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Show REPUBLICAN ,.. CONVEX-TIO- X. This day the Republican State Convention tor California will held at Sacramento, the object being to jfut in nomination a State ticket. Jt would seem that members of that party have lately come to the conclusion that a fight must be made in that State, and the effort made to keep the party alive. No doubt the bread and butter brigade is stirred up to this proceeding by the "powers that be," in Washington, for we suppose they think it will not do to Jet tho party die out in so large a State as California, where bo much public pap is distributed. The Chronicle, ever hopeful, hopes and expscts to see honest counsels prevail at the convention, and it hopes to see "such a' ticket nominated as the bist men of the party can support." Such action as the Chronicle hopes for is certainly desirable, and we hope that the opposite party will also be governed by the same spirit, for where both parties are honest and put in the field good men, the people are assured that which ever may succeed, the offices will b3 filled by faith' . . ful, honest men. is It said that the Democrats and Dolly Vardcns are making an effort to fuse in California. 'Should there prove to be but two tickets in that p State, we anticipate a lively time; but in that event what will become of Senator Booth ? MOKE THIRD TERM. The Indianapolis Journal is the leading Republican paper published in Indiana, aad being as is supposed, the organ 'of Senator Morton, its utterances may be regarded as signifies ht. . We are aware that our readers da not, probably seem to take as warm an interest ia partisan affairs ss the people of the States, but, as we are all governed by tho same policy and laws, the Junction does not believe that the people of Utah are entirely without interest in the question who shall succeed President Grant -- Ucnce we furnish them from time to time with the opinions of politicians elsewhere. The Journal gives expression to the following language, in speaking of President Grant's late letter to Gneral White ; 'Stripped of all verbiage, this remarkdocument can only able eleventh-hoube construed as a politician's bid for a third term. lie "would ot accept a nomination if it were tendered, unless it should come under euch circum-nUncas to make it an imperative duty circumstances tbat are not likely to arie." The Journal only regrett tbat the Republicans of Indiana are not on the eve of assembling in State conren-tio- n in order tbat they, also, might set tbn seal of their condemnation upon the third-terprojeot. ' r e m DEATH ON A LOCAL ITEMS. (The wife and eon of Mr. Baker remained with the train, and arrived TRAIN. We are sorry to be under the of announcing the unexpected aud nudden death, on the train rowing west yesterday, of a gentleman who probably never expected that his e tit from life would take plaee as U did. The Hon. Stephen Baker of Poughkeepsie, N. Y., formerly a member of Congress from the district in which he lived, was travbling in company with his wife und one son, on a U. P. train going to California, us he supposed; yester-terda- y morning, about 5 o'clock the porter of a Pulman ear, in which Mr. B. was sleeping, observed that bis breathing appeared unusual and reported the fact to Mr. B.'s friends, when on approaching him it was found that he was in a dying condition, life toon became extinct. ne-H'tsi- ty Missionary Appointments. "Madam T A that any ofthe heds The Home Missionaries of Weber nouware inhabited hy at Ogden yesterday evening. Mrs. bedbug;, County are requested to fill the appoint Sentence. The Journal.Pioche, Daily B. and son are stopping at the Union ments herein named, on Sunday, June "What! What 's that?" ex informs its readers that Gleason, who ex-13th, 1873. claimed. Hotel, with the remains of the laplead guilty to the charge of murder in C. II. Wheeloclt. Ogden Tabernacle "I said that I hadn't xU mented husband and father, awaiting the second A degree, would receive his Wallace and Thomas North ,v"uowst Ogden i.oa the arrival from San Francisco of an- sentence on Monday last, by the Judge uy wi me bedsteads la F. S. Richards. your house were infested bv hi other son of the deceased and his of the District Court. and L. F. R. Ballantyne City Hooper wife, who are expected to arrive as Monch. "lake yourself out of thU she shouted, soon