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Show Condensations ITEMS. LOCAL 'Tua.Vof- From Xeirt: 27 yesterday' Compromise. It seems that the Union Pacific Company has concluded that "discretion is the better part of valor" in its effort to evade the payment of taxes due to Douglas County, Nebraska. We stated a dy or two ago, that the Company had made a demand for 5jO,000 bridge bonds, to which it was entitled. The County resisted the( demand on the ground that there was an unpaid tax of $17,000 against the Company, and the bonds would be withheld until it was canceled. A settlement has V.pon effected, by the payment of 110,000 in said bonds at par value, in satisfaction of the tax, the surrender of of the same bonds at 80 cents, and the balance of $15,000 to be delivered to the Company. Will the Union Pacific now learn, that litigation is unprofitable in the broke out on Sunday in a dwellin the old Seventies' Hall but house ing rosrroKNWe are reque.,-- the flames were soon subdued. Sl which Damage Announce .hat the supper about suffered one hundred dollars. this evening for , hate Uken place Jack Ileirmatm entered a saloon on Saturday and had an altercation with a k. "nttl next r which resulted in an introduction to the Justice. A body of firemen's police is in process of organiiation ticket box at Ths - A fire pl po-ip- fellow-bibbe- o. EPjlB-- be 'JeU' open from two tomorrow afternoon, Wfitof.lewhowbh to until four for the .ecurtneats even.ng II. Kennedy, an old went for with a bottle and missed keeper his aim, a soldier standing by received jail-bir- a saloon a striking proof of his good will. He entered the back room of another Postal car from establishment and marched off with The FoB ArSTRAnA.-somebody else's valise. Drunk, assault evening, will turn East and battery and stealing, were the (he uue nuum train Western he to' over .e. rii1 mntlcr for the charges scored against him in the Police i. sacs for the performance then $2-.O0- an.l thirty uiral an Court, which assigned him to duty on steamer, which H announced the streets for thirly-fiv- e days. for Sidney, on io leave San Francisco From this morning's IheaUk the first of February. A good house greeted Mr. John on his appearance last night as The Young Men's Good Owect. Mr. J. S. Lindsay reCade." "Jack Association give a grand ball Liter iry warm ceived a greeting on his first apeven- Weoamansee's Hall next Friday pearance in Salt Lake this season. rroceels to assist, in ucirnymg Wm. Wilson alia, Fugit, who was lecture expenses. Go to the ball, enjoy taken from Salt Lake some time since to and help He cause a pleasant evening, California on suspicion of being impli-- ! of pro ZT(ii. cated in robbing a stage near Eureka, will soon be returned to the Salt Lake The Deseret D A. & M. Sociktt. authorities, to be tried on a charge Afrricultural and Manufacturing Society larceny, as he is not the man supposed If the First District, will meet next to have been concerned in the first rob20th inst., at half Thurtday evening, the bery alluded to. six o'oclock, at W. Farley's school past Strickland's lack has room. Don't forget. been sorely tried. His claim for $3 for services rendered to the Flagstaff A pigeon match Piesos Match. was allowed by the Court, as a Company, enme eff yesterday afternoon for $15 r tile. Messrs. Green well and Jenkins and judgment by default was granted for the priie, were the contestants execution has since been stayed, a mowhich was won by the former, he having tion to open the default will be argued, out of fifteen, winged thirteen birds, will have to occupy and the while his opponent only brought down an anxious seat for some time yet. fire. Greenirell is a crack shot. From this morning's Tribune: ard, the owner of the building occupied by the plaintiff, is summoned answer to the charge of breach of , ...... j i.4,AK..B.i.:. 