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Show protesting against ostensible charity, the ORGAN. real object of which is to raise money in Paris for the Carlists. It is suppesed France will pay less attention to these TUB BEST MADE AND INcomplaints than formerly, as Germany at present takes but slight interest in STRUMENT MAKWACTURED. Alfonso's cause, who is too weak to pur sue a course agreeable to Germany Agent for Northern Utah, Competent authority, an attache of . OGDEN. the Spanish Embassy at Paris, officially JOIINFOWLEE, reports that the Carlists muster 45,000 good soldiers, besides an equal number of secend rates, and will continue victo Tarms Easyt Rites Reasonable. rious as long as the war is conducted as Orders by letter pranptlv attended at present. A dispatch from Vienna says the Instructions giva by thj quarter Princess of Windischvratz has sent 300,- f Dou to 000 florins Carlos. Paris, 9. A violent storm passed over this city causing immense damage, many LOCAN 3RANCH, accidents, and traffic is wholly suspended in the streets. The storm extended to the south of France, and fiorn the IMT. X. Pyrrenes comes the report that a house was prostruted and eleven persons killed. The damage done in Paris alone is estiOffer to the publiia full and mated at 1 1,000, OOOf. complete assurbent of Paris, 10. French ultramoufane journals publish FANCY a telegram from Carlist sources announcing that Gen. Galmundi has captured Caninera and taken eight hundred ! prisoners. ESTEY AMERICAN. 1 ; 8t.-.t- W . c uremic, in Urmonywuhio tt Q un r.reme COUIl on tun cuwell None of tue objecuons ate affirmed be must lorun. treasury and lff!ior the change, areexpec.ed in internal oinoea on the nrat Morton held a lengthy consult- ation with auoroey general Pierrepont the interior department do consider the late visit of the Indians Officiate of not w failure. Cincinnati, 9 Orleans special The Gazette's New Washington was a Brownsville Biys says a dispatch from information official has there sheriff' the Wholesale Department t. Is Stocked with a splendid and complete selection of 19-t- to-da- y, 2! C. STAPLE ME RCHANDISE FOR THE SPRING TRADE. STAPLE& Country Dealers are invited to call and inspect. BCHZNDISE y Gents' rf Vallejo, by the third congressional distrirt republican cenventijns. 1 he republican state convention meets at SacA rumor prevails ramento tliat Sargent and Gorham will break with the Ctntral Pacific, and denounce inquired receutly of a hod carrier what kind of a building it was. The mau didu't answer. "Is it a church, or a hall, or what ?" "Faith, I think it's a church." "What kind of a the company in the convention. church 2" "Can't tell the name, sir; Thomas II. Selby died this but it's for them folks as is trying to afternoon of pneumonia. bottom hell." the of knock out 9. WOOD'S J. Newton Warren telegraphed May of War, stating he to go into the Big Horn country, and asks permission to proceed via Forts Fetterman and Kearney. Tae document wns referred by the Secretary of War to Lieutenant General 8heriJan, who has forwarded the same t the Commandant-Genera- l of the defollowof with the the Platte, partment ing endorsement: "Headquarters Military Division of the Missouri, Chicago, June 9th, 1875. Respectfully referred to thecommanding general of the department of the Platte - Now is a favoaable time to renew stocks and prepare for the business of the opening Season. Our Assortment can not be excelled EXCEESIOR & Moivcrs, phioes ttktzdih 1 , , ,r , mo uuiui ,,r. iiuoiusuio iiouse in Territory. T 41 The Iiev. Dr. Skinner of Cincin j nati says to the work of Moody and Sankey: "To mo the movement is Whitewatc and Slndcbaker sad, very sad. Of course it will be atteutionTiCeS Addrcsscd to D II reer arrested, it cannot abide, but as WIGONS, hitherto, so now, if