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Show r" h ' . -' A6cr.ouS ,tfsfic Question lately "n-- -- "P'lVon "fr v courti BorI. its solution depend- bertVof a free-bur- n trial ,., citizen auu tne .1 was Llit v..nrh. Tit in court x : r, a int tins tiuuu T!h laniru.'ure on waM" a ro I..., IVnnsvlvamun, was on lie was nap- in a bar room, iw l . i ...,;a .nt.on that a Til I.IIUI P. , i pi'J " - I ,t a tinea it i . Miciiaei uaiwp""; and took therefrom something I i l" 1. j i L g vw word a I! HcurvWliituKasarouuil Louis Uenton could not speak 11,8 of i. nr i'eri'iic f'T tor rrcncii. ..i.ii H : ..tnA liim hr brlliant cmi,iece. and, this being missed, her sad heart and broken hopes are laid in a premature grave ... i t ., kter tiui slic was a member of the,. iravelUug comply of Madame best professionJanansehek, and al experience appears to have been goiued in the society of that excellent actress. More recently Miss Alexander was a meaber of the company at the lioston llientrc. Ilor talents were considerable. Her uiind was well cultivated. She would have adorned domestic life in polished society. She might, under hap pier conditions, have risen to a fair ranK upon tnc stage, it was not a At a Frcci A :it. The Sufferings Jo f Three Christian St ales men in the lieautiful Land of Flower. He had Gallagher and White mill nut in the station Mouse Correspondence of the N. Y. Sun. ident does not pardon him and. re move Judge r razor. Ho loves church music. His favorite song is "From Greenland's icy Mountains." Other Christian statesmen are get Gen. Littleheld apting nervous. pears to be uneasy, and it is said that Gleason wants to be born Illhad a narrow es again. few a months cape ago. A North Carolina Sheriff, armed with a requisition from the Governor o( Georgia, caught him over the line. Littlefield uid several friends with him. While they were expostulating with the the General lighted out and got back to Florida. The sinners are getting the upper and down here. Something nnt be done quickly, or the Christian statesmen will go to the wall. Jt President Grant could be induced to write a letter endorsing Gaskins's honesty, it would brighten things amazingly. As it helped Loltax so much, it might save Gaskms. 1 am authorized to announce Capt Charles II. Brock as a candidate lor Congress lrom this State, lie is a reat sinner, but he won't steal. LOOK HERE. Cy eloimMlii 'EW REVISED . EDITION, thr In Entirely 1 ar-hce- Years Ae APPLETON'S AMERICAN lt CYCLOPS DIA. . Will lie i.mil CuniiUte iu 10 volx., of SOLD A BY ONLY clmme for SOU tin- - Viepinnini; July, 1S73. pai-sendi- . SUBSCRIPTION. million to buy a comnletH liliniry without fttlinp the coxt. A suvinit of tcu rcht ti (In t Imvs the coniiilcti' nut. iow in the time to snlwnlio. For nil J ii formation, AdJrets, P.OBT. II. VAN EEN8SKLAER, l, Wn first known in Amerira. He mn itu nrc well known through-ou- t the liMbitalle world. Jt inu tlte oldest 1 and best record of any LlnimrMt 11 the world. From tlio millions upoit millions of bottles cold no rout jilain t Has ever readied us, und us u. lieullng and Ogden, Afont for Northern Utuh. PUW1PS!PUMPS! KEKP8 I. JI. STUAUT FOR SALE THE REST AND c 11' MI'S for dee FOHCK Hlid or olmllow wells. LINIMENT PAIN SUBDUING CHEAP I.It'T Pa- IT HAS XO EQUAL. It is recommended with vmbrmndofl Also, tent Points for Drive Well Piimii. with miitahle e Jacksonville, Fla., Jan., C. iron pioiiiK. Ptiniiis reimiredanil fitter! upon reason all casus of CutH.Bruisos, Burns, Spraina, iu the at them a! !e tennd.at Wurkshwp. Titliiiitf Ofllco, Uheiimatiem, Hard Swelling, li;tet, This is beirinninsr to be an un and he appeared against the Joints, i rozen Feet, tar . -cu-rv i , L0 - nilv Btatft fllV Christian KtateKiii.