1 t. n Ogtfen. i The Only lsiin llomcdy t ie n j Ex-Jud- IIerxe. Mr. J.A.Herne, whosa appearance at the theatre was announced A. t f"ed to comply Another batch of silver bricks from for this Wednesday evening iPioche, was received at the office of wuu a;s SociAt Pab.it. D0S been ftnce r "U,P x an Vinkle thtreistobea select social party it Wells, Fargo & Co., resterday. ' to his next until which at Vco'laanee's Hall, postponed promises Saturday, . An unusually large amount of travel . . , , , of fce one cf the most enjoyable affairs is anticiDated the ensuing spring and The conduct of Mr. Heme in disap the season. Messrs. Pike, Chapman and summer, and will iake in its way Salt invitatof committee expectation, and particBarlsiey, are the Lake as an objective point of diversion. pointing public the management and company ion, and Messrs. J. Wright and J. J. The Wasatch Hotel will be ready for ularly floor. These the been diligent in making the will have who manage ttijtcn the reception of guests by that time, the names are a guarantee of success. greatest preparations to produce the Ciift will be reopened and the Walker drama "Hip Van Winkle" in a manner one of the cadging House is being fitted up in superior worthy of its merits and the occasion, is eemmittee, who recently visited Ogden, style. A very large audi-wa- s rnoet reprehensible. concluded last Sunday evening a series M. Mr. of the engagement certain to greet Mr. Heme's ap During of attacks on "Mormonism," embellished he will theatre the at appear pearance, and much anxiety was ex with the usual misrepresentations. If Cullough as Richard the thirJ, king Lear and prei!!ej to witness his performance. Mr. same publie speaker were to give some others of Shakespear's principal charac- - Woodmansee with his usual spirit and puVilc expositions of molern Methodism, ters. enerrv. had undertaken much responsi- contraning it with the original system, incurred heavy expenses, and what a lonj hawl would go up from the m WedAiit't flaily of Jan. 28i j bility, j w.''(rlr.orB. j 11. lonj faced fraternity. Eh ! f thc Sca.os. The first California srrinz vezetables D. Livi5r,JT0KE.The periodical j1ATe Mr." Joseph just been received by tudget of obituaries cf Dr. Livingstone, gtaafor jf Fifth Street. Lettuce, radish- . , Ln openea. ma time tae deatn . etc.. rv of the great African explorer has occur- , finB . 1aw r,a for m the mtenor of Africa near Lake them. Lembe. His body has been embalmed, aalii being conveyed to his native! Tig. The biggest hog ever hung up couiitry by way of Zanxibar. The chances ia ta Ogdea butcher's shop, was a point are. however, that the Doctor will again 0f attraction at Greenwell and Wright's tarn up somewhere, eating goothi c with lhi9 morning. It was nisei and fatted caaaiUI princes and dispensing beads by Hoa. Lorin Firr, ia of the Chester to iiile priacesses. whn dressed. v.;rh was scarcely rind 713 lbs., and the Peao axd DTixi.The frequent am thicker than a wafer. How's that for ur corpses froea the West addressed h0g? It is & perfect pork picture a ...!5 ;a me Last, has lately attracted Ea-- a attention. After all thegiow- FEriT Ar Shade Tee?;?. Go and , to me worn regarl-- 1 (he srec;men.book of fruit and shade 5i: California cli-- 1 Mr. Thos. tr pQ eihibUioa b ntuch doubt express.1 of w M. 0,Jen. The?e .ijr La restoring inTalids to trees are raised at Lincs'.n, Nebraska, a a.tj, or ia irj recuperative iaSuence?. climate colder than our. They are xesterity corning four bodies in her- of splendid variety, and are y scaled corLns arrived from ;an vigorous, advertisement and then Fr and forwarded t - rrJnta in very cheap. Se; r see Mr. Wallace an I tbe book. The deceased persons had vjire-- i C alifcrnia some time ago to en- Sile Woaxs. Some time since the 7 the ilvaatages cf a gentle climate ia Jcxctios, announced the arrival in this ta hope of reUting the inroads cf the city, of a consignment of silk worms and I distroyer consumption, to which cocoons from Japan, valued at upwards 'yatlmsucctiabed. On the train of $2.X)0,000. A wile publicity was 11 ,ia7i:iI the hst stage cf that given to the itea. and a correspondent , maa-iyaai having i a vain of the nral,i assumed to deny the corto the relentless enemy rectness of the statement, alleging that ;iS ZUi.irT npea him, was on worms could nit live