id' now, midnight, onder control. The flames burst from Good's stove foundry, aud made considerable head wsy before the engines arrived. About half a block, from Yongeto V ictoria and North Hunter streets, is destroyed. Tun lts by the fire will amount to ,4 au JI&O.OOO. Berlin. 8. A grand banquet was given here to day to Carl Sschurz, by the American residents of Berlin, members of the Dkt SPRING 1875. ry Goods Department p fa ?l- -- l; Eft ""t $ 9 I New York, 8. Evarts resumed his argument in tbe Beecber case. He spoke of tbe duties and rights of lawyers in regard to the espousal of causes, and said if the standard set up by flippant commentators on his profession was correot, the independence of the bar would be reduced to a degree which would imperil the administration of justice in a free country. When Tracy was first asked to enter into consultation, he stipulated that he should enter in as he was, a friend for Beecher. Tilton spoke of the etiquette of the legal profession, and in answer to his inquiries Tracy said he would not act as counsel for Beecher in the litigation of tbe case then submitted to him. Tilton told kis case, and Tracy said it was no ease which could involve legal proceedings. Subsequently, when it ap peared that TiltoH would bring a new charge against Ueccher, Iracy notified him he should not be bound in regard to that by bis promise iu relation to the old case. He told Tilton he was not pledged in regard to an adultery case. The matter had no relation to tbe merits of the case, except as it had given an opportunity to cast injurious imputations upon a gentleman who was a leader, if not the leader of the Brooklyn bar, and through him upon the case which he a a Co -- u o a r2 --v. Gent's Furnishing E epartment, 250 Trunks, Valises, & Satchels, Grocery Department, Having Just Received the ioIJcmiisi: c c i c c Evans then spoke of the letter of Beecher to Moulton, known as "the ragged edge letter," which showed how cunningly Tilton and Moulton had begun to work on Beecher's feelings. It also showed the restored relations between these parties. Evirts spoke of Moulton's magnificent proposition to pay $7,000 out of his own pocket rather than have Beecher disturbed by any thins arising out of the Bowen matters He was safe in making this offer, as lie well knew that nothing in regard to Bowen's afiVirs could trouble Beeoher. This $7,000 was a curious affair, and he doubtei if even Tiiton had got to the bottom of it yet. Tilton deposited the $7,000 obtained from Bowtn with Woodruff & Robinson, and ef tbi amount $6,000 were apprapriated to repay advance made by Woodruff & ltobinson, which he was not obliged ( repay Here was a generosity and kindly feeling which cunningly substrncted $0,000 from Boweu's $7,000, and cunningly replaced $5,000 of it immediately by woik-in- g on the generosity of Beecher. This was a remarkable case of good management, and he (Evarts) would venture that it was without a parallel in the career of the original of Sir Phillip A, W. BROWN & Co. Sydney. Counsel read from the "ragged edge" letter Beecher's description of the FIFTH STREET, OGDEN. that surrounded bim. Counsel Dsaleri ia explained "I am ready to step down and out. If my destruction will save Tilton, I am ready for the sacrifice." He said & this meant if Tilton wanted to terminate! the policy of silence he was ready, as be said iu Sune aiter, to step down if the investigation would come. Counsel ar-- 1 AND gued that this letter was inconsistent with guilt, for a guilty man does not voluntarily parade his guitt. Counsel Musical read a letter of Beecber to Moulton. in which oocurs a passage about his living on hand a full assortunder a oloul thinking every moment Keep constantly ment of might bo his last. This letter was but a continuation of the fame gloomy aud ex- Pianos, D. Basses, aggerated expressions. Violoncellos, Organs, Evarts said he wished the jury to Accardeons, Violas, Beecher all of advantages stripped judge of his position as a man like the rest of Violins, Fifes, us, but did not wish him to he judged as 1'iccolos, Banjos, a brute, a profligate or a man of a selGuitars Flutes. fish and mercenary oharacter. lie was to be judged as a raau of refined nature, a generous hoart and of keen sensibili- AND KEPAIRS of all KINDS ties. BLANK PAFEII. Evarts read the letter in which Beech11 LAX K UOOKS, er said ho had resolved to contend no UAXD HOOKS, Ac, which longei; that all devises by thy had tried to save themselves had proved worthless, and Theodore's character was TTithoa: exception the beat STOCK OF STR1303 grade, ai ut such as to leave no hope for the future. Evarts remarked that after all the exZ perience of tho world, after all the rays of sun to which Tilton had been exposed TJT1H, and are in continual receipt of his skin ha 1 not bien tougben.d or tanthe very latest publiMtiimago ned, and his conduct in regard to the Bok and Sheet Musical New York Prices. publication of this agreement illustrate d 'his character. Touch his Mail id post paid on receipt of task. wound his egotism, an4 he could not o bear it. Debauch his wife, aud he did Celebrated tlie for Agent not mud that. If the jury believed that tbe characters are not as fruitful and ' evr ) evident as the looms of time weavsd, they may believe this vile patch 3X of the woof of Beeo'aer'a life, and when to o! asked these are accept years you 9 fa CO y, dit5-culti- FOREIGN. STREET, OGDEtf, s, ft Concord, N. II., 8. II. Stowell, president of the George Receding republican seaate, received lata uiviuiug a v r J v'itiivit v iiivi supreme court on the senatorial question, accompanied by a letter from Chief Jus- represented tice Cushing, stating that the court could not recognize any body claiming to be senators other that than organized by the selection of Hon. Mr. Sanborn as The republicans are not president. wholly satisfied claiming that the opinion does not touch the main point9 at issue, as to the alleged assumption of duties by the executive not prescribed by precedent or fundamental law. They have held a cauous on the subject but their new policy has not transpired. It is thought that the seoeding senators will return this afternoon and that the business of electing agorerner in joint convention will be proceeded with. The democrats claim that there can be no legal election now, as the time prescribed by the constitutional limit has passed. The seceding republisan senators returned to their seats this afternoon. 