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Show BY TELEGRAPH. Tue stolen property is sail to have been found in i he church. The former cook of the Siiaer family, fjur nimbers of which were burned to death, with their Louse two weeks ago, has been arrested pending the inquest of thi coroner. The silver p ate known to be in the house, and jewelry belonging to the dead, cannot bo found since the fire, an J robbery and murder are now insinuated ia connection with the terrible affair. Congressional, Britisli News. The Stiner Tragedy. Distinctive Floods m Oswego . J red three year old heifer, crp and l:f to Ijoth ear, s' on left h.juiler. K on lelt side. On 2 )car i.U aonei ware, white in the face, I o roei '?P' f ! wuue, braudeJ un firhd. tar in tr.iSu as. 3 year old mare, rjjiil CR'X'Ktr. A. litr.ct In tilTEX. rezcUr l:ebiiui n.'1M.j uf the t.k hild- . er. of the aUre ltainel will k hid .n MuU'lst Jet ruA.--j th. 157. at 6 oYl.k. in tlis t'ity lijil. Ojtden, f'r t!ie puroe of eiect-- I in a I'rfcM.ii-n- t, Vice I'rviident n i St. Lire--t'r- , D liie en'jm; two year, and fer the Iraa-act- it of iis h otht f hu.ue a tuav ii !': W. TilOMl'Su.V, From a JewsLarp to a Clmrch 1 V4 tii. norR t: AT QllC tlOOr "f anythio; erer wi;,, Zi SUI St., CbiMfo. THE WEED chuttler Wagon! MACHINE! SEWING j yne bftUr ever made. LI. THE LATEST ACTUAL IMPROVE MENTS, Doiselea, light ruuning, tanitle action. A si J. I STORE OGDEX. - i V9-l- j PARPE 3 BO ESS EL- - AND ALL KINDS OF FARM MACHINERY. AXD FAXCY JEWELRY IIXE watches, Repairing done in Good Style. A Complete Assortment of MAIN STREET, EYANSTON, Wyoming Territory, AND MAIX STREET, 0;i)E3,UTAH WACO.V MATERIAL, IRON HARDWOOD, A.D Elf. STEEL, slly. JOHN BENCH, let-te- Fruit and Shade Trees! . PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, PAPER HANGER, Etc., The finest varieties of Logan, Gaelic County. FRUIT AXB SHADE TREES, a ipecimen of liif work h rtfera to Z. C. M. I., LOGAN. A iu The pain tiii g of which Jirec tioa. Ever brought into Utah, can be obtained at exceedingly low prices by leaving orders with done nailer UU MR. THOMAS WALLACE, -tf TO MARRIAGE. OBSTACLES z. IIAPPT reliep for tocxo mex kp.om I)h efie't of Errors nnl AliMe in early li e. Manbood I'.cstorrl. linciliMieut to Marriage Now method ct treatment. New and remarkable reui.ilie. and Circular, lseut I. - - - OGDEIV. Apples, Pears. Feaehes, Aprieots, Cherries, Plums, Quinees, Gooseberries, Strawberries. Cur- a, lUl-Cu- C. M. Who will exhibit a specimen book of free, in ealed enTeI'pes. AVtre. HOWARD ASSOCIATIOX, No. 2 .Sootli Ninth .su l'Uiadel-phiI'a.. au lDtitution liaving a Lich reputaticn lor lnnioral.lo cucduct and proleMiotial ikill. rants, Etc., Also the jLombardy Poplars. Silver leaf JIaple, Sugar Maple, IHack Walnuts. White Ash, Hoses, Ulaes, Etc. i. dis-pat;- 0 YES!! 0 YES!! to-da- I IIAXD. Light Spring Wagons, Sweepstake' T2ireshiii Mowers and Iteapers, 8 . Iiuekej e 3Iaehiiies, .. KlllLfl- Unix! rtlll Klmllnra IVk.,! Emery Grinders, Stubble Fanning Mills, Shovel Flows, Flows, Cultivators, W. HESS. Agent, AT tTOODMAXSEE'S OX Also Dealer in GIVEN. INSTRUCTION PERSONAL SUPPLY ALWAYS A FULL t ! JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON IS MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL throughout and is warranted. THIS PAYMENTS TAKEN. MONTHLY Co. AGKXT FOR THE j Arab-Bisho- s27 Main St., Ogden, and 3Iain St., Logan, Cache j ut . SOnth 01 0(1011 iiOUSe. M. D. HAMMOND, fie: iliMtuiIOti.lil'.O. k. Co., 7 S3 aud : Jj a Cheap, or and other Fittings, Violin Strings Secy. tam-,Ibefore offer! Tjh and complete outriti tent FREE. - i f)r;jn, Cheaper than anywhere clae in L'tah. TOUR! h.Mne.ortraehD;. Th work it crr:eciai. huiioraUi. and EMPLOYMENT ) sv j BRUMiB SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. OUTFITS j ! Markot.alw.iyi on hand. MUSICAL OF KINDS i j tUo THE uiuj-ai.y- urnt i , TIT AT Ogden. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME 1'uuudiir.per. OTICE IS MERKBY j - ron OCDEN KANYON ROAD ALL COMPANY. 11 1 i dark Legan, Cach Co. Jaa. i?;h. ! '"'. Main Street, I . ;l HiJa The Senate proceeded to Ue consider-- ! 5iil; nJ aSinst ,hf ation of the calendar, the first bill beinj banking system HTinz settled these 'D ' 'i JCS-lUtJ then fr:iOied a bill, of I,v V'nmner r,n I h lt:t ir.'r,,,!,!,! . A which the foilowinr are the leading t t... r .i, ,. F that the res rietion of the act to protect all citizens of the United on ,ba1' C rcu louI mV"1 .Mates in t!eir cir.l rights, an J to furn- b ch to au- is equivalent ish for their vindication. tfae r Unkln?- ?nJfcr F- Ferrv nnved to refer the bill to the V.rUin tue oi visions present law, except ns Judiciary Committee. j modified Committee's bill. See- the by Sumner opposed its reference. The ond. the that requirement that banks bill euouli have beea acted upon the of preecbacks in a reserve keep first day of the session. It was the darvaults redeem their to thir notes shall ling desire of his soul to have this great be and instead, every that, repealed, J question clcse now, so that never again Dank snail deposit in tne treasury in our legislation such a word as "white"' to five per cent, t r black" should appear, but legisla- greenbacks amounting its as a fund for the re- of circulation, tion should be only for citizens. of its notes, and shall keep (he f'rclinghuysen thought he could assure demptioa reserve that the banks Third, good. . . . , , ,, iu iivi III. II 1Mb viii ..a i 1 L I ( I i j . oe awoweu 10 piy or receive insuaii noi rebe would the Judiciary it committee . . tcrest on deposits with each other. . , . .l i ri i. it iwii rppii nirifi n"a v mm be re-- J assurance Surnner was willing to con- - Fourth, tothatcountry banks shall at reserve their keep deposit quired sent to the reference. home. shall be backs that Fifth, gold Elraunds, Stewart and Morrill favored issue notes to the amount of i's refereuce. The motion to refer was allowed to cent, only of their bonds, in-- j eighty per agreed to. as ttead ef at present. It is un ninety, The joint resolution proposing an derstood that only three members tf the amendment to the Constitution, making Committee voted against reporting lhe the election cf President by direct vote bill these containing provision, and ijf the people an t aWisbing the office of and Mitchwere, llawley, they Phelps Yice-Prelent, being next on the calen- ell. dar, Sumner, who introduced it, spoke The Committee subseqnently agreed brieSy in its favor. the Postal Tel- upon adversely Morton said the committee on elec- to report 1. T) l C J Iuui m oruer lilt uaua tions were considering the subject and rzrapu oaiiogs iia, would report soon. The resolution was to give the friends of the measure an opportunity to advocate it in the House, referred to the committee on elections. i it was arranged that the bill, with the The bilt to authorize the organizing of adverse report, should be put on the National Banks without circulation was for discussion in Committee of calendar then ta.en up. Morton offered an additional section the t hole. to his bill authorizing National Banks that have reduced their capital stock, FOREIGN. to withdraw a proportion of bonds London, 27. upon reducing their own circulating continues in regard to the Speculation nates, aud depositing legal tenders in reasons which caused the Government to proportion to lawful money in lieu decide upon the dissolution of Parliathereof. ment. Some declare it was brougLt TLurman opposed the bill, and did about by dissension in the Cabinet; not llrisk Congress had