more than eight hj V'J cacs tj the oli horr4.i.t ,T.:..t. u "UltU day? without freh food. We now an- "3 aii Imx since left. lie . - P ,n .i i: eiure.. uuuuce taai another oi - ".u .i iaa; ae won, .! live sjipau. lenz cocaoas an I worms passed through this tj ia this Ui Lis friends at FiEiT ok im-o- I i ColJ Toothache. Neuralgia, Rheuinatim. Chill, Ague Chill. The application of the READY RELIEP to the part or part where the paiu or difficulty tint will afford and t'm fort. Twenty drop in half a tnmMerof water will in a few momtct.t core Crump, Sour Stom-arHeartharn, Sick Ileuilache, Diarrhea, Dysentery, Dlic, Wind in the Dowel, and all Internal Legislator Tinuin of California wants to make it a felony for railroad or steamboat men to give free passe to any tate or town officer, and a misdemeanor for the officer to take Pain. Traveler nhonM alway carry a Lottie of the rasa. WAY'S READY RELIEF with them. A few ,in, well patronized. J. 1 r. j bhi.v. j "J."; c j fc-- aa-.d- sout ore , st nt vie- - A;I 1 w Pi"y' iuh,. RAD- sit lliriou. ty Druggist. Health! Beauty! Stronprand Pure Rich Wood Iurreaw of FJek and Weight Clear Skin aud Deantifal Complexion secured to all. RAWAY'S HcsoHcnt Dr. Sarsaparillian made the moet astonishing cure, no Uick. o the body urnlergue, nnder rapid are the chiui; the influence of thi truly worxkrful Medicine, that AN DAY IN VLK&U AND INCREASE EVERY W EKillT IS "EE.N AND KELT. TTa Infanticide is extremely prevalent Britain. From the crimi- THE tREAT IlI.OOll I'l'KIFIF.R. nal statistics of Ireland fur 1872 we Every drop of the SA(UAPARILI.IAN communicate the illood, Sweat, learn that reckoning the proportion Urine and. other fluidthrough and Juice of the ftyatetn of fnr tt ropatm the wante of Die life, of children in Ireland nnder one year the vigor hody with new and Bound material. Scrofula, the of 5 200 as acre to of in Coanuniptioi. O'.a.'iiiuinf disease, tk(-population. the Mouth, Trnnrim, N'tie in the OUnd Throat, is about of infanticides the number and other Jart ol the yteio, Sore Eye, gtrnm-on- a Diichai ge from the Ear, and the wont rm 2G times the number of all other of ."kin Dieao, Eruption, Eeer Sore, StaM murders. This, of course, excluded Head, Ring W orm, SSalt Rheum, Eryipeia, Acne, wonua in the fliih. Tumor, the abortions produced and murders Itlarkin Spou. the Womb, acd all wettkmung and painful that are not technically lated at thU ticlarze, Niht Sweafi, Lou of tfperuj, and all wikrteof the lire principle, are within the curative degree of crime. In Kngland and range of thi wonder of. Modern Clieruuitry, and a nw.n few day' ne wilt prove te any uii.g it for Wales, where the proportion of pop- either of tie form rf iLaejoe it potent xer to ulation under one year is about li in cur them. If the patient, daily Decomina; reJtmdly the of infanticides is 44 was indefatigable in his exertions to 1)7, the number wat and decompoeitiAN tlat covtindatly number of murders comui:red In arresting thee uln, ind render the promised entertainment ac- times the the aiue with new material tnade from riir mitted among all the rest of the r,J thU the AHiAPARltLlA hlooi healthy make Heme Mr. way yet ceptable. will and Aik aerure. ' in Great RE!ol-VEN- T r CaB-re- ri 1 amends for his remissness in conforming to the obligations which he assumed, and still requite the good will of the peoendeavor-in- s ple of Oglen towards him, by TIIAYn IN MY POSSESSION TIIE FOLLOW- to atone for the grave error into 1 iug de'rild animal, which if not claimed and taken away within ten day from prevent which he has fallen. date, will lie old at Ogden Entray Pound, )(. Not only doe the Samaparillian Reerdvent es-eall known remedial aenbi in th cureef Chrome, S:rofulou. Constitutional and kin diee.ute. hut it i the only poaitive cure for KIDNEY and BLADDER COMPLAINTS. Urinary and Womb riieae. Gravel, Diahete. I)ropv, Stoppage of j M ater, Imontiaence of Urine, bright Di.eaw., Albuminuria, and in all rate where there are or the water it thick. Uoudy, brickdiiit Iuee-datailed with itil;tanee like tie white of an tfp. or thread like white (ilk, or