-trial j.,,0 Jkc, ftc. among all persons, and for Sprains, . ....,.1-- r iind I a a tier anu rounders. P.ingbone, ScratcheB. j THE SAN FRANCISCO til Saddle, ColSpavins, Springhalt. uuc so ia ui oeen iu nunuu it miux-all Kleniing iiaa lar and Harness Ga!ln;aluo didcabca of tlio Kj e n.. ,1,.iii.L- dav nnnrlitirtn fif nulilic morals in l'Mnriilfl , flint ZlSKA. and Eur in UlU""-- v..v thinext r (.M('('PeS IU1 WEEKLY p,v,. .v.v.. CHRONICLE, j ! ne liinupiice oi oiq noion !,.,.. i:ni :inv reeoneciiou oi r,r ro hektinkd to bs or Horses, how who lives here in Jack or Robinson, they got ,.w liid haptieued . . .. . .. i' ... i .i .i t .i, a am was a not mat inereiore lienton l THE STAR WEEKLY sonviue, is question into court, L NOTICE, witness. He told prepared to answer. "Strange tliiugs t ininnrtaut Of the l'aollic CoakI. w JI1USI ... . - nave uansa nere witnin wnicnwas year, napreuea in rreucii, .;ctnrv AI ONCE THE' He gaid Theodore Barber, when he met court interpreter. S THE BOTTOM FOR DRY l liv . . .... Uioa vj the o i BriKhteRt, Most Coniprelieni'ive, Mont V ,,Ai, . T,i:.. ,i in.iri ti n i iiii! (ii.il v (tin Tiiio lrinror i((it(ii "ii n .iniin Krliahle, Most Kutertuiiiinx und in till re)eet a3 . , 1 u '( .r ...rt I'. the llest Weekly paper ever iHKued this Side of son he s nearly ninety, you Know Goods and Groceries lias unquestion White .. (liar ,rW .... . lie repneu .. the KH'ky Moiiulainn, und the equul of nuy in " i i ti au has married a young gin, ana the World, i uow offered to Subsenliem at the I ne m turpi en;i n Y(7 entoure. Low Kale of able been touched, and a sharp n A! 'die encircled the com i.,tf.fl this: lurv have iouuu A $4 office-holdsteal that inference of Grant the guilty Unit" leaving is liable at any moment to VIU, ALSO 5 to onoAddrew Whitp had held Fleming while Gal ing, Ehemnnt-fimSenralKlft. Cure Oont, Lame IOtAplcH 3(aOCoies the money- The first Christian statesman who take place, we advise Country Merliftck, Salt ltheum, PuieououH Kit'H. T.xtcrul lagher had performed And a free copy to the getter up of a Club. lioneaud Munrle Aflectious, Sore Nipplws, 4c, I his looked Daa has suffered is the Hon. W. S. Bush chants who intend replenishing their abstraction trick. and may be j uetly termed the pac acta for al 1 was Mr. Bush was ouc of the principals for White. 13ut the transaction Will Receive Each Subscriber . !'. M EXTERNAL WOUNDS. nvrlor I Kit llt. ll.- - T a" uiuu lue jjam; nil.. not ail satisiaeiui v. vny uuuuicwoi .'ian.u stocks for late Winter sales, to Bend .. . TT .11 CI. J T.... vuua J Jtff Remember, this Liniment did AS A UlStlCC 1b iiicn oneriu anu snouiu uu uuuc, iiu'. no was .1... not KpringMOST yeur.pro ina flnyoi-upAUSUUD the alontr their orders, .r inspect of sort One ClUCiUfTTBE in as a AW UNSATUEALt CKL.-tor of Columbia County. 