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Show .eht ktIm.3imrtiiNC jT,,E VIA,!--- . AIIKLAY. i.n-- a 1ST L ' Mr. Caia Act rrUaaj bill far "Aa of prasaated of Hi's an J exchaaze tj ert?. etc. pr-.'iili- preeiisory notesy"' which was table t9 cocae up ia its crier. laiieGthe bs Kussiau literature bee a cu-'M- 't. the cvatribudoa to its' iiauteu, stores oi a racy narrative ex wa:ea lure avpeaxvu. are ,iOiu our the Grand Alexis' cbsvrYadens Faiu, tha United States,, when: he was' As dVtuan:" his set? a iz to attri- rvcviYcvt amid ovation scarcely .ess bate to the JtNor:o tae blunders vrtliiiat uud uajvsio toaa ax ac his coautmaieariva, we ca.: mess wrdod to tae poteutacc of ta Old eaarhadeallT thas bLs eoft wa Wwrld. His descr'pekus ax pau- - !owd a strictly as possible frca a vas aui stMXiie wua sciati.it.cc5vi cccoaiea; so vi.xa.co.5 to ievrecer. aai auultie wis tias is eudxjy itrvLra iaas the errors ax his. aoc oars. : r' the phlcaiatic character of tie which we ax wilii j- - tv seaTe. if ievoced sabjeeccs. II Is ess;ixy. to a evoiaiittee of tarestixa-3iO- S aad his caaior is re- - tl:-a- to deteraiiae. frvshia ta th.;se who ax a ceases aid ,mmmmm iustvM the iad ciasious ;n'a:icadcs to riehed b le - pw?K -- Aa - Till! HXGL1SH Alexis u w- posse! aal H t'i strict Auor- - u " e. at t j b r Mr SoiiLa, Chairaiaa cf ua bill for aa "Act af ters. exists ta aaate oacsMe of the British Isie still a colax a? real is ?'ioia? sax to call inco al the aai tj roriiara ta aiaaair it e-i & a wj-atrio- r.akija b iar subjee-h- i electlvias ia '- -h arierea cgpies war eua-iue- t Terrttjry."' Tairty " L siu-ul- ... iOi!erWftt fhmTti .eaaa,, Ct tH9 WlTa ot f ta euoaer ta i3trae-arjor.r . .... rrcrjv ' . isai. ixaatw oat3rak f2-j,. ta the toxuh. aad which hi their fur of 3a, :aor tae stacu.cy trtc:sa H jus ia eath'ta-lasa- i lt Lai City, ta 9m they had aiiscakea Sjrthe aieaaee x caaa whea becae u 34 lrwa ai hf u Kas:aa Nadoual Aacheru. The er-- : 'titarions, GotThe of snaehiaery juwuh, was a ;am;Qt one. aad the nessiry. 05 v.JO r?ss. nrcta I:sc"i-"13 3,'c 31006 ::3 tike secaiby eojoyed it, aad 0TeiS:er3 is oa,y oy a tre ana thv amai,escadous of Ue ro- -, txataarered exprssioa cithwall Jaa. Haa. bass of udr wuotrytnea Iu Cotrcii. whj 4 PP1 conspicuous, reonadl- a- Vim. of the Taaity of 3Ir. Caias autica taat ja ritf3!l l- -' 5jC "that Ja "OTy waridlf icaip aad Suae, aad MTl fur ha woari iatrhfuew Aa or u:e we ar ta rueaaieac to caeur traa.auas, aaa. a r Act ia ralaiioa ta taa tae t aiuae? if accuuacs .t - tt- the thrjat. iua-jus .v sixutioi: n. rrvr tt art uris.rprrin" IiiTaltT aeata. ait e rest. Grvac Bricaia ;s aow ia the thr es wheu Frince "jpu- -; was cunimi-.tifif ia Coai- Tjodraif. ehaa-n-a jj, teott was the iesi of FrvetdeDC Lin of periudical etccta.a. 3Ir Giad- - atittea aa Ajrtcultarw. Traa iai M 13- ta waom w as rs erra-- i "Aa As the Friac. swae was- deft; a&ed ia. Paruaaxeac 03 evla in VMahirLXtuaw tttit:w,ia amrraaicd by the Cabiae o5crv wrtaxn aeosarof rtt;ra,which wxr f. Ambassadors eacrd' eacrri.T