thoie i a inorUd, February 3d, 1ST-- at 2 o'clock, p.m. 4- One red heifer, coming two year old, white dark, hiliou appearance, and whrte tene-den nnder belly, ntar in forehead, half npper crop t j prMit, and when there ht x pricking, turc:ii aation when water, and pain lu the entail left ear, crop and ilit iu r.ght ear no l.rnd i i f the and alone the loik. Price, il.i) j WORMS. The ohly known and ture Iteaieiy W.N.FIFE, Diatrict Poondkeeper. j for Vriu Pin, Tape, et. I'i Yearn' rowth Tumor Ogdcn. Jan. 11, 1ST. ESTIMY XOTICE. J dep-xit- y. , Coxdessatio.is, Ilirald: From this morning's ii : Two men were before Justice Richards yesterday for abusing a woman who was the wife of one of the parties. The wretched husband was fined $25 and his companion $15. Jealousy was the cause of the cowardly attack upon a weak woman. The difficulties between the Chicago miners at Dry tUnjon and the employers, hav been adjusted and the men have returned to work. The hop, skip and jump Bnach at the beHot Springs Vsterday for tween Davis and Cody, resulted in the success of the Utter, wio scored thirty- $2-50- nine feet. A shooting li'k t of j hy Curd ltallitvuar. Rkolan(. July 18, ISiX M.W--.. Dr. Ra&waT: I have had Ovar.au 'i'u.nvr iu the and howel. All the doctor (aid "tl.era ovrie , , .......... ,..,.u ..... . ... j Reaolventand tnoiirlit I wooi i try it; tat had n 1 had i (aith in it. u9ered, tor twelve year. L I nix liottle of the Rwolveut, and ene Iioi of Radway' Pill, and two bottle of your Ready Re-- i lie!; and there i not a ii(n of tuiuor to he aeen or trlt, and I feel better, imartt-r- , and happier than I have tor twelve year, lut word tumor wk iu I at i if a the left side of bowel, over the gre-m-. this to vou for the benefit of o'.her. You can . MAN ?.' A II P. KN APP. Ihh it if v.n cho.e. Iaiim tik te DR. RADWAY'S , PURGATIVE PILLS PERFECT took place at the h Shooting Grounds yesterday, a mni monitor has gained enconiiura can be T. Cupit and P. Swan, at twenty 1 repetition. No higher between nnon a Cwklns Stove than to ear that it irrk in if praise, who birds each for $100 a side. Cupit every and t.r-- .l and recommend. it to her neieht-ohis while twelve birds, down brouabt for ecoiioniv, cleanliuen and reliability iu all it fifteen and carried off opponent winged Vfi'VTTnT?2 HUn ?M T'KV the priu. E.LEBBATt: From this moratng's Tribune: ALSO, THE Now comes Washerman again in his SAXTA CLUS COOKIXfi STOVE the policemen who complaint agaast er o.ti and Whed, rutted his cirr store last week, and a neh h Which through the Territory, for a verbal contract for Beauty ar.f Excellence, caiiuoC !. says that be n:a'e i i. urpaier. renewal cf his lease, ana was aner- Ral arc krpt ml 1M nr itov" his from prera-ise.'. JI. I- - nd all it Kranet wards wrwigfuHy ejected by for condition, and another cjnsignment Mores. The defendants were tried yes?tore in rfce all tie Frovidnce ia' expected scae day tais by and Mr. Eow- 5vCra discharged, and 5triury. terday week. match rfe Wa-atc- sy far-fame- d ed honae-wi- ,' r JlUilUJi 7 ... s. atroia tha W. b, drop on water will prevent aickn or pain from ilianjr of water. It I Letter than French Brandy er liitter at a utimulant. E cured for fiftv cent. f t: VCIt A.M Tlicr m not a rcmiKlial lit tli:i world that n4 Agu. ni all other will cure P.ilioiu, cVarht, Typhoid, Yeliowaud other r'ever ou'in ? piiniio quick a radway'9 kt:AVy REUEf. fifty cei.U per Lottie A country fe low entered one of , Wk banks, and walking pro ;in' in tht fiiintr ' dTrlnirurt . I alii; I Want YOU tO take a lair lOOk i r.tV.