'i',..nth:tl was called A LARC.K ACCURATE AND BEAUT1FI L MClUROOM AS1) CLAIVEB PI lie explained Moore, Dr. Day, Mr. Waldron and market for themselves as early as ...msultiir linguist. But we havo the experience of over States. United The Map of year of trial, witU tlio inoatHub. thirty that by the word "entoure" the other good Grant brethren, accused fctaiitJilrceuitB.andby auiulttadj of Witacuee. Woi-iRetail In the Euxt. ft at 12 him 0f embezzling about $40,000 possible. French witness simply meant'around If the Liuimcntia sot aa rcccmocndd, tba Thu Elegant and ukuIu! Souvenir, ii.trinti.'nlly looked construction firnrescnt. This belonging to the county. A full re worth three timev the cost of the Weekly Clironi-el- e the of for one year, i the mont vnlnahle piepi,t ever Having availed ourselves Ho might escape port 0f their accusations appeared in letter for White. made by any publisher to their patiuns. be Money tk states prisou alter all. Then it the Sun at that time. Bush scared recent depression in the Blanket and into a denial of what he had cinne out that there was' no ground Moore THE SAN FRANCISCO To not be Imposed upon b? iElns any other White. Liuimeut claimlun the same properties or of Flannel market by making largo pur'arrest for the ?aid. and smothered the proceedin whatever a cheat and a fraud, to aura WEEKLY CHRONICLE and They are but He was an innocent drunken mau ; the United States Courts. Soon nothing get to for are we chases prepared cash, Will rontain SIATV-- f OUR COLUMNS of the .standing around in a bar room, while afterward Mr. Starkweather, Collec the DAILY CIIKON1CLK, nu uniouoteqiytl iieof was in progress, tor of the port of Cedar Keys, died. offer the Muslim Xi&bat. to a Tolume of KOUR IILNDKK1) PAGES, printiHl extraordinary bargains. und coiixeqiietitly fri PTKRKOTYPK PLATES, Then it came out in evidence tliat He was the brother ot Congressman Sold ut all DAcoGisia avd Cocixar livinf the cleuruco ud beuuty of NEW XVl'K STOUtC AT Mer- IN EVERY 1SSLE. Fleming's pocket was not picked at Julius Starkweather of Connecticut, Ziona all. There was nothiug in that par- - Grant appointed Bush to fill the cantile liiKtitntion. 01 per Dottles. Speeimtn Copiti itnl rtt. SmJ 25c, 60c. aad ticular pocket te pick, and the intel- - vacancy. The citizens of Columbia Size or and Uoticu rtc a Bottle, Stile, lo. lamjile copy, If. Hooper, Supt. your aJdresi, get jr. to ligent jury brought in a verdict of County thought it a good time to go not it it any far superior for youritff if f LYON MPG. CO. not guilty. The French language, for their $40,000, and they went for other vetkly paper. it. Whcu arrested, Bush took the however, came very near eonvictinj Chas. I)e Young k Co., 8 KA Colfax himself an honest daunkeu Americau citizen matter very coolly. Proprietors. GWcapMorti-fesierfFLUID EXTRACT ff a vile felony. could not have done better. lie AGENTS WANTED IN EVERY CITY his in making succeeded, however, iNU TOWN UN X1IK I'AVIHV (MM, iu HILI. ills WHOM LIUEKAL has not and from custody, escape GIVEN. Death From DisappointThe direct route from Omatia to Chicago been seen since. It is rumored that Th only know n rcii'edy for ment. and the East, he is teaching a Sunday School in the CKIGHT'S DISEASE, Okefonoke swamp region of Georgia. WITHOUT CHANGE OF CARS. iFrom theew York Tribune, Jan. 15. And a positive remedy for lhe On the first iiijht of Christmas He was always very pious, STRICTURES, GRAVEL. official from whom he escaped has flOUT. Two Pailt TnnoisK Tbaiv Jiavo tie Mwsocri week, when, at Wallack's Theatre NERVOUS DYSPEPSIA. D1ADETES, he has neither fiucd r.ivm, ojiposlto Omaua, up(,n the