power to charter others that GlaJstone has been summonbtr.ks in this was way without limita- ed before the Court of Queen's Bench tion. for not standing for after New Tork, 27. office in March last. accepting Charles Bradlaugh has written a r Lowe, in his address to Lis constituconcerning the prospects of the Rad- ents, deals largely with local topics, an-icals in the coming general election in says an increase of expenditures had England, lie ay it is probable there always attended the conservative adminfill be more Conservatives elected and istration. ewer Whigs, but the Conservatives are GaitUe declares that it Tne Pall ilive to the promise of some very radical has reason to believe that the report measures in order to get returned. The that Gladstone has bten summoned beshow a will Parliament next sturdy fore the Court of Queen's Bench is unRadical bind for the first tine in Eng- founded. The workingmen will lish history. Al.rgeauJ important meeting was probably be represented in the House of held in St. James' Hall last night, the "oni toons; they have at least three effobject being to express the sympathy of icient candidates. McDonald, Burt and Englishmen for the German Government Crawford. "There is now a Radical in its struggle with the Ultramontane pArty which is growing, and I believe pany. Letters supporting the purposes this party, which has mustered a gI-U- of the meeting were received from little band even in the Parliament York and Canterbury, Just slaughtered, will be strengthened and 237 members of Parliament 9 materially in the Parliament about Herr Brenner, a German explorer in to be eleoted, that it will not only be Africa, in a letter to Dr. Petermann, of nrong enough to prevent the Conserva Gotha, dated Zanzibar, says Livingstone lives from retaining oHice any length of died on the loth of August. All uoubt time, even supposing they should win it, has been set at rest by an official h but will 'be able so materially to modify received by Government, tae Liber il programme that Whigism of from Zanz bar, which states that Living- the Granville type might as will per- stone died in Lobia, after crossing ioral ban kari." marshes with water for hours abve his Cincinnati, 26. waist. Ten of his party died in conseresigned the pres- quence. Judge Waite y idency of the Ohio Constitutional ConJoseph Thompson, an AuiTicin resivention, in a brief but graceful speech; dent of Berlin, was one of the speakers after which a recess of ten minutes was at the meeting in St. James' Hall. He taken to allow the members individually traced the history f religious dissentv lake leave of him. A committee was sions in Germany, and praised the AmerS'.ppoiuted to draft appropriate resolu-iton- s ican svrtetn of secular education, which Rufus King, of Cincinnati, and he declared was one of tin most effectLewis D. Campbell are mentioned in ive means of combating Uliramontanism. with the vacant presidency of The Timr.t, this moruing. alludes to i lie convention. Thompson's s eech in terms of high i Oswego, 27. commendation. . Mr. Chinguy, of 111 , There was the most extensive Hood also spoke at the fame mtcti.ig. kr.own in twenty years in the Oswego r ver. At Fulton, the lower portion of the village was completely pubraergel It is fortunate there are no female on Monday night. Thirty families were driven fmiu their homes, und many legislators in Mississippi, where one laore this morning were carried in beats Ilurtring is candidate for speaker of from the second stone of their houses, the Hou.se. while in other places men were seen A mysterious nr.irjer vns commitv.ading wnifet deep with female mcmbvrs The ted at Brandon, n th ii household on their backs. 