as they can after the receipt of Harrisville L. J. Herrick. Farmers call and see the "Ellward snatcbhg a tidy 0ff tj, back of kind A. a in of West. the chair Harvester." beat the J. The Iluntsville and brandishing k a telegram which was srnt announc at on the him. market. Binders ride machine, Plain City Lorin Farr. ing to them the melancholy end of work in the shade. Light draft. Sold "Beg pardon, madam, hut T Ann West Weber Edwin Stratford. their father. like to call your " M. D. Main street, Ogden. Hammond, by Lynn James Taylor. On their arrival here the family "Uet out, she screamed; "et cut s46-3Marriott Moroni Brown. ' will return to the late home of the or I'll call the gardened" Easton D. M. Stuart. will I Blood Will Tell. At least so says deceased with the body, for interget out, madam, but I ish F. D. RICHARDS. " understood in Rollin who P. of the you "Saxes," Saxe, ment. J-- a n she shouted forms us that they will have at the rail of out side a window, but the exteroad stockyards in Ogden, from June Rain. We announced in the Junc rminator wa8 out of the yard beagent A Plague to 12th blooded to lot of Rats. 14th, a cattle, tion yesterday, that, as we sent our pa fore John could be delivered as per order. Parties who get around tho per to press, a gentle rain had commenc- house. A Ragoon correspondent of the have given orders for such, are request ed to fall. This morning even the birds lie seemed discouraged as he London Times writes to that journal ed to meet the "Saxes" promptly. of the forest were singing hymns of re walked down the street, but he had as follows: "While Bengal has lately joicing on account of the night's rain, it travelled less than a block, when his Just arrived, a seems to us also, that all animate nature saw a sto'.it woman sitting on the struggled through a famine crisis the Scuuttler Waooxs Kurens country,, lying on the con- full stock of Farm and Spring Wagons, (man, beast, vegetation, fruits and flow front steps of a fine residence fannic 0 fines of Burmah proper, has narrowly at M. D. Hammond's, Main Street, ers) wears a more cheerful countenance. herself. s46-3Water is a good thing to have around; "Stout women are always good escaped a crisis of the same kind, but Ogden. we he soliloquized as be opened do not are aware, many persons, in this instance rats, and noc drouth, Coriknk Itkms. Intoxicated, but not seem to like it, the gate. particularly as a bever were the cause of the scarcity. It drunk, is the way the Mail speaks of "llavn't not the taken stomach got anything for the still if into age, several Corinthians. sufferers!" that certain she calkdout of Burmah cold and in too largo quantities, good grasshopper appears parts Bear as he entered. is river falling. are periodically visited by a plague of pure water is net bad to take inwardly There was an angelic smile on hi will now rejoice because the As a Corinne rats. Hosts of them march across producer of crops of grain, vegeta City Council has decided to bring water bles and other things intended to keep face as he approa2hed the steps, set country, and attack the roots of the into that place. his trunk down, and said: up vitality in man, it is essential, and and tho in the crops grain Tillages, "My mission, madame, is even S. .S. Johnson, ef the Mail, has gone when to garden, field and pasture applied nobler than acting as agent for a and actually drive out the populace, to Franklin. by artificial means, its effects are won- distressed The grascommunity. and cause whole villages to be desderful, but when taken up into the air shopper sufferers do not comprise One Hundred Thousand Pounds of and erted by their depredations.- Such spread broadcast upon the parched of the world's part a plague had appeared near Tounghoo, Wool wanted at the New York Store. earth, it comes, it seems to us, more ac population, while my mission is to Rosenthal & Bro., and some suffering had arisen in conceptably than otherwise. Let the people relieve the whole world." Main Street, Ogden. therefore rejoice and give thanks for the "I don't want any peppermint esequence, but the government apglorious rain which fell last night, be ssence," she continued as he started Decoration. The Times of Provo, in cause it has fallen for their benefit, and to unlock the trunk. pear to have provided food for thase in want of it, and all fear of famine a leader, makes