lovai ta .character. Tae . and For-.i. . report aa taa suaia ocs aa, ' , , , . , the iiam-- rwru ot tae hite'apea wh:ca tae anuiscrt r;unaer'I rl which r ppjvtucd Uouse, the aiaxiae baad perturmel was the aieasax l aui a the hul as rawi Karst-illaLand establish meat the labia t cwaj ap ia us .rier. the hyaia, which, under the eaeyuraeuieac e- -: is This edueadoaal of an Mr. Y juhx, cairuaa tt the the Kaipix. wa aoc uoly proscribed system. spnI si'Xa hill which the of the revuIuduuaiT cause its cumaiutw. :u weuta w cn aecvttut of appeal tcosibiy "laaaicaCKOs. olaeaace, bat ia aay Eur.'peaa Court has tjeeu take a. although the ailcxM :ur wutiad extn7aciaee ot tae auaitaaac paxtr a'tacr. tae same vtrxumstaaevs. noarw . , nQa ua a ottt snrr fur ii- , ". . ha Oecit acviuel aa aJxoaC wa:ea aad tae juxueasooie taxatioa aaoer trtet tae swaie Dcs rir.w nhich atiixhc have beeu coustxued which the pwpie xraa. ha're beea ,immdis mmmdl its p. ni side the as Sc to ! UfHtes, , this ou pur-Th It a 4mai:.i. wis usy-'c.ttHs:uu rapwrt waa accaped :W that, the amiable pvsc of eieetia the overthrow of the tad the 'nil ?:aeai ja its paaxa. It uV1aiaissrr. Bat that measure was w rrd by sc?:on. ameadea. and w with. ebaracteris;k ;u 10 b iad true ::u,rt ufa aertiueut su?)xesbr eeaj'realU the occasion, aad not A ejtnunief:tn u r'rai! 'Tm t. vorsatiou, -- ddxscd himself to the eaose of Gladme's the Uous. aajuaeia t.ae auopi.ua u' nriacess Cloth ;Ide, who ac to his political euurcsts ia Eataad ever a aie'uon.al to Caosjrass, i:nc for tae ovh-d how her rixht,. aad many iae the 'lisappvarane of the euir rprntai'?n6 11 x eoaitnUtea tu c tae euarja a?,aae retaer tae cutperor 01 taacv uau, itroy. aal a is r.rai ljm uasxuu aie jy odilood hrvvdiaix WMuld aot brow, erva front the aedo pi jf Qteucs of ao ess: a aule frotu the lips of the disdtH eui Iiit haTe uarfjwed dowa simply to raoca 'as rat jrrai The aithod jiucs at thisu'-,.'fs. arid to x percoaI eoudiec bet wee a Ghid-jiou evarai bills far icts ia rwiiiuu iu tikeiy we vpiod aaturod Frrsi f stuae awi riafii. Tha hne otde-tv- at aai tit a's nnaiM c "trja rfcre-- 'hut weas tu his x..ra? ttotie the w tser maroatttm hvt'.reu atodcrt turyisra taey aad cvnscltdtMe! tiietn :a bill f?ir the oluadtr he aad iuaaerteutiy uud '.iocralisui ar so reader. th;t "AA Act a aiui panaioaij to jr-a.ouw die aatne is TciV, to rocsli tae mnoiai Urw, aai ra'fur'Dj ;i..!c. o hraavLaa;aI ioid by :iieu:. AVx'shad aau'Io opmturiities txr aiatcry ot au ori'-- initio a that bus ?te-- ?r 11 1. tor .Haer ourvsaa ' oca ...- ' tae ?o.iu ana uist..iutitis oe.".jme eaece aavi 'input UC, UJt ha: -- a., US taaUros aaa i.ii-1.1a re- ai u.s staaa- - aiai' ff the ?ast k :a.s iastr-ictif-i He aiUte ladiaa A.fIr or tae 1 ;e i....at, while ho saw much to mvicoj victories. i aaopt-:n- a atA.ia .si'fu.re 3 a v;e Irttaiuvwul oal tadi- ai. ec our a .idoaaT deftvfs deus in atei!ura c.:a!.op:vbie wiih a t .a.vi wa.ca tae caw are evunturoaaaevu. tae tr'ucs ,,11 Se be w he wai-miivtas mpi.t oucius V haveaiada iwtorte s suojeets