arrival been 250, the comedy of '"A Man of Houor" not DEBILITY, DROPSY, of TruinH from the Woet over the for been sent up thirty days. was for the first time Irrita represented, or Ineontinene of Urine, The second Christian .statesman is UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY. the character of "Catherine" iu that tion, lntt.unmtion or Ulceration of the Duval of Jenkins Horatio Hon. the piece was acted by Miss Laura Alex BLADDER & KIDNEYS, tha direct roote, and 1 12 Kilos ehorftr Tl,i Mr. Jeukins was a United anucr. She continued to act the County. SPERMATORRHEA, the lower line, saved Mourn in iikk., thau States Revenue Collector, who has ail lmureconiieoli"iiwitli all liwW Whiten. PUence of the Proa part fur one week, when a sudden Gravel sionu Ooluln Madder. about the iu and serious illness caused her retire- been convicted of embezzling din- . eimoM liHvitdC rhoice or Bnckdiist Heiiomt and Jlucae or Milky Government a to 30,000 belonging ment from the stage. On the day chargui. Chicago. P of 9,- before yesterday she died. It is the running into debt at the rate THEOCCH TO ALL .VCCAGE (HEfKKD was Jenkins month. 000,000 per tASTEKX CITIES. melancholy fact that a sense of proState prison about three to sent fessional failure preyed upon this Much sympathy was Pullman's Palace Sleeping Coaches r&a young lady's mind, embi'.tered htr weeks ago. friends His for him. through to Chicago without thane.. last moments, and hastened the No Person rail lake iLcati Bither expressed PcrT.anently Cnrea U DUeasos of remaiu and of to is directioiis, ceo. v.. POKLAP, he claim that nothing ter death. She guilty DltOPSICAL AND tlPNKVS, Gen. Butw presents, in brief, ai -lonir unwell, provided their bones are not F. BLADDER, C. PATRICK, their but more than negligence; other instance cf the broken he SWELLINUS, dost roved hy mineral poison or other menu, Chicane. Paau. c. A;t., ' irt and the vital organs wanted bejond the that sometimes follows iu the track opinions are overbalanced by the fact of repair. Iu Men, Women and Children, point Exitting Gen. Littlefield notorious the or indirection, that of disappointed ambition. jttraperthiu She was Pain In tlio Shoulders. Contrli!. Tiphi-ncWHAT THE AGE! MATTER cars and KO the to him EST "fa generous nature and :m enthusi- accompanied of the Oiest, Dizzlneas, Sour EructaHad Tatte in the of the ioi tions startcu lie f when him : with ,0"e K7,r"7"! Mouth. Pilioim .stomach, astic mind, and she made the mourn- wept ,U,t,Ie Trof StaelW-AtiHck, Palpitation of the than more id liuc ku ful but common mistake of the penitentiary, lesterclay infor- Klul.l Extinct Heart, luilanimatinn of the Luugtf, Pain in ennihiiied." thinkiug mation the for Bottles rejrionof the Kidtieyx. ami a hundred or fix received that the Presi- liiichus MICHIGAN Dottle, that these arc dramatic was Dollar par Price, One other painful nymptoins, are the offxprina genius a id DolUro. Five has it He him. In tliee eomplalnti of may dent had pardoned Dvspfisla. trained mimetic skill M upon the stage; no equal, und one bottle will prove a w York. in Washington in nd she had not Duane soon turn 104 St., the' up Depot, putt rd i tec of its merits thau a lengthy paticuce to bear EASTERN CONNECTIONS. huvdeu of to Answer correspond-eiain yonujr chagrin and sorrow that charge of one of the departments. A physiciiin in attendant Female Complaliila, For He "is said