mention of the late de- its fruits will be seen after "Great heavens, madame, do I many days is now averted. A forester, but a coration day at some length, and in for most lesemble a peddler of cheap essences?" have most must a it assuredly few weeko since, as he was going to writing upon the subject of the late war, beneficial effect exclaimed. he "Iam not one. Iam upon the crops wherever visit the teak forests rented by a (in which it seems he participated) it fell. here in Detroit to enhance the large firm in Bombay, witnessed the the writer intimates that instead of of the night to produce pleasant dreams. passage of an army of rats as they making a national holiday devoted to the Let we call your atcrossed the Sittaug. IIo wa3 at that decoration of the graves of soldiers who to my Sunset Bedbug Extertention The Man with thcTin Trunk " time gliding down stream in his boat, died in the minator, a liquid warranted to- Struggle, he would prefer "to and the boatmen called his attention "Bed what?" she screamed, ceasing He smiled blandly as he halted for forget the past, and remember the fol to a large mass swarming down the fan her fat cheeks. to of no a moment in front more." the City Hall lies, cruelty and destruction high banks. These turned out to be In this we concur. He looked lik a man who could palm "My Sunset Bedbug Exterminarats, nd as they swam across the off almost anything on the public at tor. It is to day in use in the humriver they kept a kind of a military 100 per cent profit, aDd yet leave ble negro cabins on the banks of the 1 ostponed. The rain last evening formation. He represented their each customer in a grateful mood Arknaosaw, as, well as the royal " numbers to have been myriads. prevented Mr. Plummer giving the en- He had a tin trunk in his hand, and palace of her Majesty Q "You They passed close to the boat, and tertainment as announced in the columns as he sailed down Lafayette avenue villyum!" she were large field rats.- The late Dr. of this paper. He has engaged the City the insult me boys wondered whether the trunk wheezed; "how dare you and his entertain- contained tax Mason, in his book on Burmah, Hall, purposes giving receipts or horse lini mentions the plague they were to the ment there on Saturday evening. He ment. The stranger halted in front "No insult, madam, it is a pure " but until their il we recommended. The comes us country, depredations among of a residence, his smile deepened matter of had spread to such a large extent as papers on the Pacific slope have spoken and he mounted the she screamed, "Leave! Git steps aud pulled they did last year their presence was very highly of bis abilities as an elocu- the bell. clutching at his hair, and he had to ignored. It appears that they gen- tionist. We hope our citizens will fill "Is th lady at home?" he inquired go out in such a hurry that be couldn't lock the trunk until he erally keep near hilly country, and the house next Saturday evening. The of the girl who answered the bell. scour the plains at seasons when the The girl thought he was the census reached the walk. of admission has been reduced to nuts or fruits in the hills fail them. price cents. For He travelled several blocks aDd she seated him iu the parfifty particulars se) email taker, and lor and called the lady of the house. turned several corners before b bills. .. When the lady entered the stranger halted again, and his smile faded away to a melancholy grin. He saw twe Personals. John W. Young. Esq., rose,, bowed, and said: Mall Matters Again. "Madame, I have just arrived iD or three ragged children at a gate, Superintendent of the Utah Northern noticed that tho house was old, and railroad, came up this morning from Salt this town after a tour extending clear Ogden Citt, Utah, ' " he braced up and entered. ' June Lake City, and we understand leaves on down to Florida, and wherever I went 10th, 1875. "I v hunts no zoap," said the woEditor Jckction: the morning train for the east; and now I was received with glad welcome." the "Did you wish to see my hus- man of the house as she stood in Sir: I was pleased to read in a recent we hope ere long to announce by band?" she asked as he opened the door. number ef your paper that some of the m authority that work has been resumed tin trunk. "Soap, madame, soap? I have a officials of the Railway Mail service, had on the Utah Northern