it much extends B. s4-tit will require years to clear away the wrecks and recover lost ground." Alsof Winetster cC Democrat H. f. "Did you like the sermon, love?" aske4 a pious wife of a heathen hus band on their way home from church. Well, my dear, to tell the truth," he said, "I didn't piy much attention to the sermon, but, from the sweet expression of the parson's face, I should say he was a man who wouldn't have to be asked twice to take a drink." Two colored men took refuge un- dsr a tree in a violent thunder storm. "Julius, can you pray?" said one. - New York, 9 money, Governments, active and lower; stocks, dull and unsettled; Westers U., 75; Quicksilver, 17; Pacific Mail, 32; Weds Trgo. 77: N. Y. Central, 103; Erie, Pan ma, 12S. Union Pacific, 69g; bonds, 103J; Crntral bonds, 104. A. Brooiiljn evening paper, much g ven to sensations, enys it is underwood that new and important evidence, bearing .lirecdy upon the issue in the great trial, has been unearthed. Some fcts gathered have een submittei to fertiiu lawyers in Brooklyn, and they declare that it u of great significance as feuting th iimn charge brought by Tlwodore Tilton against Henry Ward Beecher. An investigation is now in progri3, and it i8 not improbable that cise maybe or another uu commenced on the basis of newly covered evidence. Boston. 9. oroner'B jury in tke case of M k i ei loaag, have rendered a verdict aung that the evidence points directly w Thos. W. Piuer as her murderer. & promptly forwarded. 0- Ana omcrwnimg implements. his information, aud such action as nay be necessary. According to the provisions of the treaty of 1869 with the Sioux Indians, white men are prohibited from entering the country referred to, in the enclosed telegram to the Secretary f War. Notification will bj given all parties who coetemplate entering the country named, that they will be prevented from doing so by the military authorities, until the orders under which the latter are acting are revoked. "No, Sam," was the reply, "nebThe Tribune's Sioux City special says ber prayed in my life." parties recently released by Randall, attempted to cross at Springfield, Dakota, "Well, can t you sing a hyranr nd return to Gordon City, but were Just then the lightning struck a turned back by the military. About a trcs near by, shivering it, when the hundred of them will arrive at Sioux first, speaker exclaimed: City to morrow. Fifty, who were re"See heah, honey, sumlhn ligious leased last week have arrived, greatly discouraged, and many of theaa destitute, has got to be done, an' dat mighty their effects having been burned by Maj. suddin, too, s'pose you pass around for CIIPION orJerel by letter will be securely and packed Ljs' Clothing Reapen Chicago, 24th to the Secretary bad GOO men waiting GoojIs Great redlion in Price of or TT nrr T' "Li. . ingiis pnug wagon, t UUST! llinvrc? vn Tniinnvrp lu.iuuj iiu 11 l ether AND shoe FiivDiivas CLAWSON. XB One Door South of Boyle's Furniture Store. : w I arden M. b B. Olawson, M(,p U (.110 U.UU Notions, &c. 8 UPT. tt; We have a ronntant buyer ia New York City who is engaged in the same ..v w ,CUJ iuiq Buvunmgo or tno fluctuatioiuj of tLe market, and therefore w are enabled to Bell goods cheaper than any other house this aide of St. Loui. Our Motto is: ., H c3 o Death and Destruction to High Prices ! hi And to convince you cf the truth and veracity of our motto we annex a price current to this We CO 0 Respectfully Solicit the Patronage of the Citizens, ROSENTHAL .& BROS. 4- - 0 W Price Current, rectified by EOSENTEAL & BEOS. p03 -- rl c3 di 13 r! -- t, U Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, de hat!" --- v- m Thatcher will receive upt attentien. 