to bo au extremely pious ;mc of her thwarted or old. niamed or rtntrle, at th dawn or und five advice gratia. PasseDlefilFreiEtt aspiration. Her womanhood, or the turn of life, these Tonic itonjli fre.illness was more of the lor Panipblets, J- Send ftamp mind thau of man. lilttcn? displav m decided an influence that TO THE 'he body. ' It was brief and a marked improvement ! roon perceptible. N1ACARA FALLS The third Christian statesman came C hronic she Vor Infliiniinaloryniid or rests. The C.oM, Hon. and Dyspepsia is the He Rheumatism experience, is one that to grief yesterday. Nervous ami ami InterBOSTON NEW Indication, Pdllotts. Kenilwont "ught to have its weight with the James M. Gaskius of Wakulla Co. mittent Fever., Diseases of the liUxW, Liver, H0TII SEXES. OF AMD ALL POINTS EAST. Kidnevs and Iiladder, tliese Bitten have uiaiiy crude and wayward i fhri vino1 statesman. He aspirants Ur been inost. successful. Such liica' are ContuUalion. and vho adriee besiege the gates of the drama. held the ofilces of Postmaster, Sher- Xo Charyit for caused bv VitiaUvl lllood. Which r produced ..s. bv deratk'eHieiit or the Digestive-Ciraall was a native of iff and :?.1SS, Alexaiul(T of Schools, letSK .. .. Superintendent In OiseaM's .... "For luptlns It. Dyitt, ommmie P, I'or traticpoi'tatU'ii of all kind of fri L; llnipieH, havlotto, North Illotehes, out da ;pot!. Itiiemn, ter eilt of several wlua Carolina, and was at t..e same, time, and was looking the Kiiut-(M! withiHit onus, Philadelphia. Carbuncle. or Uoils, ' the diHcaees Pustule., "51y -- 4 years of age. 'Her career' in for inn he consulted on all was Itch, He fa Krywpela. more. work, tuw something f the tikui, Huioers : Hollo began four Vurfs Die:)lorati'iii 1.111110 tu b) e t her ij n years aao. at dicted for billkenibleizing 8200 from and iliseases of the Skin, if whatevercarried Liue frcttv (liicino lonpstaud- The oa?y Kt-riand dntr arc 'lhcatrc, in Baltimore, and a letter.1 The jury found him guilty literally tip or K treat nature, runaiug f i . 'onM,. hi.n the us? short time Iu by sub of the out ayateiu cllMninteea. Cbarpes jcquontlv made a professional without leaving their seats, and dweaact itU a of these Hitter. One bottle iu Kuchewea forward PuHrnan Palace Sleeping Cars the most incredulous or their convince, S0UUlern CltSCS. will ,0 Judge Philip Frazer promptly sent Mr offect.s. curative On its Pawnper TraUa. winninS a him1 up. There are several other 11. II. JleDOXALD & C, f-- KARG flM", ieBi Kaii't, (Virapv. II. AKt- l- 'San Frando. Cfd., Dmcirisiii indictments against him for depredaH DYOTT, M. I)., Oeii'l Pae. irhlcaeo. M. WENTWORTH. Charlton and C U 11 j Washliifrton Y. N. Aoor; Duane .U J? My-a- nd in youth natu-l- J tions on the mails. His frieuds wil-b- e ri.T.icin and 6 IU0i. IICK'P?, Gen"l rr;c'it Agt, Chit.it L VKIUX. ALL S04-aod law ly tato for solid reputation. terribly disappointed if the Prcsl - Poll-Evi- asanr-otie- Wind-Gall- l, s, Hoof-ale- , , Mules i W 1 Mm I . . ad-vau- 111, ee black-and-ta- YEAR. er 'oi 1 Cattle IBDHEHT -- , 1 GIFT 1 1 n l KEW-l'OB- 8. h will Ilefundcd. ta. pocket-pickin- M:r.:: g Co-operati- iy ve sG-t- K It XEY' l RAILWAY. a t ; KEARNEY'S EXTRACT BUCIIU ran ( r j j Head-och- u, ss Great Central Route. I CENTRAL . IlAIIiIlOAU e We Debilitated I YORK, iv-i- "BLUE LISB" ur ,T n Great Central Route Scald-Uoa- PH-H- : i M,tS -t- rihin. -- I ti .. DHl-CUIST- |