f of :ajn the ..uuiidcs which, he ackaowUi body of Ql ra prwreot bv tie aad iu as their oaietlv assertiaj: r dominate over our fhilittix ppiuiviim '.. aed m rr ; 1- a k-e- ; at-i- r- d I aaa - - rxi ... a z ; ? ; ... ' ... -1 . ; d tV-st.dc- u jcx-aslu- at siai-Ik-ur- o1 : i-- c'u aast ctir i st i :r j'-ua- - , 11 t rat id -- ' ep-La- frtjai aay i iair-aa- t corras-puadea- rSTlTt.L. ce I tnb,et. lat-anaia- at : ; y, -i e-i tly h ir ly , -A- s " aa .;;. iadiv-daall- ab.-i'y- , j. fur-rut- ea , ' . w 'r l ja-a- y," ry - aly ja-t.etn.a- ?)wibr ai ?r-ifeso- r? -i ea per-caaa- fr-i- oi bl-am- should be bnusht in aa the -- acuzi admissioa to the ciasses." I ask tim what af society I taiai aot. raadera :hcy rsad in. aad :hry wtil. iafum YLC taat :.'uy read a tae ' "Aa i ue art of Flila peiia corractlyhfy aaow aoihiax about. "Th:si OttJCT. laa. iS, IS74, a aad I thin trim a aeeis aa euatmeat! It soeais for' Zotia "Alnanta." ia your p?er if last itseif. ad "tae cura if sic.ety ' should aide their iiaiansaed. heads behind a tn'x, rata plains of a riract "xracv r atL'taaeo. t.lari or Mamy. These ara aot tack. I suppose he meaas upm the the inly bfaurie which xraca tad '.uirian it fine af otir adneationitl ine.: t thought 'he rxawiaiac adara 'he it'tawr a caatnbatiua tu stitution. based a a tae ej.sryra- for raiti(n. I "'.ae urieet if e'iU''aaua. ' that tae ttutioa aad bean Aatia: "ad ao sesia aa estaaiiaa-aie- was aa caile-- i in Ttetion. waosa jojact is to teiacaiag a Mr. A.tnta has aiaaeeT"raI aaistakes urwes-siiiaad employ such .'tuVti s we :' a 'n would iha "ur Tstirrty ta carrwjon- teat, taat he What diws tae ?fjit.-s?ow:sa us ta saouid be corraotad in; Se is not 1 he "rceasara uudertaad by suca a huaciair. aatent-- school ttat-;Twat ioes? t thi.'astht it was s'id a tae me aowve uotei t Wyuid he lika ape. Ia rafernfa o jrtnanar. jp tu :oj- - by he jer pujaerty to-- c me etc .y?ur rraspondenf is ar-- a "t;i)i!-- r. r Let ana rtse and explain. ' ' but he toe aot trr.Tn,i In '.yiea CttT f aped embraced, ny a either has ae .named a. a ""abnwi'': i.s w.ts yvi.'u'fi s.'ifi'r of vij t.-i the lrai'is4or w7Th to exnrass his aieaainc Parhan stho'i., etc. can deriae and did avine "he raaily ;snni rui a. reacacr, T one a ct iut ro aim a teacher "pMac,i'r'srtt zoin;'o ctJTEment svauuiT "Lei aun rlj ii. "if how-- a the rrurtrsar f the artc! 0 last has raferac t j the aos ereainx, fit cuarity forbid. Tntu'tti-- n of eur Temtor. sncu as e are :n'ieaT')r,n to ai vt 'tic. ' iceao A'.u:iaia rae jT ives ae 'v:a 'o idi.'Dt' "nil t T' 'vori'-aa shita arr rra:-'ic-i- d i.'if, uf .a 'lie "atusi utci i 'he Ljs hi a Candied Cajw is la r?! "Aiuaaia ? ' ja-erul- y, 3der. . fr-jt- "'??-)-fessa- r.'' Jtrr-irrro.- a: w-a- aari ut ana rrtri r r r. a ie her " -- t irt - "r .tU-tr.- ! he ar-te-f wa - ';:.. "-;- '. i -- ir;u.-;rapii- "ue w(ih ic ti'-rit- be'i'tfui "uHice ae ' crtp.e, ii.s ace f '.aeir pr.-a- avr-:V- ivubt his uher tai WTeTT .n-.f- f .Vn"'jr'li), "!;iS i fl- - tur-i!- t to-lit- si-.- L !!:;: " r : T-iess-- r. u,c,.