1'ho senate concurred with the houe in notifying the governor that hoth branches were organized and ready for busiresolution ness. The house passed of govelection for the fixing ernor, but the senate refused to pass such a resolution. It is believed the question as the possibility of the legality of electing an executive will be raised. Pflfo hk M misery, baseness and trampling on the ki1 feelings of others, and breaking the laws r3 of Sinai as part of bis life, you are asked what surpasses credulty. Counsel then reviewed the character HAI3T of tho interviews between Beesher and UTAH. Mrs. Moulton. In all these onversa-tionsays Evarts this lady tells us that Beecher never told her the facts of the case. She was talking about the facts in her mind, and Beecher naturally thought they were tbe facts in bis mind. In all this there is but one word indicating guilt, and that comes out of the lady's mouth, and not Beecher'e. Counsel read Mrs T. lion's letter that, phe had been a pure wife and she blessed -- 7 -- 7 him every day for his faith in her, 8 0 o jt This statement was published in the 0) true story, yet Tilton comes forward and swears that she is an adulteress. en "3 Cftr The defendant subjected himself to the 3 rra s O to jury, giving his explanation, and was ?? 5 0 3 e subjected to a long cross examination em S suggested by Tilton's long and not 3 friendly observations of him, and whatB 55 21 ever might be said in the way of critito 3 3 C5 B cism of his want of metiiory. yet this "s S3 CO does not reduce the direct, which stands i 1 a plain and outspoken denial of any M H Iv M W H ST o C5 O 14 form of guilt with Mrs Tilton; defendant CO 2 8 era ? w on 1 stands conscious of the truth and 5 to abstain from the truth, and - - ? !, 03 K as a man of unquestioned truth in every IS. Cl CO r hi department of life, under burning criti cisms of men and there is nothing in our jurisprudense if that does not end the case. A verdict for the plaintiff strikes into the heart ef his wife, breaks the heart of this noble wife of Beecher, destroys his own good name, dishonors Constantly adding the Latest Styles irliick renders it our community and strikes a blow at. the Complete. dignity of humans nature; but the jury would find this suit in tbe true nature of a consrdrecy having not much in it at the first but growing until the poverty of tbe plaintiff and the straits thai he was in, brought him to make an accusation against the honor of his wife. A good man is always a school boy to acts of fraud, and Beecher will be a school boy to nets of fraud hereafter as FUJUu, heretofore It doe with his characler and w'uh the testimony of one witness -I O here, that he is a grent boy. To the jury o v. 55 in any doubtful case brought to deter--s o mination, we must acknowledge wit reO the deference, also, disposition spectful 2 5v and order ef this solemn trial, so inter5. H S3 S3 o esting te these parties, to this communio J) ty, to all present life in Christendom, to s 2 3,i- all future history, and acknowledge that CO E3 --1 coo tr. O O o if there be any miscarriage of justice a: H adand he shall also 3 o clear, your skirts CO 73 3! P P mit that in .actual experience of the S3 S "3 course of things in trial, anxiety and o o so solicitudes, that made us urgent to H f9 P have limits secured by definite orders of Si court, under assignment of particulars of the charge, have proved tobeunneces-sar4S GOODS COST MORE ON ACCOUNT OF FRETGIIT, ie., for we have not bad evidence at all XJL laid down io Salt Lake City than they do in Ogden. we can and do tf any time and place by uny witnesses, sell, on an average, cheaper. Give us a call and compare figures, and tka going outside of the. charge, and none, result will bo a purchase, thereby saving money, time and traveling expencs. us I think, within it, and you, gents, do your duty faithfully as as citizens ever do it. You have been taken from your 8l31y employments, your profits, and in seine instances perhaps in some degree from lunBniiwgmFUffgaag your livelihoods, and every day and hour from the beginning to the end you have given to witnesses and counsel honor your patient, interested, indulgent attention, and in your verdict you will And and we shall find with joy that truth crutches all round, and your verdict will be no exception. Court adjourned. es SHEET BOOK WALKER BROTHERS. SALT LAKE CITT, Have received the most complete assortment of spring Goods ever brought into the Tcrritoty, and will open them for inspection and sale during April Conference. Country Traders Should see them without MUSIC! LOWEST Fall. SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS TO CO-OPEKATI- STOBE8- - VE Merchandise, 11 1875. Spring Conference, ALLEN'S. HISSES H AE-MSI- H Co., ARK IN DAILY RECEIPT OF A Full Line of Fall Dry Goods OLD WALKER BUILDING Main Street, Osrlon. Jmt roceived, SPLENDID STOCK OF PRICES Eastern and Western Boots and Shoes They inrite inspection of theiir stock of self-prid- e, "VICTORS Sowluff aohlttc, ALL NEW, AND AT LOW FIGURES. Wheat, Odtn, Barley and Potatoes taken in exchange. JAMES ALLEN & Co. |