3Ii.., about three diiiaie to ptopt rty is great A circus man was weeks airo. Jrtfrrfon City, Mo.. 27. with a struck desledge hammer by a The Ho'Tse to day. after a spirited comrade. died. Ills boJy was women allow the to ;ud defeated bill bate, l elected to od:ce under the school cirrieu oti m one rd the circus wag- liw. ons, and no arrests were made. Boston, 27 Vvrn;n his concluded an autopsv of " What do you ell thoe fowls find reports that his death Prof. for?" inquired a ptir.Hm of a man atwis the diseasi and obstruction of the tempting to dispose of souie chickens stents of the brain. The greatest3 of questionable appearance. "1 sell wcig'.it cf the brain is estimated at fob them for profits," was the answer. tivurdiipois. New York. 20. "Thank you for the information that Amos W Muerer. Sexton of Trinity they are prophet,' responded the Ciutrch, wss arrested to day and hel l to 'I Look them for bnil for alleged complicity in a number querist. of ,1 befit by one McKce, cf Braoklyn. ! lijht Oi.e ho H r- -f MUSIC STORE, lef-hal- f Lrani--- O Trice AND rilit ar. One Li me Coa! & rl j special to the Inter-Oc'in says the House Committee on; U tnVintr and cnrrcv mm lft rery important conclusions. The Com-- j rr.ittee fet first decided against Ke'.Iev's AMERICAN. Til P. FOLLOW. ?.j.-.-r?- IO ;1 t a:v! tA.u Ktii t" the iiiflmt miuo- it.l bidder at th Litrict stray r'oun.L C iie Ctouatj, Saturday I'tb. 7, 1T4, at 10 u'ciuck a.m: On red heifer calf, crcp ia riht, wallow fc.rk in left far. heifer calf, crop, (lit and ncderbit ia (hie left ear. One red s;er ra!.', un rap in left, tw!e id ' .,. A Estray yotice. H AVE IX MY Grape-vine- s, There are 175 varieties of apples to ehoo?e from, two yeare old from the graft, which will be delivered here fur 20 cents each. HOCK SPUING to-da- COALVILLE COAL! ... Rock Spring, Delivered, CoaiTiile, - Delifured, - - - - Direct from the Nursery, Lincoln, Neb. $ 9.50. 10.00 7.50. 8.00. MRS. E. N. BALCOM, tco Keop Warm I t G?ttiiig flood Cli an Coal. n YARD P. FREIGHT DEPOT. AT U. rOrdem loft at DouglaM tiromptlv filled. slot Sai. f Moat Market will t .irr..t, SEWING MACHINE. j MRS. F. A. LOGAN, JOHN TINCOCK. Macrnctic oppwiti spirit qttDiimox. Iluuri, Ojlkt frovt 9 2 to i Pictures Copied. j j ! ( Ag-iiz- i FROM MY 1'LACE AT FAUMIXC- the middle of Irvit IVceniter. a u Ult ulioulder, and HAY MAKE. Itrnnded J L 16 on le'l tbih The Wve reward will b paid for Information an to whure she caul' fonud by EZRA 1. CLARK. I"tirmiliton, Davis Co, Jan. SS. 12 ; I $1.00. 1.C0. AND apart DEVELOPMENT j j ADMITTANCE FEE 23 Jun. M ACITIXE not suhject to FITS. and OFL'PERIORITY: Simplicity and J'crrcHon Lifetime. Work without Range of a l'a rail el. Perfection of Stiff h and Tension. of Operation and Management. Self Adjusting Tal.e-uAdjustable Head. T2ase p. 1.00. - Cali and Kxaaiino our et. Call on us. Consultation Free. 0 gdD, Not. 11th, I, ! Os-Kn- SAMUEL MILLER, JUN., Agent. j Also, j Stii and Price at T. W. JOXES. Taih.r, . Tkinl d.wr fcota Z. C. M. MEDIA. J j ' j Seunct- OF BEST IX THE WOr.LP: PERFECTED the Inventor of the Seains Maiuiue, Durabilitywill last a ; Wednesday Evening for PnMic will be net j I For Medical Exar.iinnticn, Magnetic Treatment, Tmaie durinc; ofHce Lours for Heading the History or Cbnracti r of In ii-- j nnd vidua'.!) , describing friends in Spirit Life, I'.v POINTS a.m., and from p.m, TKItMS: il rhotogrnphs, or Auibrotypes accurately taken. i ? X An IIOXEST j ilie AND JEWELRY, SlAnnfRctiirnd au-- KejaireL STRAYED . Taht-ruaile- CLOCKS, iicliir Lecturer, 01aff-w- nillK LLIAa 110 WE, . Where tliej will receive calls the from ekiu HEALTH, or uetirin; t. test the facts of WATCHES, Albums, j FOR A SHORT TIME. Six doors west of Heeling Hall. I'raniM and Healer HAVETAKEX R(XM5 of amtjel CARDON BROS., LQGAN, HOWE ! it tbt' Salis Book, s f?w doon wist of Z. C. M. I., Salt Lak |