-a:p.iar- i ."rxntaiaie "atafi'! ttieir eaucaaiaa miers And ire 3tt :- -i ;viiu"i y .e " 't ,.." caoicst, uid cu'ty. ct aad -ir .f his eme is need, p. ec. etc. Jit-;- Gt"-:a- ti.s f-- hare r:aJ. cara:a.ly lue vrtlclea 'it .' Ofiea C:y. Utah, "Eisex." aad -- Alaaa'.i'' -- aav. i?. 174. writi 317 miad. the Enrroa ; JS'.ttot . ter was out k tamper, eacne-iaad Tj lae critic we oe ranch fir tit "a;a seal ta raa away with his beeaase "Esss.'' Ipteseat a ioaesfi su:e a? ciTii'.zaiioa. jadxaxeu:. ayoaraatly in a.s letter, said. -- At so.ne if our Ia fact he stuada f.rwarl The aataor, seh 30.1s this ..the caarja :"jr raitioa' aj a public edacatir. is far teo hija:'r aahjaaa tae wri- prjftrsror. staeaaiaa. actar aad eTerr ter did a it ay be aai rofiraace t .a-aa:a puciie aiaa. is stiaaoiare-- i ij aiai at aer- a caar-j"fectiaa. aad place ais public acta aai ir scaoiL The epiiJeta whca -- Alaaati'' applies eaaibirioa of taleat heyaad the aaa;-ia- x test jf criticism. :.j the : iroier scho'il teaca.-rjf this city ''aea crtticisai is iadalxa-- i ia it aad cauaty. are aet try ar eraiit tbi to their aather espei;.iy should be exercised w.ta a 'ta-- :i in. par, iafjrtn.atioa: ta show ap :nje?fee-oa- s cumiai, as I taia& uey io. frca a I haT UTed va th.s cuaary eer if emrs ia taa prit if a iiiera-ttaai iuiUaesa, ita a tew ri iaj jiace ihe 7 jar ijo. aad haa iaoia. aot r. rft:;fy spia or the .if the priTeoieai: person. ally, teacher!, ma'orlcy swta nale aa i tea: ale. 'u h.aa uir.i aiorhid MaiEtioa if the aiiad rhica ia ta aLfrot caoot i:stricts. aai I thirafa for onuest ar sarterirr.fT ia ienaie aast aay taat I hi aot aauw aay ae f aluoe. ir artraraeac la aa article oa ra ymr iasae theoa wii caa be Jaaiiy 9i iaiauie-- i aa ' 'he writer attacks some out I beiie'e they ' Jf aasc eaain-x;tae scuai n to their previous corraspondeat m the su' jeer if !:ijrad honestly. JCcorIia tw ia tsj eat.sBariun , to iiscax-- j iheir 3a i rraairnar. iaLies aa i etra taeir pay. whica they this was Tary aacaaritabie. The crtrlc for taeir labors in tae scaooi ia this iasraaes most cer.aiaiy has the aid tdajs. -- h that aooae. -- Aluaata aiay be a sctua f a :a hus1 shoutd lot tar-eieate-ix:as? mora st,aes.'T iateilectual. aiorai aad a caraf-i- i aaaanaanoa if his lahura-easiti'a house taaa aay lae if thue -a frrtt iehcreacy ia ar- iim will ajoi he iesiraatea as the scaai of hue his retreat pndactiut tad cocpositioa. ara ae taorrtpty. w'iile his bsrvat:uns aa ratir?! pnof thai suca is the fact. -- Thuee wua school teacher? ara iacsia- ta that h ia jtias huuse saaula aou. throw h earing that shoaid eharacter-ir- e bnaa me to aaa jf jaea.' Aad as we "Aluaata's ia which he presume he us) crtictaais, naaes sarcastic raferaacea to yjur Hher pnoiineat raieftaa af that hoa arahia carrpjadear "xruaiaiar ad bcauiiraC body. Does it fjlToT that herraase aaaa arraaaament if tae seateacas ta hia !etT? Sir 5fia is mr aaother. either ra.Iiax Ih.a ia bad laate epis(:e. certaia.y aad aatraTIe'i far. But auw is this. wai-i- of caotcs ir aeceaaity. that he ia rti be tabbed "picayunish V Or because as I th.ai it ioes. :rtia a some poor anforanara laremper-a- t "Yiuaf wfsxtaa ;a tTraarj-tou- r s aai ta year if a apriy ta ha eaaaiined fur jht exist araimx them, the aoi .v.