2J3: SUPT. ISLES' 1 We respectfull it announ. in th riti Ml Kinds ojf'otluceforuwd-lrr- f never ana, the surroundlnn" cnuntin thntv ivu fit tn' i ( 1fC OllUll AOltCC. opened the finest and most fashionable stock of All receive prompt Price Dry Goods & Clothing IT 1H1J1J1LUi3j wH1 3d Y yj One A storv is current in Paris, as fol lows: Vicomptede II wasseveuty s4tf Jreshness the retained but years old, of vouth mentallv as well as physi cally. This was the result of an old theory put into long practice. lie lived alwavs moderately, systemati cally reserving a proportionate share oi entertainment; ior ins uiu aye Certain booksplays and places were avoided by him until the time prescribed for them arrived, when he would enjoy them all the more because cf the long anticipation. His appetite was regulated in the same cool manner. Ilii object, he said, was to escape tiring of life, and to use the world's pleasures in the wiseet and most rational way. In the realisation of his plan he only rsached Huopera a short time ago. "The he and guenots" was the one selected, was in a state of high excitement on the night of his first visit to the Grand Opera House. He had a FOREIGN. whole box, and, beiDg an ardent 9. London, Ti n music, he was -. r i,i o iuai ycu- - lover of Meyerbeer's '.uilivt ral isabalas had defeated the Alfonsist enthusiastic in his admiration of the IFftMt i Til iiaues after two day's fighting, entertainment. At thft end of the cnpturing their guns and Btores and a first act he fell from his chair and died. The undue agitation iue Pan ioriy prisoners.oi .t. me m-limes, instantly dis.1, wiud.ng to the rumors of a Republican had induced an attack of heart caremovement in Madrid, says those who are ease. In his desk was found a pleas-thaof lh.,,kng ,fffliir8 ia Spain are satisfied fully prepared programme AJfon8i8t Government is apprewould have lasted until his hensive of trouble and has instructed eightieth year. It included a tour of "Spanish Ambassador at Paris to . vmv v eomplamt, relative to the tolerance America, me rea-uu"Carhsmoathe frontier, and warmly works, etc. ; BRANCH. OUR Mexicans crossed thdt twenty armed miles into Texas, Saturday night, eight The lightning is beginning to play Brownsville. below Consting of its frisky pranks. It hasn't struck DRY Jefferson Davis will accept the presiGOODS, TOVES, and ag- the next president. Boston Post. dency cf the Texas mechanical &OTIONS, TINWARE, at ricultural college Nor has "Jersey lightning" finBryaa. the of decision cent r a IIATS&CAr, supreme GLASSWARE, Uy ished off the prestnt one, as predictBOOTS & SIIOB, oourt the funds belong ng to benevolent CROCKERYf ed. Sentinel. ludianapolis focietii'S have been declared subject to KTENT MEDICINES those republican state conven- GROCERIES, But taxation. HARDWARE, ETC., ETC. tions Lave. San Francisco, 9. Colorado Democrat. that full Also line A dispatch from Sacramento says The Unitarians of Troy are build 11. T. Page was jininated for & Congress by the second, and 0 D. Denio, ing a fine church. A pa3iiag traveler Gold closed 1CJ OGDEN PWtEST-TOXE- Washington, 9. in court S. Ia 'of'ihe iupreme in company railway Erie lheCa Penneylf-.'V- r of rommoawtallh Hunt delivered the Dll'nn ,f tbe court. The question a inten-thi- s of ,Le "gut and case is i,.n,.vlvania to itn- nUf"" rece.pt of th. Th. court find, K op.nj. court of Penn- of the I. - Z. C. M. I., o 44 Best unbleached Domestic 12J cents per Yard. Best unbleached Domestic 10 cents per. yard. 44 Best Fine C. Islaud 10 to 12 Jets per yard. 44 Bleached Domestic 9 to 20cts. per yard. 8 Bleached Domestic 7 to 12 Jets per yard. 7-- 8 7-- "3 re-at- w Call & Sec. g P--4 dl06 t&Clj PrioU 9 to 11 cents per yard. Dress Goods 13 cts. to 1.25 per yarJ Shawls, latest styles $1.73 to $3.00 Cassiruere Suits $15 to $30. Satloett Suits Q t6 $15, Fine Black Pants $3 to $12 ; A fuli line of Piece Goods, Notions, Table Linens, Xo Trouble to Show Goods. |