Railroad It lived in "No, madam; I deal directly with soap. I noticed that you visited Ogden City, and that they had is well to as the as Ogden, important the lady of the house iu all cases. A old house, and as old houses are prettraveled over the U. N. It. It , and re" communication that at by woman will country large the virtues of ty apt to be infested appreciate commended changes in the time of the rail should be extended to Soda Springs, "I vhants no bins or needles toexterminator and purchase a my of in their trains passenger ' departure at as early a day as possible. bottle where a man will order me off day!" she shouted. of the morning, so as to better meet the is his A. S. Abell, Esq , with family, "Madam, Iam not a peddler the steps without glancing at it." convenience of travelers wishing to visit, "I Yankee notions," he replied. "Your your what?" she asked. stopping for a few days at the Union or those who have business transactions Hotel in this A. is Mr. the propricity. "Madam," he replied, as he placed selling a liquid, prepared only by in Cache and Oneida counties. Such a etor of the Baltimore Sun. which is warranted to a four ounce phial of dark liquid on most is desirable would and be change Our oldfrieiidM. F. Sbinn, of Omaha, the palm of his left hand, "madam, "I vhants no' baper gollars!" ebaW duly appreciated by the public, especial- registered at the Beardsley House,' yes- I desire to call your attcution to my exclaimed, motioning for him . ly, as I understand, that under present terday, but without stopping over, Sunset Bedbug Exterminator. It leave. men and oitiiena rushed beea arrangements, business madly toward his mining inter- has been tried at home and abroad, "Paper collars! I have often generally, caunot mail a letter at the ests at Tintic. in no case has it failed to " and mistaken for Shakespeare, madae, post office in this oitjr uo mutter how desir?"' she do "What mean, you to this N. came Mr. Pike bnt never before for a paper collar J. city up imporUnt it may be later than 5 o'olock in manded, getting very red the face. peddler. Let me unlock my truD in the morning, if it is to go by the Utah from Salt Lake this morning. " Northern mail train to Northern Utah, and show- Hon. 0. C. Bates of the Salt Lake City "Leave this house instantly." to MoniaDa and Idaho. o wish to iofcr don't I "Madam, you "I vhants no matches-n- o dohacco-nHave you learned whether the U. N. bar, made bis appearance in OgJen this from " and her my R. It. Co. contemplate altering their morning on a flying visit. The gentlezigars!" she interrupted; this to leave want "I house," and, you corner schedule at aa early day, so as to have man seemed so happy that we took for husband came around the shrieked. she moment, passenger trains leave their depot in this granted that the Supreme Court had reafter eyeing the agent for a "Madame, allow me to explain remarked: city at half past eight o'clock, instead of fifteen minuter to Btx in the morning, as leased him from the charge of contempt, my- -" here "If you don't be quick out ofabo& at present? if such an arrangement made by Judge Boreman of the second will call the police!" she voci"I e can be effected many now district. We persume the Judge return- ferated, making for the door, and he I shall not have any shoking frieuds would visit in the ed to their people it!" Salt Lake by the morning train. hastily locked his trunk and hurried w north, business men would have ample At dusk last night the agent of P. S. Having seen no report of the out. time to answer their business communibarrel ia front cations, citizens could mail letters and certiorari case, referred to in yesterday's Going down the street about two sitting on a salt and the shadow daily newspapers for the above named proceedings of the Supreme Court we blocks he saw the lady of the house commission house, points aore than two hours later than conolude that it has not been decided, at the parlor window, and instead of of evening were slowly deepening jw they now cun, aud I believe it would be he stood under the melancholy look on his faco. for the interest ef the public generally. bnt that the Judge has other cause for climbing the iteps tooit Free Press. window and politely said : happiness. Thurtday't Daily of June 10. From . w "J-a-w-- 1 w-n- !" r ! - one-hundre- th cem-for- ts - " ii . niy-sel- : . stay-at-hom- f, |