-r-n-- - v e- -a cer-taia- pnai-ed- , r jj Et-iaatl- jr-seai- ' t-j- l ai-rr- e "Mar-callus- Mr. Miaa to keep :h.i.i!-haasa- - Caaiaiit-r- j the teaiper of he aiasnjs. A A 3isazs friia ta Cjaa- of aiiaistxr ta the Geruaa eil :Jit that body lax pnasei aa Act ia scalpel of his sadrto the derbraiities chaxjx aad tliaks oiax social aadpclidcal biaptx. Aastxia or Russia, meaas a reiauja to Dstr.cv AttjraeysU' Th r.j step towards adaaced ideas towards cjples s arir-l prate-syteutiS Mr. Fae The Price is exensabir aierrr at rcr.'rsKn, or ia a wri rv.iatioa. pnrea:I ta iaaaei-t- l re- Great Britaia the defeat of a Frt it Staa Ouaty :W ia ya? UTi-- L ax the tate of his hosts who iitfiarroa ta tai t.giaaiue in adveaa. WtiCOSitri uak ua 244. wCCasiuuSV i.U.i ',xk to the swepb:r away ef Oa awcoa Mr. w3rrj. u Cam- the diapasva ef a fuaeral dL--x aal to t',. aiiu m oa Claims aal ip onprlatio as wu whoa a tae Tet.xs ec whxea ts oolv- prtraieu r si-- ca-t- y. oa applies aiervuessly the tioa m,,R,vr a jrir. cjaciaeoul aatiocs. Although r p rtseacacite srjeraaieut iu Earjce iaiaenee of powr. 5:-rJ-. " : r-- l nt, Brit-uiadcr- af ia6 e J ; ua Irriaiitia aai CaaIa, ropvcce-bci "Aa Act tj aaieai aa act tj A aai arterial erisb :a Gra; Imjauja Cjaipaai'ts.. aaica aia is a. 6 Bsaall ar:esdeI bT eoa-h- e Us jossux-iTie reKMviaiaxaiitf'i atodocs aad aa:ioaal ewaralsiuas ai was roctiii iad ta bJ. piaca--i oa port Tjr which sevempany a chaax '.f raie ia ty aja.a be excLaae-its passu;. was aaxued a: tae tuaaitade aad Xew York; BrwadwaT as,; thhrvuhrhx ta thiais. the the world, aad Firlh. ATeoao aari- nailed iu beaaty. but his admJxatiua is svtervd as ih thoahe thac was the most wicked cry oa the Glebe, es Maav iacertstii- jia his en- -' tectaiaiaiX. wcrk actesc b aicksess while aad he b 'atish la to perceive, prais.'S,-h- . ' s ur - jrisro-- l ai CKISIS. r .,- rvlatija -a ? o-- -- ( observers. J . f.-- r casi'ira-ija- . ju Aa Act rLtlaf tj biils af eichiaj pr i:n ?jry ajti,'v biaj ia waa rot'errni '.j :ai Cjaiai..:e-- j ja Jaii-ctar- ta ewe-i'a- hvf-ervricica- l --- waa e-- i, " Act ia , : -ir i"h- notice that aa Taes- -- Aa btLi u;rwa f away cr la reSiioB t ike rtes chireii"f, ia some ef the choUiB ,0r taitioa Mr. Tjy't.T aeasrul to cry. wj all whs are iatereie-taeCoazro :a- I ni'e-- i Ni'??. they re hi?H. Jia: are they ei0rbi tis: bcij U sppoial a coaiisi?a of e tut Cenainlj tkere ia titi city. iaTfs'.irtrk'n f.r Utai. Aijptel. , cPratiel7 tie afri such a a eirMe iaxery Oa motwa of Mr. J. F. cf their chil Jrea, at - ritf ii Caa::; oa MlaenI tutriD. A few ia inscmcte-- ta iaa-iau tie aectftj rjiy .'i.f a; the Me hut i; h; cTr of i&ssizz law rer;':-iz- e taeles true. Parent wi-- h ai p cay ta'f ro lasio-jto fiTe their s'tj a, ai evjatrlli3r s3pirs Jaazaters eJacatia gi:-hut i to ia prni this Territory. pl a: mil'.j