- - v,,. at me. " r:,k., ..c; .c.wut a !trode out. The next day the same customer reappeared, uttered the same word.s, and a.'ain disappeared. Th third day, at about the same time, he walked in, and, advancing to the teller's desk, threw down a draft payable thren days after s!;ht. "Now," said he, "you've seen rue three times; I want the money for it." j j P R READY" RELIEF! ( I ItKH IHF. 1VIIlsr PAI.NS In from One to Twrntr Minutes, RADWAY'S" Tbe above Hall was opened on Sunday NOT ONE HOUR 25th inst., at 2 p. in. and 7 p. m. Mr. after reading thi advertKenieiit nd any one Geo. D. Watt, the first baptized convert FUFFKR WITH PAIN. to the Mormon faith in Europe, made RADWAY'S RKAbV RKl.IKP !i A CVJtR FOR KVP.KY PA IX. his first speech on the Liberal side in Tt wm the fint and i and the afternoon, the programme speakers gave way in the evening for That iiutantly itojs the excruruitinjc fmini, him to make his second speech, on which al!ay Inftanimt:iM and eure Ojngttiiin occasion the house was crowded to ex- whether&f the Lnnt, Stomai h, lkwels, or other irland or orane, by oris application, in from one cess. to twenty minntu, uo matter how violent r Fred. Stayner, aged 10 years, was t)ie pain, the Rheumatic, Cripple.1, Nerroua, Xeuraijjit, or prwtiated organist for the opening meeting, which Infirm, with may dnrTnr concluded with a basket sociable on READY RELIEF RADWAY'S W ill aftord inatMtit ea.e. Monday evening, which was unanimously considered the best party and dance Inrlamniation of the Kidney. lufWuiimaticn ( the Iilaider, Inflammation of the lioweU. attended in Utah. ore 7hrot, DitnVwIt of the Lung. T. J. Stat.se a. Rreathin. Palpitation fit the Heart. I!yterU, Croop, Diptheria. Catarrh, Influenza. IIeada;he. Ogdeu, Jan. 28th, 1874. Their ball on Fndav even- ing, in aid of the Association, should be the season. R Opening of Hie Liberal Hull, ih..r..i.,.f fw Ogdcn. azines, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, D,t i.,f - - Books, Periodicals, Lectt ee. j Fifth Street, - The course of lectures for the benefit of the Salt Lake Library Association, Magwill be opened next Monday evening by Judge Hemingway, on the 'Right Education of Women." &c. Ninety tons of ore from the Emma IKiAItS AST TOBACCO. mine, brought $35,000. Walt I'apri of the Boat Pattern. McCullough is marked on the bills for "Hamlet" at the Theatre !nbcriitinii tikn for all the Paper of the Jay Local, fjuttrj-- ami Western. The National Brass Cand will give a t&&uj theCOth on ball inst. grand end? ; C. 5. McGregor k Co.), (Lu con- tract. 0 The City Hall was densely last packed evening by persons of botk sexes, anxious to hear the lecture of Professor Orson Fratt. Hundreds were unable to obtain admittance. The lecture occuDied one hour and three-ouar- &nd w to wUh jQtense The intcregt enUw4 Cipacities 0f in hU fatUfe ute waj hanled in a manner wbkh few living orato.3 cou,d reach It WM reportei yerbatim bv Mr. David W. Evans, and we hope it . .. full ihe v,.,.-.wiU X' ici. If Professor Piatt would visit us again and repeat his lecture, the Taber- nacle cvild be filled to receive him. The Toung Men's Literary Associa- -' tion is doing a good work in obtaining such talent for their lectures as has grac- - GEORGE W. TURNER, to fr ecatod wih iiwe. Perfectly tajitele, gum. r.i'i., rtgulate, yunfy, cleanse and liadway Pii!, fir the cm s of all di'o.-.i-tr ol the ritomarh, Liver, Kidney. Dia Jiler, Nervoti Di?ea-s- , ifeadr be, Conitiption, CoKtive-neiIudii;etion. Dypepia. l;Ui"U3ne, Dilut. Islicinuition of theDwei, Piie. and ail i Uerrmgemeai of 9 Internal Virvsra. Warru;ed eC'ect lo joiitire enre. Purely vegetable. uu- Uining n.- mercury. uiirrnli r deieti-noudrugj. Bar Ofcerve the following ?Tmiiri!. rein!tini( O.nn.rk-tiou. Dwor the Dfgfue Ornnm freni kr Inward Pi!e, Fu!lnof tlw, Rh'.ei in tbe j IIea.1, A i hty of the &utuv.h. Naivea. IIrt(inrnt t Diant of Pod, Fuilue or Weight iu the Stom-JlfJ- li , Pitikitur r,tUt Jlttttenr.it at oi ia toe rti oi i uk ii, HuiT.'ed nd Difficnlt Iireathi'. Untfenu at the Heart, (.tfk.'ng or Suffocating ftenwfioa wheu ia of Di.t Iiiin"i a I.ving V.jtion. or t Wei the Sight. Fever and Dull Pain iu ti.v of Y'niiownei Head, TjeioejHcy Perspiration, ,.f Pain m the Side, Cheet, huj,l.N the skin of Fltwhe in Bnrninx sud'len Heat, i,d the Jieh. of Puiway'8 Pl.'l w;ll fr;o the A few do tl from !! the rliaurlera, Prhe dt by Inirsi!"'. i$ per aiMl'Trrte."' RFAD fend ore letltlite Co., No. S7 M.ikU-ter tanp t Radway Iaim New York. Information worth U.oowi tH wilt l - r theat you. leis, l - s 'f Knu-tation- urc, i I I po-tu- re. j a! E, ye-te- aiiove-uume- "l la, u |