or scaatily p!5ihe-- parsed JepUte-l ia: frai ia saaiplia j ai ajiajic;. aJ with many oUer ob;iri:i.ja4" it ij cor than & great aianr c Mfhat i ra be J.a. thtta caa . the of eiacarka f tt. trie? Still the Subject of Elnea-tion- in;aeca asses" Uf coarra w the raillica. If the teachers of to .!.. aot -- coaie Jj jti a pej"' ia the:r ciarz-Ox lea Ci'j. Utah, Jia. i$'X I?T4. will the Free School :a-aa i c:aa w ao; Ectrc Oodo Jcs ottos : r aa early trlI .aa. sysieta . .nir pspa.arim ts i3. I aca pleased to sea th sajaet ci : eall.!??a tae cot an as if creas;2j rapiily. Maay af j edaeaii-jarjaed ia wLL naaiaf abont at J'wse ea ii ti;. coariaae ta are y jar jonraaL I acpe it e incur:".: a is oeinx aezlected. ler th waica its imp'jr-ttae- a recs:e iai ii:eaa-thereof be waat it oi;iy. OaaJie-i- s ietn.iai. aa-- that y 1 will ..i w aai that t. nit pateat. the discfis&ioa t still j- aa, whether it a: present are en lei ia-- vit retch, be w;ta refenjaca to the ?imptfrt af era aae work oa a aa i thaa ther teacaar. "ai tnodi of iaiprtiaf caa Jo ia these fhort lay?. W vt'i :he briTcaij Beeessary ta be mra teach aa-aao.s r thera labile, j? 'vait tae teacaer saa. eaarxa tjteacaia but if aiara the price of sehToI-la- x far taipartiaj iasiraci iua to his cup. s is bey ad tae reca :f the people, Ear. sir. saca Jiseussion. I shau.'i shall the reaie-i- j come? Ccaie it wheaje be eg ad acted ia a frteaiiy. aUenixa'j t. a.--i : tad blessed be he ir theT v, aa-aouetaaurv joirt:, aa-- eaarrthiaz saa.1 eifect so desirable aa c'ljeitt. which if coaraeaess aai Tii'xir.- i r xae wry t d: ! grammar, whi?a 'Wo Lim in the futur. j F.s-jarce- seraice.' Mr. Hacper Jby a wjold tk Act 1 cntt.-.jrnpTi- f.-- r ui 'J' Tuesday he woald iatrodice a bill fjr "Aa Act la secure eihcieaey La the public il-I- - of rt I .p-ogis-el eca:lcrioa tie sitter lily fro an tae uainr ol" tailioa. te ...f taiue groat tt-iat- : LUX IV OlJSliKYATlOAS ni coUB. tr,.. V tbe-.Mui- iit reveitt i from him, whether it asV r otierwite. ; Jn--i ' f er I ca Jirecr Li ;h a wii initrudc-- Eere-- u - ; patroM ia tai, tpjlofT for i I .1 thif f pc arts Coicaittte ca ta uke isu ! ; j taeni a SMtisa of Mr. KT'wPttt. ice teatioca! j lish aa extra, hare abstained rroai enter.a into this eeatroversv- " iT. t "teusr. rout, p rotor rctsoascf oar own. Tiler at KBltf1 ba fjr Aa A.5 taB.iiBf aa writers eaeuxh withouS $ ia this . in relation t Marshals aai At tor- city capuK of etaetdatistc the sub- - aeys." Referred t tia ceatuiicte oa and we wtsh U to be disdactly Mr. Baxriajaa aouc that oa uaderstocd this son? of the articles I??.. vJi. Jaa. 27;, sen Co we receive nruch more correspondence on the subject we ha!l hire to pub UUDO IT 111. J AN I A It Y The Vlnla LrgLstaUire. The sabjeet of education his created cviisidcrabl; interest iu town. It' Charles U.lVuroe. Faiitor Uw.x K"VL cos" ' "a.uanta ' tae f.i'aer scuotn tcacae ra Vrfnaii'is: n-I- in it :tii tf i uat :ry ,tir ", Aau wl tier :! ''bc Tk 'Seas. !!- - ?t-- B)nrnTH5 -- Hi,ie ;ic Sua 'fj Z. C. JLI-- 4i:ij' 'rws a"-- J ooa. |